111 research outputs found


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    Розглянуто особливості техніки римування в поемі «The Bangle» сучасного ірландського поета Пола Малдуна, відомого революційними перетвореннями традиційних поетичних конвенцій, зокрема, рими. Дана робота вирізняється серед інших тим, що риму Малдуна аналізовано не відокремлено, а у складі інших засобів звукової та композиційної організації текста, таких як: звуконаслідування, алітерація, паронімічна аттракція, інші види повторів. Взаємодія рими з цими техніками в поемі, їх взаємоперетворення є суттєво важливим фактором для розуміння новацій поета. Ще одним аспектом аналізу в роботі є зв’язок техніки римування Малдуна з особливостями його постмодерністського світовідчуття. Такі схеми римування як дистанційна (телескопічна) або кругова (циклічна) рима є формальними засобами, що віддзеркалюють деякі принципи постмодерністської філософії: плюралізм, відмову від традиційних ієрархій, синкретичне сприйняття різних сторін дійсності.Ключові слова: інновація, техніка римування, поетичні конвенції, дистанційна рима, кругова рима, паронімічна аттракція, постмодерністська філософія.Рассмотрена техника рифмовки в поэме «The Bangle» современного ирландского поэта Пола Малдуна, известного, среди прочего, революционными преобразованиями традиционных поэтических конвенций, в частности, рифмы. Данная работа отличается от других исследований тем, что рифма в поэме Малдуна проанализирована не обособленно, а в ряду других способов звуковой и композиционной организации поэтического текста, таких как: звукоподражание, аллитерация, паронимическая аттракция, другие виды повтора. Осознание взаимодействия рифмы с этими техниками, их взаимопревращений является существенным для понимания поэтических новаций Малдуна. Ещё одним аспектом анализа в статье является связь техники рифмовки поэта с постмодернистскими особенностями его мировосприятия. Дистанционная (телескопическая) или кольцевая (циклическая) схемы рифмовки являются формальным выражением таких принципов постмодернистской философии как плюрализм,отрицание всевозможных иерархий, синкретическое восприятие действительности.Kлючевые слова: инновация, техника рифмовки, поэтические условности, паронимическая аттракция, дистанционная рифма, кольцевая рифма, постмодернистская фило-софия.The paper is focused on rhyming techniques in the poem «The Bangle» by the contemporary Irish-born poet Paul Muldoon who is said to revolutionize many poetic conventions. This work differs from others in that it considers poet’s rhyme in the context of other means of sound and compositional organization of the poetic text, such as onomatopoeia, alliteration paronymic attraction and other types of repetition. Interpretation of their interaction and transformation of one into another is essential for understanding Muldoon’s innovations.One more aspect touched upon in the paper is the ties between poet’s rhyming technique and his postmodern outlook. Long-distance (telescopic) rhyming and circular or cyclic rhymes can be considered as formal means of expressing such principles of postmodern philosophy as pluralism, rejecting traditional hierarchies, syncretic perception of the world.Keywords: innovation, rhyming technique, poetic convention, paronymic attraction, long-distance rhyme, circular rhyme, postmodern philosophy

    Fizičko-hemijske i biološke karakteristike dentalnih kalcijum silikatnih cemenata – Pregled literature

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    Dental cement materials have been developed with the aim to replace hard dental tissues. The first material used for pulp capping, root canal obturation, bifurcation perforation and apexification is calcium hydroxide (in 1920). A half century later, glass-ionomer cements began to suppress it as dentine substitutes. Finally, in the 1990s, calcium silicate (CS) material appeared in the dental research community as the most promising dentine substitute capable to adequately meet all clinical requirements. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of literature related to studies about CS materials taking into account their physical, chemical and biological properties and clinical applications. This review aims to discuss beneficial and adverse characteristics of CSs concerning interactions to the hard dentine and soft pulp/periodontal tissues. This review article deals with the literature data about currently commercially available CS concerning laboratory and clinical findings. 109 scientific articles were analyzed of which 62 references reported in vitro and 26 in vivo investigations while 21 references comprised reports, reviews and books dealing with both, in vitro and in vivo investigations. Although further data collection is necessary, CSs are promising materials that represent a gold standard for numerous dental clinical procedures. © 2019, Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia. All rights reserved

    Signs of Selection in Synonymous Sites of the Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene of Baikal Oilfish (Comephoridae) by mRNA Secondary Structure Alterations

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    Studies over the past decade have shown a significant role of synonymous mutations in posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression, which is particularly associated with messenger RNA (mRNA) secondary structure alterations. Most studies focused on prokaryote genomes and the nuclear genomes of eukaryotes while little is known about the regulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene expression. This paper reveals signs of selection in synonymous sites of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (Cytb) of Baikal oilfish or golomyankas (Comephoridae) directed towards altering the secondary structure of the mRNA and probably altering the character of mtDNA gene expression. Our findings are based on comparisons of intraspecific genetic variation patterns of small golomyanka (Comephorus dybowski) and two genetic groups of big golomyanka (Comephorus dybowskii). Two approaches were used: (i) analysis of the distribution of synonymous mutations between weak-AT (W) and strong-GC (S) nucleotides within species and groups in accordance with mutation directions from central to peripheral haplotypes and (ii) approaches based on the predicted mRNA secondary structure


