69 research outputs found

    Análisis de la reconciliación post-agonismo en un grupo en cautiverio del mono capuchino común, Cebus olivaceus: un estudio piloto

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    Agonism was often associated to an increase in inter-individual distances in social individuals; however, many evidences indicate that individuals affiliate after a dispute ( “reconciliate”). The post-agonism behavior of individuals in a captive troop of the wedge-capped capuchin monkey was described and conciliatory tendency (CT) was estimated by using the PC-MC (Post-Conflict – Matched Control) method; here PA-MC (Post-Agonism – Matched-Control). Males initiated more agonistic interactions toward females than to other males while females avoided initiating them toward males. Interestingly, females were more prone to initiate reconciliation than males, both toward males (CT: 0.20-0.42) and toward other females (CT: 0.24-0.25). Overall, the CT in the group ranged from 0.127 to 0.198.  We compared our results with those from other capuchins and propose that reconciliation may not be fundamental in maintaining social cohesion in Cebidae; nonetheless, due to our small sample, this is a preliminary conclusion.El agonismo frecuentemente se asoció con el incremento distanciamiento interindividual en grupos sociales, pero las evidencias indican que los individuos se afilian después de una disputa (“se reconcilian”). Las conductas post-agonistas se describieron en un grupo de monos capuchinos en cautiverio y se calculó la tendencia conciliatoria (TC) utilizando el método pareado PC-CP (Post-Conflicto – Control Pareado); aquí PA-CP (Post-Agonismo – Control Pareado). Los machos iniciaron más interacciones agonistas hacia las hembras que hacia otros machos, mientras que las hembras evitaron dirigirlas a los machos. Interesantemente, las hembras iniciaron más reconciliaciones que los machos tanto hacia machos (TC: 0,20-0,42) como hacia hembras (TC: 0.24-0.25). Globalmente, la TC del grupo varió entre 0,127 y 0,198. Comparamos nuestros resultados con los de otros capuchinos y proponemos que la reconciliación podría no ser fundamental en el mantenimiento de la cohesión social en Cebidae; no obstante, debido al tamaño de nuestra muestra, esta conclusión es preliminar

    Diet of Dendropsophus microcephalus and Scarthyla vigilans (Anura: Hylidae) at a locality in north-western Venezuela with notes on microhabitat occupation

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    The coexistence of species with similar ecological requirements (food, space, time) has typically drawn attention of researchers because competition for resources is expected to be high. The diet and microhabitat occupation of two morphologically and ecologically similar species of Hylidae (Anura), Dendropsophus microcephalus and Scarthyla vigilans, were analyzed at a locality in north-western Venezuela, with the aim of addressing the potential for space and food competition between them. Diet was estimated through the analysis of stomach contents and microhabitat occupation was estimated through recordings of perch type, height and horizontal distance to water. Thirty-six prey categories (32 families, 4 orders) of arthropods were identified: 30 categories in D. microcephalus and 21 categories in S. vigilans. The most important prey (RII) in D. microcephalus were Agelenidae (11.1%), Tachinidae (9.32%) and Lepidoptera-larvae (7.96%). Gryllidae (14.13%), Cicadidae (9.1%), Cicadellidae (8.3%) and Delphacidae (8.02%) were the most important in S. vigilans. Diet overlap was relatively low (0.32). Both species have relatively generalist diets. Both species occupied the same type of perches (leaves and stems of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons) and heights (average: S. vigilans, 24 ± 16.2 cm; D. microcephalus, 22.7 ± 9.5 cm). The potential for space competition is high if perches are limited and food competition is expected to be low

