57 research outputs found

    La création in situ en Océanie : géo-esthétique et territoires urbains

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    The work of this thesis revolves around the artistic and urban practices in four cities, in Australia and New Zealand. Those cities, Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland and Wellington are major artistic hubs in Oceania, and form the basis of a theoretical and empirical study. The first challenge is to locate and understand chronologically, through a Western artistic lens and its evolution, what are the inherent nuances of the in situ art. We will see how art produced extramurally, as represented in the United States and Europe (1960-1970), and noted on multiple accounts by artists, relied on various data: spatial, geomorphological, historical, human and contextual course. This understanding will lead us to the first example of space turning or geospatial art or propensity, which can be viewed as out of its traditional frameworks – which is to the museum, to conquer new territories of registration. To address these postcolonial Pacific cities and the culture they devote to artistic creation, we will see how these two young nations have built and continue to build their identity. In light of the New Zealand biculturalism, the value of Maori culture and the place of the people, we are committed to see how extramural art is represented in Wellington and in more rural areas around Auckland. In Australia, in some examples, the historical facts have reinforced a sense of identity through specific examples of urban creation while in other areas the historical contexts lead to politically charged issues; such is the case of the event Sculpture by the Sea. To what extent can a region, through its first four cities, lead us to rethink the in situ expression and geo-aesthetic that emerges? This study based on observation and cross disciplinary theoretical approaches and argues that the tendency of cities to reinvent worlds, regenerate through art until, is in some respects, a true territorial tool. I propose different readings to further understand how singular forms of aesthetics emerge as part of a proactive planning on redesigning the face of the city. Then it will show through best practices, how art, in the Pacific cities, changes space and emphasizes history and can become detached of context. This body of work is pertinent given the historical identity priority of Pacific cultures, and the contemporary multiculturalism and use of space will shed light on the expression of a specific urban geo-aesthetics. Intercultural connections between vernacular indices (patterns, gestures, shapes) and contemporary mediums attest to a geographicity art between narrative interpretation of places, symbol and emancipation.Le travail de cette thĂšse s’articule autour des pratiques artistiques et urbaines Ă  travers quatre mĂ©tropoles situĂ©es en Australie et en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande. Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland et Wellington, territoires artistiques majeurs dans ce continent, sont ici le socle d’une Ă©tude empirique et thĂ©orique. L’enjeu premier sera de situer chronologiquement et de comprendre, Ă  partir de l’art occidental et de son Ă©volution, quelles sont les problĂ©matiques artistiques inhĂ©rentes Ă  l’in situ. Nous verrons comment un art produit extra-muros, tel que formulĂ© aux Etats-Unis et en Europe (1960-1970), a mis en avant une prise en compte multiple du lieu par les artistes, mettant Ă  contribution diffĂ©rentes donnĂ©es : spatiales, gĂ©omorphologiques, historiques, humaines et bien sĂ»r contextuelles. Les apprĂ©hender nous amĂšnera Ă  mettre en valeur le premier tournant spatial, voire gĂ©ospatial de l’art, soit sa propension, Ă  un moment donnĂ©, de sortir de ses cadres traditionnels – dont le musĂ©e – pour conquĂ©rir de nouveaux territoires d’inscription. Pour mieux aborder ces villes postcoloniales ocĂ©aniennes et les espaces qu’elles consacrent Ă  la crĂ©ation artistique, nous verrons comment ces deux jeunes nations ont bĂąti et continuent Ă  construire leur identitĂ©. Au regard du biculturalisme nĂ©o-zĂ©landais, de la culture maorie et de la place de ce peuple, nous nous sommes attachĂ© Ă  saisir comment l’art extra muros existe Ă  Wellington et dans des zones plus rurales autour d’Auckland. En Australie, les faits historiques sont venus renforcer un sentiment identitaire au travers de certaines formes de crĂ©ation urbaines tandis que d’autres restent Ă  l’écart de ces problĂ©matiques locales – c’est le cas de l’évĂšnement Sculpture by the Sea. Dans quelle mesure un territoire, au travers de ses quatre premiĂšres villes, peut-il par le biais de l’in situ dĂ©gager une gĂ©o-esthĂ©tique? Cette Ă©tude fondĂ©e sur l’observation et le croisement pluridisciplinaire des approches thĂ©oriques a montrĂ© et argumentĂ© la tendance des villes-mondes Ă  se rĂ©inventer, se rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer par l’art jusqu’à devenir, Ă  certains Ă©gards, un vĂ©ritable outil territorial. J’ai proposĂ© diffĂ©rentes clĂ©s de lecture pour faire comprendre comment se dĂ©gage des formes d’esthĂ©tique singuliĂšres dans le cadre d’un urbanisme volontariste quant Ă  redessiner le visage de la ville (Sydney, Opera House). Puis, il s’agira de montrer Ă  travers les dĂ©marches exemplaires, comment l’art, dans les villes ocĂ©aniennes, Ă©volue spatialement, souligne l’histoire et s’en dĂ©tache. Le corpus d’Ɠuvres, pertinent au vu de la prioritĂ© identitaire, multiculturelle et spatiale fera jour sur l’expression d’une gĂ©o-esthĂ©tique urbaine spĂ©cifique. Les connexions interculturelles entre indices vernaculaires (motifs, gestes, formes) et mĂ©diums contemporains attestent d’une gĂ©ographicitĂ© de l’art, entre interprĂ©tation narrative des lieux, symbole et Ă©mancipation