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    В статье рассматривается креативный подход к созданию рекламы. Разбираются такие понятия, как реклама и креатив, а также эффективность креативного подхода к созданию рекламы. Выясняется, как в зависимости от наличия или отсутствия такого подхода, может повести себя потребитель.The article discusses a creative approach to creating advertising. Understands such concepts as advertising and creativity, as well as the eff ectiveness of a creative approach to creating advertising. It turns out how, depending on the presence or absence of such an approach, the consumer can behave

    Diversity and host associations of Myrsidea chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) in the tropical rainforest of Malaysian Borneo

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    The tropical rainforests of Sundaland are a global biodiversity hotspot increasingly threatened by human activities. While parasitic insects are an important component of the ecosystem, their diversity and parasite-host relations are poorly understood in the tropics. We investigated parasites of passerine birds, the chewing lice of the speciose genus Myrsidea Waterston, 1915 (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) in a natural rainforest community of Malaysian Borneo. Based on morphology, we registered 10 species of lice from 14 bird species of six different host families. This indicated a high degree of host specificity and that the complexity of the system could be underestimated with the potential for cryptic lineages/species to be present. We tested the species boundaries by combining morphological, genetic and host speciation diversity. The phylogenetic relationships of lice were investigated by analyzing the partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the nuclear elongation factor alpha (EF-1α) genes sequences of the species. This revealed a monophyletic group of Myrsidea lineages from seven hosts of the avian family Pycnonotidae, one host of Timaliidae and one host of Pellorneidae. However, species delimitation methods supported the species boundaries hypothesized by morphological studies and confirmed that four species of Myrsidea are not single host specific. Cophylogenetic analysis by both distance-based test ParaFit and event-based method Jane confirmed overall congruence between the phylogenies of Myrsidea and their hosts. In total we recorded three cospeciation events for 14 host-parasite associations. However only one host-parasite link (M. carmenae and their hosts Terpsiphone affinis and Hypothymis azurea) was significant after the multiple testing correction in ParaFit. Four new species are described: Myrsidea carmenae sp.n. ex Hypothymis azurea and Terpsiphone affinis, Myrsidea franciscae sp.n. ex Rhipidura javanica, Myrsidea ramoni sp.n. ex Copsychus malabaricus stricklandii, and Myrsidea victoriae sp.n. ex. Turdinus sepiarius

    Deletion Mutants of VPg Reveal New Cytopathology Determinants in a Picornavirus

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    BACKGROUND: Success of a viral infection requires that each infected cell delivers a sufficient number of infectious particles to allow new rounds of infection. In picornaviruses, viral replication is initiated by the viral polymerase and a viral-coded protein, termed VPg, that primes RNA synthesis. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is exceptional among picornaviruses in that its genome encodes 3 copies of VPg. Why FMDV encodes three VPgs is unknown. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: we have constructed four mutant FMDVS that encode only one VPG: either VPg(1), VPg(3), or two chimeric versions containing part of VPg(1) and VPg(3). All mutants, except that encoding only VPg(1), were replication-competent. Unexpectedly, despite being replication-competent, the mutants did not form plaques on BHK-21 cell monolayers. The one-VPg mutant FMDVs released lower amounts of encapsidated viral RNA to the extracellular environment than wild type FMDV, suggesting that deficient plaque formation was associated with insufficient release of infectious progeny. Mutant FMDVs subjected to serial passages in BHK-21 cells regained plaque-forming capacity without modification of the number of copies of VPg. Substitutions in non-structural proteins 2C, 3A and VPg were associated with restoration of plaque formation. Specifically, replacement R55W in 2C was repeatedly found in several mutant viruses that had regained competence in plaque development. The effect of R55W in 2C was to mediate an increase in the extracellular viral RNA release without a detectable increase of total viral RNA that correlated with an enhanced capacity to alter and detach BHK-21 cells from the monolayer, the first stage of cell killing. CONCLUSIONS: The results link the VPg copies in the FMDV genome with the cytopathology capacity of the virus, and have unveiled yet another function of 2C: modulation of picornavirus cell-to-cell transmission. Implications for picornaviruses pathogenesis are discussed

    Disruption of TLR3 Signaling Due to Cleavage of TRIF by the Hepatitis A Virus Protease-Polymerase Processing Intermediate, 3CD

