19 research outputs found

    Current slip rates on conjugate strike-slip faults in central Tibet using synthetic aperture radar interferometry

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2006 American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.We estimate the current slip rates on active conjugate strike-slip faults in central Tibet using repeat-pass synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR). The conjugate fault systems are centered along the east trending Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Bangong-Nujiang suture zone and are composed of NE striking left-slip faults to the north and NW striking right-slip faults to the south. The surface displacement field obtained from InSAR data show 30- to 60-km-wide zones of concentrated shear that coincide with active fault traces observed in the field. The radar data indicate that, within a 200- to 300-km-wide belt, the deformation regime defined by the conjugate strike-slip faults is accommodating ∌5 mm yr−1 of pure shear contraction oriented in the N10°E direction and ∌6 mm yr−1 of right-lateral simple shear in the N110°E direction. The observation of localized strain along faults indicates that faulting is the dominant mode of deformation in central Tibet with seismogenic depths extending down to ∌25 km. Furthermore, extrapolating the current slip rates estimated for the central Tibet faults, the total magnitude of fault slip based on geological observations would only require the faults to have initiated sometime in the past 2–3 Myr. This appears to contradict the few geochronologic constraints on fault initiation at 8 Ma or even earlier. This discrepancy suggests that the fault slip rates may not have remained constant through time but have accelerated in the recent period. With the exception of the slip rate on the Gyaring Co fault, the slip rates that we determined on the conjugate strike-slip faults in central Tibet are significantly slower than the rates on faults that bound the Tibetan Plateau, such as the left-slip Altyn Tagh fault to the north. This observation suggests that although deformation is active within central Tibet, plateau-bounding structures are dominant in absorbing Indo-Asian convergence

    Segmented strain accumulation in the High Himalaya expressed in river channel steepness

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    We investigate segmentation of High Himalayan strain by cross-orogen structures separating western and eastern obliquely convergent sectors from a central orthogonally convergent sector, and evaluate the relationship between the size of regions accumulating strain, their proximity to the toe of the thrust wedge, and recurrence of Mw >7 earthquakes. We present a map of river channel steepness (ksn)—a proxy for rock-uplift rate over 105 yr, for the Himalayan arc—and evaluate the strength of its correlation with Main Himalayan thrust (MHT) coupling (–0.6), earthquake density (0.6), topography (0.6), lithotectonic units (0.5), and precipitation (–0.3) along 40 profiles spanning the Himalaya from 78°E to 92°E. We interpret the ksn map to be foremost a function of recent strain accumulation. This reveals prominent offsets of hinterland strain accumulation collocated with cross-orogen strike-slip and extensional fault systems. Clusters of high-ksn rivers are located near the boundary between the strongly and weakly coupled portions of the MHT, where fault behavior changes from seismogenic to sliding at the rheologic brittle-to-plastic transition (BPT). We propose that the rate at which major MHT earthquakes repeat is related to four parameters: convergence rate (nearly uniform); spatial dimensions of the high-ksn cluster (proxy for volume of material accumulating strain); the high ksn clusters distance from the toe of thrust wedge (fault surface area over which static friction must be overcome); and the degree of obliquity between India-Asia convergence and the local trend of the orogen (proxy for the magnitude of strain partitioning)

    Segmented strain accumulation in the High Himalaya expressed in river channel steepness

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    We investigate segmentation of High Himalayan strain by cross-orogen structures separating western and eastern obliquely convergent sectors from a central orthogonally convergent sector, and evaluate the relationship between the size of regions accumulating strain, their proximity to the toe of the thrust wedge, and recurrence of Mw >7 earthquakes. We present a map of river channel steepness (ksn)—a proxy for rock-uplift rate over 105 yr, for the Himalayan arc—and evaluate the strength of its correlation with Main Himalayan thrust (MHT) coupling (–0.6), earthquake density (0.6), topography (0.6), lithotectonic units (0.5), and precipitation (–0.3) along 40 profiles spanning the Himalaya from 78°E to 92°E. We interpret the ksn map to be foremost a function of recent strain accumulation. This reveals prominent offsets of hinterland strain accumulation collocated with cross-orogen strike-slip and extensional fault systems. Clusters of high-ksn rivers are located near the boundary between the strongly and weakly coupled portions of the MHT, where fault behavior changes from seismogenic to sliding at the rheologic brittle-to-plastic transition (BPT). We propose that the rate at which major MHT earthquakes repeat is related to four parameters: convergence rate (nearly uniform); spatial dimensions of the high-ksn cluster (proxy for volume of material accumulating strain); the high ksn clusters distance from the toe of thrust wedge (fault surface area over which static friction must be overcome); and the degree of obliquity between India-Asia convergence and the local trend of the orogen (proxy for the magnitude of strain partitioning)

    Neotectonics of the Western Nepal Fault System: Implications for Himalayan strain partitioning

