148 research outputs found

    Adaptive radiation of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in three Norwegian lakes - niche segregation, phenotypic and genetic variation

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    Å forstå hvordan økologiske og fysiske faktorer fører til opprinnelsen av nye arter, og hvilke faktorer som former ny intraspesifikk diversitet, er den “hellige gral” i evolusjonær biologi. Adaptiv radiasjon er den evolusjonære prosessen som kan føre til diversifisering av fenotyper og genotyper i ulike miljøer, og som kan splitte en forfaders form eller linje i nye former og arter. I den økologiske artsdannelsesprosessen vil lokal tilpasning gjennom naturlig seleksjon drive oppsplittingen av populasjoner, noe som vil føre til evolusjon av reproduktiv isolasjon og dermed dannelsen av nye økotyper, morfer, populasjoner og til slutt arter. Et godt eksempel på en polymorf art er røya (Salvelinus alpinus) som kan ha ulike nisjer (det vil si tilpasning til spesifikke abiotiske og biotiske forhold) i en innsjø. Spesialiseringen til en bestemt nisje kan favorisere divergensen mellom morfene, noe som kan lede til forskjeller i utseende, vekst, kjønnsmodning, gytetid og sted, og over tid utvikle reproduktive barrierer mellom morfene. Denne doktorgradsavhandlingen fokuserer på fenotypisk og genetisk divergens av røyemorfer. Hovedmålet er å undersøke nisjesegregering på trofisk nivå (det vil si diettvalg og habitatbruk), ved å studere morfologiske og genetiske forskjeller mellom røyemorfer fra tre forskjellige ferskvannsystemer i Norge (Tinnsjøen, Tårnvatn og Skøvatn). To røyemorfer ble funnet eksisterende sammen i Skøvatn, tre morfer i Tårnvatn, og fire i Tinnsjøen. To nye morfer ble funnet i Tinnsjøen og Skøvatn. Alle morfene viste forskjeller i livshistorie, genetikk, fenotype, diettvalg og habitatbruk. De fiskespisende morfene ernærte seg hovedsakelig av fisk, og ble funnet i den profundale delen av Tinnsjøen og Tårnvatn. Planktivore morfer spiste hovedsakelig dyreplankton, og ble funnet i flere ulike habitater i disse tre innsjøene. Livshistoriekarakterer og habitatbruk var lignende hos de småvokste dypvannsmorfene, men morfen i Skøvatn viste forskjeller i diettvalg sammenlignet med morfen fra Tårnvatn. Den nye dypvannsmorfen som ble funnet i den dypere delen av Tinnsjøen har likhetstrekk med hulefisk som hvitt skinn, underutviklede øyne og små hjerneregioner. Parallell evolusjon kan være en forklaring for likhetene som er funnet blant noen av morfene i disse tre ferskvannssystemene. Funnene viser hvordan seleksjonspress kan føre til lignende resultater i samme miljøer, der fenotypisk plastisitet også kan være en viktig mekanisme i tidlige stadier av nisjespesialisering. Disse morfene er sannsynligvis i en økologisk artsdannelsesprosess, der naturlig seleksjon spiller en viktig rolle i den adaptive divergensen av morfer, og bidrar til reproduktiv isolasjon. Adaptiv radiasjon kan forklare tilpasninger og diversitet hos den polymorfe røya i ulike vann.Abstract Understanding the ecological and physical factors driving the origin of species, and which ones are shaping new intraspecific diversity, are the “holy grail” of evolutionary biology. Adaptive radiation is the evolutionary process that can generate diversification of phenotypes and genotypes across different environments, differentiating a single ancestor into different forms and species. Under ecological speciation, local adaptation through natural selection drives the divergence of populations, evolving reproductive isolation and leading to the formation of new eco morphs, populations, and ultimately, species. A good example of polymorphic species is Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), which has the flexibility to occupy different niches (i.e. a specific range of abiotic and biotic factors that a species has specialised) in a lake. For example, in fish, the specialisation into a specific niche can favour divergence among morphs, showing differences in morphology, growth, maturity, spawning time and site, developing reproductive barriers among the morphs. This thesis focuses on phenotypic and genetic divergence of Arctic charr morphs. The main objectives are to investigate trophic niche segregation (i.e. diet choice and habitat use), morphological and genetic differences among sympatric Arctic charr morphs from three different lakes in Norway (Tinnsjøen, Tårnvatn and Skøvatn). Two Arctic charr morphs were found coexisting in Lake Skøvatn, three morphs in Lake Tårnvatn and four morphs in Lake Tinnsjøen. Two novel morphs were found in Lake Tinnsjøen and Skøvatn. All morphs showed divergence in life history, genetics, phenotype, diet and habitat use. The piscivore morphs fed mainly on fish and were found in the profundal habitat of Lake Tinnsjøen and Tårnvatn. The planktivore morphs were feeding mainly on zooplankton, and were found across different habitats from these three lakes. Life-history traits and habitat use was similar among the small-sized profundal morphs, but the morph in Skøvatn presented differences in diet choice compared to the morph from Lake Tårnvatn. Finally, the Abyssal morph was found in the deepprofundal habitat in Lake Tinnsjøen, presenting similarities with cave fish such as white coloration, reduced eyes and small brain regions. Parallel evolution could be responsible for the similarities found among some of the Arctic charr morphs across these three lakes. These findings show how selection pressures can sometimes lead to similar outcomes in similar environments. However, phenotypic plasticity may also be an important component during the early stages of niche specialization. These morphs are likely under ecological speciation, where natural selection could play an important role in the adaptive divergence of morphs, contributing to reproductive isolation. Arctic charr polymorphism could be a case of adaptive radiation, explaining their diversity across different freshwater systems

