159 research outputs found

    Cholesterol Induces Specific Spatial and Orientational Order in Cholesterol/Phospholipid Membranes

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    In lipid bilayers, cholesterol facilitates the formation of the liquid-ordered phase and enables the formation of laterally ordered structures such as lipid rafts. While these domains have an important role in a variety of cellular processes, the precise atomic-level mechanisms responsible for cholesterol's specific ordering and packing capability have remained unresolved

    Cholesterol Induces Specific Spatial and Orientational Order in Cholesterol/Phospholipid Membranes

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    In lipid bilayers, cholesterol facilitates the formation of the liquid-ordered phase and enables the formation of laterally ordered structures such as lipid rafts. While these domains have an important role in a variety of cellular processes, the precise atomic-level mechanisms responsible for cholesterol's specific ordering and packing capability have remained unresolved

    Nambu-Goto string with the Gauss-Bonnet term and point-like masses at the ends

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    In the present paper we investigate classical dynamics of the Nambu-Goto string with the Gauss-Bonnet term in the action and point-like masses at the ends in the context of effective QCD string. The configurations of rigidly rotating string is studied and its application to phenomenological description of meson is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, plain LaTeX, To be published in Phys.Rev.Let

    Parameterization of a coarse-grained model of cholesterol with point-dipole electrostatics

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    © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. We present a new coarse-grained (CG) model of cholesterol (CHOL) for the electrostatic-based ELBA force field. A distinguishing feature of our CHOL model is that the electrostatics is modeled by an explicit point dipole which interacts through an ideal vacuum permittivity. The CHOL model parameters were optimized in a systematic fashion, reproducing the electrostatic and nonpolar partitioning free energies of CHOL in lipid/water mixtures predicted by full-detailed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The CHOL model has been validated by comparison to structural, dynamic and thermodynamic properties with experimental and atomistic simulation reference data. The simulation of binary DPPC/cholesterol mixtures covering the relevant biological content of CHOL in mammalian membranes is shown to correctly predict the main lipid behavior as observed experimentally

    Dicationic Alkylammonium Bromide Gemini Surfactants. Membrane Perturbation and Skin Irritation

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    Dicationic alkylammonium bromide gemini surfactants represent a class of amphiphiles potentially effective as skin permeation enhancers. However, only a limited number of studies has been dedicated to the evaluation of the respective cytotoxicity, and none directed to skin irritation endpoints. Supported on a cell viability study, the cytotoxicity of gemini surfactants of variable tail and spacer length was assessed. For this purpose, keratinocyte cells from human skin (NCTC 2544 cell line), frequently used as a model for skin irritation, were employed. The impact of the different gemini surfactants on the permeability and morphology of model vesicles was additionally investigated by measuring the leakage of calcein fluorescent dye and analyzing the NMR spectra of 31P, respectively. Detail on the interaction of gemini molecules with model membranes was also provided by a systematic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. An irreversible impact on the viability of the NCTC 2544 cell line was observed for gemini concentrations higher than 25 mM, while no cytotoxicity was found for any of the surfactants in a concentration range up to 10 mM. A higher cytotoxicity was also found for gemini surfactants presenting longer spacer and shorter tails. The same trend was obtained in the calorimetric and permeability studies, with the gemini of longest spacer promoting the highest degree of membrane destabilization. Additional structural and dynamical characterization of the various systems, obtained by 31P NMR and MD, provide some insight on the relationship between the architecture of gemini surfactants and the respective perturbation mechanism

    The Integrin Receptor in Biologically Relevant Bilayers: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Integrins are heterodimeric (αβ) cell surface receptors that are potential therapeutic targets for a number of diseases. Despite the existence of structural data for all parts of integrins, the structure of the complete integrin receptor is still not available. We have used available structural data to construct a model of the complete integrin receptor in complex with talin F2–F3 domain. It has been shown that the interactions of integrins with their lipid environment are crucial for their function but details of the integrin/lipid interactions remain elusive. In this study an integrin/talin complex was inserted in biologically relevant bilayers that resemble the cell plasma membrane containing zwitterionic and charged phospholipids, cholesterol and sphingolipids to study the dynamics of the integrin receptor and its effect on bilayer structure and dynamics. The results of this study demonstrate the dynamic nature of the integrin receptor and suggest that the presence of the integrin receptor alters the lipid organization between the two leaflets of the bilayer. In particular, our results suggest elevated density of cholesterol and of phosphatidylserine lipids around the integrin/talin complex and a slowing down of lipids in an annulus of ~30 Å around the protein due to interactions between the lipids and the integrin/talin F2–F3 complex. This may in part regulate the interactions of integrins with other related proteins or integrin clustering thus facilitating signal transduction across cell membranes

    Medycyna i Społeczeństwo. Materiały konferencyjne

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    Ze wstępu: "Z inicjatywy i pod patronatem Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie odbyła się w styczniu 2003 r. konferencja naukowa lekarzy, farmaceutów, biochemików, filozofów, fizjopatologów, farmakologów i klinicystów, których rozważania skupiały się wokół obszernego tematu „MED YCYNAISPOŁECZEŃSTWO Spotkanie otworzył JM Rektor Prof. KSW dr hab. Zbigniew Maciąg. Rektor wyraził podziękowanie wykładowcom i wyraził głęboką nadzieję, że kolejny numer wydawnictwa Szkoły Acta Academiae Modrevianae, złożony z wybranych prac prezentowanych na konferencji, służył będzie społeczeństwu."(...