53 research outputs found

    Quantum canonical transformations in Weyl-Wigner-Groenewold-Moyal formalism

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    A conjecture in quantum mechanics states that any quantum canonical transformation can decompose into a sequence of three basic canonical transformations; gauge, point and interchange of coordinates and momenta. It is shown that if one attempts to construct the three basic transformations in star-product form, while gauge and point transformations are immediate in star-exponential form, interchange has no correspondent, but it is possible in an ordinary exponential form. As an alternative approach, it is shown that all three basic transformations can be constructed in the ordinary exponential form and that in some cases this approach provides more useful tools than the star-exponential form in finding the generating function for given canonical transformation or vice versa. It is also shown that transforms of c-number phase space functions under linear-nonlinear canonical transformations and intertwining method can be treated within this argument.Comment: 15 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Canonical transformations in three-dimensional phase space

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    Canonical transformation in a three-dimensional phase space endowed with Nambu bracket is discussed in a general framework. Definition of the canonical transformations is constructed as based on canonoid transformations. It is shown that generating functions, transformed Hamilton functions and the transformation itself for given generating functions can be determined by solving Pfaffian differential equations corresponding to that quantities. Types of the generating functions are introduced and all of them is listed. Infinitesimal canonical transformations are also discussed. Finally, we show that decomposition of canonical transformations is also possible in three-dimensional phase space as in the usual two-dimensional one.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, no figures. Accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Comprehensiveness of online sources for patient education on otosclerosis

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    PurposeThis study aimed to assess the readability indices of websites including educational materials on otosclerosis.MethodsWe performed a Google search on 19 April 2023 using the term “otosclerosis.” The first 50 hits were collected and analyzed. The websites were categorized into two groups: websites for health professionals and general websites for patients. Readability indices were calculated using the website https://www.webfx.com/tools/read-able/.ResultsA total of 33 websites were eligible and analyzed (20 health professional-oriented and 13 patient-oriented websites). When patient-oriented websites and health professional-oriented websites were individually analyzed, mean Flesch Reading Ease scores were found to be 52.16 ± 14.34 and 46.62 ± 10.07, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups upon statistical analysis.ConclusionCurrent patient educational material available online related to otosclerosis is written beyond the recommended sixth-grade reading level. The quality of good websites is worthless to the patients if they cannot comprehend the text

    Catalytic pyrolysis of plastic waste: Moving towards pyrolysis based biorefineries

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    Pyrolysis based biorefineries have great potential to convert wastes such as plastic and biomass waste into energy and other valuable products to achieve maximum economic and environmental benefits. In this study, the catalytic pyrolysis of different types of plastics waste (PS, PE, PP, and PET) as single or mixed in different ratios in the presence of modified natural zeolite (NZ) catalysts in a small pilot scale pyrolysis reactor was carried out. The NZ was modified by thermal activation (TA-NZ) at 550°C and acid activation (AA-NZ) with HNO3 to enhance its catalytic properties. The catalytic pyrolysis of PS produced the highest liquid oil (70 and 60%) than PP (40 and 54%) and PE (40 and 42%) using TA-NZ and AA-NZ catalysts respectively. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of oil showed a mixture of aromatics, aliphatic and other hydrocarbon compounds. The TA-NZ and AA-NZ catalysts showed a different effect on the wt.% of catalytic pyrolysis products and liquid oil chemical composition, with AA-NZ showing higher catalytic activity than TA-NZ. FT-IR results showed clear peaks of aromatic compounds in all liquid oil samples with some peaks of alkanes that further confirmed the GC-MS results. The liquid oil has higher heating values (HHV) range of 41.7-44.2 MJ/kg, close to conventional diesel. Therefore, it has the potential to be used as an alternative source of energy and as transportation fuel after refining/ blending with conventional fuels

    Percutaneous biopsy, aspiration, drainage and injection's under US and CT guidance

