736 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Minat Dan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Pengembangan Indikator Dan Tujuan Pembelajaran Melalui Workshop Bimbingan Kelompok Di SDN Sumurbatu 14 Pagi

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    This study examines Based on the analysis of the Indicator document prepared by the teacher and interviews conducted by the school through staff and representatives, it turns out that the following problems are still found: 1). Teachers still experience difficulties in developing indicators (especially the components of learning objectives, learning materials, learning steps and assessments); coupled with the integration of cultural values ​​and national character in Indicator 2) Teachers' interest in compiling indicators is still low, because indicators can be purchased. The problems mentioned above each other are problems that must be solved or ways to solve them so that all teachers are interested, enthusiastic in compiling and developing indicators with no problems or obstacles in making them. With workshops (teachers) developing Indicators can improve skills in preparing and developing Indicators and can implement them in the learning process so as to improve the quality and learning outcomes

    Optimasi Pola Pengumpulan dan Pengangkutan Sampah Kota Muara Teweh Melalui Pendekatan Zonasi

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    Physical development of Muara Teweh City accompanied by growing population and increasing solid waste generation strives the good management and treatment system of waste problem. Management and treatment of waste expected to overcome the problems resulting from the existing solid waste generation. One way to overcome this problem was through the selection pattern of waste collection and transportation that meet the criteria and aspects in the management of waste. Pattern of waste collection in Muara Teweh City which applied at this time comprised of; direct individual pattern, indirect individual pattern and direct communal pattern which can only serves a specific region only. Transportation which used in waste transportation were direct transportation pattern and a pattern by elevated container system. This transportation pattern spent the time to go around the city and the road to take and return to containing location. Thus, the pattern of waste collecting and transporting is still not optimally. According to standard, to a small town such as Muara Teweh pattern selected should be the waste collecting and transporting in accordance with the physical condition of the city and aspects of waste management


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    Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) merupakan suatu konsep kurikulum yang menekankan pada pengembangan kemampuan melakukan (kompetensi) tugas- tugas dengan standar, performasi tertentu, sehingga hasilnya dapat dirasakan oleh peserta didik, berupa penguasaan terhadap seperangkat kompetensi tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah guru dalam menyiapkan materi pelajaran, untuk mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar dan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan/ pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, untuk dapat mencapai tujuan kurikulum harus ada perubahan kurikulum pendidikan diberbagai bidang yang meliputi materi pengajaran, skenario kegiatan belajar mengajar, metode pengajaran serta alat dan prasarana pengajaran mulai tahun ajaran 2004 sudah diberlakukan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian kualitatif. Objek penelitian yaitu implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi di SMP Negeri 3 Delanggu dan guru bidang studi bahasa Indonesia, teknik pengumpulan data yaitu interview (wawancara), observasi, studi dokumen, teknik analisis data, yaitu deskriptif kualitatif dilakukan dengan metode alur yaitu data dianalisis sejak tindakan pembelajaran dilaksanakan selama proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian meliputi gambaran umum penelitian yaitu letak geografis, situasi kelas, keadaan ruangan belajar mengajar, keadaan penunjang sarana dan prasarana belajar mengajar, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, latar belakang anak didik, latar belakang guru, langkah-langkah guru dalam menyiapkan materi pelajaran yaitu materi pelajaran, pengembangan materi pembelajaran, media pembelajaran yang digunakan, pemilihan metode pembelajaran, langkah-langkah guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan pembelajaran kurikulum berbasis kompetensi pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia

    Students’ Perception and Acceptance of Using Padlet as a Digital Tool for English Writing Skills

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    Abstract: This study aims at investigating the students’ perception and acceptance of using Padlet in learning English writing. A total of 70 students taking the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course at a state university in Indonesia were involved in the study. They were asked to fill out a questionnaire and 10 of them were interviewed to determine whether the students’ perception and acceptance of the use of Padlet for learning English writing as they stated in the questionnaire. The results indicated that the majority of the students had a positive perception and accepted the usage of Padlet facilitated their writing process. The students find Padlet helpful in learning English writing, as it accommodates their English writing activities, improves their English writing skills, and motivates them to learn English writing.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dan penerimaan siswa terhadap penggunaan Padlet dalam pembelajaran menulis bahasa Inggris. Sebanyak 70 mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah English for Specific Purposes (ESP) di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri di Indonesia terlibat dalam studi tersebut. Mereka diminta untuk mengisi angket dan 10 orang di antaranya diwawancarai untuk mengetahui apakah persepsi dan penerimaan mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan Padlet untuk pembelajaran menulis bahasa Inggris seperti yang mereka nyatakan dalam angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa memiliki persepsi positif dan menerima penggunaan Padlet untuk memfasilitasi proses menulis mereka. Para mahasiswa merasa Padlet membantu dalam belajar menulis bahasa Inggris, karena mengakomodasi kegiatan menulis bahasa Inggris mereka, meningkatkan keterampilan menulis bahasa Inggris mereka, dan memotivasi mereka untuk belajar menulis bahasa Inggris

