16 research outputs found

    First ground penetrating radar survey on Monte Perdido glacier (Pyrenees)

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    Producción CientíficaThe project “The Monte Perdido Glacier: Monitoring the glacial dynamic and the associated cryospheric processes as indicators of global change” (National Park´s 2013 Fund) aims to study the recent dynamic and degradation of this ice mass, using geomatic and geophysical techniques in order to estimate thickness and potential volumetric variations. We present the first ground penetrating radar survey, carried out on the northwest section of the lower Monte Perdido Glacier. The survey was conducted along a 270 m transect, using three antennas of different frequencies -500, 200 and 50 MHz- that enabled us to study the glacier´s structure at various maximum depths and spatial resolutions. The results show a first section composed by several seasonal snow layers (2015-2016 winter and spring), a clear snow/ice transition layer, an ice layer and a final basal zone characterised by typical sub-glacial till sediments.Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (project 844/2013)Junta de Extremadura - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant GR15107

    Simulador cardiovascular para ensayo de robots de navegación autónoma

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    [Resumen] Este artículo presenta un modelo de simulación del sistema cardiovascular en el entorno de Matlab/Simulink, más concretamente de la zona de mayor riesgo cardiovascular, la arteria carótida. Está basado en un modelo eléctrico del sistema que describe la dinámica de contracción del corazón, así como su carácter cíclico y autónomo. Como primer paso, este modelo se generaliza para contemplar también la dinámica de la arteria carótida izquierda. A partir de él, y haciendo una serie de equivalencias entre dominios, se obtiene un modelo hidráulico que emula el comportamiento del sistema cardiovascular en esa zona y que, a diferencia del anterior, no presenta carácter autónomo. Para el diseño del control, se hace uso de la estrategia de linealización por realimentaón. Se incluyen simulaciones, tanto del modelo eléctrico completo como del hidráulico propuesto, para demostrar el correcto funcionamiento del simulador desarrollado. El objetivo final de este trabajo es la construcción de una plataforma de ensayo para robots nadadores tipo flagelo eucariótico y bacteriano de pequeñas dimensiones a partir del modelo hidráulico desarrollado que permita emular las condiciones en las que se encontrarían estos robots navegando por el sistema circulatorio humano.Junta de Extremadura; GR15178Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DPI2016-80547-

    Adelante / Endavant

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    Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume

    Análisis de la extracción y transformación de granitos como actividad NORM. Diseño de protocolo

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    Los granitos, de forma general, poseen elevados contenidos de radionucleidos de origen natural, pudiéndose clasificar su industria extractora y transformadora dentro del ámbito de actividades NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials). La importancia industrial del sector de las rocas ornamentales en Extremadura, especialmente el granito, provoca que se pueda considerar como un sector estratégico para la economía de la región extremeña. Por ambos motivos, es altamente interesante analizar el grado de exposición de los trabajadores a los mismos durante los trabajos rutinarios de extracción y transformación de los granitos, así como el impacto radiactivo que dichas actividades puedan generar sobre su entorno. Este estudio debe enmarcarse en el impulso que ha recibido durante los últimos años, el desarrollo de normativa y reglamentación en términos de protección radiológica para actividades relacionadas con la componente natural de la radiactividad. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la elaboración de un protocolo de protección radiológica de los mismos, basándose en el análisis de las distintas vías de exposición de los trabajadores (irradiación externa, inhalación de aerosoles y exposición a radón), y en los residuos generados durante los procesos rutinarios, utilizando como industria piloto todas las actividades desarrolladas en una empresa calificable como tipo, existente en Extremadura.The granites, in general, have high contents of natural radionuclides, and their mining and processing industries can be classified like NORM activities (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials). Thanks to the industrial importance of the Ornamental Stone Sector in Extremadura, especially granite sector, this industry can be considered as a strategic sector for the Extremadura Region's economy. For these reasons, it is so interesting to analyze the exposure of workers to same routine works, during the extraction and processing of granite, and the radioactive impact that such activities may generate on the environment. This study should be part of the impetus received, last few years, the development of rules and regulations in terms of radiation protection for activities related to the natural component of radioactivity. The main objective of this thesis is the development of a radiation protection protocol, based on analysis of the various routes of worker exposure (external irradiation, inhalation of aerosols and radon exposure) and the waste generated during the routine processes, using like pilot industry all the activities carried out in representative company from Extremadura

