248 research outputs found

    Estilo de vida de escolares com e sem transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação

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    This study aimed to characterize the lifestyle of schoolchildren aged 11 to 13 years with and without developmental coordination disorder (DCD). The study included 108 schoolchildren enrolled in a public school in Florianópolis (SC). For motor evaluation was used the Movement Assessment for Children 2; and lifestyle was assessed using the Inventory of Lifestyles in Childhood and Adolescents. The used Statistical tests were chi-square and Fisher exact test, with significance level of pObjetivou-se caracterizar o estilo de vida de escolares de 11 a 13 anos com e sem transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação (TDC). Participaram 108 escolares de uma escola pública de Florianópolis (SC). Para a avaliação motora, utilizou-se a Movement Assessment for Children 2 e o estilo de vida foi avaliado pelo Inventário de Estilo de Vida na Infância e Adolescência (EVIA). Os testes estatísticos utilizados foram o do χ2 e o exato de Fisher, com nível de significância de pEste estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el estilo de vida de estudiantes de 11 a 13 años con o sin trastorno de desarrollo de la coordinación (TDC). Participaron 108 estudiantes de una escuela pública de Florianópolis (SC). Para la evaluación motora, se utilizó la Movement Assessment for Children 2 y el estilo de vida se evaluó por el Inventario de Estilo de Vida en la Infancia y Adolescencia (EVIA). Las pruebas estadísticas utilizadas fueron la del χ2 y la exacta de Fisher, con nivel de significación de

    Kalman Filters in crop models: old experiences in new contexts

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    Data assimilation has been widely used for improvement of crop models’ estimates, for example to incorporate the effects of external events or compensate calibration errors in large areas. The term describes multiple approaches for those who want to take advantage of satellite imagery to reduce uncertainty or improve accuracy of model estimates. Kalman Filters are among the most used methods for achieving these goals. But their use in new contexts, i.e., from open field to protected environments, requires untangling aspects of the pipeline that are often performed in many different ways without guidelines, such as which variables to assimilate or how to ascribe uncertainty to observations or model estimates. This study is then divided in two parts. In the first, we review details on how uncertainty is ascribed on crop model estimates and in observations for applications of the Kalman Filter and three variations of the method, i.e., the Extended, Unscented and Ensemble, as well as which state variables are often updated and the frequency with which assimilation may occur, as well as how these aspects are connected to each other. In the second part, we apply different approaches from the reviewed literature in a greenhouse tomato crop model. We use artificial data with controlled noise levels as well as artificial data generated by simulation using other tomato crop model. We assess the impacts of using different methods and different approaches for ascribing uncertainty in model estimates and in observations, by assimilating artificial observations of fruit and of mature fruit biomass. We note that covariances should not be fixed values, that there are trade-offs between ascribing model uncertainty to the state itself and to other elements of the process, that observation covariance may have been considered disproportionality higher when using some ensemble generation approaches in the EnKF, and that bias in model estimates may lead to worse outcomes even when observations are high-quality ones. While we discussed aspects that should be considered in a new environment, many of them are also important for field crops, and we concluded assimilation should follow an assessment of which variables could be useful for assimilation

    Comparison of the blood and lymphatic microvessel density of pleomorphic adenoma and basal cell adenoma

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    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common tumor of the salivary gland, while basal cell adenoma (BCA) is an uncommon neoplasm. Blood and lymphatic vessels are crucial for tumor metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the blood and lymphatic vascular density and vascular and endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in PA and BCA tumors. In addition, cell proliferation was evaluated in these tumors. Blood and lymphatic vessel content, VEGF expression, and cell proliferation were analyzed in 30 cases of PA and 13 cases of BCA by immu-nohistochemistry using antibodies for CD34, CD105, D2-40, VEGF, and Mcm-2. Regarding CD34 and CD105 expression, PA demonstrated a high vascularity and a low number of positive vessels, respectively. D2-40-positive lymphatic vessels were mainly located in the tumor capsules, with small intratumoral lymphatic vessels observed occasionally. VEGF expression revealed a remarkably heterogeneous immunoreactivity, alternating from weak or negative to positive or intense. BCA presented significantly higher CD34, CD34, CD105, D2-40, and VEGF expression compared to PA. No significant difference was found in cell proliferation between the tumors. Although PA and BCA are considered part of the same spectrum of differentiation, this study showed that the blood and lymphatic vascularization of these tumors is different.Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common tumor of the salivary gland, while basal cell adenoma (BCA) is an uncommon neoplasm. Blood and lymphatic vessels are crucial for tumor metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the blood and lymphatic vas81721FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO11/51549–