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Biologi Kelas Vii-1 SMPN 25 Pekanbaru

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    This research focuses on an effort to look improvement of activities and a biology subject result as an effect of implemention of Numbered Head Together (NHT) in learning. This research was done at SMP N 25 Pekanbaru on biology subject, with subject was 40 students of class VII-1, 19 females and 21 males. After this research has been done, the average students\u27 activities increased on activity of listening teacher\u27s explanation from 90% in the first cycle into 94 % in the second cycle. Then it was a proof that learning biology process with using Cooperatif Learning Model Type Number Heads Together can increase students\u27 participantion in learning process on classroom discussion. Meanwhile, students\u27 result on Biology learning, Animal Classification, in class VII-1 on SMPN 25 Pekanbaru using Cooperative Learning Model Type Numbered Heads Together increased from first to second cycle. In can be seen from thoroughness percentage of students who achieved above school standar, KKM, namely 27 person (68%) on the first cycle and 34 person (85%) on the second cycle, or it increased 17%

    Antenatal and Neonatal Visits Increase Complete Immunization Status Among Children Aged 12-23 Months in Rural Area of Indonesia

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    Background: The children who had complete basic immunization status in rural areas in Indonesia was lower than in urban areas. This study assessed the association of antenatal and neonatal visits with complete immunization status among children aged 12-23 months in rural area of Indonesia.Methods: The assessment used a part data of the 2013 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas). The sub- samples consisted of children aged 12-23 months livedin rural area. Out of the 8747 children aged 12-23 months who lived in rural area, 5452 children had complete data for the analysis. Complete basic immunization status based on record on immunization card and mother's recall. Cox regression analysis with constant time was used for the analysis.Results: Out of 5452 children, 52.8% (2880/5452) had completed the basic immunization. Dominant factors related to basic complete immunization status were antenatal and neonatal visit, wealth index, mother's education, and mother's occupation. Compared with those who did not antenatal visit, those who had antenatal visit had 38% to be more complete basic immunization [adjusted relative risk (RRa) = 1.38; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.27 - 1.50; P = 0.000]. In term of neonatal visit, those who had neonatal visit had 37% to be more complete basic immunization compare to those who did not have neonatal visit (RRa = 1.37; 95% CI = 1.29 - 1.46; P = 0.000).Conclusion: In Indonesia rural areas the children who had antenatal and neonatal visits tend to have more complete basic immunization status. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:73-7


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    Hygiene sanitasi makanan merupakan upaya untuk mengendalikan faktor yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan. Proses pengelolaan makanan perlu diperhatikan enam prinsip hygiene sanitasi makanan dan pengetahun penjamah makanan dalam pengolahan makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran hygiene dan sanitasi di Pondok Pesantren Al-Jauharen Kelurahan Tanjung Johor Kecamatan Pelayangan Kota Jambi tahun 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, menggunakan sampel enam prinsip hygiene sanitasi pengelolaan makanan dengan empat orang penjamah makanan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah checklist penerapan hygiene sanitasi pengelolaan makanan dan kuesioner untuk pengetahuan penajamah makanan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa kondisi penerapan hygiene sanitasi belum memenuhi syarat karena masih terdapat tempat penyimpanan bahan makanan, tempat pengolahan makanan, pengangkutan makanan dan penyimpanan makanan jadi yang beresiko terhadap kontaminasi dan pencemaran terhadap makanan. Tingkat Pengetahuan penjamah makanan dalam pengelolaan makanan masih rendah sehingga beresiko terhadap kualitas makanan yang akan diolah dan disajikan untuk santri. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih kurangnya penerapan hygiene sanitasi dan pengetahuan penjamah makanan dipondok pesantren. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya peningkatan terhadap. Penerapan hygiene sanitasi mengingat makanan merupakan media yang memungkinkan penularan penyakit melalui kontaminasi pekerja atau pun penyakit bawaan makanan