    Análisis de la extracción y transformación de granitos como actividad NORM. Diseño de protocolo

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    Los granitos, de forma general, poseen elevados contenidos de radionucleidos de origen natural, pudiéndose clasificar su industria extractora y transformadora dentro del ámbito de actividades NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials). La importancia industrial del sector de las rocas ornamentales en Extremadura, especialmente el granito, provoca que se pueda considerar como un sector estratégico para la economía de la región extremeña. Por ambos motivos, es altamente interesante analizar el grado de exposición de los trabajadores a los mismos durante los trabajos rutinarios de extracción y transformación de los granitos, así como el impacto radiactivo que dichas actividades puedan generar sobre su entorno. Este estudio debe enmarcarse en el impulso que ha recibido durante los últimos años, el desarrollo de normativa y reglamentación en términos de protección radiológica para actividades relacionadas con la componente natural de la radiactividad. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la elaboración de un protocolo de protección radiológica de los mismos, basándose en el análisis de las distintas vías de exposición de los trabajadores (irradiación externa, inhalación de aerosoles y exposición a radón), y en los residuos generados durante los procesos rutinarios, utilizando como industria piloto todas las actividades desarrolladas en una empresa calificable como tipo, existente en Extremadura.The granites, in general, have high contents of natural radionuclides, and their mining and processing industries can be classified like NORM activities (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials). Thanks to the industrial importance of the Ornamental Stone Sector in Extremadura, especially granite sector, this industry can be considered as a strategic sector for the Extremadura Region's economy. For these reasons, it is so interesting to analyze the exposure of workers to same routine works, during the extraction and processing of granite, and the radioactive impact that such activities may generate on the environment. This study should be part of the impetus received, last few years, the development of rules and regulations in terms of radiation protection for activities related to the natural component of radioactivity. The main objective of this thesis is the development of a radiation protection protocol, based on analysis of the various routes of worker exposure (external irradiation, inhalation of aerosols and radon exposure) and the waste generated during the routine processes, using like pilot industry all the activities carried out in representative company from Extremadura

    Azul Platino: a bluish granite from Extremadura (Spain) to be considered in the context of architectural heritage

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    Granite quarrying is one of the main industries operating in Spain, and was severely affected by the economic crisis that began in 2008. Although the industry is slowly recovering from this event, new construction activity has not fully recovered. For a company to be competitive in the stone market, it must consider the overall characteristics of the materials it provides and their importance with regard to architectural heritage, with the aim of using original types of stone in restorations. In the area of Trujillo (Extremadura, Spain) a variety of striking bluish and secondary yellow granites outcropping within the Plasenzuela pluton have been analysed. These two varieties are quarried under different names and petrographically characterized by leucocratic minerals with a bluish phosphate dispersed throughout the rock. Their physical and mechanical properties make these granites a perfect option for most applications as ornamental rocks. The bluest variety, Azul Platino, has been used in local, national and international projects and fulfils the necessary requirements that would allow it to be considered a Global Heritage Stone Resource (GHSR).GIR CHARROC

    Resonance-based acoustic technique applied to the determination of Young’s modulus in granites

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    Ponencia presentada en el XIX Congreso Internacional de Acústica (ICA2007), Madrid, 2-7 Sep 2007.-- PACS: 43.35.Cg.The natural stone industry plays an important role in construction sector activity, and due to this fact the accurate knowledge of the physico-mechanical properties of this kind of materials is indispensable for the configuration of their quality standards. In this work we have optimized an acoustic technique, based on the measurement of the fundamental mode resonance frequency of the longitudinal wave, to determine Young's modulus in different granite variety specimens. The equipment employed was an Erudite MK3 test system (CNS Farnell) working in the range 1 to 100 kHz. The resonance frequencies obtained ranged from 4 to 10 kHz, depending on the granite variety. Based on these resonance frequencies, we obtained values of the longitudinal wave velocities ranging from 2500 to 6000 m/s and of the dynamic Young's modulus from 20 to 100 GPa. We also compared the dynamic modulus results with the static Young's modulus obtained by destructive techniques, and analysed its relationship with other significant mechanical properties.This work was partially supported by the Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología of the Junta de Extremadura (Spain), R&D Project PR03B021, and the R&D Spanish National Plan – Project DPI2005-00124.Peer reviewe