    Rumo a cidades mais inteligentes aproveitando o paradigma Fog Computing

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    The fog computing term has achieved importance in the last years due to its effect in the latency reduction that the Internet of Things [IoT] applications have. These applications demand real-time (or nearly real-time) responses and they are characterized by low bandwidth consumption; hence, the fog computing is relevant in achieving these requests because part of the processing is done near the end user devices. For this reason, the cloud computing paradigm is not enough for some applications, since nowadays, the instant need of data and the decision-making process leverage –or somehow discover– a new horizon that demands a complementary variable. This article consists on an approach to the fog computing term, together with the requirements analysis for engineering solutions in the IoT field. Also, its impact in the smart cities and other fields plus its main challenges are addressed. We also present a guideline to implement a recommendation system for sightseeing places for tourists based in fog computing embraced in a large smart city project located in Havana.El término fog computing [computación en la niebla o niebla computacional] ha cobrado auge en los últimos años por su incidencia en la disminución de la latencia que tienen las aplicaciones de Internet de las Cosas [IoT, Internet of Things], las cuales demandan respuestas en tiempo real o cercano al real, así como por el menor consumo de ancho de banda que resulta de resolver parte del procesamiento más cerca de los dispositivos del usuario final. Ya no es suficiente el paradigma de la cloud computing [nube computacional]. En el presente,  la necesidad del “dato” y de la toma de decisión al instante impulsan, o de alguna manera descubren, un horizonte nuevo que demanda de una variante complementaria. Este artículo constituye un acercamiento al término fog computing, aparejado con el análisis de su necesidad ante soluciones ingenieriles en el campo de la IoT, su impacto en las ciudades inteligentes y demás campos de acción, y algunos de susprincipales retos. Se ofrece además, una hoja de ruta para implementar un sistema de recomendación de lugares de interés al viajero basado en fog computing, en el marco de un proyecto de ciudades inteligentes en La Habana. O termo fog computing [Computação em neblina ou neblina computacional] ganhou impulso nos últimos anos devido à sua incidência na diminuição da latência que as aplicações da Internet das Coisas [IoT, Internet of Things] têm, as quais demandam respostas em tempo real ou próximo do real, bem como o menor consumo de largura de banda que resulta da resolução de parte do processamento mais próximo dos dispositivos do usuário final. O paradigma da computação em nuvem já não é suficiente. No presente, a necessidade do "dado" e de tomada de decisão instantânea, conduzem, ou de alguma forma descobrem, um novo horizonte que exige uma variante complementar. Este artigo é uma abordagem do conceito de fog computing, juntamente com a análise de sua necessidade de soluções de engenharia no campo da IoT, seu impacto em cidades inteligentes e outros campos de ação e alguns dos seus principais desafios. Ele também oferece um roteiro para implementar um sistema de recomendação de locais de interesse para o viajante com base na fog computing, no âmbito de um projeto de cidades inteligentes em Havana.&nbsp

    Male Responses to Conspecific Advertisement Signals in the Field Cricket Gryllus rubens (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)

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    In many species males aggregate and produce long-range advertisement signals to attract conspecific females. The majority of the receivers of these signals are probably other males most of the time, and male responses to competitors' signals can structure the spatial and temporal organization of the breeding aggregation and affect male mating tactics. I quantified male responses to a conspecific advertisement stimulus repeatedly over three age classes in Gryllus rubens (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in order to estimate the type and frequency of male responses to the broadcast stimulus and to determine the factors affecting them. Factors tested included body size, wing dimorphism, age, and intensity of the broadcast stimulus. Overall, males employed acoustic response more often than positive phonotactic response. As males aged, the frequency of positive phonotactic response decreased but that of the acoustic response increased. That is, males may use positive phonotaxis in the early stages of their adult lives, possibly to find suitable calling sites or parasitize calling males, and then later in life switch to acoustic responses in response to conspecific advertisement signals. Males with smaller body size more frequently exhibited acoustic responses. This study suggests that individual variation, more than any factors measured, is critical for age-dependent male responses to conspecific advertisement signals

    All's well that begins Wells: Celebrating 60 years of Animal Behaviour and 36 years of research on anuran social behaviour

