16 research outputs found

    Monitorização Sísmica do Território do Parque Arqueológico do Vale do Côa (PAVC)

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    The 1909 Benavente (Portugal) earthquake : search for the source

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    The Lower Tagus River Valley has been affected by severe earthquakes comprising distant events, as in 1755, and local earthquakes, as in 1344, 1531, and 1909. The 1909 earthquake was located NE of Lisbon, near Benavente, causing serious damage and many losses. Mw 6.0 has been assessed for this earthquake and a reverse faulting focal mechanism solution has been calculated. Poor epicenter location, possible directivity and site effects, low fault slip rates, and the thick Cenozoic sedimentary cover make difficult correlation with regional structures. The focal mechanism indicates an ENE reverse fault as source, though it does not match any outcropping active structure suggesting that the event could have been produced by a blind thrust beneath the Cenozoic sedimentary fill. Hidden sources, inferred from seismic reflection data, are a possible NE structure linking the Vila Franca de Xira and the Azambuja faults, or the southern extension of the later. Evidence of surface rupturing is inhibited by the thick Holocene alluvial cover and the high fluvial sedimentation rate, though a slightly depressed area was identified in the Tagus alluvial plain W of Benavente which was investigated as possible geomorphic evidence of co-seismic surface deformation. A high-resolution seismic reflection profile was acquired across a 0.5 m high scarp at this site, and two trenches were opened across the scarp for paleoseismic research. Some deformation of dubious tectonic origin was found, requiring further studies

    Neotectonics of the SW Iberia margin, Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea: a reassessment including recent structural, seismic and geodetic data

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    We use a thin-shell approximation for the lithosphere to model the neotectonics of the Gulf of Cadiz, SW Iberia margin and the westernmost Mediterranean, in the eastern segment of the Azores-Gibraltar plate boundary. In relation to previous neotectonic models in the region, we utilize a better constrained structural map offshore, and the recent GPS measurements over NW Africa and Iberia have been taken into account, together with the seismic strain rate and stress data, to evaluate alternative geodynamic settings proposed for the region. We show that by assuming a relatively simple, two-plate tectonic framework, where Nubia and Eurasia converge NW-SE to WNW-ESE at a rate of 4.5-6 mm yr-1, the models correctly predict the amount of shortening and wrenching between northern Algeria-Morocco and southern Spain and between NW Morocco and SW Iberia, as estimated from both GPS data and geological constraints. The consistency between modelled and observed velocities in the vicinity of Gibraltar and NW Morocco indicates that forcing by slab sinking beneath Gibraltar is not required to reproduce current horizontal deformation in these areas. In the Gulf of Cadiz and SW Iberia, the modelling results support a diffuse Nubia-Eurasia Plate boundary, where the convergence is accommodated along NNE-SSW to NE-SW and ENE-WSW thrust faults and WNW-ESE right-lateral strike-slip faults, over an area >200 km wide, in good general agreement with the distribution of the seismic strain rate and associated faulting mechanisms. The modelling results are robust to regional uncertainties in the structure of the lithosphere and have important implications for the earthquake and tsunami hazard of Portugal, SW Spain and Morocco. We predict maximum, long-term average fault slip rates between 1-2 mm yr-1, that is, less than 50 per cent the average plate relative movement, suggesting very long return periods for high-magnitude (Mw > 8) earthquakes on individual structures.publishe

    A ética do silêncio racial no contexto urbano: políticas públicas e desigualdade social no Recife, 1900-1940

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    Mais de meio século após o preconceito racial ter se tornado o principal alvo dos movimentos urbanos pelos direitos civis nos Estados Unidos e na África do Sul, e décadas depois do surgimento dos movimentos negros contemporâneos no Brasil, o conjunto de ferramentas legislativas criado no Brasil para promover o direito à cidade ainda adere à longa tradição brasileira de silêncio acerca da questão racial. Este artigo propõe iniciar uma exploração das raízes históricas desse fenômeno, remontando ao surgimento do silêncio sobre a questão racial na política urbana do Recife, Brasil, durante a primeira metade do século XX. O Recife foi eé um exemplo paradigmático do processo pelo qual uma cidade amplamente marcada por traços negros e africanos chegou a ser definida política e legalmente como um espaço pobre, subdesenvolvido e racialmente neutro, onde as desigualdades sociais originaram na exclusão capitalista, e não na escravidão e nas ideologias do racismo científico. Neste sentido, Recife lança luzes sobre a política urbana que se gerou sob a sombra do silêncio racial.More than half a century after racial prejudice became central to urban civil rights movements in the United States and South Africa, and decades after the emergence of Brazil’s contemporary Black movements, Brazil's internationally recognized body of rights-to-the-city legislation still adheres to the country's long historical tradition of racial silence. This article explores the historical roots of this phenomenon by focusing on the emergence of racial silence in Recife, Brazil during the first half of the 20th Century. Recife was and remains a paradigmatic example of the process through which a city marked by its Black and African roots came to be legally and politically defined as a poor, underdeveloped and racially neutral space, where social inequalities derived from capitalist exclusion rather than from slavery and scientific racism. As such, Recife'sexperience sheds light on the urban policies that were generated in the shadow of racial silence

