313 research outputs found

    Pure Epidural Cavernous Hemangioma of the Cervical Spine that Presented with an Acute Sensory Deficit Caused by Hemorrhage

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    Pure epidural cavernous hemangioma of the spine without vertebral involvement is rare. Due to the slow growth of this lesion, the most common symptoms are chronic pain, myelopathy, and radiculopathy. In our case, the patient complained of an acute onset sensory deficit of the C4 dermatome. An MRI revealed an epidural mass with an acute hematoma. Here, we report a case of a pure epidural cavernous hemangioma that presented with acute neurologic symptoms caused by intralesional hemorrhage and an acute epidural hematoma, which were demonstrated on the patient's MRI

    Long-term surgical outcomes of idiopathic spinal cord herniation

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    AbstractBackgroundBecause of the lack of long-term postoperative follow-up studies of idiopathic spinal cord herniation (ISCH), there is little information about the long-term effectiveness and complications of the dural defect enlargement in patients with ISCH. The purpose of this study is to determine the long-term effectiveness of this procedure.MethodsSixteen patients with ISCH were treated surgically by enlargement of the dural defect. The patient's neurological status and surgical outcome were evaluated by the JOA scores for thoracic myelopathy and the recovery rate (mean follow-up period 9.6 years). Correlations between the surgical outcomes and patients' age and duration of disease were assessed retrospectively. The patients were also divided into two groups based on the location of the dural defect: the ventro-lateral (VL) group and the ventral (V) group. The difference in the duration of disease, preoperative JOA score, and the recovery rate were compared between the two groups.ResultsThere was no recurrence of ISCH after surgery. The mean recovery rate was 42.6%. There was a significant correlation between the patient's age and the recovery rate, and between the duration of disease and the recovery rate. The median recovery rate was significantly lower in the V group than in the VL group. There were no complications related to CSF leakage after surgery.ConclusionsLong-term surgical outcomes of enlargement of the dural defect for ISCH were stable and favorable without recurrences or any complications. This procedure should be considered for patients with ISCH before their neurological deficit worsens, especially for the patients in whom the dural defect is located at the ventral part of the dural canal

    Primary subcutaneous cyst hydatic disease in proximal thigh: an unusual localisation: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal hydatidosis is very rare and represents 1% – 5.4% of all cases of echinococcosis. On clinical basis, infection mimics a soft-tissue tumor, and the preoperative radiological diagnosis is very important to avoid biopsy. CASE PRESENTATION: We report an unusual case of primary subcutaneous hydatidosis in proximity to vastus lateralis muscle. It was diagnosed according to the computed tomography appearance, clinical and pathological findings. A 43 year old female patient was admitted with a history of pain at proximal thigh for the last 30 days. On physical examination, a mass which was 4 × 5 cm in diameter, painful and erythamatous, was palpated over greater trochanter. Sedimentation rate was 40 mm in the first hour. CT (Computed Tomography) scan demonstrated, a soft tissue mass with central cystic component in the subcutaneous tissue near vastus lateralis muscle. Histopathological examination of the specimen revealed a pericystic structure, which consisted of connective tissue and scattered hyaline cells showing a necrotic basophilic structure that resembled a cuticular membrane. Treatment with high dose albendazole was conducted for 4 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates that echinococcal disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of every cystic mass in every anatomic location, especially when they occur in areas where the disease is endemic

    Exposure to hypoxia rapidly induces mitochondrial channel activity within a living synapse