    Revitalisasi Museum Siginjei Sebagai Wahana Interaksi Budaya Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19

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    Abstrak: Pandemi Covid 19 mengubah tatanan kehidupan normal menjadi new normal. Berbagai aktivitas sektor kehidupan mulai dari pemakaian masker, cuci tangan, peraturan jarak jauh menjadikan Museum siginjei merevitalisasi aktivitasnya dalam pelayanan terhadap masyarakat dari normal menjadi new normal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui revitalisasi Museum Siginjei sebagai wahana interaksi budaya di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode sejarah yang melalui empat tahapan, yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, historiografi. Sumber yang dipakai berupa sumber primer yang berasal dari buku, jurnal, berita dan wawancara yang berkenaan dengan judul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Museum Siginjei mengalihkan pelayanan konvensionalnya kelayanan dalam bentuk digital seperti pelayanan online lewat facebook, instagram, dan youtube. Museum Siginjei juga melakukan re-inventarisasi dan re-registrasi koleksi yaitu berupa nomor yang rusak karena pengaruh udara dan juga keterangan koleksi yang masih berubah. Berbagai koleksi yang telah di inventarisasi dan dimasukkan dalam data base. Selanjutnya palayanan dilaksanakan melalui virtual, sehingga masyarakat dapat menikmati berbagai koleksi museum Siginjei sebagai bentuk produk budaya lokal lokal Jambi. Revitalisasi pemanfaatan museum melalui digitalisasi era pandemi ini, menjadi wahana interaksi budaya. Melalui digitalisasi tidak hanya menjangkau pengunjung yang berada di daerah lokal tetapi juga dari berbagai wilayah diluar Provinsi Jambi. Kata Kunci: Museum, Wahana Interaksi Budaya, Covid-19Abstrak: The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the order of normal life into a new normal. Various activities in the life sector ranging from wearing masks, washing hands, remote regulations make the Siginjei Museum revitalize its activities in service to the community from normal to new normal. This research aims to know the revitalization of the Siginjei Museum as a wagon of cultural interaction in the covid-19 pandemic. The method uses historical method. There are four steps to historical methode heuristi, source criticism. Interpretation, historiography. The resource used is a primary source that comes from books, journals, news and interview related to the title. Studies have shown that the Siginjei Museum transfers conventional services to digital services such as facebook, instagram, youtube and other services. The siginjei museum also re-catalogued and re-registration collections consisting of falling Numbers, broken (air effects) and also a collection of references. Various collections that have been inventoried and entered in the database. Furthermore, services are carried out via virtual, so that people can enjoy various collections of the Siginjei museum as a form of local Jambi cultural products. Revitalizing the use of museums through the digitalization era, becomes a vehicle for cultural interaction. Through digitization, it does not only reach visitors who are in the local area but also from the region.Keywords: Museum, Wagon of Cultural Interaction, Covid-19

    Employee Performance Improvement through Employee Empowerment and Employee Organization Learning in Semarang Tengah District, Semarang City

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    Optimal public service activities that will be carried out by local government organizations such as sub-districts require qualified state civil servants. This study aims to analyze the effect of employee empowerment and organizational learning on employee performance. The population of this research is employees in Central Semarang District as many as 158 people, the number of samples is 123 people who are selected by using proportional random sampling. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with SPSS Version 22. The results show that employee empowerment and organizational learning have a significant effect on employee performance


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    Since English is gaining important concern nowadays, it is being instructed according to the specific needs of the students. In the case of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) class, one of the problems in teaching and learning English deals with the low writing skills. This study attempts to share a model of teaching writing in which utilize different kinds of technology (video, computer, Internet) and genre-based approach to facilitate the teaching of writing. This approach can be applied in three steps: 1) building knowledge of the field and modeling of the text, 2) joint construction of the text, and 3) independent construction of the text. In the first step, teacher can use video and computer when digging the students’ background knowledge and presenting the teaching materials. Then, teacher can also use computer when leading the students to construct a text collaboratively. In the last step, the students write a text independently and submit their work via email to the teacher. Then, the teacher gives some feedbacks using the computer (comment bar) and sends it back to the students. The students must revise their work and email it back to the teacher again. This teaching model is more interesting for the students, more efficient, and helps the students to produce better results in writing. Keywords: technology, genre-based approach, ESP student
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