    José Tejada Såenz, visionario de la ingeniería colombiana

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    Este estudio muestra brevemente la vida y obra de JosĂ© Tejada SĂĄenz, Ingeniero y empresario de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, reconocido por sus ideas visionarias, su talento profesional y su calidad como ser humano -- Una persona Ă­ntegra que con su sabidurĂ­a y conocimiento supo aprovechar las oportunidades que le dio la vida y hacer de esta una experiencia digna de ser contada -- Esta historia se enmarca en los elementos de carĂĄcter innovador, visionario y emprendedor del personaje, abarca desde su infancia hasta sus Ășltimos años de actividad profesional, haciendo Ă©nfasis en su trayectoria en INTEGRAL, empresa de la cual fue fundador y ayudĂł a consolidar; ademĂĄs presenta tres de sus proyectos, que marcaron un hito en la ingenierĂ­a colombiana por visionarios e innovadores para el momento de su construcciĂłn, y su considerable contribuciĂłn al desarrollo de Colombia -- CaracterĂ­sticas de su personalidad como su calidad humana, el amor por su familia; grandes capacidades como su conocimiento de la ingenierĂ­a y su entorno; ademĂĄs de su interĂ©s por aportar a la sociedad, a la regiĂłn y al paĂ­s, serĂĄn entonces algunos de los componentes de este trabajo, cuyo objetivo es presentar las caracterĂ­sticas y experiencias de este ingeniero, cuya labor aporta indudablemente a presentes y futuras generaciones, quienes podrĂĄn aprender para pensar diferente y actuar con amplio sentido Ă©tico y responsable por la sociedad y el paĂ­

    Optical, vibrational, thermal, electrical, damage and phase-matching properties of lithium thioindate

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    Lithium thioindate (LiInS2_{2}) is a new nonlinear chalcogenide biaxial material transparent from 0.4 to 12 Ό\mum, that has been successfully grown in large sizes and good optical quality. We report on new physical properties that are relevant for laser and nonlinear optics applications. With respect to AgGaS(e)2_2 ternary chalcopyrite materials, LiInS2_{2} displays a nearly-isotropic thermal expansion behavior, a 5-times larger thermal conductivity associated with high optical damage thresholds, and an extremely low intensity-dependent absorption allowing direct high-power downconversion from the near-IR to the deep mid-IR. Continuous-wave difference-frequency generation (5-11Ό \mum) of Ti:sapphire laser sources is reported for the first time.Comment: 27 pages, 21 figures. Replaces the previous preprint (physics/0307082) with the final version as it will be published in J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 21(11) (Nov. 2004 issue

    Role of the Epigenetic Regulator HP1Îł in the Control of Embryonic Stem Cell Properties