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    Author Posting. © American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Biological Chemistry 280 (2005): 4491-4497, doi:10.1074/jbc.M410661200.One of the earliest effects of hypoxia on neuronal function is to produce a run-down of synaptic transmission, and more prolonged hypoxia results in neuronal death. An increase in the permeability of the outer mitochondrial membrane, controlled by BCL-2 family proteins, occurs in response to stimuli that trigger cell death. By patch clamping mitochondrial membranes inside the presynaptic terminal of a squid giant synapse, we have now found that several minutes of hypoxia trigger the opening of large multiconductance channels. The channel activity is induced concurrently with the attenuation of synaptic responses that occurs under hypoxic conditions. Hypoxia-induced channels are inhibited by NADH, an agent that inhibits large conductance channels produced by a pro-apoptotic fragment of BCL-xL in these synaptic mitochondria. The appearance of hypoxia-induced channels was also prevented by the caspase/cysteine protease inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-VAD-fluoromethyl ketone (Z-VAD-fmk), which inhibits proteolysis of BCL-xL during hypoxia. Both NADH and Z-VAD-fmk reduced significantly the rate of decline of synaptic responses during hypoxia. Our results indicate that an increase in outer mitochondrial channel activity is a very early event in the response of neurons to hypoxia and suggest that this increase in activity may contribute to the decline in synaptic function during hypoxia.This work was supported by Grants NS18496 (to L.K.K.), NS37402 (to J.M.H.), and NS45876 (to E.A.J.) from the National Institutes of Health and by an American Heart Association Established Investigator Award (to E.A.J.)

    Pineal Cavernous Malformations: Report of Two Cases

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    Pineal hemorrhage only occurs in rare cases, and this known to have several different causes such as germ cell tumors, pineal cysts and vascular malformations, including the cavernous malformations. Pineal cavernous malformations are extremely rare: to date only fifteen cases have been reported worldwide. Although the diagnosis of pineal cavernous malformation is not easy because of the extreme rareness of this condition, the presence of this lesion can be suspected based on its typical radiological findings. Case 1. A 42-year- old man presented with a limitation in his upward gazing. Radiologic examinations showed acute hemorrhage in the pineal region. He underwent ventriculo-peritoneal (VP) shunting but the patient's condition deteriorated after the shunting surgery. We operated and totally removed the tumor and the hemorrhages via an occipital-transtentorial approach. Case 2. A 37-year-old man presented with diplopia. Radiologic examinations showed acute hemorrhage in the third ventricle. He underwent VP shunting, and after this procedure the diplopia was aggravated. We operated and totally removed the tumor and the hemorrhages via an occipital-transtentorial approach. If there is no doubt about the pineal cavernous malformation on MR imaging, we strongly recommend early surgical intervention without performing a risky biopsy. In this study, we describe our experiences for the diagnosis of cavernous malformations in the pineal region with special emphasis on the radiological aspects and the clinical course of this disease

    A lifetime’s adventure in extracellular K+ regulation: the Scottish connection

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    In a career that has spanned 45 years and shows no signs of slowing down, Dr Bruce Ransom has devoted considerable time and energy to studying regulation of interstitial K+. When Bruce commenced his studies in 1969 virtually nothing was known of the functions of glial cells, but Bruce’s research contributed to the physiological assignation of function to mammalian astrocytes, namely interstitial K+ buffering. The experiments that I describe in this review concern the response of the membrane potential (Em) of in vivo cat cortical astrocytes to changes in [K+]o, an experimental manoeuvre that was achieved in two different ways. The first involved recording the Em of an astrocyte while the initial aCSF was switched to one with different K+, whereas in the second series of experiments the cortex was stimulated and the response of the astrocyte Em to the K+ released from neighbouring neurons was recorded. The astrocytes responded in a qualitatively predictable manner, but quantitatively the changes were not as predicted by the Nernst equation. Elevations in interstitial K+ are not sustained and K+ returns to baseline rapidly due to the buffering capacity of astrocytes, a phenomenon studied by Bruce, and his son Chris, published 27 years after Bruce’s initial publications. Thus, a lifetime spent investigating K+ buffering has seen enormous advances in glial research, from the time cells were identified as ‘presumed’ glial cells or ‘silent cells’, to the present day, where glial cells are recognised as contributing to every important physiological brain function

    Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase Kinase Is Not Involved in Hypothalamic AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Activation by Neuroglucopenia

