7 research outputs found
Therapists and therapies for post-thoracotomy neuralgia
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ischaemic spinal cord lesion following percutaneous radiofrequency spinal rhizotomy
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A complication of subarachnoid phenol blockade
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Altered reactivity of isolated segmental lumbar arteries of dogs following exposure to ethanol and phenol
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chronic myelopathy due to a giant spinal arachnoid cyst: a complication of the intrathecal injection of phenol
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Neural injury after interventions for chronic pain
- Author
- Abdalla
- Abram
- Abram
- Abram
- Absalom
- Baker
- Barontini
- Bejjani
- Ben-David
- Benumof
- Benzon
- Blount
- Botwin
- Bridge
- Bromage
- Brouwers
- Bulow
- Butler
- Cabbell
- Castaldo
- Collucci
- De Cordoba
- Devor
- Di Chiro
- Dukes
- Fitzgibbon
- Furman
- Gerancher
- Greaves
- Hamandi
- Hodges
- Hodgson
- Hong
- Horlocker
- Horlocker
- Horlocker
- Horlocker
- Horlocker
- Johansson
- Junck
- Kalichman
- Kalichman
- Kaplan
- Kasai
- Kasten
- Kitagawa
- Kornick
- Kroin
- Kumar
- Larkin
- Lieberman
- Linskey
- Lutz
- Manchikanti
- Maruyama
- Mashiah
- Mayall
- McMillan
- Munir
- Myers
- Naveira
- Nelson
- Oh
- Parris
- Pathak
- Pounder
- Rathmell
- Reynolds
- Rosenquist
- Rozin
- Sayson
- Selander
- Selander
- Selander
- Selander
- Selander
- Simon
- Stewart
- Superville-Sovak
- Takeda
- Torvik
- Vad
- Wallace
- Wilson
- Wong
- Woodham
- Wulf
- Yaksh
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The management of chronic spinal pain by blockades: a review
- Author
- Abram
- Andersen
- Andersson
- Andersson
- Aprill
- Aprill
- Arendzen
- Arnér
- Ashton
- Auteroche
- Banerjee
- Barry
- Beals
- Bell
- Benzon
- Berg
- Bernard
- Boas
- Bogduk
- Bogduk
- Bogduk
- Bogduk
- Bogduk
- Bogduk
- Bogduk
- Bogduk
- Bogduk
- Boissevain
- Bonica
- Bonica
- Bonica
- Bovim
- Breivik
- Brose
- Brown
- Burton
- Bush
- Butler
- Carette
- Carrera
- Clark
- Cloward
- Coggeshall
- Coppes
- Cosman
- Cosman
- Crock
- Cuckler
- Dandy
- Dass
- Davidson
- Day
- Delaney
- Demirel
- Destouet
- Deyo
- Dilke
- Dooley
- Dory
- Dory
- Dougherty
- Dubuisson
- Dussault
- Dwyer
- Edvinsson
- Eisenstein
- El-Bohy
- El-Khoury
- Epstein
- Fairbank
- Feinberg
- Florez
- Geurts
- Gibson
- Gillette
- Goebert
- Goldstone
- Gordon
- Green
- Gresham
- Groen
- Groen
- Groen
- Groen
- Groen
- Groen
- Grönblad
- Gutknecht
- Gybels
- Haldeman
- Hamann
- Hasue
- Hatten
- Haynsworth
- Helbig
- Heyse-Moore
- Hickey
- Hildebrandt
- Hildebrandt
- Hilton
- Hirsch
- Hourigan
- Hove
- Hsu
- Ignelzi
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jaffray
- Jayson
- Jayson
- Johnson
- Jänig
- Katz
- Kikuchi
- Kikuchi
- King
- King
- Kirkaldy-Willis
- Kirkaldy-Willis
- Klenerman
- Knight
- Koes
- Korkala
- Krainick
- Lang
- Laros
- Lavignolle
- Lazorthes
- Lewin
- Lewinnek
- Leyshon
- Lilius
- Lilius
- Lippit
- Livingston
- Loeser
- Lora
- Lynch
- Lücking
- Maldague
- Marks
- Marks
- Mayer
- McCall
- McCarron
- McCarron
- McCullough
- McLachlan
- Mehta
- Melzack
- Merskey
- Meyerson
- Milette
- Mooney
- Mooney
- Moran
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murtagh
- Nachemson
- Nash
- Nash
- Niv
- O'Brien
- O'Brien
- Ogsbury
- Onofrio
- Oudenhoven
- Oudenhoven
- Pagura
- Pallie
- Parke
- Pascual
- Patrick
- Pedersen
- Pierron
- Purcell-Jones
- Purcell-Jones
- Racz
- Racz
- Racz
- Raja
- Rashbaum
- Raymond
- Revel
- Ridley
- Roberson
- Roberts
- Robof
- Roofe
- Rosomoff
- Ross
- Rydevik
- Rydevik
- Saris
- Savitz
- Schaerer
- Schirmer
- Schneiderman
- Schulitz
- Shealy
- Shealy
- Shealy
- Silvers
- Simmons
- Sinclair
- Sluijter
- Sluijter
- Sluijter
- Sluijter
- Sluijter
- Sluijter
- Smith
- Snoek
- Songer
- Sri Kantha
- Stambough
- Stanley
- Stanton Hicks
- Staudte
- Steindler
- Stilwell
- Stolker
- Stolker
- Stolker
- Stolker
- Stolker
- Summers
- Superville-Sovak
- Suzuki
- Sweet
- Sweet
- Tajima
- Taylor
- Tile
- Travell
- Troisier
- Tuel
- Uematsu
- Umeda
- Uyttendaele
- Van Kleef
- Vanderlinden
- Vanharanta
- Verbiest
- Verdie
- Vervest
- Vervest
- Vrettos
- Waddell
- Waddell
- Wall
- Walsh
- Wedley
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- White
- White
- White
- Wilkinson
- Wilkinson
- Wilkinson
- Williams
- Wilson
- Winkelmüller
- Wood
- Wood
- Woolf
- Wyke
- Wynn Parry
- Xiuqing
- Yong-Hing
- Yoshizawa
- Young
- Zucherman
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study