    Malformações Müllerianas: revisão da abordagem atual

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    The aim of this paper was to discuss the embryological aspects of Müllerian duct anomalies and to analyze the current diagnostic methods and therapy. Müllerian anomalies are congenital defects of the female reproductive tract resulting from failure in the development of the Müllerian ducts and their associated structures. Their cause has yet to be fully clarified, and it is currently believed to be multifactorial. Symptoms appear principally during adolescence or early adulthood, and affect the reproductive capacity of these women. When clinically suspected, investigations leading to diagnosis include imaging methods such as hysterosalpingography, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance. The classification of these malformations relates to their embryogenesis, and defines the therapy and prognosis. Müllerian anomalies consist of a wide range of defects that may vary from patient to patient. Therefore, their management must also be individual, taking anatomical and clinical characteristics into consideration, as well as the patient's wishes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi discutir as malformações müllerianas desde seus aspectos embriológicos, analisando os atuais métodos diagnóstico e terapêuticos. As malformações müllerianas são anomalias congênitas do trato reprodutivo feminino decorrentes de falha do desenvolvimento dos ductos de Müller e estruturas associadas. Sua causa não foi completamente elucidada, acreditando-se, atualmente, que seja multifatorial. Os sintomas se manifestam, principalmente, durante a adolescência e início da vida adulta, e afetam a capacidade reprodutiva dessas mulheres. A partir da suspeita clínica, a investigação diagnóstica inclui métodos de imagem, como a histerosalpingografia, ultrassonografia e ressonância magnética. A classificação das malformações está relacionada à sua embriogênese e direciona a terapêutica e prognóstico. As malformações müllerianas são um grupo amplo de anomalias que variam de paciente para paciente. Portanto, sua abordagem também é individual, devendo-se considerar os aspectos anatômicos, clínicos e o desejo da paciente

    Indicadores de saúde em escolares: avaliação do estado nutricional e desempenho motor

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    Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship among motor performance and nutritional status in students. Methods: Attended by 27 adolescents of both sexes, aged between 11-13 years (average 11.74 ± 0.70 years) from a private school in Florianópolis/SC. The motor performance was assessed using the MABC-2. For assess the nutritional status was used the BMI calculus. Results: Among 27 participants, 6 had a risk / indicative of motor difficulties and 9 had overweight. The vast majority of participants had adequate height for age. There was negative significant statistically correlation, but moderate, among BMI and total performance in the MABC-2, indicating that as higher the BMI, worse is the motor performance. Conclusion: Based on these results and the literature, it is suggested that in addition to the identification of children with overweight and motor difficulties, programs targeted physical activity and motor interventions are implemented, especially in the school environment, aiming to maintain the health conditions.Objetivo: Investigar a relação entre o desempenho motor e estado nutricional em escolares. Método: Participaram 27 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, com idades de 11 a 13 anos (média 11,74 ±0,7anos), de uma escola particular de Florianópolis/SC. O desempenho motor foi avaliado por meio do MABC-2. Para aferição do estado nutricional utilizou-se o cálculo do IMC. Resultados: Dos 27 participantes, seis apresentaram risco/indicativo de dificuldades motoras e nove sobrepeso. A grande maioria dos participantes apresentou estatura adequada para a idade. Verificou-se correlação estatisticamente significativa negativa, porém moderada, entre o IMC e desempenho total no MABC-2, indicando que quanto maior o IMC, pior o desempenho motor. Conclusão: Com base nesses resultados, sugere-se que, além da identificação das crianças com sobrepeso e/ou dificuldade motora, programas direcionados à atividade física e intervenções motoras sejam implementados, em especial no ambiente escolar, visando a manutenção das condições de saúde

    A importância da psicomotricidade nas aulas de Educação Física na educação infantil

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    A psicomotricidade é considerada uma ferramenta importante no desenvolvimento motor de crianças na fase de Educação Infantil, visto que é por meio do movimentar que ocorre seu amplo desenvolvimento em diferentes aspectos. Assim, o estudo teve como objetivo compreender a importância das atividades da educação psicomotora para o movimento corporal na Educação Infantil e como o professor de Educação Física poderá empregar estratégias que visem o desenvolvimento físico, cognitivo, social, cultural e a interação entre os pares. A metodologia utilizada foi estudo do tipo exploratório, bibliográfico com análise integrativa, qualitativa da literatura, disponível no banco de dados SciELO, entre os anos de 2012 e 2022. De 15 artigos separados inicialmente, selecionou-se 6 (seis) que estavam alinhados com os objetivos do trabalho. Os resultados apontaram a grande importância e a contribuição da psicomotricidade nas aulas de Educação Física na modalidade de Educação Infantil, visto que nesse nível de ensino as crianças precisam se movimentar para desenvolver a coordenação motora. Todos os artigos analisados apresentaram certa semelhança nos resultados encontrados em relação a sua importância para o desenvolvimento de habilidade e como o professor de Educação Física na educação infantil utiliza a psicomotricidade como forma de ampliar as habilidades ligadas ao movimento do corpo e despertar a atenção, no qual consegue ensinar, educar e instruir para o melhor desenvolvimento das habilidades ligadas ao corpo, mente e movimento


