485 research outputs found

    Charge-conjugation violating neutrino interactions in supernovae

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    The well known charge conjugation violating interactions in the Standard Model increase neutrino- and decrease anti-neutrino- nucleon cross sections. This impacts neutrino transport in core collapse supernovae through "recoil" corrections of order the neutrino energy kk over the nucleon mass MM. All k/Mk/M corrections to neutrino transport deep inside a protoneutron star are calculated from angular integrals of the Boltzmann equation. We find these corrections significantly modify neutrino currents at high temperatures. This produces a large mu and tau number for the protoneutron star and can change the ratio of neutrons to protons. In addition, the relative size of neutrino mean free paths changes. At high temperatures, the electron anti-neutrino mean free path becomes {\it longer} than that for mu or tau neutrinos.Comment: 14 pages, 2 included ps figures, subm. to Phys. Rev.

    Experimental Evidence of a Haldane Gap in an S = 2 Quasi-linear Chain Antiferromagnet

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    The magnetic susceptibility of the S=2S = 2 quasi-linear chain Heisenberg antiferromagnet (2,22'-bipyridine)trichloromanganese(III), MnCl_{3}(bipy), has been measured from 1.8 to 300 K with the magnetic field, H, parallel and perpendicular to the chains. The analyzed data yield g2g\approx 2 and J35J\approx 35 K. The magnetization, M, has been studied at 30 mK and 1.4 K in H up to 16 T. No evidence of long-range order is observed. Depending on crystal orientation, M0M\approx 0 at 30 mK until a critical field is achieved (Hc=1.2±0.2TH_{c\|} = 1.2\pm 0.2 T and $H_{c\bot} = 1.8\pm 0.2 T), where M increases continuously as H is increased. These results are interpreted as evidence of a Haldane gap.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Associations of specific phobia and its subtypes with physical diseases: an adult community study.

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    Specific phobia is the most prevalent anxiety disorder in the community and is associated with substantial impairment. Comorbidity with physical diseases is assumed and has important implications for etiology, treatment, or prevention of the comorbid conditions. However, due to methodological issues data are limited and subtypes of specific phobia have not been investigated yet. We examined the association of specific phobia and its subtypes with physical diseases in a representative community sample with physician-diagnosed physical diseases and diagnostic criteria of specific phobia. Data of the German Mental Health Survey from 4181 subjects aged 18-65 years were used. Specific phobia was diagnosed using M-CIDI/DIA-X interview; physical diseases were assessed through a self-report questionnaire and a medical interview. Logistic regression analyses adjusted for sex were calculated. Specific phobia was associated with cardiac diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, arthritic conditions, migraine, and thyroid diseases (odds ratios between 1.49 and 2.53). Among the subtypes, different patterns of associations with physical diseases were established. The findings were partially replicated in the Swiss PsyCoLaus Study. Our analyses show that subjects with specific phobia have an increased probability for specific physical diseases. From these analyses etiological mechanisms of specific phobia and physical disease can be deduced. As subtypes differed in their patterns of associations with physical diseases, different etiological mechanisms may play a role. The findings are highly relevant for public health in terms of prevention and therapy of the comorbid conditions

    A VLT/NACO Survey for Triple and Quadruple Systems among Visual Pre-Main Sequence Binaries

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    This paper describes a systematic search for high-order multiplicity among wide visual Pre-Main Sequence (PMS) binaries. We conducted an Adaptive Optics survey of a sample of 58 PMS wide binaries from various star-forming regions, which include 52 T Tauri systems with mostly K- and M-type primaries, with the NIR instrument NACO at the VLT. Of these 52 systems, 7 are found to be triple (2 new) and 7 quadruple (1 new). The new close companions are most likely physically bound based on their probability of chance projection and, for some of them, on their position on a color-color diagram. The corresponding degree of multiplicity among wide binaries (number of triples and quadruples divided by the number of systems) is 26.9 +/- 7.2% in the projected separation range 0.07-12 arcsec, with the largest contribution from the Taurus-Auriga cloud. We also found that this degree of multiplicity is twice in Taurus compared to Ophiuchus and Chamaeleon for which the same number of sources are present in our sample. Considering a restricted sample composed of systems at distance 140-190pc, the degree of multiplicity is 26.8 +/- 8.1%, in the separation range 10/14 AU - 1700/2300 AU (30 binaries, 5 triples, 6 quadruples). The observed frequency agrees with results from previous multiplicity surveys within the uncertainties, although a significant overabundance of quadruple systems compared to triple systems is apparent. Tentatively including the spectroscopic pairs in our restricted sample and comparing the multiplicity fractions to those measured for solar-type main-sequence stars in the solar neighborhood leads to the conclusion that both the ratio of triples to binaries and the ratio of quadruples to triples seems to be in excess among young stars. [...]Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A cross-sectional testing of The Iowa Personality Disorder Screen in a psychiatric outpatient setting

