Jurnal Pendidikan Humaniora
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    281 research outputs found

    Implementing a Civic Skills-Focused Problem Posing Model to Enhance Problem-Solving Competencies in Elementary School Students: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This systematic literature review explores the application of the Problem Posing Model, a holistic educational approach, in civic education to enhance elementary school students' problem-solving abilities. By fostering a comprehensive understanding of conflict resolution and cooperative problem solving, civic skills, derived from civic knowledge, become meaningful tools in addressing national and societal issues. This review methodology involves the identification, review, evaluation, and interpretation of empirical studies conducted over the past five years (2018-2022), focused on applying a civic skills-oriented problem-posing model in elementary education. The initial search yielded approximately 250 articles from databases such as ERIC, Google Scholar, and Sinta. After a meticulous process, 20 articles, primarily from high schools and universities, were chosen for the review using three primary keywords: problem-posing models, civic skills, and problem-solving abilities. The selected articles were published in international or national educational journals, including Scopus and Sinta, adhering to specific criteria such as the focus on Civics learning strategies, addressing misconceptions about the application of problem-posing models and problem-solving, and publication within the last five years in Scopus (Q1-Q4) and Sinta (S1-S4) indexed journals. The research findings indicate that the problem-posing model enhances students' critical thinking and creativity, proving more effective than conventional teaching methods. The integration of civic skills in Civics subjects boosts students' active participation, fostering attitudes of tolerance, cooperation, and responsibility. Therefore, the application of a civic skills-oriented problem-posing model can significantly improve students' ability to analyze problems critically, demonstrating openness, tolerance, and accountability

    Program Results Measurement to Prove the Guidance and Counseling Program Accountability

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    Guidance and counseling program accountability faces growing demands about the extent to which the work of counselors in guidance and counseling services programs makes significant, measurable changes in students' lives, their contribution to student success and the improvement of school quality. Counselors are encouraged to work within an accountability framework together with other educators to prove that the counseling program is accountable and effective in the overall students learning process. This paper addresses the issues and challenges of results-based accountability by covering the discussion of the level of accountability level, ways of measuring key data, critical tools of accountability, analyzing critical data elements, and measurement for systemic change

    Listening-based Communicative Instructional Approach at the Indonesian Gigantic Immersive Environment

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    Abstract: Creative Innovation in teaching critically influences students' success. This paper investigates teachers' teaching methods in an Indonesian gigantic English immersive Environment. The qualitative study, which involved eight participants, was conducted in a "let's speak class" at Mr. Pepsi Upgrade, Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri. Data were gained from classroom observation, interviews, photos, and documents. They were analyzed in six stages, from preparing the data to interpreting the description meaning. Findings promote that teachers teach using technology, like a listening-based communicative instructional approach (L-CIA mode). Six phases were trained, from giving ice breaking to singing together. It stimulates the students' speaking skills.Abstrak: Inovasi Kreatif dalam mengajar sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan siswa. Artikel ini menginvestigasi metode pengajaran guru dalam Lingkungan imersif Inggris yang sangat besar di Indonesia. Kajian kualitatif yang melibatkan delapan partisipan ini dilakukan dalam sebuah "kelas ayo berbicara" di Mr. Pepsi Upgrade, Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri. Data diperoleh dari observasi kelas, wawancara, foto, dan dokumen. Mereka dianalisis dalam enam tahap, mulai dari menyiapkan data hingga menafsirkan makna deskripsi. Temuan mempromosikan bahwa guru mengajar menggunakan teknologi, seperti pendekatan pembelajaran komunikatif berbasis mendengarkan (mode L-CIA). Enam fase dilatih, mulai dari ice breaking hingga bernyanyi bersama. Ini merangsang keterampilan berbicara siswa

    Assessing the Development and Forms of Continuous Evaluation Methods Employed in Interdisciplinary Science and Social Studies with LUMI Education

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of interactive applications in primary education settings, focusing on continuous assessment practices and the overall performance of teaching Science and Social Studies. A descriptive-comparative research methodology was employed in this investigation. The participants comprised fifteen Grade 4 Cambridge students.The findings revealed that the content utilized for ongoing assessment through interactive applications encompassed information on Earth features, human interaction, and plant-based natural resources. A crucial aspect of evaluating fundamental learning competencies predominantly involved describing, identifying, listing, naming, relating, and explaining concepts within the domains of social studies and science. The interactive approaches to continuous assessment received strong endorsement from the respondents, who found the applications engaging and enjoyable, leading to increased motivation, collaboration, and interest, ultimately resulting in improved academic performance. The individual mean scores for each student indicated a comprehensive understanding of Earth features, human interactions, and natural resources (plants). An action plan was proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Lumi Education Apps in fostering interdisciplinary learning in science and social studies. Furthermore, the study recommends that educators explore the expansion of interactive types of ongoing assessment utilizing Lumi Education Apps

    Technology-Enhanced Application in L2 Pragmatic Instruction: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This systematic literature review focuses on the use of technology-enhanced applications in second language (L2) pragmatic instruction. This paper will systematically analyze papers from several electronic databases between the years 2012 and 2023 that investigate the use of technology in L2 pragmatic instruction, with a focus on the type of technology used, its effectiveness in enhancing pragmatic competence, and its impact on learners' motivation and engagement. The review also considers the pedagogical implication that underlie the design and implementation of technology-enhanced pragmatic instruction. The findings suggest that technology-enhanced applications can effectively enhance learners' pragmatic competence, motivation, and engagement. However, the effectiveness of such applications is highly dependent on the pedagogical principles that inform their design and implementation, including the incorporation of authentic materials, task-based instruction, and learner-centered approaches. The review concludes with recommendations for future research and pedagogical practice in this area.