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    Trata-se de um estudo transversal retrospectivo que incluiu 27 pessoas com doença de Parkinson (DP), diagnosticados por neurologista. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o tipo de correlação entre o grau de comprometimento motor e grau de depressão em pessoas com DP, tendo como hipótese que quanto maior o grau de comprometimento motor proporcionado pela doença, maior o grau de depressão. Foram utilizados os instrumentos Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI II) para a medida de sintomas depressivos e do grau de depressão, e a escala Hoehn & Yahr foi aplicada para identificação do grau de comprometimento motor. Foram excluídos indivíduos que não preencheram um dos instrumentos do estudo, selecionando apenas as pessoas com DP que preencheram ambos os instrumentos. Verificou-se uma correlação positiva e significativa entre os resultados do BDI -II e a escala Hoehn & Yahr modificada (r = 0,41, p = 0,035). O estudo identificou, portanto, uma associação crescente e positiva entre o grau de comprometimento motor das pessoas com DP e a presença de sintomas de depressão. Com isso, foi possível concluir que, uma pessoa com DP e maior grau de comprometimento motor, tende a apresentar maior número de sintomas depressivos e, consequentemente maior grau de depressão e vice-versa. Portanto, deve-se dedicar maior atenção à saúde mental dos casos em que a doença se expressa com maior comprometimento motor

    Concentrações de glifosato e fitotoxicidade em Lactuca sativa Buttercrunch

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    Agrochemicals, also known as agrotoxics or pesticides, have been widely used to control the proliferation of pests and weeds in agricultural crops to ensure high planting productivity. Among the most used pesticides in the world is the herbicide glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine), because it proves effective for controlling the annual and perennial growth of weeds in agriculture, forestry, urban areas, and domestic gardens. However, the spraying of this compound on a large scale has caused concern, since it accumulates in the topsoil and can generate negative environmental impacts and damage to human health, as it has toxic potential. Given the above, this study evaluated the phytotoxicity of agrochemical solutions glyphosate in different concentrations for the lettuce species Lactuca sativa Buttercrunch, considering number of germinated seeds, stem length, and root length as parameters of analysis. The concentrations of glyphosate tested were 0.001 mg. L-1; 0.1 mg. L-1; 0.5 mg. L-1; 1 mg. L-1 and 20 mg. L-1. The trial followed the procedures described by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. For the statistical analysis, were considered the number of germinated seeds of each treatment and the length of the roots and stem of each of the germinated seeds, which were inserted into equations for the definition of the percentage parameters of Germination Effect (%GE), Root Growth Inhibition (%RGI) and Germination Index (%GI). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to test for statistically significant differences among the groups and compared by applying the Tukey Test at the level of 5% significance. The results revealed that there was 62.62% RGI and a GI of only 0.37% in treatment with glyphosate solution with concentration of 20 mg. L-1, indicating that high concentrations of the herbicide have toxic effects for the growth of lettuce species Lactuca sativa Buttercrunch. Only the concentration of 20 mg. L-1 obtained a significant difference in relation to the other concentrations evaluated, including the control treatment for the variable "root growth". Thus, for future work it is recommended that glyphosate solutions with concentrations between 1 and 20 mg. L-1 be evaluated and tested for phytotoxicity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity.Os agroquímicos, também conhecidos como agrotóxicos ou pesticidas, têm sido amplamente utilizados no controle da proliferação de pragas e ervas daninhas nos cultivos agrícolas para garantir uma alta produtividade do plantio. Dentre os pesticidas mais utilizados do mundo está o herbicida glifosato (N-(fosfonometil) glicina), pois se mostra eficaz para o controle do crescimento anual e perene de ervas daninhas na agricultura, silvicultura, áreas urbanas e jardins domésticos. Contudo, a pulverização deste composto em larga escala tem causado preocupação, uma vez que se acumula na camada superior do solo e pode gerar impactos ambientais negativos e danos à saúde humana, já que possui potencial tóxico. Diante do exposto, este estudo avaliou a fitotoxicidade de soluções do agroquímico glifosato em diferentes concentrações para a espécie de alface Lactuca sativa Buttercrunch, levando-se em conta os parâmetros número de sementes germinadas, comprimento do caule e o comprimento da raiz. As concentrações de glisofato testadas foram de 0,001 mg.L-1; 0,1 mg.L-1; 0,5 mg.L-1; 1 mg.L-1 e 20 mg.L-1; e o ensaio seguiu os procedimentos descritos pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos. Para a análise estatística, considerou-se o número de sementes germinadas de cada tratamento e o comprimento das raízes e do caule de cada uma das sementes germinadas, as quais foram inseridos em equações para a definição dos parâmetros percentuais de Efeito de Germinação (%EG), Inibição do Crescimento da Raiz (%ICR) e Índice de Germinação (%IG). Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e comparados por meio da aplicação do Teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados revelaram que houve 62,62% de inibição do crescimento e um índice de germinação de apenas 0,37% no tratamento com a solução de glifosato com concentração de 20 mg.L-1, indicando que altas concentrações do herbicida possuem efeitos tóxicos para o crescimento da espécie de alface L. sativa Buttercrunch. Apenas a concentração de 20 mg.L-1 obteve diferença significativas em relação às demais concentrações avaliadas, incluindo o tratamento controle para a variável “crescimento da raiz”. Deste modo, para trabalhos futuros recomenda-se que soluções de glifosato com concentrações entre 1 e 20 mg.L-1 sejam avaliadas e testadas quanto a fitotoxicidade, citotoxicidade e a genotoxicidade

