64 research outputs found

    Structural basis for CRISPR RNA-guided DNA recognition by Cascade

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    The CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) immune system in prokaryotes uses small guide RNAs to neutralize invading viruses and plasmids. In Escherichia coli, immunity depends on a ribonucleoprotein complex called Cascade. Here we present the composition and low-resolution structure of Cascade and show how it recognizes double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) targets in a sequence-specific manner. Cascade is a 405-kDa complex comprising five functionally essential CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins (CasA1B2C6D1E1) and a 61-nucleotide CRISPR RNA (crRNA) with 5′-hydroxyl and 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate termini. The crRNA guides Cascade to dsDNA target sequences by forming base pairs with the complementary DNA strand while displacing the noncomplementary strand to form an R-loop. Cascade recognizes target DNA without consuming ATP, which suggests that continuous invader DNA surveillance takes place without energy investment. The structure of Cascade shows an unusual seahorse shape that undergoes conformational changes when it binds target DNA.

    The Evolution of Pepsinogen C Genes in Vertebrates: Duplication, Loss and Functional Diversification

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Aspartic proteases comprise a large group of enzymes involved in peptide proteolysis. This collection includes prominent enzymes globally categorized as pepsins, which are derived from pepsinogen precursors. Pepsins are involved in gastric digestion, a hallmark of vertebrate physiology. An important member among the pepsinogens is pepsinogen C (<em>Pgc</em>). A particular aspect of <em>Pgc</em> is its apparent single copy status, which contrasts with the numerous gene copies found for example in pepsinogen A (<em>Pga</em>). Although gene sequences with similarity to <em>Pgc</em> have been described in some vertebrate groups, no exhaustive evolutionary framework has been considered so far.</p> <h3>Methodology/Principal Findings</h3><p>By combining phylogenetics and genomic analysis, we find an unexpected <em>Pgc</em> diversity in the vertebrate sub-phylum. We were able to reconstruct gene duplication timings relative to the divergence of major vertebrate clades. Before tetrapod divergence, a single <em>Pgc</em> gene tandemly expanded to produce two gene lineages (<em>Pgbc</em> and <em>Pgc2</em>). These have been differentially retained in various classes. Accordingly, we find <em>Pgc2</em> in sauropsids, amphibians and marsupials, but not in eutherian mammals. <em>Pgbc</em> was retained in amphibians, but duplicated in the ancestor of amniotes giving rise to <em>Pgb</em> and <em>Pgc1</em>. The latter was retained in mammals and probably in reptiles and marsupials but not in birds. <em>Pgb</em> was kept in all of the amniote clade with independent episodes of loss in some mammalian species. Lineage specific expansions of <em>Pgc2</em> and <em>Pgbc</em> have also occurred in marsupials and amphibians respectively. We find that teleost and tetrapod <em>Pgc</em> genes reside in distinct genomic regions hinting at a possible translocation.</p> <h3>Conclusions</h3><p>We conclude that the repertoire of <em>Pgc</em> genes is larger than previously reported, and that tandem duplications have modelled the history of <em>Pgc</em> genes. We hypothesize that gene expansion lead to functional divergence in tetrapods, coincident with the invasion of terrestrial habitats.</p> </div

    The Overlap of Small Molecule and Protein Binding Sites within Families of Protein Structures

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    Protein–protein interactions are challenging targets for modulation by small molecules. Here, we propose an approach that harnesses the increasing structural coverage of protein complexes to identify small molecules that may target protein interactions. Specifically, we identify ligand and protein binding sites that overlap upon alignment of homologous proteins. Of the 2,619 protein structure families observed to bind proteins, 1,028 also bind small molecules (250–1000 Da), and 197 exhibit a statistically significant (p<0.01) overlap between ligand and protein binding positions. These “bi-functional positions”, which bind both ligands and proteins, are particularly enriched in tyrosine and tryptophan residues, similar to “energetic hotspots” described previously, and are significantly less conserved than mono-functional and solvent exposed positions. Homology transfer identifies ligands whose binding sites overlap at least 20% of the protein interface for 35% of domain–domain and 45% of domain–peptide mediated interactions. The analysis recovered known small-molecule modulators of protein interactions as well as predicted new interaction targets based on the sequence similarity of ligand binding sites. We illustrate the predictive utility of the method by suggesting structural mechanisms for the effects of sanglifehrin A on HIV virion production, bepridil on the cellular entry of anthrax edema factor, and fusicoccin on vertebrate developmental pathways. The results, available at http://pibase.janelia.org, represent a comprehensive collection of structurally characterized modulators of protein interactions, and suggest that homologous structures are a useful resource for the rational design of interaction modulators

    Mutations in the histone methyltransferase gene KMT2B cause complex early-onset dystonia.