    Maximum intensity maps (MIM) for Portugal mainland

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    Maximum intensity maps (MIM) may represent, as a first approach, the seismic risk of a certain region. In Portugal, the last MIM dates back to the eighties, suffering minor updates since then, and was based on the intensity distribution (isoseismals) of the major earthquakes affecting Portugal. Using GIS, we draw a more detailed map, not based on the isoseismal curves but based on the individual observations (intensity data points). A revision and compilation of all available macroseismic information was performed resulting on 5544 intensity data points (IDP). A MIM was produced using kriging interpolation in a GIS but inserting also the individual observations. The differences and similarities between this map and the previous one are discussed. To compare with the seismic zoning presented in the Portuguese seismic code, we performed, separately, a MIM considering only the earthquakes occurring on the NEAR seismic source zones and other MIM considering only the FAR seismic source zones. These maps were compared to the Portuguese seismic code zoning. The results obtained and discussed in this study present a high level of detail and could contribute for a better definition and estimation of the seismic hazard and risk in Portugal

    Manual de buenas prácticas en Puntos de Encuentro Familiar

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    [Resumen] La idea de elaborar un manual de buenas prácticas para puntos de encuentro familiar nace de la inquietud de las organizaciones sociales como Fundación Meniños y el Centro de Terapia Familiar e Intervención Sistémica de Azores, como agentes sociales implicados en la promoción del buen trato a la infancia (Barudy y Dantagnan, 2005) y el desarrollo de una parentalidad positiva (Rodrigo, 2015). Desde hace más de 20 años venimos desarrollando nuestra labor en diferentes programas de protección a la infancia y a la adolescencia en situaciones de vulnerabilidad, entre ellos, puntos de encuentro familiar. Una de nuestras características en el modo de funcionar es destinar espacios a la reflexión y la investigación sobre las prácticas profesionales que desarrollamos en nuestros programas, buscando el rigor y la fundamentación científica en todas ellas y sometiéndolas a la reflexión y a la evaluación externa, con vocación de generar una mirada colectiva compartida y necesaria para la innovación y la mejora continua. A esta inquietud hemos sumado el conocimiento, la experiencia y el saber hacer de una unidad de investigación universitaria, el GIPDAE (Grupo de Investigación en Psicoloxía do Desenvolvemento e da Aprendizaxe Escolar) de la UDC, lo que nos ha permitido completar esta labor conjunta de reflexión e investigación sobre nuestro trabajo. Este manual de buenas prácticas quiere constituir una herramienta práctica con un objetivo general: clarificar y compartir estrategias y acciones que resultan eficaces desde un enfoque del buen trato a la infancia y la parentalidad positiva, como punto de partida para el enriquecimiento y la actualización de conocimientos y aportaciones futuras. Y con varias finalidades: • Orientar la gestión de las instituciones públicas y privadas implicadas en la protección a la infancia. • Orientar y mejorar las actuaciones que tienen lugar en un punto de encuentro familiar. • Compartir las estrategias y actuaciones llevadas a cabo por nosotros. • Abrir procesos de reflexión sobre la intervención que permitan también a otras entidades adaptar estas propuestas a sus realidades. • Establecer procesos de mejora continua en la intervención psico-socio-educativa en este tipo de recurso. La investigación para la construcción de este manual ha tenido lugar durante los años 2018 y 2019, tomando como base para la misma el Punto de Encuentro Familiar de A Coruña, recurso perteneciente a la red de recursos de protección a la infancia de la Xunta de Galicia. La Fundación Meniños ha sido la entidad encargada de la gestión de este recurso desde el 01 de enero de 2013 al 30 de abril de 2019. Esta investigación fue debidamente autorizada por la Dirección Xeral de Familia, Infancia y Dinamización Demográfica, con fecha 16 de marzo de 2017