221 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Menemukan Kalimat Utama dalam Paragraf Deduktif dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Inquiry pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP St. Paulus Benteng Jawa

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    This study aims to determine the ability to find main sentences in deductive paragraphs using the Inquiry learning model in class VII students of SMP St. Paul Fort Java. This study uses a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used in this study is the test technique. After the data is collected, the data is analyzed using the written test method then the data is presented formally, meaning that the data is described using numbers. The theory used in this study is the theory of learning evaluation and syntax theory. The results of the study showed that students at St. Middle School. Paulus Benteng Jawa is classified as capable because the average score obtained by all sample students is 87.6% and students who are able are 63 people with a percentage of 84% and students who are unable are 12 people with a percentage of 16%

    Symmetry breaking, Josephson oscillation and self-trapping in a self-bound three-dimensional quantum ball

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    We study spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), Josephson oscillation, and self-trapping in a stable, mobile, three-dimensional matter-wave spherical quantum ball self-bound by attractive two-body and repulsive three-body interactions. The SSB is realized by a parity-symmetric (a) one-dimensional (1D) double-well potential and (b) a 1D Gaussian potential, both along the zz axis and no potential along the xx and yy axes. In the presence of each of these potentials, the symmetric ground state dynamically evolves into a doubly-degenerate SSB ground state. If the SSB ground state in the double well, predominantly located in the first well (z>0z>0), is given a small displacement, the quantum ball oscillates with a self-trapping in the first well. For a medium displacement one encounters an asymmetric Josephson oscillation. The asymmetric oscillation is a consequence of SSB. The study is performed by a variational and numerical solution of a non-linear mean-field model with 1D parity-symmetric perturbations

    Feed Consumption and Growth Dynamics of Sheep Fed Agro-industrial Waste with Hibiscus rosasinencis Flower and Urea Supplementation

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    Optimizing the use of agro-industrial waste as an alternative feed ingredient for sheep requires the right strategy. The use of feed additives and supplements is needed to improve the performance of sheep in utilizing agro-industrial waste-based feed. The use of hibiscus flour as a source of saponins is important to optimize rumen microbial growth by suppressing the growth of protozoa. The addition of urea is used to supply nitrogen sources to optimize the performance of rumen microbes. This study used 15 thin tail sheep aged 8 months with an average weight of 13.98 ± 1.1 kg, the experimental design used was CRD (Completely Randomized Design) with 3 types of treatment and 5 times repetition, namely R1 (control / without supplementation), R2 (supplementation of 0.1 % hibiscus flower and Urea 0.5%), R3 (supplementation of 0.2% hibiscus flower and 1% Urea). The objective of this research was to measure feed consumption and growth dynamics. The results showed that the addition of hibiscus flour and urea to the feed formula had no significant effect on the feed consumption of sheep. The growth dynamics of sheep showed a decrease in the first week of the trial, and gradually showed an increase in the second week. The highest growth increase was achieved in R3 treatment at 6 weeks of the feeding trial. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that sheep fed with 0.2% hibiscus flour supplementation and 1% Urea (R3) showed the best ability in utilizing agro-industrial waste-based feed. Keywords: Feed consumption, Growth Dynamic, Sheep, Agroindustrial waste, Supplementatio

    Proper Sterol Distribution Is Required for Candida albicans Hyphal Formation and Virulence

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    Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungus responsible for the majority of systemic fungal infections. Multiple factors contribute to C. albicans pathogenicity. C. albicans strains lacking CaArv1 are avirulent. Arv1 has a conserved Arv1 homology domain (AHD) that has a zinc-binding domain containing two cysteine clusters. Here, we explored the role of the CaAHD and zinc-binding motif in CaArv1-dependent virulence. Overall, we found that the CaAHD was necessary but not sufficient for cells to be virulent, whereas the zinc-binding domain was essential, as Caarv1/Caarv1 cells expressing the full-length zinc-binding domain mutants, Caarv1C3S and Caarv1C28S, were avirulent. Phenotypically, we found a direct correlation between the avirulence of Caarv1/Caarv1, Caarrv1AHD, Caarv1C3S, and Caarv1C28S cells and defects in bud site selection, septa formation and localization, and hyphal formation and elongation. Importantly, all avirulent mutant strains lacked the ability to maintain proper sterol distribution. Overall, our results have established the importance of the AHD and zinc-binding domain in fungal invasion, and have correlated an avirulent phenotype with the inability to maintain proper sterol distribution