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patients suspected of personality disorders (PDs) by general practitioners are frequently referred to psychiatric outpatient clinics (POCs). In that setting an effective screening instrument for PDs would be helpful due to resource constraints. This study evaluates the properties of The Iowa Personality Disorder Screen (IPDS) as a screening instrument for PDs at a POC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a cross-sectional design 145 patients filled in the IPDS and were examined with the SCID-II interview as reference. Various case-findings properties were tested, interference of socio-demographic and other psychopathology were investigated by logistic regression and relationships of the IPDS and the concept of PDs were studied by a latent variable path analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that socio-demographic and psychopathological factors hardly disturbed the IPDS as screening instrument. With a cut-off ≥4 the 11 items IPDS version had sensitivity 0.77 and specificity 0.71. A brief 5 items version showed sensitivity 0.82 and specificity 0.74 with cut-off ≥ 2. With exception for one item, the IPDS variables loaded adequately on their respective first order variables, and the five first order variables loaded in general adequately on their second order variable.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results support the IPDS as a useful screening instrument for PDs present or absent in the POC setting.</p

    Identification of a resistance gene Rpi-dlc1 to Phytophthora infestans in European accessions of Solanum dulcamara

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    Initial screening of 14 Solanum dulcamara accessions enabled the identification of individuals resistant and susceptible to Phytophthora infestans. Crosses between contrasting genotypes resulted in three F2–BC1 populations segregating for resistance to late blight in a laboratory assay and under field conditions. Genetic profiling of one of these populations using 128 AFLP primers generated three markers linked to the resistant phenotype. Blast analysis of the sequenced markers resulted in a plausible gene position on the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 9 that could be confirmed by CAPS markers. Thus, we describe a first resistant gene, named Rpi-dlc1, from S. dulcamara, a Solanum species native to Europe. In addition, one population was tested for broadness of resistance responses using a set of seven additional P. infestans isolates, varying in virulence. This indicated the possible presence of additional Rpi genes

    Modeling of longitudinal polytomous outcome from complex survey data - application to investigate an association between mental distress and non-malignant respiratory diseases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The data from longitudinal complex surveys based on multi-stage sampling designs contain cross-sectional dependencies among units due to clustered nature of the data and within-subject dependencies due to repeated measurements. Special statistical methods are required to analyze longitudinal complex survey data.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Statistics Canada's longitudinal National Population Health Survey (NPHS) dataset from the first five cycles (1994/1995 to 2002/2003) was used to investigate the effects of demographic, social, life-style, and health-related factors on the longitudinal changes of mental distress scores among the NPHS participants who self-reported physician diagnosed respiratory diseases, specifically asthma and chronic bronchitis. The NPHS longitudinal sample includes 17,276 persons of all ages. In this report, participants 15 years and older (n = 14,713) were considered for statistical analysis. Mental distress, an ordinal outcome variable (categories: no/low, moderate, and high) was examined. Ordered logistic regression models based on the weighted generalized estimating equations approach were fitted to investigate the association between respiratory diseases and mental distress adjusting for other covariates of interest. Variance estimates of regression coefficients were computed by using bootstrap methods. The final model was used to predict the probabilities of prevalence of no/low, moderate or high mental distress scores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Accounting for design effects does not vary the significance of the coefficients of the model. Participants suffering with chronic bronchitis were significantly at a higher risk (OR<sub>adj </sub>= 1.37; 95% CI: 1.12-1.66) of reporting high levels of mental distress compared to those who did not self-report chronic bronchitis. There was no significant association between asthma and mental distress. There was a significant interaction between sex and self-perceived general health status indicating a dose-response relationship. Among females, the risk of mental distress increases with increasing deteriorating (from excellent to very poor) self-perceived general health.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A positive association was observed between the physician diagnosed self-reported chronic bronchitis and an increased prevalence of mental distress when adjusted for important covariates. Variance estimates of regression coefficients obtained from the sandwich estimator (i.e. not accounting for design effects) were similar to bootstrap variance estimates (i.e. accounting for design effects). Even though these two sets of variance estimates are similar, it is more appropriate to use bootstrap variance estimates.</p

    Academic careers in Computer Science: Continuance and transience of lifetime co-authorships

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    International audienceScholarly publications reify fruitful collaborations between co-authors. A branch of research in the Science Studies focuses on analyzing the co-authorship networks of established scientists. Such studies tell us about how their collaborations developed through their careers. This paper updates previous work by reporting a transversal and a longitudinal studies spanning the lifelong careers of a cohort of researchers from the DBLP bibliographic database. We mined 3,860 researchers' publication records to study the evolution patterns of their co-authorships. Two features of co-authors were considered: 1) their expertise, and 2) the history of their partnerships with the sampled researchers. Our findings reveal the ephemeral nature of most collaborations: 70% of the new co-authors were only one-shot partners since they did not appear to collaborate on any further publications. Overall, researchers consistently extended their co-authorships 1) by steadily enrolling beginning researchers (i.e., people who had never published before), and 2) by increasingly working with confirmed researchers with whom they already collaborated