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    Oblique convergence at the Himalayan margin is hypothesized to be partitioned by orogen-normal thrusting and orogen-parallel strike-slip faulting. We conducted field mapping and remote sensing in the Dhaulagiri Range of Nepal, and the results reveal an active regional fault system termed the Western Nepal Fault System (WNFS). Right and normally offset Quaternary deposits and brittly deformed bedrock demarcate dextral slip along two strike-slip faults striking N40–50°W linked via an extensional right step over striking N10–20°E. The strike-slip attitudes subparallel bedrock foliation, while the step over cuts at a high angle (~70°). Fault slip data along the strike-slip segments trend N70°W with minor dip component, top to north. Fault slip data and observed kinematics along the WNFS support our interpretation that the WNFS formed via arc-parallel stress. On the basis of geometry, kinematics, and structural position we correlate the WNFS to active faults between the Karakoram and Bari Gad faults. This suggests an ~350 km long dextral fault system extending obliquely across the Western Nepal Himalaya which appears to intersect the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) near 83°30â€ČE, coinciding with a large gradient in the arc-parallel component of GPS velocities. We interpret the WNFS to represent a class of orogen-parallel strike-slip faults working with subduction to accommodate obliquely convergent plate motion. Our observations support the hypothesis that the region lying between the MFT and the WNFS is a continental version of a fore-arc sliver bounded at its base by the Main Himalayan Thrust

    Conjugate strike-slip faulting along the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone accommodates coeval east-west extension and north-south shortening in the interior of the Tibetan Plateau

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2002 American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.Geologic investigations of how the Tibetan plateau is currently deforming have focused primarily on its boundary faults. Consequently, how the interior of the plateau deforms remains poorly understood. To fill this gap in knowledge, we conducted field mapping, analysis of remote sensing and digital topographic data, and reinterpretation of existing geologic maps in central Tibet. This study reveals a 200–300 km wide and 1500–1800 km long east trending zone conjugate strike-slip faults across central Tibet. The central Tibet conjugate fault zone is comprised of northeast striking left-slip faults north of the Bangong-Nujiang suture and northwest striking right-slip faults south of the suture zone. These strike-slip faults are kinematically linked with north trending Tibetan rifts located north and south of the conjugate fault systems. Without exception, all conjugate faults intersect or merge toward one another along the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone. Motion on these faults accommodates coeval east-west extension and north-south contraction. To determine the fault kinematics and the magnitude of fault slip, we investigated three conjugate fault sets in the central Tibet fault zone. These include from east to west, the Dong Co, Bue Co, and Aishi Co conjugate fault systems, which are adjacent to the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone and separated by a distance of 400 and 70 km, respectively. The average magnitude of fault motion on individual strike-slip faults is ∌12 km as determined by offsets of Tertiary thrusts and Paleozoic-Mesozoic lithologic units. The conjugate fault configuration requires ∌12 km of north-south contraction across the 200–300 km fault zone since its initiation. Because the conjugate strike-slip faults are kinematically linked with the north trending Tibetan rifts which initiated between 14 and 8 Ma, our estimated magnitude of north-south contraction implies a contraction rate of ∌1–2 mm/yr across central Tibet. The relatively closely spaced (<150 km) basins may result from a series of conjugate strike-slip fault systems in the interior of Tibet. These structures likely formed by eastward spreading of the Tibetan crust via distributed eastward extrusion of small (<150 km wide) wedge-shaped crustal blocks that leave a space at their trailing end

    Tectonic evolution of the early Mesozoic blueschist-bearing Qiangtang metamorphic belt, central Tibet

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2003 American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.A >500-km-long east-west trending metamorphic belt in the Qiangtang terrane of central Tibet consists of tectonic melange that occurs in the footwalls of Late Triassic–Early Jurassic domal low-angle normal faults. The melange is comprised of a strongly deformed matrix of metasedimentary and mafic schists that encloses lesser-deformed blocks of metabasites, Carboniferous–Triassic metasedimentary rocks, and early Paleozoic gneiss. Both the blocks and melange matrix exhibit greenschist, epidote-blueschist, and locally, epidote-amphibolite facies mineral assemblages. Thermobarometry reveals that the metamorphic belt experienced pressures of >10 kbar. Maximum equilibration temperatures for mafic schists in the melange matrix decrease from east to west, from ∌660°C near Shuang Hu (33°N, 89°E), ∌500°C near Rongma (33°N, 87°E), to ∌425°C near Gangma Co (34°N, 84°E). Equilibration at consistently high pressures over a large range of temperatures is compatible with metamorphism of Qiangtang melange within a low-angle subduction zone beneath a continental margin. Coupled structural, thermobarometric, and 40Ar/39Ar studies suggest that Qiangtang melange was exhumed in an intracontinental setting from depths of >35 km to upper crustal levels in <12 Myr by Late Triassic–Early Jurassic crustal-scale normal faulting. Detrital zircons from metasandstones within the melange matrix yield U-Pb ion-microprobe ages that range from early Paleozoic to Early Archean, and could have been sourced from terranes to the north of the Jinsha suture. Our results support a model in which Qiangtang melange was underthrust ∌200 km beneath the Qiangtang terrane during early Mesozoic flat-slab southward subduction of Paleo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere along the Jinsha suture. This model predicts that significant portions of the central Tibetan continental mantle lithosphere were removed during early Mesozoic low-angle oceanic subduction and that the present-day central Tibetan deeper crust includes large volumes of underthrust early Mesozoic melange