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    Hypoglycemia and neuroglucopenia stimulate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity in the hypothalamus and this plays an important role in the counterregulatory responses, i.e. increased food intake and secretion of glucagon, corticosterone and catecholamines. Several upstream kinases that activate AMPK have been identified including Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK), which is highly expressed in neurons. However, the involvement of CaMKK in neuroglucopenia-induced activation of AMPK in the hypothalamus has not been tested. To determine whether neuroglucopenia-induced AMPK activation is mediated by CaMKK, we tested whether STO-609 (STO), a CaMKK inhibitor, would block the effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG)-induced neuroglucopenia both ex vivo on brain sections and in vivo. Preincubation of rat brain sections with STO blocked KCl-induced α1 and α2-AMPK activation but did not affect AMPK activation by 2DG in the medio-basal hypothalamus. To confirm these findings in vivo, STO was pre-administrated intracerebroventricularly (ICV) in rats 30 min before 2DG ICV injection (40 µmol) to induce neuroglucopenia. 2DG-induced neuroglucopenia lead to a significant increase in glycemia and food intake compared to saline-injected control rats. ICV pre-administration of STO (5, 20 or 50 nmol) did not affect 2DG-induced hyperglycemia and food intake. Importantly, activation of hypothalamic α1 and α2-AMPK by 2DG was not affected by ICV pre-administration of STO. In conclusion, activation of hypothalamic AMPK by 2DG-induced neuroglucopenia is not mediated by CaMKK

    Primary Extracranial Meningiomas: An Analysis of 146 Cases

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    Primary extracranial meningiomas are rare neoplasms, frequently misdiagnosed, resulting in inappropriate clinical management. To date, a large clinicopathologic study has not been reported. One hundred and forty-six cases diagnosed between 1970 and 1999 were retrieved from the files of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Histologic features were reviewed, immunohistochemistry analysis was performed (n = 85), and patient follow-up was obtained (n = 110). The patients included 74 (50.7%) females and 72 (49.3%) males. Tumors of the skin were much more common in males than females (1.7:1). There was an overall mean age at presentation of 42.4 years, with a range of 0.3–88 years. The overall mean age at presentation was significantly younger for skin primaries (36.2 years) than for ear (50.1 years) and nasal cavity (47.1 years) primaries. Symptoms were in general non-specific and reflected the anatomic site of involvement, affecting the following areas in order of frequency: scalp skin (40.4%), ear and temporal bone (26%), and sinonasal tract (24%). The tumors ranged in size from 0.5 up to 8 cm, with a mean size of 2.3 cm. Histologically, the majority of tumors were meningothelial (77.4%), followed by atypical (7.5%), psammomatous (4.1%) and anaplastic (2.7%). Psammoma bodies were present in 45 tumors (30.8%), and bone invasion in 31 (21.2%) of tumors. The vast majority were WHO Grade I tumors (87.7%), followed by Grade II (9.6%) and Grade III (2.7%) tumors. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells labeled for EMA (76%; 61/80), S-100 protein (19%; 15/78), CK 7 (22%; 12/55), and while there was ki-67 labeling in 27% (21/78), <3% of cells were positive. The differential diagnosis included a number of mesenchymal and epithelial tumors (paraganglioma, schwannoma, carcinoma, melanoma, neuroendocrine adenoma of the middle ear), depending on the anatomic site of involvement. Treatment and follow-up was available in 110 patients: Biopsy, local excision, or wide excision was employed. Follow-up time ranged from 1 month to 32 years, with an average of 14.5 years. Recurrences were noted in 26 (23.6%) patients, who were further managed by additional surgery. At last follow-up, recurrent disease was persistent in 15 patients (mean, 7.7 years): 13 patients were dead (died with disease) and two were alive; the remaining patients were disease free (alive 60, mean 19.0 years, dead 35, mean 9.6 years). There is no statistically significant difference in 5-year survival rates by site: ear and temporal bone: 83.3%; nasal cavity: 81.8%; scalp skin: 78.5%; other sites: 65.5% (P = 0.155). Meningiomas can present in a wide variety of sites, especially within the head and neck region. They behave as slow-growing neoplasms with a good prognosis, with longest survival associated with younger age, and complete resection. Awareness of this diagnosis in an unexpected location will help to avoid potential difficulties associated with the diagnosis and management of these tumors