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    Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) and cytosolic RIG-I-like helicases (RIG-I and MDA5) sense viral RNAs and activate innate immune signaling pathways that induce expression of interferon (IFN) through specific adaptor proteins, TIR domain-containing adaptor inducing interferon-β (TRIF), and mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS), respectively. Previously, we demonstrated that hepatitis A virus (HAV), a unique hepatotropic human picornavirus, disrupts RIG-I/MDA5 signaling by targeting MAVS for cleavage by 3ABC, a precursor of the sole HAV protease, 3Cpro, that is derived by auto-processing of the P3 (3ABCD) segment of the viral polyprotein. Here, we show that HAV also disrupts TLR3 signaling, inhibiting poly(I:C)-stimulated dimerization of IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3), IRF-3 translocation to the nucleus, and IFN-β promoter activation, by targeting TRIF for degradation by a distinct 3ABCD processing intermediate, the 3CD protease-polymerase precursor. TRIF is proteolytically cleaved by 3CD, but not by the mature 3Cpro protease or the 3ABC precursor that degrades MAVS. 3CD-mediated degradation of TRIF depends on both the cysteine protease activity of 3Cpro and downstream 3Dpol sequence, but not 3Dpol polymerase activity. Cleavage occurs at two non-canonical 3Cpro recognition sequences in TRIF, and involves a hierarchical process in which primary cleavage at Gln-554 is a prerequisite for scission at Gln-190. The results of mutational studies indicate that 3Dpol sequence modulates the substrate specificity of the upstream 3Cpro protease when fused to it in cis in 3CD, allowing 3CD to target cleavage sites not normally recognized by 3Cpro. HAV thus disrupts both RIG-I/MDA5 and TLR3 signaling pathways through cleavage of essential adaptor proteins by two distinct protease precursors derived from the common 3ABCD polyprotein processing intermediate

    Direct Interaction between Two Viral Proteins, the Nonstructural Protein 2CATPase and the Capsid Protein VP3, Is Required for Enterovirus Morphogenesis

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    In spite of decades-long studies, the mechanism of morphogenesis of plus-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the genus Enterovirus of Picornaviridae, including poliovirus (PV), is not understood. Numerous attempts to identify an RNA encapsidation signal have failed. Genetic studies, however, have implicated a role of the non-structural protein 2CATPase in the formation of poliovirus particles. Here we report a novel mechanism in which protein-protein interaction is sufficient to explain the specificity in PV encapsidation. Making use of a novel “reporter virus”, we show that a quasi-infectious chimera consisting of the capsid precursor of C-cluster coxsackie virus 20 (C-CAV20) and the nonstructural proteins of the closely related PV translated and replicated its genome with wild type kinetics, whereas encapsidation was blocked. On blind passages, encapsidation of the chimera was rescued by a single mutation either in capsid protein VP3 of CAV20 or in 2CATPase of PV. Whereas each of the single-mutation variants expressed severe proliferation phenotypes, engineering both mutations into the chimera yielded a virus encapsidating with wild type kinetics. Biochemical analyses provided strong evidence for a direct interaction between 2CATPase and VP3 of PV and CAV20. Chimeras of other C-CAVs (CAV20/CAV21 or CAV18/CAV20) were blocked in encapsidation (no virus after blind passages) but could be rescued if the capsid and 2CATPase coding regions originated from the same virus. Our novel mechanism explains the specificity of encapsidation without apparent involvement of an RNA signal by considering that (i) genome replication is known to be stringently linked to translation, (ii) morphogenesis is known to be stringently linked to genome replication, (iii) newly synthesized 2CATPase is an essential component of the replication complex, and (iv) 2CATPase has specific affinity to capsid protein(s). These conditions lead to morphogenesis at the site where newly synthesized genomes emerge from the replication complex

    Expanding the stdpopsim species catalog, and lessons learned for realistic genome simulations

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    Simulation is a key tool in population genetics for both methods development and empirical research, but producing simulations that recapitulate the main features of genomic datasets remains a major obstacle. Today, more realistic simulations are possible thanks to large increases in the quantity and quality of available genetic data, and the sophistication of inference and simulation software. However, implementing these simulations still requires substantial time and specialized knowledge. These challenges are especially pronounced for simulating genomes for species that are not well-studied, since it is not always clear what information is required to produce simulations with a level of realism sufficient to confidently answer a given question. The community-developed framework stdpopsim seeks to lower this barrier by facilitating the simulation of complex population genetic models using up-to-date information. The initial version of stdpopsim focused on establishing this framework using six well-characterized model species (Adrion et al., 2020). Here, we report on major improvements made in the new release of stdpopsim (version 0.2), which includes a significant expansion of the species catalog and substantial additions to simulation capabilities. Features added to improve the realism of the simulated genomes include non-crossover recombination and provision of species-specific genomic annotations. Through community-driven efforts, we expanded the number of species in the catalog more than threefold and broadened coverage across the tree of life. During the process of expanding the catalog, we have identified common sticking points and developed the best practices for setting up genome-scale simulations. We describe the input data required for generating a realistic simulation, suggest good practices for obtaining the relevant information from the literature, and discuss common pitfalls and major considerations. These improvements to stdpopsim aim to further promote the use of realistic whole-genome population genetic simulations, especially in non-model organisms, making them available, transparent, and accessible to everyone