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    Ultrasonografi ve bilgisayarlı tomografi rehberliğinde perkütan girişimlerin etkinliğini anlamaktır. Bu çalışmada US veya BT rehberliğinde 54 hastaya perkütan girişim yapıldı. Kitle veya parankimden perkütan iğne biyopsisi yapılan 27 vakada, %.88.8 oranında doğru tanıya ulaşılmıştır. 3 olguda (%11.2) biyopsi işlemi başarısız oldu. Hastaların %11.2'inda ağrı.kanama veya hematom gibi komplikasyonlar gelişti. US veya BT rehberliğinde 32 kistik lezyon kateterize edilip aspire veya direne edildi. 25 hastada (%96.8) aspirasyon veya direnaj işlemi başarı ile gerçekleştirildi. 1 olguda aspirasyon işlemi başarılı olmamıştır. Aspirasyon veya direnaj işleminden sonra herhangi bir majör komplikasyon gözlenmedi. Bir hastada bilgisayarlı tomografi rehberliğinde çölyak gangliyon blokajı gerçekleştirildi. Çölyak pleksus blokajı başarılı oldu. Ultrasonografi veya bilgisayarlı tomografi rehberliğinde perkütan iğne biyopsisi, perkütan aspirasyon veya direnaj işlemi ile pek çok lezyonda cerrahi girişime gerek kalmadan tanı konulması veya tedavi edilmesi mümkün olmaktadır. Ultrasonografi ve bilgisayarlı tomografi rehberliğindeki perkütan girişimsel işlemler geniş kabul görmüştür çünkü ; basit, emniyetli ve doğruluk oranı yüksektir.Percutaneous Biopsy,Aspiration, Drainage and Injection's Under US and CT Guidance Purpose; to determine the efficacy of percutaneous intervention's under US and CT guidance. In this study, ultrasonography or computed tomography guided percutaneous intervention was performed in 54 patients. Percutaneous needle biopsies of 27 cases with masses or parencyhim yielded on overall accuracy rate of %88.8. In three casses (%11.2) the biopsy procedure was insufficient. Complication such as pain, hemorrhage or hematom was observed in %1 1.2 of patients. US or CT was utilised to guide percutaneous catheter aspiration or drainage of 32 cystic lesions..Aspiration or drainage was succesfull in 25 patients ( %96.8). in one case (%3.2) the aspiration procedure was unsuccessful. No major complication was observed after aspiration or drainage. In one patient performed celiac ganglion blocage with alcohol under CT guidance. The celiac plexus blocage was succesful. Percutaneous needle biopsy, percutan aspiration or drainage procedure.under US or CT guidance, of lesions is a well-established procedure for diagnosing or treatment different lesions without surgery. Percutaneous interventions procedures guided by US and CT has gained wide aceptance because of simplicity.safety and accuracy

    Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in wetted-wall columns.

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    Experiments were carried out on a wetted-wall column and data for simultaneous heat and mass transfer (air-water system) was analysed according to existing theories. Provision of a gas sampling probe made it possible to follow the condition of the gas as it travelled in the column. It was thus possible to calculate the heat and mass transfer coefficients at different sections within the wetted-wall column. Entrance effects were found to be considerable, resulting in a significant variation of the transfer coefficients along the column. However, the overall coefficients (based on the measurement of the conditions at inlet and exit of the column only) agree very closely with those values averaged for the whole column. As saturation is approached, the magnitude of the transfer coefficients fall and the condition curve becomes asymptotic to the saturation curve. Application of the boundary layer theory for the prediction of heat and mass transfer rates, was able to explain qualitatively the process of heat and mass transfer along the column. The predicted rates from the boundary layer theory are some 30% lower than the experimental values which suggests the existence of eddies in the gas film, resulting in higher rates of heat and mass transfer than theory predicts

    The effect of 0.25% apraclonidine in preventing intraocular pressure elevation after Nd : YAG laser posterior capsulotomy