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    The scientific study of frogs and toads as important systems in behavioural ecology traces its roots to an influential review published in this journal 36 years ago (Wells 1977a, ‘The social behaviour of anuran amphibians’, Animal Behaviour, 25, 666–693). In just 28 pages, Wells summarized the state of knowledge on important behaviours associated with anuran breeding and introduced an evolutionary framework ‘for understanding the relationship between social behaviour and ecology’ (page 666) that was largely lacking in earlier treatments of this group. Not only is Wells's review one of the most cited papers ever published in Animal Behaviour, it is also responsible for setting broad research agendas and shaping much of our current thinking on social behaviour in an entire order of vertebrates. As such, it is entirely appropriate that we honour Wells's review and its contributions to the study of animal behaviour in this inaugural essay celebrating 12 papers selected by the community as the most influential papers published in the 60-year history of Animal Behaviour. In our essay, we place Wells's review in historical context at the dawn of behavioural ecology, highlight the field's progress in answering some major research questions outlined in the review, and provide our own prospectus for future research on the social behaviour of anuran amphibians. Highlights ► This essay celebrates Kent Wells's (1977, Animal Behaviour, 25, 666–693) paper, ‘The social behaviour of anuran amphibians’. ► We place the article in historical context and outline its major contributions. ► We discuss progress on anuran social behaviour since its publication in 1977. ► We provide our own prospectus on the future of anuran behavioural ecology

    Thermal stress and life test on GaN HEMT: physical origin and modeling

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    Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Analysis of Post-agonism Reconciliation in a Captive Group of the Wedge-Capped Capuchin Monkey, Cebus olivaceus: a Pilot Study.

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    Análisis de la reconciliación post-agonismo en un grupo en cautiverio del mono capuchino común, Cebus olivaceus: Un estudio piloto.  El agonismo frecuentemente se asoció con el incremento distanciamiento interindividual en grupos sociales, pero las evidencias indican que los individuos se afilian después de una disputa (“se reconcilian”). Las conductas post-agonistas se describieron en un grupo de monos capuchinos en cautiverio y se calculó la tendencia conciliatoria (TC) utilizando el método pareado PC-CP (Post-Conflicto – Control Pareado); aquí PA-CP (Post-Agonismo – Control Pareado). Los machos iniciaron más interacciones agonistas hacia las hembras que hacia otros machos, mientras que las hembras evitaron dirigirlas a los machos. Interesantemente, las hembras iniciaron más reconciliaciones que los machos tanto hacia machos (TC: 0,20-0,42) como hacia hembras (TC: 0.24-0.25). Globalmente, la TC del grupo varió entre 0,127 y 0,198. Comparamos nuestros resultados con los de otros capuchinos y proponemos que la reconciliación podría no ser fundamental en el mantenimiento de la cohesión social en Cebidae; no obstante, debido al tamaño de nuestra muestra, esta conclusión es preliminar.Palabras claves: Reconciliación; Mono Capuchino; Agonismo; Tendencia conciliatoria Agonism was often associated to an increase in inter-individual distances in social individuals; however, many evidences indicate that individuals affiliate after a dispute ( “reconciliate”). The post-agonism behavior of individuals in a captive troop of the wedge-capped capuchin monkey was described and conciliatory tendency (CT) was estimated by using the PC-MC (Post-Conflict – Matched Control) method; here PA-MC (Post-Agonism – Matched-Control). Males initiated more agonistic interactions toward females than to other males while females avoided initiating them toward males. Interestingly, females were more prone to initiate reconciliation than males, both toward males (CT: 0.20-0.42) and toward other females (CT: 0.24-0.25). Overall, the CT in the group ranged from 0.127 to 0.198.  We compared our results with those from other capuchins and propose that reconciliation may not be fundamental in maintaining social cohesion in Cebidae; nonetheless, due to our small sample, this is a preliminary conclusion. Key Words: Reconciliation; Capuchin Monkey;  Agonism; Conciliatory Tendenc