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    The unique properties of embryonic stem cells (ESC) rely on long-lasting self-renewal and their ability to switch in all adult cell type programs. Recent advances have shown that regulations at the chromatin level sustain both ESC properties along with transcription factors. We have focused our interest on the epigenetic modulator HP1Îł (Heterochromatin Protein 1, isoform Îł) that binds histones H3 methylated at lysine 9 (meH3K9) and is highly plastic in its distribution and association with the transcriptional regulation of specific genes during cell fate transitions. These characteristics of HP1Îł make it a good candidate to sustain the ESC flexibility required for rapid program changes during differentiation. Using RNA interference, we describe the functional role of HP1Îł in mouse ESC. The analysis of HP1Îł deprived cells in proliferative and in various differentiating conditions was performed combining functional assays with molecular approaches (RT-qPCR, microarray). We show that HP1Îł deprivation slows down the cell cycle of ESC and decreases their resistance to differentiating conditions, rendering the cells poised to differentiate. In addition, HP1Îł depletion hampers the differentiation to the endoderm as compared with the differentiation to the neurectoderm or the mesoderm. Altogether, our results reveal the role of HP1Îł in ESC self-renewal and in the balance between the pluripotent and the differentiation programs

    In situ creation Oceania : geo-aesthetics and urban territories

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    Le travail de cette thĂšse s’articule autour des pratiques artistiques et urbaines Ă  travers quatre mĂ©tropoles situĂ©es en Australie et en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande. Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland et Wellington, territoires artistiques majeurs dans ce continent, sont ici le socle d’une Ă©tude empirique et thĂ©orique. L’enjeu premier sera de situer chronologiquement et de comprendre, Ă  partir de l’art occidental et de son Ă©volution, quelles sont les problĂ©matiques artistiques inhĂ©rentes Ă  l’in situ. Nous verrons comment un art produit extra-muros, tel que formulĂ© aux Etats-Unis et en Europe (1960-1970), a mis en avant une prise en compte multiple du lieu par les artistes, mettant Ă  contribution diffĂ©rentes donnĂ©es : spatiales, gĂ©omorphologiques, historiques, humaines et bien sĂ»r contextuelles. Les apprĂ©hender nous amĂšnera Ă  mettre en valeur le premier tournant spatial, voire gĂ©ospatial de l’art, soit sa propension, Ă  un moment donnĂ©, de sortir de ses cadres traditionnels – dont le musĂ©e – pour conquĂ©rir de nouveaux territoires d’inscription. Pour mieux aborder ces villes postcoloniales ocĂ©aniennes et les espaces qu’elles consacrent Ă  la crĂ©ation artistique, nous verrons comment ces deux jeunes nations ont bĂąti et continuent Ă  construire leur identitĂ©. Au regard du biculturalisme nĂ©o-zĂ©landais, de la culture maorie et de la place de ce peuple, nous nous sommes attachĂ© Ă  saisir comment l’art extra muros existe Ă  Wellington et dans des zones plus rurales autour d’Auckland. En Australie, les faits historiques sont venus renforcer un sentiment identitaire au travers de certaines formes de crĂ©ation urbaines tandis que d’autres restent Ă  l’écart de ces problĂ©matiques locales – c’est le cas de l’évĂšnement Sculpture by the Sea. Dans quelle mesure un territoire, au travers de ses quatre premiĂšres villes, peut-il par le biais de l’in situ dĂ©gager une gĂ©o-esthĂ©tique? Cette Ă©tude fondĂ©e sur l’observation et le croisement pluridisciplinaire des approches thĂ©oriques a montrĂ© et argumentĂ© la tendance des villes-mondes Ă  se rĂ©inventer, se rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer par l’art jusqu’à devenir, Ă  certains Ă©gards, un vĂ©ritable outil territorial. J’ai proposĂ© diffĂ©rentes clĂ©s de lecture pour faire comprendre comment se dĂ©gage des formes d’esthĂ©tique singuliĂšres dans le cadre d’un urbanisme volontariste quant Ă  redessiner le visage de la ville (Sydney, Opera House). Puis, il s’agira de montrer Ă  travers les dĂ©marches exemplaires, comment l’art, dans les villes ocĂ©aniennes, Ă©volue spatialement, souligne l’histoire et s’en dĂ©tache. Le corpus d’Ɠuvres, pertinent au vu de la prioritĂ© identitaire, multiculturelle et spatiale fera jour sur l’expression d’une gĂ©o-esthĂ©tique urbaine spĂ©cifique. Les connexions interculturelles entre indices vernaculaires (motifs, gestes, formes) et mĂ©diums contemporains attestent d’une gĂ©ographicitĂ© de l’art, entre interprĂ©tation narrative des lieux, symbole et Ă©mancipation.The work of this thesis revolves around the artistic and urban practices in four cities, in Australia and New Zealand. Those cities, Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland and Wellington are major artistic hubs in Oceania, and form the basis of a theoretical and empirical study. The first challenge is to locate and understand chronologically, through a Western artistic lens and its evolution, what are the inherent nuances of the in situ art. We will see how art produced extramurally, as represented in the United States and Europe (1960-1970), and noted on multiple accounts by artists, relied on various data: spatial, geomorphological, historical, human and contextual course. This understanding will lead us to the first example of space turning or geospatial art or propensity, which can be viewed as out of its traditional frameworks – which is to the museum, to conquer new territories of registration. To address these postcolonial Pacific cities and the culture they devote to artistic creation, we will see how these two young nations have built and continue to build their identity. In light of the New Zealand biculturalism, the value of Maori culture and the place of the people, we are committed to see how extramural art is represented in Wellington and in more rural areas around Auckland. In Australia, in some examples, the historical facts have reinforced a sense of identity through specific examples of urban creation while in other areas the historical contexts lead to politically charged issues; such is the case of the event Sculpture by the Sea. To what extent can a region, through its first four cities, lead us to rethink the in situ expression and geo-aesthetic that emerges? This study based on observation and cross disciplinary theoretical approaches and argues that the tendency of cities to reinvent worlds, regenerate through art until, is in some respects, a true territorial tool. I propose different readings to further understand how singular forms of aesthetics emerge as part of a proactive planning on redesigning the face of the city. Then it will show through best practices, how art, in the Pacific cities, changes space and emphasizes history and can become detached of context. This body of work is pertinent given the historical identity priority of Pacific cultures, and the contemporary multiculturalism and use of space will shed light on the expression of a specific urban geo-aesthetics. Intercultural connections between vernacular indices (patterns, gestures, shapes) and contemporary mediums attest to a geographicity art between narrative interpretation of places, symbol and emancipation

