319 research outputs found

    Kinetic modelling of vitamin C loss in frozen green vegetables under variable storage conditions.

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    Abstract A systematic kinetic study of l-ascorbic acid loss of four green vegetables was conducted in the temperature range of freezing storage. The temperature-dependence of vitamin C loss in the À3 to À20 C range was adequately modelled by the Arrhenius equation and activation energy ranged from 98 to 112 kJ/mol for the four frozen green vegetables. The developed models were validated in fluctuating time-temperature conditions, in order to establish their applicability in the real marketing path of the commercial products. Based on the models, the nutritional level can be estimated, at any point of the freezing chain, when the full time-temperature history is available. Comparison among different green vegetables showed that the type of plant tissue significantly affects the rate of vitamin C loss. Frozen spinach was found to be the most susceptible to vitamin C degradation, peas and green beans demonstrated a moderate retention, whereas okra exhibited a substantially lower loss rate.

    Novel time-temperature and ‘consume-within’ indicator based on gas-diffusion

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    The novel time-temperature indicator label comprises an ammonia sensitive indicator layer film pressed onto a second film, comprising an ammonia-generating, adhesive layer. When separated the blue-coloured indicator film reverts back to its original (ammonia free) yellow form at a controllable, temperature dependant rate. The labels are easily made and stored

    Effect of pulses electric fields technology on phytochemical extraction from radish sprouts

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    [SPA] Los pulsos eléctricos (PE) son una tecnología emergente muy prometedora, cada vez más empleada en el campo de la industria alimentaria. En este sentido, este tratamiento puede mejorar la extracción de compuestos bioactivos de diferentes matrices alimentarias, mediante el efecto del fenómeno de electroporación. Por otro lado, los brotes de crucíferas como el rábano (Raphanus sativus), son ricos en metabolitos secundarios con un gran interés en la salud humana (glucosinolatos y sus productos de degradación: isotiocianatos, así como compuestos fenólicos). Debido a todo ello, los PE podrían ser una tecnología prometedora para la mejora de la extracción de fitoquímicos como los GLS en brotes de rábano. [ENG] Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) is a promising emerging technology, used in the field of food engineering. This treatment can improve the extraction of bioactive compounds from food matrixes among the effect of the electroporation phenomenon. On the other hand, cruciferous sprouts, such as radish (Raphanus sativus), are rich in secondary metabolites with interest for the human health (glucosinolates and degradation metabolites: isothyocianates, as well as phenolic compounds). Due to all the previously mentioned, pulsed electric fields could be a promising extraction technique for such bioactive compounds from radish sprouts.Este proyecto ha sido posible gracias al programa SUIT4FOOD, perteneciente al proyecto europeo ERASMUS +, y al laboratorio de Ciencia y Tecnología Alimentaria de la Universidad Tecnológica de Atenas

    Water activity in liquid food systems : A molecular scale interpretation

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    Water activity has historically been and continues to be recognised as a key concept in the area of food science. Despite its ubiquitous utilisation, it still appears as though there is confusion concerning its molecular basis, even within simple, single component solutions. Here, by close examination of the well-known Norrish equation and subsequent application of a rigorous statistical theory, we are able to shed light on such an origin. Our findings highlight the importance of solute-solute interactions thus questioning traditional, empirically based “free water” and “water structure” hypotheses. Conversely, they support the theory of “solute hydration and clustering” which advocates the interplay of solute-solute and solute-water interactions but crucially, they do so in a manner which is free of any estimations and approximations

    Estimación a corto plazo de la temperatura del agua. Aplicación en sistemas de producción en medio acuático

