342 research outputs found

    Planet formation in highly inclined binaries

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    We explore planet formation in binary systems around the central star where the protoplanetary disk plane is highly inclined with respect to the companion star orbit. This might be the most frequent scenario for binary separations larger than 40 AU, according to Hale (1994). We focus on planetesimal accretion and compute average impact velocities in the habitable region and up to 6 AU from the primary.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    On the eccentricity of self-gravitating circumstellar disks in eccentric binary systems

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    We study the evolution of circumstellar massive disks around the primary star of a binary system focusing on the computation of disk eccentricity. In particular, we concentrate on its dependence on the binary eccentricity. Self-gravity is included in our numerical simulations. Our standard model assumes a semimajor axis for the binary of 30 AU, the most probable value according to the present binary statistics.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Debris discs in binaries: a numerical study

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    Debris disc analysis and modelling provide crucial information about the structure and the processes at play in extrasolar planetary systems. In binary systems, this issue is more complex because the disc should in addition respond to the companion star's perturbations. We explore the dynamical evolution of a collisionally active debris disc for different initial parent body populations, diverse binary configurations and optical depths. We focus on the radial extent and size distribution of the disc at a stationary state. We numerically follow the evolution of 10510^{5} massless small grains, initially produced from a circumprimary disc of parent bodies following a size distribution in dN∝s−3.5dN \propto s^{-3.5}ds . Grains are submitted to both stars' gravity as well as radiation pressure. In addition, particles are assigned an empirically derived collisional lifetime. For all the binary configurations the disc extends far beyond the critical semimajor axis acrita_crit for orbital stability. This is due to the steady production of small grains, placed on eccentric orbits reaching beyond acrita_crit by radiation pressure. The amount of matter beyond acrit depends on the balance between collisional production and dynamical removal rates: it increases for more massive discs as well as for eccentric binaries. Another important effect is that, in the dynamically stable region, the disc is depleted from its smallest grains. Both results could lead to observable signatures. We have shown that a companion star can never fully truncate a collisionally active disc. For eccentric companions, grains in the unstable regions can significantly contribute to the thermal emission in the mid-IR. Discs with sharp outer edges, especially bright ones such as HR4796A, are probably shaped by other mechanisms.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Relative velocities among accreting planetesimals in binary systems: the circumbinary case

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    We numerically investigate the possibility of planetesimal accretion in circumbinary disks, under the coupled influence of both stars' secular perturbations and friction due to the gaseous component of the protoplanetary disk. We focus on one crucial parameter: the distribution of encounter velocities between planetesimals in the 0.5 to 100km size range. An extended range of binary systems with differing orbital parameters is explored. The resulting encounter velocities are compared to the threshold velocities below which the net outcome of a collision is accumulation into a larger body instead of mass erosion. For each binary configuration, we derive the critical radial distance from the binary barycenter beyond which planetesimal accretion is possible. This critical radial distance is smallest for equal-mass binaries on almost circular orbits. It shifts to larger values for increasing eccentricities and decreasing mass ratio. The importance of the planetesimals' orbital alignments of planetesimals due to gas drag effects is discussed.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Planets in binary systems: is the present configuration indicative of the formation process?

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    The present dynamical configuration of planets in binary star systems may not reflect their formation process since the binary orbit may have changed in the past after the planet formation process was completed. An observed binary system may have been part of a former hierarchical triple that became unstable after the planets completed their growth around the primary star. Alternatively, in a dense stellar environment even a single stellar encounter between the star pair and a singleton may singificantly alter the binary orbit. In both cases the planets we observe at present would have formed when the dynamical environment was different from the presently observed one. We have numerically integrated the trajectories of the stars (binary plus singleton) and of test planets to investigate the abovementioned mechanisms. Our simulations show that the circumstellar environment during planetary formation around the primary was gravitationally less perturbed when the binary was part of a hierarchical triple because the binary was necessarely wider and, possibly, less eccentric. This circumstance has consequences for the planetary system in terms of orbital spacing, eccentricity, and mass of the individual planets. Even in the case of a single stellar encounter the present appearance of a planetary system in a binary may significantly differ from what it had while planet formation was ongoing. However, while in the case of instability of a triple the trend is always towards a tighter and more eccentric binary system, when a single stellar encounter affects the system the orbit of the binary can become wider and be circularized.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures Accepted for publication on A&

    Eccentricity of radiative discs in close binary-star systems

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    Discs in binaries have a complex behavior because of the perturbations of the companion star. Planet formation in binary-star systems both depend on the companion star parameters and on the properties of the circumstellar disc. An eccentric disc may increase the impact velocity of planetesimals and therefore jeopardize the accumulation process. We model the evolution of discs in close binaries including the effects of self-gravity and adopting different prescriptions to model the disc's radiative properties. We focus on the dynamical properties and evolutionary tracks of the discs. We use the hydrodynamical code FARGO and we include in the energy equation heating and cooling effects. Radiative discs have a lower disc eccentricity compared to locally isothermal discs with same temperature profile. As a consequence, we do not observe the formation of an internal elliptical low density region as in locally isothermal disc models. However, the disc eccentricity depends on the disc mass through the opacities. Akin to locally isothermal disc models, self-gravity forces the disc's longitude of pericenter to librate about a fixed orientation with respect to the binary apsidal line (π\pi). The disc's radiative properties play an important role in the evolution of discs in binaries. A radiative disc has an overall shape and internal structure that are significantly different compared to a locally isothermal disc with same temperature profile. This is an important finding both for describing the evolutionary track of the disc during its progressive mass loss, and for planet formation since the internal structure of the disc is relevant for planetesimals growth in binary systems. The non-symmetrical distribution of mass in these discs causes large eccentricities for planetesimals that may affect their growth.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A (abstract truncated to comply with astro-ph rules