    The binding force of the amicable solutions to the SIDH assorted to similar cases processed in the contentious jurisdiction colombian administrative

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    Ante una petición elevada al Sistema Interamericano por violación de Derechos Humanos, “La solución amistosa” como mecanismo internacional de solución de conflictos es una herramienta de reparación a las víctimas que tiene efectos de carácter particular y concreto; La investigación se desarrolló mediante la utilización de fuentes bibliográficas y normativas, lo cual permitió concluir que los acuerdos de solución amistosa no son extensibles por analogía a casos adelantados en la jurisdicción doméstica Colombiana, por no contener una declaratoria de responsabilidad expresa e implícita en mandato judicial sino en la voluntad de los Estados parte, que tienen como fin último cumplir con las obligaciones derivadas de la adopción del sistema jurídico internacional.Facing high demand for the American system of human rights violation, "amicable solution" as an international dispute resolution mechanism is a repair tool for victims who have direct effects and concreteness; The research applied the qualitative method which allowed us to conclude that the friendly settlement agreements can’t be extended by analogy to cases developed in the Colombian domestic jurisdiction not contain a declaration of express and implied responsibility injunction but on the will of States Parties which have the aim to fulfill the obligations arising from the adoption of the international legal system

    A brain and a head for a different habitat : Size variation in four morphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus(L.)) in a deep oligotrophic lake

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    Adaptive radiation is the diversification of species to different ecological niches and has repeatedly occurred in different salmonid fish of postglacial lakes. In Lake Tinnsjoen, one of the largest and deepest lakes in Norway, the salmonid fish, Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus(L.)), has likely radiated within 9,700 years after deglaciation into ecologically and genetically segregated Piscivore, Planktivore, Dwarf, and Abyssal morphs in the pelagial, littoral, shallow-moderate profundal, and deep-profundal habitats. We compared trait variation in the size of the head, the eye and olfactory organs, as well as the volumes of five brain regions of these four Arctic charr morphs. We hypothesised that specific habitat characteristics have promoted divergent body, head, and brain sizes related to utilized depth differing in environmental constraints (e.g., light, oxygen, pressure, temperature, and food quality). The most important ecomorphological variables differentiating morphs were eye area, habitat, and number of lamellae. The Abyssal morph living in the deepest areas of the lake had the smallest brain region volumes, head, and eye size. Comparing the olfactory bulb with the optic tectum in size, it was larger in the Abyssal morph than in the Piscivore morph. The Piscivore and Planktivore morphs that use more illuminated habitats have the largest optic tectum volume, followed by the Dwarf. The observed differences in body size and sensory capacities in terms of vision and olfaction in shallow and deepwater morphs likely relates to foraging and mating habitats in Lake Tinnsjoen. Further seasonal and experimental studies of brain volume in polymorphic species are needed to test the role of plasticity and adaptive evolution behind the observed differences.Peer reviewe