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    Purpose. The efficacy and adverse effects of 0.25% apraclonidine on intraocular pressure (IOP) after Nd: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy were investigated, and the results were compared with placebo, 0.50% timolol maleate and 1% apraclonidine. Methods. Eighty eyes were randomly assigned to four groups of 20 eyes. In a double-masked design, the groups were treated with placebo (group I), 0.50% timolol maleate (group 2), 1% apraclonidine (group 3), 0.25% apraclonidine (group 4) one hour before and five minutes after Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. IOP was measured by applanation tonometry I hour before (baseline IOP) and 1, 3, 24 hours after capsulotomy. Results. The average baseline IOP increased respectively 3.90 +/- 5.35, 5.95 +/- 5.32, 1.15 +/- 3.20 mmHg in the first group 1, 3 and 24 hours post-treatment. There were significant differences between baseline IOP and 1 and 3 hours but not at 24 hours (p=0.004, p=0.001, p=0.13). IOP increased 0.40 +/- 4.08, 0.75 +/- 5.33, 0.80 +/- 6.03 mmHg in the second group at the same times. The differences between the average baseline IOP and the 1, 3 and 24 h measurement were not significant (p=0.83, p=0.65, p=0.93). In the third group, IOP decreased 3.70 +/- 2.40, 3.30 +/- 2.47, 2.65 +/- 1.56 mmHg at the measurement times, with significant differences between the average baseline IOP and the 1, 3 and 24 hour measurements (p=0.001, p=0.0001, p=0.01). In the fourth group IOP increased 0.35 +/- 3.32 mmHg at 1 hour, but decreased 1.25 +/- 3.41, 0.90 +/- 2. 07 mmHg at 3 and 24 hours. The differences were not significant (p = 0.94, p = 0.16, p = 0.08). When the 0.25% and 1% apraclonidine groups were compared, there were significant differences between the average IOP at 1 hour in both groups but not at 3 and 24 hours (p=0.01, p = 0.17, p = 0.21). Similarly, there were no significant differences between the average IOP at the same times when the 0.25% apraclonidine group was compared with the timolol group (p = 0.30, p = 0.08, p = 0.16). Some systemic and local side effects were seen in the timolol and 1% apraclonidine groups, but none with 0.25% apraclonidine. Conclusions. It was concluded that 0.25% apraclonidine is effective in preventing the early elevation of IOP after Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy and may offer an alternative to 0.50% timolol maleate and 1% apraclonidine

    Protective Effects of Carvacrol, Essential Composition of Thyme Plant, on Cyclophosphamide-induced Reproductive System Damage on Rats

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    Cyclophosphamide (CP) is an alkylating drug widely used clinically for the treatment of cancer and non - malignant diseases. However, the use of CP causes cytotoxicity in one or more tissues. In this study, it was aimed to determine possible protective effects of carvacrol (Car) which is the main component of thyme plant with antioxidant properties on CP (50 and 100 mg kg-1) testis toxicity. In the study, 35 male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 5 groups as 7 animals in each group. According to histological and biochemical findings, Car was found to provide meaningful protection in the prevention of testicular damage caused by CP. According to the results of the research, carvacrol is a highly effective antioxidant and cell protector. For this reason, Car may be an effective candidate for reducing side effects of anticancer drugs in chemotherapy protocols

    Evaluation of SCUBE-1 levels as a placental dysfunction marker at gestational diabetes mellitus

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    WOS: 000531711900008PubMed: 31668102Objective: To evaluate the alteration of plasma levels of signal peptide-CUB-EGF domain-containing protein (SCUBE)-1 as a marker of endothelial dysfunction and vascular injury in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in comparison to healthy pregnant controls. Methods: A prospective study conducted at an antenatal outpatient clinic of a University hospital. Fifty pregnancies with GDM and thirty healthy pregnancies as controls were enrolled in the study. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of age, gravidity, weight and BMI from pre-pregnancy until delivery, total weight gain, fetal weight and other hematological and biochemical parameters. SCUBE-1 levels were significantly higher in GDM patients (p = .007). Conclusions: Hyperglycemia predisposes to endothelial injury and vascular remodeling at GDM, and therefore, SCUBE-1 could be a predictor of vascular injury during pregnancy. Our study is the first to illustrate increased SCUBE-1 levels in GDM as a marker of placental endothelial dysfunction