    Collisional Velocities and Rates in Resonant Planetesimal Belts

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    We consider a belt of small bodies around a star, captured in one of the external or 1:1 mean-motion resonances with a massive perturber. The objects in the belt collide with each other. Combining methods of celestial mechanics and statistical physics, we calculate mean collisional velocities and collisional rates, averaged over the belt. The results are compared to collisional velocities and rates in a similar, but non-resonant belt, as predicted by the particle-in-a-box method. It is found that the effect of the resonant lock on the velocities is rather small, while on the rates more substantial. The collisional rates between objects in an external resonance are by about a factor of two higher than those in a similar belt of objects not locked in a resonance. For Trojans under the same conditions, the collisional rates may be enhanced by up to an order of magnitude. Our results imply, in particular, shorter collisional lifetimes of resonant Kuiper belt objects in the solar system and higher efficiency of dust production by resonant planetesimals in debris disks around other stars.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures (some of them heavily compressed to fit into arxiv-maximum filesize), accepted for publication at "Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy

    On how the optical depth tunes the effects of ISM neutral atom flow on debris disks

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    The flux of ISM neutral atoms surrounding stars and their environment affects the motion of dust particles in debris disks, causing a significant dynamical evolution. Large values of eccentricity and inclination can be excited and strong correlations settle in among the orbital angles. This dynamical behaviour, in particular for bound dust grains, can potentially cause significant asymmetries in dusty disks around solar type stars which might be detected by observations. However, the amount of orbital changes due to this non--gravitational perturbation is strongly limited by the collisional lifetime of dust particles. We show that for large values of the disk's optical depth the influence of ISM flow on the disk shape is almost negligible because the grains are collisionally destroyed before they can accumulate enough orbital changes due to the ISM perturbations. On the other hand, for values smaller than 10−310^{-3}, peculiar asymmetric patterns appear in the density profile of the disk when we consider 1-10 mum grains, just above the blow-out threshold. The extent and relevance of these asymmetries grow for lower values of the optical depth. An additional sink mechanism, which may prevent the formation of large clumps and warping in the disks is related to the fast inward migration due to the drag component of the forces. When a significant eccentricity is pumped up by the ISM perturbations, the drag forces (Poynting-Robertson and in particular ISM drag) drive the disk particles on fast migrating tracks leading them into the star on a short timescale. It is then expected that disks with small optical depth expand inside the parent body ring all the way towards the star while disks with large optical depth would not significantly extend inside.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Can gas in young debris disks be constrained by their radial brightness profiles?

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    Disks around young stars are known to evolve from optically thick, gas-dominated protoplanetary disks to optically thin, almost gas-free debris disks. It is thought that the primordial gas is largely removed at ages of ~10 Myr, but it is difficult to discern the true gas densities from gas observations. This suggests using observations of dust: it has been argued that gas, if present with higher densities, would lead to flatter radial profiles of the dust density and surface brightness than those actually observed. However, here we show that these profiles are surprisingly insensitive to variation of the parameters of a central star, location of the dust-producing planetesimal belt, dustiness of the disk and - most importantly - the parameters of the ambient gas. This result holds for a wide range of gas densities (three orders of magnitude), for different radial distributions of the gas temperature, and different gas compositions. The brightness profile slopes of -3...-4 we find are the same that were theoretically found for gas-free debris disks, and they are the same as actually retrieved from observations of many debris disks. Our specific results for three young (10-30 Myr old), spatially resolved, edge-on debris disks (beta Pic, HD 32297, and AU Mic) show that the observed radial profiles of the surface brightness do not pose any stringent constraints on the gas component of the disk. We cannot exclude that outer parts of the systems may have retained substantial amounts of primordial gas which is not evident in the gas observations (e.g. as much as 50 Earth masses for beta Pic). However, the possibility that gas, most likely secondary, is only present in little to moderate amounts, as deduced from gas detections (e.g. ~0.05 Earth masses in the beta Pic disk), remains open, too.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Planet formation in Alpha Centauri A revisited: not so accretion-friendly after all

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    We numerically explore planet formation around alpha Cen A by focusing on the crucial planetesimals-to-embryos phase. Our code computes the relative velocity distribution, and thus the accretion vs. fragmentation trend, of planetesimal populations having any given size distribution. This is a critical aspect of planet formation in binaries since the pericenter alignment of planetesimal orbits due to the gravitational perturbations of the companion star and to gas friction strongly depends on size. We find that, for the nominal case of a MMSN gas disc, the region beyond 0.5AU from the primary is hostile to planetesimal accretion. In this area, impact velocities between different-size bodies are increased, by the differential orbital phasing, to values too high to allow mutual accretion. For any realistic size distribution for the planetesimal population, this accretion-inhibiting effect is the dominant collision outcome and the accretion process is halted. Results are robust with respect to the profile and density of the gas disc: except for an unrealistic almost gas-free case, the inner accretion safe area never extends beyond 0.75AU. We conclude that planet formation is very difficult in the terrestrial region around alpha Cen A, unless it started from fast-formed very large (>30km) planetesimals. Notwithstanding these unlikely initial conditions, the only possible explanation for the presence of planets around 1 AU from the star would be the hypothetical outward migration of planets formed closer to the star or a different orbital configuration in the binary's early history. Our conclusions differ from those of several studies focusing on the later embryos-to-planets stage, confirming that the planetesimals-to-embryos phase is more affected by binary perturbations.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS (Note: abstract truncated. Full abstract in the pdf file