    Arqueología de la Alta Edad Media en el Cantábrico Oriental

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    ESPAÑOL: En este texto se realiza una síntesis sobre la Arqueología de la Alta Edad Media en el Cantábrico Oriental (Cantabria, Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa, Navarra, Norte de Burgos, Álava y La Rioja). El texto se articula en dos partes principales. En la primera se realiza una valoración global y una síntesis sobre los resultados más recientes de las intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas en los últimos decenios. A continuación se incluyen tres capítulos temáticos dedicados a varios territorios analizados de forma exhaustiva. / EUSKARA; Testu honetan, Kantauri Ekialdeko (Kantabria, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Nafarroa, Burgos iparraldea, Araba eta Errioxa) Goi Erdi Aroko arkeologiaren laburpena egin da. Bi zati nagusi ditu testuak. Lehen zatian, azken hamarkadetako jarduera arkeologikoen emaitzen balorazio orokorra eta laburpena egiten da. Ondoren, zehatzmehatz aztertutako hainbat lurralderen inguruko hiru atal tematiko daude. / FRANÇAIS: Ce texte recueille une synthèse sur l’Archéologie du Haut Moyen-Âge en Cantabrie orientale (Cantabrie, Biscaye, Guipúzcoa, Navarre, Nord de la province de Burgos, Alava et La Rioja). Le texte s’articule autour de deux parties principales. Dans la première, sont réalisées une évaluation globale et une synthèse des résultats les plus récents des interventions archéologiques réalisées au cours des dernières décennies. Sont inclus, ensuite, trois chapitres thématiques dédiés à plusieurs territoires analysés de manière exhaustive. / ENGLISH: This text provides a summary on Archaeology in the Early Middle Ages in North-Eastern Spain (Cantabria, Biscay, Guipuzcoa, Navarre, North of Burgos, Alava and La Rioja). The text is divided into two main parts. The first presents an overall assessment and a summary of the most recent results concerning archaeological actions undertaken in recent decades. Then, there are three thematic chapters dedicated to several territories where in-depth studies have been performed

    Applying GPR and Laser Scanner Techniques to Monitor the Ossoue Glacier (Pyrenees)

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    The Ossoue glacier in the Vignemale massif (3,298 m) is currently the longest and second largest of the Pyrenees (1,400-m length, 50-ha area), and the only one presenting glacier tongue morphology. We describe 50 MHz ground penetrating radar (GPR) and laser scanner surveys from which we assess the current state and dynamics of the glacier. In 2011, nearly 1,900 m of GPR profiles over the upper half of Ossoue glacier yielded up to 45 m of depth, an average value of 30 m thickness of the subglacial layer, and internal structure and layering. We compare the results with those from a study in 2006 of the same glacier, showing similar bedrock morphology with slightly less overall ice thickness than in 2011. Laser scanner surveys at the snout showed thinning rates of 3.32 m between 2010 and 2011, 4.15 m between 2011 and 2012, and an average loss of 7.47 m between 2010 and 2012. Present-day changes in Ossoue glacier are characterized by extensive thinning caused by melting and collapse of the ice mass. If these thinning rates are maintained, Ossoue glacier will vanish within 35 yr.This research has been partially funded by project CGL- 2010-19729, Spanish Governmen

    Chitosan as a carbonation catalyst in lime mortars

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    The investigation evaluates the influence of unmodified chitosan on the carbonation behavior of aerial lime mortars, determining the main properties in hardened state. The work was developed experimentally, starting from lime pastes elaborated according to European Standards. Initially, different contents of chitosan were dissolved in the mixing water, keeping constant the quantity of aerial lime and water, according to the consistency standardized by the type of lime. The samples cured for 4 days in an oven at 30 °C, were subjected to a carbonation process. The carbonation conditions established for the lime samples, with and without chitosan, were in all cases the same. It was observed that the chitosan content positively influences the kinetic reactions of lime with CO2, modifying its mineralogical, macro and microstructural properties and improving its mechanical behavior