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    Histone lysine methylation, mediated by mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) proteins, is now known to be critical in the regulation of gene expression, genomic stability, cell cycle and nuclear architecture. Despite MLL proteins being postulated as essential for normal development, little is known about the specific functions of the different MLL lysine methyltransferases. Here we report heterozygous variants in the gene KMT2B (also known as MLL4) in 27 unrelated individuals with a complex progressive childhood-onset dystonia, often associated with a typical facial appearance and characteristic brain magnetic resonance imaging findings. Over time, the majority of affected individuals developed prominent cervical, cranial and laryngeal dystonia. Marked clinical benefit, including the restoration of independent ambulation in some cases, was observed following deep brain stimulation (DBS). These findings highlight a clinically recognizable and potentially treatable form of genetic dystonia, demonstrating the crucial role of KMT2B in the physiological control of voluntary movement.Funding for the project was provided by the Wellcome Trust for UK10K (WT091310) and DDD Study. The DDD study presents independent research commissioned by the Health Innovation Challenge Fund [grant number HICF-1009-003] - see www.ddduk.org/access.html for full acknowledgement. This work was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the National Human Genome Research Institute and the Common Fund, NIH Office of the Director. This work was supported in part by the German Ministry of Research and Education (grant nos. 01GS08160 and 01GS08167; German Mental Retardation Network) as part of the National Genome Research Network to A.R. and D.W. and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (AB393/2-2) to A.R. Brain expression data was provided by the UK Human Brain Expression Consortium (UKBEC), which comprises John A. Hardy, Mina Ryten, Michael Weale, Daniah Trabzuni, Adaikalavan Ramasamy, Colin Smith and Robert Walker, affiliated with UCL Institute of Neurology (J.H., M.R., D.T.), King’s College London (M.R., M.W., A.R.) and the University of Edinburgh (C.S., R.W.)

    Preferential Cleavage of Plasmid-based R-loops and D-loops by Drosophila Topoisomerase IIIβ.

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    Ligand-binding properties of a juvenile hormone receptor, Methoprene-tolerant

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    Juvenile hormone (JH) is a sesquiterpenoid of vital importance for insect development, yet the molecular basis of JH signaling remains obscure, mainly because a bona fide JH receptor has not been identified. Mounting evidence points to the basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH)/Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain protein Methoprene-tolerant (Met) as the best JH receptor candidate. However, details of how Met transduces the hormonal signal are missing. Here, we demonstrate that Met specifically binds JH III and its biologically active mimics, methoprene and pyriproxyfen, through its C-terminal PAS domain. Substitution of individual amino acids, predicted to form a ligand-binding pocket, with residues possessing bulkier side chains reduces JH III binding likely because of steric hindrance. Although a mutation that abolishes JH III binding does not affect a Met–Met complex that forms in the absence of methoprene, it prevents both the ligand-dependent dissociation of the Met–Met dimer and the ligand-dependent interaction of Met with its partner bHLH-PAS protein Taiman. These results show that Met can sense the JH signal through direct, specific binding, thus establishing a unique class of intracellular hormone receptors

    Structure-Phenotype Correlations of Human CYP21A2 Mutations in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Mutations in the cytochrome p450 (CYP)21A2 gene, which encodes the enzyme steroid 21-hydroxylase, cause the majority of cases in congenital adrenal hyperplasia, an autosomal recessive disorder. To date, more than 100 CYP21A2 mutations have been reported. These mutations can be associated either with severe salt-wasting or simple virilizing phenotypes or with milder nonclassical phenotypes. Not all CYP21A2 mutations have, however, been characterized biochemically, and the clinical consequences of these mutations remain unknown. Using the crystal structure of its bovine homolog as a template, we have constructed a humanized model of CYP21A2 to provide comprehensive structural explanations for the clinical manifestations caused by each of the known disease-causing missense mutations in CYP21A2. Mutations that affect membrane anchoring, disrupt heme and/or substrate binding, or impair stability of CYP21A2 cause complete loss of function and salt-wasting disease. In contrast, mutations altering the transmembrane region or conserved hydrophobic patches cause up to a 98% reduction in enzyme activity and simple virilizing disease. Mild nonclassical disease can result from interference in oxidoreductase interactions, salt-bridge and hydrogen-bonding networks, and nonconserved hydrophobic clusters. A simple in silico evaluation of previously uncharacterized gene mutations could, thus, potentially help predict the often diverse phenotypes of a monogenic disorder

    A new tRNA intermediate revealed on the ribosome during EF4-mediated back-translocation

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    EF4 (LepA) is an almost universally conserved translational GTPase in eubacteria. It seems to be essential under environmental stress conditions and has previously been shown to back-translocate the tRNAs on the ribosome, thereby reverting the canonical translocation reaction. In the current work, EF4 was directly visualized in the process of back-translocating tRNAs by single-particle cryo-EM. Using flexible fitting methods, we built a model of ribosome-bound EF4 based on the cryo-EM map and a recently published unbound EF4 X-ray structure. The cryo-EM map establishes EF4 as a noncanonical elongation factor that interacts not only with the elongating ribosome, but also with the back-translocated tRNA in the A-site region, which is present in a previously unseen, intermediate state and deviates markedly from the position of a canonical A-tRNA. Our results, therefore, provide insight into the underlying structural principles governing back-translocation

    Details of Toll-like receptor:adapter interaction revealed by germ-line mutagenesis

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    The immunovariant N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mutations Pococurante (Poc) and Lackadaisical were found to alter MyD88, creating striking receptor-selective effects. Poc, in particular, prevented sensing of all MyD88-dependent Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands except diacyl lipopeptides. Furthermore, Poc-site and classical BB loop mutations caused equivalent phenotypes when engrafted into any TLR/IL-1 receptor/resistance (TIR) domain. These observations, complemented by data from docking studies and site-directed mutagenesis, revealed that BB loops and Poc sites interact homotypically across the receptor:adapter signaling interface, whereas the C-terminal α(E)-helices support adapter:adapter and receptor:receptor oligomerization. We have thus defined the TIR domain surface that mediates association between TLRs and MyD88 and the surface required for MyD88 or TLR oligomerization. Moreover, MyD88 engages individual TLRs differently, suggesting the feasibility of selective pharmacologic TIR domain receptor blockade