155 research outputs found

    О подходах к формированию межведомственных статистических ресурсов, необходимых для мониторинга выполнения социальных программ

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    This article describes an approach to development of interagency statistical resources with regard to support program for children and families with children - «Children of Russia» - based on the best foreign practices. In other countries these types of statistical resources are created by cooperative efforts of government agencies (that are responsible for implementation of support 'programs for children and families with children) and research centers (universities). Program of development of a specialized unit of interagency information resources dedicated to the problems of children and families with children is put together to investigate the wellbeing of target groups, to work out a program for supporting children and families with children, to monitor program’s performance (stages and results). This resource is to be multifunctional; it may serve research and education interests of universities and raise public awareness and knowledge about this vital and socially significant sphere. Official statistics forms the basis for data array; functionality is amplified by analytical services with regard to needs of all interested parties (agencies, researchers and general public). The paper discusses an approach to creating an interagency resource with information on children and families with children in Russia. Despite the fact that several national ministries in line with their activity areas practice and keep statistical records on these topics, the data resources are not integrated for system analysis of problems of children and families with children. Therefore, in order to standardize the terminology and concepts in this field of statistical observation the authors propose developing a unified subject classification and integrating data in the resources’ multifunctional information framework. Such resource may provide means for integrated assessment of the general subject area and specific target groups. According to the authors, this resource may serve as a foundation for elaborating documents for strategic planning of effective family, maternity and childhood support policies at a new level of quality. The article proposes an approach to the development of statistical information resource based on Rosstat data with advanced interface and a set of analytical services, which include access to the methodology of statistical monitoring and access to thematic publications on the problems of children and families with children in regions of the country.Авторы с учетом практики развитых стран обосновывают подходы к формированию межведомственных статистических ресурсов применительно к программе помощи детям и семьям с детьми «Дети России». Отмечается, что такого рода статистические ресурсы в зарубежных странах создаются совместными усилиями государственных структур, в сферу ответственности которых входит реализация программ помощи семьям с детьми, и исследовательских центров (университетов). Программа разработки специализированного блока межведомственных информационных ресурсов, посвященных проблемам детей и семей с детьми, составляется исходя из задач исследования положения целевых групп, разработки и мониторинга этапов и результатов программ поддержки детей и семей с детьми, для научных проектов и просвещения общества в этой важной и социально значимой сфере. Основу информационного массива ресурсов составляет официальная статистика; функциональность дополнена аналитическими сервисами с учетом потребностей всех заинтересованных ведомств, исследователей и граждан страны. В статье обсуждается подход к созданию межведомственного ресурса, содержащего информацию о детях и семьях России. Несмотря на то, что ряд отечественных министерств по направлениям своей деятельности ведут статистический учет, связанный с указанной проблематикой, данные разных ведомств не интегрированы для системного анализа проблем детей и семей с детьми. Поэтому на основе унификации терминологии и понятий рассматриваемой области статистического наблюдения предлагается разработать единый тематический классификатор и интегрировать данные в рамках многофункционального информационного ресурса, на основе которого возможна комплексная характеристика как предметной области в целом, так и ее отдельных целевых групп. По мнению авторов, на базе такого ресурса возможна разработка на новом качественном уровне документов стратегического планирования для целей эффективной политики поддержки семьи, материнства и детства. Предложен подход к разработке информационного статистического ресурса на базе данных Росстата с развитым интерфейсом и комплексом аналитических сервисов, включая доступ к методологии статистического наблюдения и доступ к тематическим публикациям по проблемам детей и семей с детьми в регионах страны

    Global versus task-specific postoperative feedback in surgical procedure learning