    Organizational values inventory

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    Foram postuladas três dimensões bipolares para representar os valores organizacionais. Um instrumento composto por 36 itens foi administrado a uma amostra de 1010 empregados de uma empresa pública. Os dados foram submetidos a análise multidimensional (ALSCAL), utilizando o modelo euclidiano. As medidas de fit foram: s-stress = 0,18319, Stress = 0,15985 e RSQ = 0,88563. As três dimensões postuladas (autonomia versus conservadorismo, hierarquia versus igualitarismo e domínio versus harmonia) foram confirmadas pela disposição dos valores no espaço semântico. Os coeficientes alpha foram superiores a 0,80 com exceção do alpha para conservadorismo que foi 0,77.Three bipolar dimensions were postulated to represent the organizational values. An instrument, composed of 36 items, was administered to a sample of 1010 employees of a public enterprise. The data were submitted to multidimensional analysis (ALSCAL), using the Euclidean model. Measures of fit were: s-stress = .18319, Stress = .15985, and RSQ = .88563. The value disposition in the semantic space confirmed the three postulated dimensions: autonomy versus conservation, hierarchy versus equalitarianism, and mastery versus harmony. Coefficients alpha were above .80, with the exception of the alpha for conservatism factor that was .77

    Small rodent monitoring at Birkebeiner road, Norway

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    Background. Northern small mammal populations are renowned for their multi-annual population cycles. Population cycles are multi-faceted and have extensive impacts on the rest of the ecosystem. In 2011, we started a student-based research activity to monitor the variation of small rodent density along an elevation gradient following the Birkebeiner Road, in southeast Norway. Fieldwork was conducted by staff and students at the University campus Evenstad, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, which has a long history of researching cyclic population dynamics. The faculty has a strong focus on engaging students in all parts of the research activities, including data collection. Small rodents were monitored using a set of snap trap stations. Trapped animals were measured (e.g. body mass, body length, sex) and dissected to assess their reproductive status. We also characterised the vegetation at trapping sites. New information. We provide a dataset of small rodent observations that show fluctuating population dynamics across an elevation gradient (300 m to 1,100 m a.s.l) and in contrasting habitats. This dataset encompasses three peaks of the typical 3-4-year vole population cycles; the number of small rodents and shrews captured show synchrony and peaked in years 2014, 2017 and 2021. The bank vole Myodes glareolus was by far (87%) the most common species trapped, but also other species were observed (including shrews). We provide digital data collection forms and highlight the importance of long-term data collection.publishedVersio

    Session 14. Accessibility

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    Accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing in Lithuania / Jurgita Austrauskien (Vilnius Universit) ; Mediascapes in the accessibility of migrant narratives / Alessandra Rizzo (University of Palermo), Cinzia Spinzi (University of Bergamo), Gian Maria Greco (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidade de Vigo & POIESIS) ; Interlingual accessibility in theatre: interpreting, surtitles, iPads / Karin Sibul (University of Tartu) ; Inquiry into the strategies and skills of sign language interpreters in live audiovisual media in Argentina and Uruguay / Yanina Boria (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Florencia Fascioli Álvarez (Universidade de Vigo), Leticia Lorier (Universidad de la República), Marcela Tancredi (Universidad de la República). Chair: Ana Tamayo Masero (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU

    Aplicación de la estrategia del aula invertida en la enseñanza de la estadística

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    En este trabajo presentamos la aplicación de la estrategia del aula invertida en dos asignaturas del Grado de Estadística (Universidad de Barcelona-Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña) y analizamos la opinión que tienen los alumnos de la experiencia. Asimismo, también sirve de base para orientar su aplicación de cara a mejorar el aprendizaje de la estadística a través de un mayor aprovechamiento del tiempo de clase, y promover una actitud más activa por parte del alumno

    Utility of PHQ-2, PHQ-8 and PHQ-9 for detecting major depression in primary health care: a validation study in Spain

