29 research outputs found

    Reflection and Transmission in a Neutron-Spin Test of the Quantum Zeno Effect

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    The dynamics of a quantum system undergoing frequent "measurements", leading to the so-called quantum Zeno effect, is examined on the basis of a neutron-spin experiment recently proposed for its demonstration. When the spatial degrees of freedom are duely taken into account, neutron-reflection effects become very important and may lead to an evolution which is totally different from the ideal case.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    When Music and Long-Term Memory Interact: Effects of Musical Expertise on Functional and Structural Plasticity in the Hippocampus

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    The development of musical skills by musicians results in specific structural and functional modifications in the brain. Surprisingly, no functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study has investigated the impact of musical training on brain function during long-term memory retrieval, a faculty particularly important in music. Thus, using fMRI, we examined for the first time this process during a musical familiarity task (i.e., semantic memory for music). Musical expertise induced supplementary activations in the hippocampus, medial frontal gyrus, and superior temporal areas on both sides, suggesting a constant interaction between episodic and semantic memory during this task in musicians. In addition, a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) investigation was performed within these areas and revealed that gray matter density of the hippocampus was higher in musicians than in nonmusicians. Our data indicate that musical expertise critically modifies long-term memory processes and induces structural and functional plasticity in the hippocampus

    The effect of improvisational music therapy on the treatment of depression: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background. Music therapy is frequently offered to individuals suffering from depression. Despite the lack of research into the effects of music therapy on this population, anecdotal evidence suggests that the results are rather promising. The aim of this study is to examine whether improvisational, psychodynamically orientated music therapy in an individual setting helps reduce symptoms of depression and improve other health-related outcomes. In particular, attention will be given to mediator agents, such as musical expression and interaction in the sessions, as well as to the explanatory potential of EEG recordings in investigating emotion related music perception of individuals with depression. Methods. 85 adults (18–50 years of age) with depression (ICD-10: F 32 or F33) will be randomly assigned to an experimental or a control condition. All participants will receive standard care, but the experimental group will be offered biweekly sessions of improvisational music therapy over a period of 3 months. A blind assessor will measure outcomes before testing, after 3 months, and after 6 months. Discussion. This study aims to fill a gap in knowledge as to whether active (improvisational) music therapy applied to people with depression improves their condition. For the first time in this context, the mediating processes, such as changes in musical expression and interaction during the course of therapy, will be objectively investigated, and it is expected that the results will provide new insights into these processes. Furthermore, the findings are expected to reveal whether music related emotional experiences, as measured by EEG, can be utilized in assessing a depressive client's improvement in the therapy. The size and the comprehensiveness of the study are sufficient for generalizing its findings to clinical practice as well as to further music therapy research. Trial registration. ISRCTN84185937peerReviewe

    Development of dynamic models for neutron transport calculations

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    A quasi-static approach within the framework of neutron transport theory is used to develop a computational tool for the time-dependent analysis of nuclear systems. The determination of the shape function needed for the quasistatic scheme is obtained by the steady-state transport code DRAGON. The kinetic model solves the system of ordinary differential equations for the amplitude function on a fast scale. The kinetic parameters are calculated by a coupling module that retrieves the shape from the output of the transport code and performs the required adjoint-weighted quadratures. When the update of the shape has to be carried out, the coupling module generates an appropriate input file for the transport code. Both the standard Improved Quasi-Static scheme and an innovative Predictor-Corrector algorithm are implemented. The results show the feasibility of both procedures and their effectiveness in terms of computational times and accuracy

    Characterization of silicon drift detectors with electrons for the TRISTAN project

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    Sterile neutrinos are a minimal extension of the standard model of particle physics. A promising model-independent way to search for sterile neutrinos is via high-precision β-spectroscopy. The Karlsruhe tritium neutrino (KATRIN) experiment, equipped with a novel multi-pixel silicon drift detector focal plane array and read-out system, named the TRISTAN detector, has the potential to supersede the sensitivity of previous laboratory-based searches. In this work we present the characterization of the first silicon drift detector prototypes with electrons and we investigate the impact of uncertainties of the detector's response to electrons on the final sterile neutrino sensitivity

    A novel detector system for KATRIN to search for keV-scale sterile neutrinos

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    Sterile neutrinos appear in minimal extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. If their mass is in the keV regime, they are viable dark matter candidates. One way to search for sterile neutrinos in a laboratory-based experiment is via the analysis of beta-decay spectra, where the new neutrino mass eigenstate would manifest itself as a kink-like distortion of the beta-decay spectrum. The objective of the TRISTAN project is to extend the KATRIN setup with a new multi-pixel silicon drift detector system to search for a keV-scale sterile neutrino signal. In this paper we describe the requirements of such a new detector, and present first characterization measurement results obtained with a 7 pixel prototype system

    Hunting keV sterile neutrinos with KATRIN: Building the first TRISTAN module

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    The KATRIN (Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino) experiment investigates the energetic endpoint of the tritium beta-decay spectrum to determine the effective mass of the electron anti-neutrino. The collaboration has reported a first mass measurement result at this TAUP-2019 conference. The TRISTAN project aims at detecting a keV-sterile neutrino signature by measuring the entire tritium beta-decay spectrum with an upgraded KATRIN system. One of the greatest challenges is to handle the high signal rates generated by the strong activity of the KATRIN tritium source while maintaining a good energy resolution. Therefore, a novel multi-pixel silicon drift detector and read-out system are being designed to handle rates of about 100 Mcps with an energy resolution better than 300 eV (FWHM). This report presents succinctly the KATRIN experiment, the TRISTAN project, then the results of the first 7-pixels prototype measurement campaign and finally describes the construction of the first TRISTAN module composed of 166 SDD-pixels as well as its implementation in KATRIN experiment

    Temporal behavior of quantum systems and quantum zeno effect

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    The temporal behavior of an unstable system is analyzed quantum mechanically and compared to the exponential decay law. The general mathematical features of the quantum evolution, yielding a quadratic region at short times and a power law at long times, are briefly reviewed. The consequences of the short-time quadratic evolution are curious: By performing many measurements in rapid succession on a quantum system, in order to check whether it is still in its initial state, one can hinder its evolution. This phenomenon is known as the quantum Zeno effect and is discussed in detail. In this respect, a specific example involving neutron spin is considered. Finally, we focus our attention on some interesting features of the evolution law