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    To improve soybean ( Glycine max L.) production in Benin, knowledge of bacterial diseases is needed. The objective of this study was to establish the disease occurrence and to identify Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.glycines, the causal agent of soybean bacterial pustule. Soybean bacterial pustule disease was studied during the flowering and at pod maturation, in thirty four sites of the main soybean cultivation areas in eight districts of the Guinea Savanna in Benin. Twenty and 10 soybean plants were randomly inspected for incidence and severity, respectively, on two diagonals through the field. Seven isolates from 6 different locations with highest severity, were submitted for virulence tests. The most virulent was characterised by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Bacterial pustules were present in 33 of 34 sites. Incidence and severity per district ranged from 15.8 to 70%, and 6.0 to 26.14%, respectively. Severity was highest at Binassi (34.33%) in Perere and Baka (33.2%) in Parakou. Among the seven strains isolated, UP-PK-S3 from Baka (Parakou) was the most virulent, and was characterised as Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines.Une prospection a \ue9t\ue9 conduite sur la pustule bact\ue9rienne du soja durant la phase de floraison et de formation des gousses sur trente-quatre sites de production du soja localis\ue9s dans 8 Communes de la savane guin\ue9enne du B\ue9nin en 2011. L\u2019objectif \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9tablir la pr\ue9sence de la maladie et d\u2019identifier Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines, l\u2019agent responsable de la pustule bact\ue9rienne du soja. Trois \ue0 six sites ont \ue9t\ue9 prospect\ue9s par commune et sur chaque site 20 et 10 plants sont respectivement inspect\ue9s au hasard sur deux diagonales du champ pour \ue9valuer l\u2019incidence et la s\ue9v\ue9rit\ue9. Sept isolats provenant de 6 diff\ue9rentes localit\ue9s \ue0 fortes valeurs de s\ue9v\ue9rit\ue9s ont \ue9t\ue9 soumis \ue0 un test de virulence et l\u2019isolat le plus virulent a \ue9t\ue9 caract\ue9ris\ue9 par PCR et s\ue9quenc\ue9. Les r\ue9sultats ont montr\ue9 que la pustule bact\ue9rienne \ue9tait pr\ue9sente sur 33 des 34 champs prospect\ue9s. L\u2019analyse statistique de la moyenne d\u2019incidence et de s\ue9v\ue9rit\ue9 par commune a r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 une variabilit\ue9 de 15,8 \ue0 70% pour l\u2019incidence et de 6,0 \ue0 26,14% pour la s\ue9v\ue9rit\ue9. Parmi les sept souches isol\ue9es, la souche UP-PK-S3 provenant de Baka (Parakou) \ue9tait la plus virulente et a \ue9t\ue9 caract\ue9ris\ue9e comme Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines et pourrait \ueatre utilis\ue9e pour le criblage pour la r\ue9sistance en milieu contr\uf4l\ue9

    Plant polysaccharide degrading enzyme system of Thermobifida cellulosilytica TB100<sup>T</sup> revealed by de novo genome project data

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    Thermobifidas are thermophilic, aerobic, lignocellulose decomposing actinomycetes. The Thermobifida genus includes four species: T. fusca, T. alba, T. cellulosilytica, and T. halotolerans. T. fusca YX is the far best characterized strain of this taxon and several cellulases and hemicellulases have been cloned from it for industrial purposes targeting paper industry, biofuel, and feed applications. Unfortunately, sequence data of such enzymes are almost exclusively restricted to this single species; however, we demonstrated earlier by zymography that other T. alba and T. cellulosilytica strains encode the same enzyme sets. Recently, the advances in whole genome sequencing by the use of next generation genomics platforms accelerated the selection process of valuable hydrolases from uncharacterized bacterial species for cloning purposes. For this purpose T. cellulosilytica TB100T type strain was chosen for de novo genome sequencing. We have assembled the genome of T. cellulosilytica strain TB100T into 168 contigs and 19 scaffolds, with reference length of 4 327 869 bps, 3 589 putative coding sequences, 53 tRNAs, and 4 rRNAs. The analysis of the annotated genome revealed the existence of 27 putative hydrolases belonging to 14 different glycoside hydrolase (GH) families. The investigation of identified, cloned, and heterologously multiple cellulases, mannanases, xylanases, and amylases may result in industrial applications beside gaining useful basic research related information

    EuroGuiDerm Guideline on the systemic treatment of Psoriasis vulgaris - Part 2 : specific clinical and comorbid situations

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    This evidence- and consensus-based guideline on the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris was developed following the EuroGuiDerm Guideline and Consensus Statement Development Manual. The second part of the guideline provides guidance for specific clinical and comorbid situations such as treating psoriasis vulgaris patient with concomitant psoriatic arthritis, concomitant inflammatory bowel disease, a history of malignancies or a history of depression or suicidal ideation. It further holds recommendations for concomitant diabetes, viral hepatitis, disease affecting the heart or the kidneys as well as concomitant neurological disease. Advice on how to screen for tuberculosis and recommendations on how to manage patients with a positive tuberculosis test result are given. It further covers treatment for pregnant women or patients with a wish for a child in the near future. Information on vaccination, immunogenicity and systemic treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic is also provided.Peer reviewe

    Non-Invasive Detection of a Small Number of Bioluminescent Cancer Cells In Vivo

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    Early detection of tumors can significantly improve the outcome of tumor treatment. One of the most frequently asked questions in cancer imaging is how many cells can be detected non-invasively in a live animal. Although many factors limit such detection, increasing the light emission from cells is one of the most effective ways of overcoming these limitations. Here, we describe development and utilization of a lentiviral vector containing enhanced firefly luciferase (luc2) gene. The resulting single cell clones of the mouse mammary gland tumor (4T1-luc2) showed stable light emission in the range of 10,000 photons/sec/cell. In some cases individual 4T1-luc2 cells inserted under the skin of a nu/nu mouse could be detected non-invasively using a cooled CCD camera in some cases. In addition, we showed that only few cells are needed to develop tumors in these mice and tumor progression can be monitored right after the cells are implanted. Significantly higher luciferase activity in these cells allowed us to detect micrometastases in both, syngeneic Balb/c and nu/nu mice