    In situ creation Oceania : geo-aesthetics and urban territories

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    Le travail de cette thĂšse s’articule autour des pratiques artistiques et urbaines Ă  travers quatre mĂ©tropoles situĂ©es en Australie et en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande. Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland et Wellington, territoires artistiques majeurs dans ce continent, sont ici le socle d’une Ă©tude empirique et thĂ©orique. L’enjeu premier sera de situer chronologiquement et de comprendre, Ă  partir de l’art occidental et de son Ă©volution, quelles sont les problĂ©matiques artistiques inhĂ©rentes Ă  l’in situ. Nous verrons comment un art produit extra-muros, tel que formulĂ© aux Etats-Unis et en Europe (1960-1970), a mis en avant une prise en compte multiple du lieu par les artistes, mettant Ă  contribution diffĂ©rentes donnĂ©es : spatiales, gĂ©omorphologiques, historiques, humaines et bien sĂ»r contextuelles. Les apprĂ©hender nous amĂšnera Ă  mettre en valeur le premier tournant spatial, voire gĂ©ospatial de l’art, soit sa propension, Ă  un moment donnĂ©, de sortir de ses cadres traditionnels – dont le musĂ©e – pour conquĂ©rir de nouveaux territoires d’inscription. Pour mieux aborder ces villes postcoloniales ocĂ©aniennes et les espaces qu’elles consacrent Ă  la crĂ©ation artistique, nous verrons comment ces deux jeunes nations ont bĂąti et continuent Ă  construire leur identitĂ©. Au regard du biculturalisme nĂ©o-zĂ©landais, de la culture maorie et de la place de ce peuple, nous nous sommes attachĂ© Ă  saisir comment l’art extra muros existe Ă  Wellington et dans des zones plus rurales autour d’Auckland. En Australie, les faits historiques sont venus renforcer un sentiment identitaire au travers de certaines formes de crĂ©ation urbaines tandis que d’autres restent Ă  l’écart de ces problĂ©matiques locales – c’est le cas de l’évĂšnement Sculpture by the Sea. Dans quelle mesure un territoire, au travers de ses quatre premiĂšres villes, peut-il par le biais de l’in situ dĂ©gager une gĂ©o-esthĂ©tique? Cette Ă©tude fondĂ©e sur l’observation et le croisement pluridisciplinaire des approches thĂ©oriques a montrĂ© et argumentĂ© la tendance des villes-mondes Ă  se rĂ©inventer, se rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer par l’art jusqu’à devenir, Ă  certains Ă©gards, un vĂ©ritable outil territorial. J’ai proposĂ© diffĂ©rentes clĂ©s de lecture pour faire comprendre comment se dĂ©gage des formes d’esthĂ©tique singuliĂšres dans le cadre d’un urbanisme volontariste quant Ă  redessiner le visage de la ville (Sydney, Opera House). Puis, il s’agira de montrer Ă  travers les dĂ©marches exemplaires, comment l’art, dans les villes ocĂ©aniennes, Ă©volue spatialement, souligne l’histoire et s’en dĂ©tache. Le corpus d’Ɠuvres, pertinent au vu de la prioritĂ© identitaire, multiculturelle et spatiale fera jour sur l’expression d’une gĂ©o-esthĂ©tique urbaine spĂ©cifique. Les connexions interculturelles entre indices vernaculaires (motifs, gestes, formes) et mĂ©diums contemporains attestent d’une gĂ©ographicitĂ© de l’art, entre interprĂ©tation narrative des lieux, symbole et Ă©mancipation.The work of this thesis revolves around the artistic and urban practices in four cities, in Australia and New Zealand. Those cities, Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland and Wellington are major artistic hubs in Oceania, and form the basis of a theoretical and empirical study. The first challenge is to locate and understand chronologically, through a Western artistic lens and its evolution, what are the inherent nuances of the in situ art. We will see how art produced extramurally, as represented in the United States and Europe (1960-1970), and noted on multiple accounts by artists, relied on various data: spatial, geomorphological, historical, human and contextual course. This understanding will lead us to the first example of space turning or geospatial art or propensity, which can be viewed as out of its traditional frameworks – which is to the museum, to conquer new territories of registration. To address these postcolonial Pacific cities and the culture they devote to artistic creation, we will see how these two young nations have built and continue to build their identity. In light of the New Zealand biculturalism, the value of Maori culture and the place of the people, we are committed to see how extramural art is represented in Wellington and in more rural areas around Auckland. In Australia, in some examples, the historical facts have reinforced a sense of identity through specific examples of urban creation while in other areas the historical contexts lead to politically charged issues; such is the case of the event Sculpture by the Sea. To what extent can a region, through its first four cities, lead us to rethink the in situ expression and geo-aesthetic that emerges? This study based on observation and cross disciplinary theoretical approaches and argues that the tendency of cities to reinvent worlds, regenerate through art until, is in some respects, a true territorial tool. I propose different readings to further understand how singular forms of aesthetics emerge as part of a proactive planning on redesigning the face of the city. Then it will show through best practices, how art, in the Pacific cities, changes space and emphasizes history and can become detached of context. This body of work is pertinent given the historical identity priority of Pacific cultures, and the contemporary multiculturalism and use of space will shed light on the expression of a specific urban geo-aesthetics. Intercultural connections between vernacular indices (patterns, gestures, shapes) and contemporary mediums attest to a geographicity art between narrative interpretation of places, symbol and emancipation

    UNFRAMED: a system of connections between artists and people through mural arts in a Colombian city

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    The current global context is characterized by a growing importance on relations and the creation of links between different actors. Contemporary artists have to deal with different connection’s skills to succeed in their carriers and to make their work visible to a wider audience and potential collectors. However these opportunities are not constant because the system is very competitive. There is high offer and low demand, which is also affected by the economical crisis. Additionally, art continues to be considered a luxury item for few ones. In developing countries, low demand is not only due to crisis, but also to the fact that art is a secondary issue for common people. Moreover the culture of appreciating and acquiring art is under development. From this scenario, the thesis aims to answer the following question; how to make visual arts more accessible to common people and at the same time to bring to the artist new markets and visibility for his work? A product-service system is proposed to give answer to the main question. “Unframed” provides an innovative space to show murals, where artists become the protagonists and art becomes accessible to everyone in different ways. The service is based in an online platform which is feed by artists’ portfolios and temporal murals made in the city. It is also complemented by limited series of mural reproduction; touch points in common places and a closer relation artist-user. The system uses different strategies to make it valuable for the artist, the user, the city and stakeholders. Reducing the gap between artists and the public, it establishes lasting relationships and encourages fresh market scenarios