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    [ES] El control y la predicción de parámetros físico-químicos del agua en tanques de cultivo de plantas de producción en medio acuático es un aspecto fundamental del buen funcionamiento de este tipo de instalaciones. En este trabajo se propone la estimación de la temperatura del agua en las próximas 24 horas en una planta de producción de anguilas europeas de carácter intensivo mediante regresiones múltiples y modelos univariantes de series temporales (modelos de suavizado y ARIMA). Se cuenta con datos de las temperaturas diarias en distintas series de tanques correspondientes a los años 1997 al 2001. Los modelos se calibran considerando exclusivamente la relación de los datos presentes y pasados de la temperatura, asumiéndose de esta forma que la variabilidad de otros factores que pueden influir en este parámetro está contenida en la propia serie de datos. Las mejores validaciones proporcionan niveles de varianza explicada en la mayor parte de los casos superiores al 95% y errores en la predicción inferiores a 1º C.Gutiérrez Estrada, JC.; De Pedro Sanz, E.; López Luque, R.; Pulido Calvo, I. (2005). Estimación a corto plazo de la temperatura del agua. Aplicación en sistemas de producción en medio acuático. Ingeniería del agua. 12(1):77-92. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2005.2553OJS7792121Alcaraz, G. y S. Espina (1995) Acute toxicity of nitrite in juvenile grass carp modified by weight and temperature. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 55: 473-478.Allan, G.L. y G.B. Maguire (1991) Lethal levels of low dissolved oxygen and effects of short-term oxygen stress on subsequent growth of juvenile Panaeus monodon. Aquaculture, 94: 27-37.Bejda, A.J., B.A. Phelan y A.l. Studholme (1992) The effect of dissolved oxygen on the growth of young-of-the-year winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus. Enviromental Biology of Fishes, 34: 321-327.Bevelhimer, M. y W. Bennett (2000) Assessing cumulative thermal stress in fish during chronic intermittent exposure to high temperatures. Environmental Science and Policy, 3: 211-216.Bloomfield, P. (1976) Fourier analysis of time series: an introduction. Edita: John Wiley & Sons. New York.Boyd, C.E., R.P. Romaire y E. Johnston (1978) Predicting early morning dissolved oxygen concentrations in channel catfish ponds. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 107: 484-492.Burel, C., J. Person-le Ruyet, F. Gaumet, A. Le Roux, A. Severe y G. Boeuf (1996) Effects of temperature on growth and metabolism in juvenile turbot. Journal of Fish Biology, 49: 678-692.Cairns, J., A.G. Heath y B.C. Parker (1975) The effects of temperature upon the toxicity of chemical to aquatic organisms. Hydrobilogy, 47: 135-171Caissie, D., N. El-jabi y M.G. Satish (2001) Modelling of maximum daily water temperatures in a small stream using air temperatures. Journal of Hydrology, 251: 14-18.Culberson, S.D. y R.H. Piedrahita (1996) Aquaculture pond ecosystem model: temperature and dissolved oxygen prediction - mechanism and application. Ecological Modelling, 89: 231-258.Elliott, J.M. y A. Hurley (1997) Functional model for maximum growth of Atlantic salmon parr, Salmo salar, from two populations in northwest England. Functional Ecology, 11: 592-603.Fiogbé, E.D. y P. Kestemont (2003) Optimum daily ration for Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis L. reared at its optimum growing temperature. Aquaculture, 216: 243-252.Graynoth, E y M.J. Taylor (2000) Influence of different rations and water temperatures on the growth rates of shortfinned eels and longfinned eels. Journal of Fish Biology, 57: 681-699.Gutiérrez-Estrada, J.C., E. De-Pedro-Sanz, R. López-luque y I. Pulido-Calvo (2004) Comparison between traditional methods and artificial neural networks for ammonia concentration forecasting in an eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) intensive rearing system. Aquacultural Engineering (en prensa)Hair, J.F., R.E. Anderson, R.l. Tatham y W.C. Black (1999) Análisis multivariante. Edita: Pretince Hall. Madrid.Hart, P.R. y G.R. Purser (1995). Effects of salinity and temperature on eggs and yolk sac larvae of the greenback flounder (Rhombosolea tapirina Günther, 1862). Aquaculture, 136: 221-230.Hart, P.R., W.G. Hutchinson y G.J. Purser (1996) Effects fo photoperiod, temperature and salinity on hatcheryreared larvae of the greenback flounder (Rhombosolea tapirina Günther, 1862). Aquaculture, 144: 303-311.Holton-Wilson, J. y B. Keating (1996) Previsiones en los negocios. Edita: IRWIN. Illinois.Junttila, J. (2001) Structural breaks, ARIMA model and finnish inflation forecasts. International Journal of Forecasting, 17: 203-230.Kitanidis, P.K. y R.L. Bras (1980) Real time forecasting with a conceptual hydrological model. 2. Applications and results. Water Resources Research, 16: 1034-1044.Klemetson, S.L. y G.L. Rogers (1985) Aquaculture pond temperature modeling. Aquaculture Engineering, 4: 191-208.Madenjian, C.P., G.L. Rogers y A.W. Fast (1987) Predicting night time dissolved oxygen loss in prawn ponds of Hawaii: Part II. A new method. Aquaculture Engineering, 6: 209-225.Marceau, P., D. Cluis y G. Morin (1986) Comparaison des performances relatives à un modèle déterministe et à un modèle stochastique de température de l'eau en rivière. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 13(3): 352-364.Meyer, D. y D.E. Brune (1982) Computer simulation of the diurnal oxygen levels in a stillwater aquaculture pond. Aquaculture Engineering, 1: 245-261.Moreu, P. (1999) Estadística Informatizada. Edita: Paraninfo. Madrid.Otnes, R.K. y L. Enochson (1978) Applied time series analysis. Edita: Wiley Interscience. New York.Park, H.H. (1998) Analysis and prediction of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) landings in Korea by time series analysis. Fisheries Research, 38: 1-7.Prybotuk, V.R., Y. Junsub y D. Mitchell (2000) Comparison of neural models with ARIMA and regression models for prediction of Houston's daily maximum ozone concentrations. European Journal of Operational Research, 122: 31-40.Pulido-Calvo, I. (2001) Diseño y gestión óptimos de sistemas de impulsión y de almacenamiento de agua para riego. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Córdoba.Pulido-Calvo, I., J. Roldán, R. López-Luque y J.C. Gutiérrez-Estrada (2002) Técnicas de predicción a corto plazo de la demanda de agua. Aplicación al uso agrícola. Ingeniería del Agua, 9(3): 319-331.Pulido-Calvo, I., J. Roldán, R. López-Luque y J.C. Gutiérrez-Estrada (2003) Demand forecasting for irrigation water distribution systems. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 129(6): 422-431.QI, M. y G.P. Zhang (2001) An investigation of model selection criteria for neural network time series forecasting. European Journal of Operational Research, 132: 666-680.Romaire, R.P. y C.E. Boyd (1979) Effects of solar radiation on the dynamics of dissolved oxygen in channel catfish ponds. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 108: 472-478.Soderberg, R.W. (1990) Temperature effects on the growth of blue tilapia in intensive aquaculture. The progressive Fish-Culturist, 52: 155-157.Taoukis, P.S., K. Koutsoumanis y G.J.E. Nychas (1999) Use of time-temperature integrators and predictive modelling for shelf life control chilled fish under dynamic storage conditions. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 53: 21-31.Thirumalaiah, K. y M.C. Deo (2000) Hydrological forecasting using neural networks. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 5: 180-189.Uriel, E. (1985) Análisis de series temporales. Modelos ARIMA. Edita: Paraninfo. Madrid.Uriel, E. (1995) Análisis de datos. Series temporales y análisis multivariante. Edita: AC. Madrid.Ventura, S. (1996) Diseño de redes neuronales en métodos cinéticos. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Córdoba.Wootton, R.J. (1991) Ecology of teleost fishes. Edita: Chapman and Hall. Londres.Yang, C.C., S.O. Prasher, R. Lacroix, S. Sreekanth, N.K. Patni y L. Masse (1997) Artificial neural network model for subsurface-drained farmlands. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 123(4): 285-292