    Three Cases of Exclusively Extragenital Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (cTVT)

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    Background: Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (cTVT) is a neoplasia that affects mainly the genital organs of dogs, but can rich extragenital sites as well. It´s a tumor characterized microscopically by the presence of vacuolized round cells. Transmission occurs by implantation of these cells in non-affected tissues and the treatment is based on vincristine chemotherapy.Cases: Case 1. A 5-year-old intact male Poodle, presenting an increase volume of nasal plane came for veterinary care at a private veterinary clinic. The animal had bilateral bloody nasal secretion and dyspnea. The external genitalia had no alterations. The cytological evaluation confirmed cTVT. Treatment with vincristine sulfate weekly showed a rapid responsewith improvement of the respiratory condition, total remission of the mass and absence of neoplastic cells in cytology. Case 2. A 5-year-old mixed-breed canine bitch, weighing 6.7 kg, was brought to the State University of Santa Cruz Veterinary Hospital (UESC-VH), showing an increase volume in the nasal plan region, with complaints about sneezing, nasal bleeding,respiratory distress with approximately 4 months of evolution. The owner informed that the mother of these female dog, that lived in the same environment, died a month before the beginning of clinical signs of the bitch of this case, and showed a reddish vaginal mass with intense bleeding. Intranasal exfoliative cytology showed moderately cellular sample compatible with cTVT. The treatment with vincristine sulphate for 6 weeks, showed completely remission of all clinical signs. Case 3. A 3-year-old mixed-breed male dog was brought to the UESC-VH with a reddish, friable mass located in the left eye. The citology confirmed the clinical suspicion of cTVT. After six weekly sessions of chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate, the tumor regressed and a new cytological evaluation was performed, without visible of tumor cells. By the end of the treatment, the dog was diagnosed with phitisis bulbi, and one year later, due to recurrent ulcerative keratitis, the enucleation was performed and the histopathological examination of the eye did not identify the presence of tumor cells.Discussion: Two of the dogs cited in this report had freely streets access, without supervision of the owners, and they are likely to have contracted cTVT on one of those occasions. The animal’s care style acts as a risk factor for the development of neoplasia. Regarding the third animal, the close contact with another female dog, who had compatible vaginal cTVTclinical signs was probably the factor that determined the transmission. None of the animals cited in this report had lesions on their external genitalia. The extragenital presentation may be attributed to the social behavior of licking and sniffing the genitalia of carrier animals, which may lead to the natural implantation of the viable cells of the cTVT into the ocular and nasal mucosa. About the clinical signs manifested, in the cases of involvement of the nasal structures, the main signs described in literature are bloody nasal secretion, sneezing, dyspnea and increased nasal plane volume, and are similar to those observed in the animals cited in this report. In the case of ocular cTVT, the increase volume with impairment and deformity of all ocular structures, as well as pain and pruritus corroborate with the clinical findings observed in the literature. The cytopathological test was the diagnostic tool used in all cases cited in this report and the cytopathological findings corroborates with those described in the literature. Vincristine sulfate is the drug of choice for the treatment of cTVT cases, and in the dogs of this report, this drug was successfully used leading to complete remission of lesions and clinical signs, as observed in other studies.Keywords: nasal mucosa, ocular mucosa, venereal disease, round cells