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    Background: Primary health care (PHC) professionals may play a crucial role in improving early diagnosis of depressive disorders. However, only 50% of cases are detected in PHC. The most widely used screening instrument for major depression is the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ), including the two-, eight- and nine-item versions. Surprisingly, there is neither enough evidence about the validity of PHQ in PHC patients in Spain nor indications about how to interpret the total scores. This study aimed to gather validity evidence to support the use of the three PHQ versions to screen for major depression in PHC in Spain. Additionally, the present study provided information for helping professionals to choose the best PHQ version according to the context. Methods: The sample was composed of 2579 participants from 22 Spanish PHC centers participating in the EIRA-3 study. The reliability and validity of the three PHQ versions for Spanish PHC patients were assessed based on responses to the questionnaire. Results: The PHQ-8 and PHQ-9 showed high internal consistency. The results obtained confirm the theoretically expected relationship between PHQ results and anxiety, social support and health-related QoL. A single-factor solution was confirmed. Regarding to the level of agreement with the CIDI interview (used as the criterion), our results indicate that the PHQ has a good discrimination power. The optimal cut-off values were: ⩾2 for PHQ-2, ⩾7 for PHQ-8 and ⩾8 for PHQ-9. Conclusions: PHQ is a good and valuable tool for detecting major depression in PHC patients in Spain

    Clinical and genetic characterization of RDH12-retinal dystrophy in a South American cohort

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    Purpose: To characterize the largest cohort of individuals with RDH12-retinal dystrophy to date, and the first one from South America. // Design: Retrospective multicenter international study. // Subjects: 78 patients (66 families) with an inherited retinal dystrophy and biallelic variants in RDH12. // Methods: Review of clinical notes, ophthalmic images, and molecular diagnosis. // Main outcome measures: Visual function, retinal imaging and characteristics were evaluated and correlated. // Results: Thirty-seven individuals self-identified as Latino (51%) and 34 as White (47%). Mean age at the baseline visit was 19.8 ± 13 years old (6 months – 46 years old, median 18.5); 41 (53%) were children. Thirty-nine patients (50%) had subsequent visits, with mean follow-up of 6.8 + 7.3 years (0 – 29). Sixty-nine individuals (88%) had Leber congenital amaurosis/early onset severe retinal dystrophy (LCA/EOSRD). Macular and mid-peripheral atrophy was seen in all patients from 3 years of age. A novel retinal finding was a hyperautofluorescent ring in 2 young children with LCA. Eight variants (21%) were previously unreported and the most frequent variant was c.295C>A, p.Leu99Ile, present in 52 alleles of 32 probands. Individuals with LCA homozygous for p.Leu99Ile (31%) had a later age of onset, slower rate of BCVA decrease, the largest percentage of patients with mild visual impairment, and were predicted to reach legal blindness at an older age than the rest of the cohort. // Conclusions: By describing the largest molecularly confirmed cohort to date, improved understanding of disease progression was possible. Our detailed characterization aims to support research and the development of novel therapies that may have the potential to reduce or prevent vision loss in individuals with RDH12-associated retinal dystrophy

    Molecular pathways and nutrigenomic review of insulin resistance development in gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus is a condition marked by raised blood sugar levels and insulin resistance that usually occurs during the second or third trimester of pregnancy. According to the World Health Organization, hyperglycemia affects 16.9% of pregnancies worldwide. Dietary changes are the primarily alternative treatment for gestational diabetes mellitus. This paper aims to perform an exhaustive overview of the interaction between diet, gene expression, and the metabolic pathways related to insulin resistance. The intake of foods rich in carbohydrates can influence the gene expression of glycolysis, as well as foods rich in fat, can disrupt the beta-oxidation and ketogenesis pathways. Furthermore, vitamins and minerals are related to inflammatory processes regulated by the TLR4/NF-κB and one carbon metabolic pathways. We indicate that diet regulated gene expression of PPARα, NOS, CREB3L3, IRS, and CPT I, altering cellular physiological mechanisms and thus increasing or decreasing the risk of gestational diabetes. The alteration of gene expression can cause inflammation, inhibition of fatty acid transport, or on the contrary help in the modulation of ketogenesis, improve insulin sensitivity, attenuate the effects of glucotoxicity, and others. Therefore, it is critical to comprehend the metabolic changes of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus, to determine nutrients that help in the prevention and treatment of insulin resistance and its long-term consequences