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    Background: Task-specific checklists and global rating scales are both recommended assessment tools to provide constructive feedback on surgical performance. This study evaluated the most effective feedback tool by comparing the effects of the Observational Clinical Human Reliability Analysis (OCHRA) and the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) on surgical performance in relation to the visual-spatial ability of the learners. Methods: In a randomized controlled trial, medical students were allocated to either the OCHRA (n = 25) or OSATS (n = 25) feedback group. Visual-spatial ability was measured by a Mental Rotation Test. Participants performed an open inguinal hernia repair procedure on a simulation model twice. Feedback was provided after the first procedure. Improvement in performance was evaluated blindly using a global rating sca

    A Mediterranean-style dietary intervention supplemented with fish oil improves diet quality and mental health in people with depression: a randomized controlled trial (HELFIMED)

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    We investigated whether a Mediterranean-style diet (MedDiet) supplemented with fish oil can improve mental health in adults suffering depression.Adults with self-reported depression were randomized to receive fortnightly food hampers and MedDiet cooking workshops for 3 months and fish oil supplements for 6 months, or attend social groups fortnightly for 3 months. Assessments at baseline, 3 and 6 months included mental health, quality of life (QoL) and dietary questionnaires, and blood samples for erythrocyte fatty acid analysis.n = 152 eligible adults aged 18-65 were recruited (n = 95 completed 3-month and n = 85 completed 6-month assessments). At 3 months, the MedDiet group had a higher MedDiet score (t = 3.95, P < 0.01), consumed more vegetables (t = 3.95, P < 0.01), fruit (t = 2.10, P = 0.04), nuts (t = 2.29, P = 0.02), legumes (t = 2.41, P = 0.02) wholegrains (t = 2.63, P = 0.01), and vegetable diversity (t = 3.27, P < 0.01); less unhealthy snacks (t = -2.10, P = 0.04) and red meat/chicken (t = -2.13, P = 0.04). The MedDiet group had greater reduction in depression (t = -2.24, P = 0.03) and improved mental health QoL scores (t = 2.10, P = 0.04) at 3 months. Improved diet and mental health were sustained at 6 months. Reduced depression was correlated with an increased MedDiet score (r = -0.298, P = 0.01), nuts (r = -0.264, P = 0.01), and vegetable diversity (r = -0.303, P = 0.01). Other mental health improvements had similar correlations, most notably for increased vegetable diversity and legumes. There were some correlations between increased omega-3, decreased omega-6 and improved mental health.This is one of the first randomized controlled trials to show that healthy dietary changes are achievable and, supplemented with fish oil, can improve mental health in people with depression.Natalie Parletta, Dorota Zarnowiecki, Jihyun Cho, Amy Wilson, Svetlana Bogomolova, Anthony Villani, Catherine Itsiopoulos, Theo Niyonsenga, Sarah Blunden, Barbara Meyer, Leonie Segal, Bernhard T. Baune and Kerin O’De


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    Aspergillus fumigatus colonization in the patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) may cause sensitization against A. fumigatus and/or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), which significantly worsens the course of underlying disease. At the present time, new diagnostic tests are searched for detection of fungal sensitization in these patients. The aim of this work was to evaluate an opportunity of application of basophile activation test with A. fumigatus allergen in vitro using flow cytometry, aiming for identification of fungal sensitization in the CF patients. The study included 190 patients with CF aged 1 to 37 years. All the patients underwent common allergy screening (skin tests with fungal allergens, determination of serum levels of total IgE and specific IgE for the fungal allergens), and mycological examination (microscopy and culture of respiratory substrates). Computed tomography of the chest was performed upon clinical indications. The basophil activation test with the A. fumigatus allergen was performed in 10 CF patients with ABPA, and 10 CF patients without ABPA, in addition to the standard allergological examination. Frequency of sensitization to A. fumigatus in the patients with cystic fibrosis was 27%, the incidence of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis was 5.7%. The number of eosinophils, total IgE and specific IgE levels in CF patients with ABPA were significantly higher than in CF patients without ABPA. In blood of the ABPA patients we have identified 68.5 (52.5-81.5%) of basophilic leukocytes activated by A. fumigatus allergen, with a stimulation index of 17.07 (10.30-27.70). In appropriate comparison group, the stimulation index did not exceed 1.5 (p = 0.000). Direct positive correlation between the levels of specific IgE to A. fumigatus and the number of basophils activated by A. fumigatus allergens was revealed (r = 0.77; р &lt; 0.05). FVC values and the body mass index in CF patients with ABPA were significantly lower when compared with the patients without fungal sensitization. Introduction of the basophil activation test, along with standard techniques, may enable a more differentiated assessment of ABPA development in CF patients. Timely detection of associations between A. fumigatus sensitization and clinical status of CF patients will facilitate early and effective administration of specific therapy

    Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR

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    Erratum in : Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR. [Cell. 2019]International audienceInnate immune responses are intricately linked with intracellular metabolism of myeloid cells. Toll-likereceptor (TLR) stimulation shifts intracellular metabolism toward glycolysis, while anti-inflammatorysignals depend on enhanced mitochondrial respiration. How exogenous metabolic signals affect theimmune response is unknown. We demonstrate that TLR-dependent responses of dendritic cells (DC)are exacerbated by a high fatty acid (FA) metabolic environment. FA suppress the TLR-inducedhexokinase activity and perturb tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolism. These metabolic changesenhance mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mtROS) production and, in turn, the unfolded proteinresponse (UPR) leading to a distinct transcriptomic signature, with IL-23 as hallmark. Interestingly,chemical or genetic suppression of glycolysis was sufficient to induce this specific immune response.Conversely, reducing mtROS production or DC-specific deficiency in XBP1 attenuated IL-23expression and skin inflammation in an IL-23-dependent model of psoriasis. Thus, fine-tuning of innateimmunity depends on optimization of metabolic demands and minimization of mtROS-induced UPR

    The global spread of misinformation on spiders

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    In the internet era, the digital architecture that keeps us connected and informed may also amplify the spread of misinformation. This problem is gaining global attention, as evidence accumulates that misinformation may interfere with democratic processes and undermine collective responses to environmental and health crises1,2. In an increasingly polluted information ecosystem, understanding the factors underlying the generation and spread of misinformation is becoming a pressing scientific and societal challenge3. Here, we studied the global spread of (mis-)information on spiders using a high-resolution global database of online newspaper articles on spider–human interactions, covering stories of spider–human encounters and biting events published from 2010–20204. We found that 47% of articles contained errors and 43% were sensationalist. Moreover, we show that the flow of spider-related news occurs within a highly interconnected global network and provide evidence that sensationalism is a key factor underlying the spread of misinformation

    Thermal and Optical Characterization of Undoped and Neodymium-Doped Y3ScAl4O12 Ceramics

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    Y3–3xNd3xSc1Al4O12 (x = 0, 0.01, and 0.02) ceramics were fabricated by sintering at high temperature under vacuum. Unit cell parameter refinement and chemical analysis have been performed. The morphological characterization shows micrograins with no visible defects. The thermal analysis of these ceramics is presented, by measuring the specific heat in the temperature range from 300 to 500 K. Their values at room temperature are in the range 0.81–0.90 J g1–K–1. The thermal conductivity has been determined by two methods: by the experimental measurement of the thermal diffusivity by the photopyroelectric method, and by spectroscopy, evaluating the thermal load. The thermal conductivities are in the range 9.7–6.5 W K–1 m–1 in the temperature interval from 300 to 500 K. The thermooptic coefficients were measured at 632 nm by the dark mode method using a prism coupler, and the obtained values are in the range 12.8–13.3 × 10–6 K–1. The nonlinear refractive index values at 795 nm have been evaluated to calibrate the nonlinear optical response of these materials.This work is supported by the Spanish Government under projects MAT2011-29255-C02-01-02, MAT2013-47395-C4-4-R, and the Catalan Government under project 2014SGR1358. It was also funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, project Cleanspace, FP7-SPACE-2010-1-GA No. 263044