    La sépulture gauloise de Bussy-le-Chùteau dite de « La Cheppe » (Marne)

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    Thenot A. La sĂ©pulture gauloise de Bussy-le-ChĂąteau dite de « La Cheppe » (Marne). In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© prĂ©historique française. Études et travaux, tome 72, n°1, 1975. pp. 457-466

    Cooperative caracteristics and agricultural cooperative groups : "Champagne Céréales" case

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    Au niveau mondial. les grandes concentrations des acteurs économiques s'intensifient et le secteur coopératif agricole français n'échappe pas au mouvement avec 1000 opérations de fusion acquisition en 10 ans. L'accélération de ces mouvements de concentration a facilité la constitution de groupes coopératifs agricoles. devenus aujourd'hui trÚs puissants et performants. Ils sont de taille importante avec plusieurs milliers d'adhérents et présentent une structure juridique complexe souvent avec une holding. de nombreu es participations et des filiales en amont et en aval. Les acteurs de ces groupes sont essentiellement issus du monde agricole dans l'amont mais la présence d'investisseurs privés est fréquente dans la holding et dans l'aval. Il coexiste donc. au sein de ces groupes. deux logiques : une logique coopérative liée à la valorisation du produit et une logique capitaliste liée à la valorisation du capital. Quelle est la capacité de ces groupes à intégrer ces deux logiques et que devient la logique coopérative dans un groupe contraint d'adopter des comportements d'affaires pour s'adapter à son environnement économique? Cette réflexion nous amÚne à nous interroger sur les conséquences principales de la mutation en groupe sur la spécificité coopérative. Comment pouvons-nous la définir de nos jours, quel est son devenir ? A partir de la littérature. nous avons pu schématiser l'influence de la structure de groupe sur l'organisation et les relations qui se nouent entre les acteurs. Il en ressort un certain nombre de difficutés manifestes et latentes dans le maintien de la spécificité coopérative. Notre objectif de recherche est de vérifier, d'une part si l'on retrouve ces difficultés dans tout groupe coopératif agricole et d'autre part. de repérer et d'analyser d'éventuels mécanismes qui permettraient de les amoindrir et en conséquence de préserver la spécificité coopérative. Nous avons décidé de tester empiriquement les différentes propositions schématisées au sein du groupe coopérative agricole Champagne céréales.At world levels. large concentrations of economie actors are intensifying and the French agricultural cooperative sector does not escape this trend with around 1000 operations of fusion acquisition in the last 10 years. The acceleration of this concentration facilitated the constitution of agricultural cooperative groups who have become very powerful and successful today. They are of considerable size with several thousand members and present a legal structure which is often complex composed of one holding company with numerous participations and subsidiaries both upstrearn and downstream. The actors of these groups essentially come from the agricultural world but the presence of private investors is frequent in the holding company and downstream. Therefore coexist, within these groups. two logics: a cooperative logic connected to the product and the transformation process, and a capitalist logic linked to the capital. What is the capacity of these groups to integrate these two logics; and what happens to the cooperative logic in a group forced to adopt business attitudes to adapt to its economie environment? This reflection brings us to wonder about the main consequences of evolution in a group based on cooperative values. How can we defme it nowadays, what the future? From the documentai research. we were able to schematize how the structure ofthe group influenced the organization and see the relationships building up between the actors. A certain number latent and obvious difficulties emerge in the preservation of the cooperative values and specificities. Our research objective is on one band to verify ifwe fmd these problems in every agricultural cooperative group and on the otber band. to track down and to analyze possible mechanisms whicb would allow to reduce the impact of the problems them and to preserve cooperative specificity. We decided to empirically test the various scbematic propositions within the Champagne cooperative cereal group

    Le Musée et autres lieux communs

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