    Evidence for constriction and Pliocene acceleration of east-west extension in the North Lunggar rift region of west central Tibet

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tect.20086/abstract;jsessionid=36D445F6B0A54FA5B74E359605FC0AD1.f04t02The active north trending North Lunggar rift in west central southern Tibet exposes an extensional metamorphic core complex bounded by an east dipping low-angle normal fault. Apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology and thermal modeling of the North Lunggar rift document a minimum timing for rift inception at >10 Ma and rapid footwall exhumation between 5 and 2 Ma. Miocene footwall cooling and exhumation rates were initially slow to moderate at 400°C Ma−1 and 4–10 mm a−1. Footwall isotherms were significantly compressed during rapid exhumation resulting in an elevated transient geothermal gradient between 50 and 90°C km−1. The minimum magnitude of horizontal extension for the North Lunggar rift is 8.1–12.8 km; maximum is 15–20 km, less in the south at ~10 km. Mean Pliocene extension rate is 1.2–2.4 mm a−1 in the ~120° direction. Results for the North Lunggar rift are similar in magnitude, rate, and orientation of slip to the kinematically linked Lamu Co dextral strike-slip fault to the north. This suggests a state of constrictional strain during Pliocene time along this stretch of the Bangong-Nujiang suture from which the Lamu Co fault emanates. The onset of extension in this region may be explained by crustal thickening and gravitational orogenic collapse, followed by accelerated rifting resulting from localized crustal stretching and increased magmatic activity, potentially driven by the position and northward extent of underthrusting Indian lithosphere

    Miocene initiation and acceleration of extension in the South Lunggar rift, western Tibet: Evolution of an active detachment system from structural mapping and (U-Th)/He thermochronology

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tect.20053/abstractOngoing extension in Tibet may have begun in the middle to late Miocene, but there are few robust estimates of the rates, timing, or magnitude of Neogene deformation within the Tibetan plateau. We present a comprehensive study of the seismically active South Lunggar rift in southwestern Tibet incorporating mapping, U-Pb geochronology and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology. The South Lunggar rift is the southern continuation of the North Lunggar rift and comprises a ~50 km N-S central horst bound by two major normal faults, the west-dipping South Lunggar detachment and the east-dipping Palung Co fault. The SLD dips at the rangefront ~20°W and exhumes a well-developed mylonite zone in its footwall displaying fabrics indicative of normal-sense shear. The range is composed of felsic orthogneiss, mafic amphibolite, and leucogranite intrusions dated at ~16 and 63 Ma. Zircon (U-Th)/He cooling ages are Oligocene through late Pliocene, with the youngest ages observed in the footwall of the SLD. We tested ~25,000 unique thermokinematic forward models in Pecube against the structural and (U-Th)/He data to fully bracket the allowable ranges in fault initiations, accelerations, and slip rates. We find that normal faulting in the SLR began in the middle Miocene with horizontal extension rates of ~1 mm a−1, and in the north accelerated at 8 Ma to 2.5–3.0 mm a−1 as faulting commenced on the SLD. Cumulative horizontal extension across the SLR ranges from <10 km in the south to 19–21 km in the north

    Collision Chronology Along the İzmir‐Ankara‐Erzincan Suture Zone: Insights From the Sarıcakaya Basin, Western Anatolia

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2019 American Geophysical Union.Debate persists concerning the timing and geodynamics of intercontinental collision, style of syncollisional deformation, and development of topography and fold‐and‐thrust belts along the >1,700‐km‐long Ä°zmir‐Ankara‐Erzincan suture zone (Ä°AESZ) in Turkey. Resolving this debate is a necessary precursor to evaluating the integrity of convergent margin models and kinematic, topographic, and biogeographic reconstructions of the Mediterranean domain. Geodynamic models argue either for a synchronous or diachronous collision during either the Late Cretaceous and/or Eocene, followed by Eocene slab breakoff and postcollisional magmatism. We investigate the collision chronology in western Anatolia as recorded in the sedimentary archives of the 90‐km‐long Sarıcakaya Basin perched at shallow structural levels along the Ä°AESZ. Based on new zircon U‐Pb geochronology and depositional environment and sedimentary provenance results, we demonstrate that the Sarıcakaya Basin is an Eocene sedimentary basin with sediment sourced from both the Ä°AESZ and SĂ¶ÄŸĂŒt Thrust fault to the south and north, respectively, and formed primarily by flexural loading from north‐south shortening along the syncollisional SĂ¶ÄŸĂŒt Thrust. Our results refine the timing of collision between the Anatolides and Pontide terranes in western Anatolia to Maastrichtian‐Middle Paleocene and Early Eocene crustal shortening and basin formation. Furthermore, we demonstrate contemporaneous collision, deformation, and magmatism across the Ä°AESZ, supporting synchronous collision models. We show that regional postcollisional magmatism can be explained by renewed underthrusting instead of slab breakoff. This new Ä°AESZ chronology provides additional constraints for kinematic, geodynamic, and biogeographic reconstructions of the Mediterranean domain