    A quality, energy and environmental assessment tool for the European cold chain

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    According to 5th Informatory Note on Refrigeration and Food published by the International Institute of Refrigeration, 20% of the global losses in perishable products was due to lack of refrigeration. It is expected that increased use of refrigeration to reduce these losses will help meet the increasing food demands of the growing world population. However, the use of refrigeration already accounts for about 15% of world’s electricity usage. In addition, the use of refrigeration significantly contributes to global warming via emission of CO2. In this paper, a software tool was developed to assess food quality and safety evolution, energy usage and CO2 emission of different refrigeration technologies along the European cold chain. A reference product was chosen for the main different food categories in the European cold chain. Software code to predict the products temperature using the room temperature as input, based on validated heat and mass transfer models, were written in Matlab (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, USA). Also, based on validated kinetic models for the different quality indicators of the reference products, a software code was written to calculate the quality and safety evolutions of the food product, using the predicted product temperature as input. Finally, software code to calculate the energy usage and Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) value of different refrigeration technologies was also written in Matlab. All three software codes were integrated, and a graphical user interface was developed. Using the graphical user interface, a user can tailor a cold chain scenario by adding different cold chain blocks. Each cold chain block has properties that can be modified. The tool can be used to compare different cold chains with respect to quality, safety, energy usage, and environmental impact

    Towards sustainability in cold chains: Development of a quality, energy and environmental assessment tool (QEEAT)

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    Quantification of the impact of refrigeration technologies in terms of the quality of refrigerated food, energy usage, and environmental impact is essential to assess cold chain sustainability. In this paper, we present a software tool QEEAT (Quality, Energy and Environmental Assessment Tool) for evaluating refrigeration technologies. As a starting point, a reference product was chosen for the different main food categories in the European cold chain. Software code to predict the products temperature, based on validated heat and mass transfer models, were written in Matlab (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, USA). Also, based on validated kinetic models for the different quality indicators of the reference products, (including fruit, meat, fish, vegetables and dairy products) a software code was written to calculate the quality and safety evolutions of the food product, using the predicted product temperature as input. Finally, software code to calculate the energy usage and Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) value of different refrigeration technologies was also written in Matlab. All three software codes were integrated, and a graphical user interface was developed. Using the QEEAT, a user can tailor a cold chain scenario by adding cold chain blocks (different steps of a cold chain) and simulating the quality evolution, energy use and emission throughout the chain. Also, the user can modify properties of a cold chain block, by selecting different technologies, or changing set point values. Defaults are provided for input values, and are based on the current practice, and obtained by extensive literature studies and consultation with different experts of the cold chain. Furthermore, the user can build and simulate several chains simultaneously, allowing him/her to compare different chains with respect to quality, energy and emission