    The Relationship Between Students’ Reading Anxiety, Metacognitive Reading Strategies, and Their Reading Comprehension

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    Abstract: This study aims to find out the relationship and the contribution of reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies to students’ reading comprehension. The results show that reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies have a strong relationship to students’ reading comprehension by .658  Further, reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies contribute by 43.3 percent  to students’ reading comprehension which each is 0.17 percent and 43.17 percent. In conclusion, reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies have strong relationship with students’ reading comprehension achievements and the use of metacognitive reading strategies gives the most contribution in students’ reading comprehension.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari korelasi dari kecemasan siswa dalam membaca dan penggunaan strategi metacognitif membaca pada pemahaman membaca siswa. Penelitian ini menemukan jika adanya korelasi yang kuat dari kecemasan membaca dan penggunaan strategi metacognitive membaca pada pemahaman membaca siswa sebesar .658. Terlebih, ditemukan juga jika kecemasan membaca dan penggunaan strategi metacognitif membaca berkontribusi sebesar 43.3 persen pada pemahaman membaca siswa dimana secara terpisah berkontribusi sebesar 0.17 persen dan 43.17 persen. Sebagai kesimpulan, ditemukan jika dari kecemasan membaca dan penggunaan strategi metacognitive membaca memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan pemahaman membaca siswa dimana penggunaan strategi metacognitif membaca memberikan kontribusi paling besar

    Employing the Question-Answer Relationships Technique to Enhance the Comprehension of Maharah Qiraah Students

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    Fifth-grade students at MI Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang demonstrate low comprehension in Arabic reading, struggling to identify main ideas, form conclusions, and retell narratives in their language. This suggests that their maharah qiraah, or reading proficiency, is underdeveloped. The Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) method provides a structured approach to enhance their reading comprehension by aiding in understanding text, answering questions, and drawing conclusions from the reading material. This study aims to: 1) Assess the level of comprehension before and after implementing the QAR method at MI Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang, and 2) Evaluate the efficacy of the QAR method in improving the maharah qiraah of the fifth-grade students. Utilizing a quantitative approach with an actual experiment, this research employs purposive sampling for two classes, V-A and V-B. The analytical approach incorporates descriptive research, normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis testing. Findings suggest that post-QAR method intervention, there is a marked improvement in Arabic learning in the experimental class, as evidenced by significant post-test score increases, enhanced ability to form conclusions, interpret complex words in the text, and explain acquired values from the reading. Descriptive analysis results show that the average pretest score in the experimental class was 66, increasing to 76 post-intervention. Conversely, the control class averaged pretest scores of 58, with a minor increase to 62 post-intervention. These results indicate the experimental class's superior performance and significant improvement compared to the control class, demonstrating the effectiveness of the QAR method in Arabic reading comprehension

    Analyzing Cognitive Development in Elementary-Aged Children and Its Implications for Teaching and Learning Strategies

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    The acceleration and optimization of an individual's development can surpass that of their peers, with disparities emerging from age-related, genetic, dietary, and environmental factors. A profound understanding of human development serves as a crucial foundation for comprehending an individual's needs and character, particularly among elementary-aged children. Defined as those aged 7-12 years or encompassed within the educational system, this demographic necessitates a thorough examination of their cognitive development. Cognitive development constitutes an extensive domain that encompasses various thinking abilities, such as reasoning, memory, problem-solving, ideation, and creativity. Consequently, the present study embarks on a substantive and comprehensive analysis of the cognitive development of elementary-aged children, elucidating its implications for pedagogical practices and learning activities within primary educational institutions (SD/MI). The overarching objective of this research is to ascertain the cognitive development levels of children aged 7-12 and beyond, further exploring the subsequent ramifications on teaching materials, strategies, models, and learning methodologies. The anticipated outcomes of this scholarly inquiry are twofold: to augment the existing body of knowledge accessible to the general public and to provide a valuable resource for educators as they fulfill their pedagogical obligations. By investigating the subject matter through a literary or library research approach, this study engages in data collection and information synthesis derived from various sources housed within libraries


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    Educational media plays a pivotal role and forms an essential component within the educational framework. For third-grade students in elementary schools or madrasahs studying the theme of energy transformation and its sub-theme of energy sources, pedagogical tools are necessary for teachers to effectively impart thematic content, particularly in relation to the concept of time (hours). The methodological approach employed in this study is structured around the ADDIE model, encompassing Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation phases. The study's objectives were twofold: (1) To understand the development of the JOIN medium in relation to the sixth theme, first sub-theme, for third grade elementary/madrasah students, and (2) To gauge the degree of student engagement with the JOIN medium. The participants of the study comprised 17 third-grade students from Madrasah Mambaul Ulum Malang in the 2018/2019 academic year. The research yielded two key findings. Firstly, the JOIN tool, a large craft resembling the Japanese character Doraemon with an analogue clock integrated into its design and a pouch for storing thematic materials and questions, serves as a thematic learning medium, facilitating teachers in the transmission of educational content. Secondly, the study revealed a high level of student enthusiasm and enjoyment with the JOIN tool during the learning process. A questionnaire was employed to measure the students' reaction, revealing a very high validity rating of 92%. The teachers' response was similarly high at 90%, while content experts rated the tool at 84%. Initially, the tool expert gave an assessment of 88%, which increased to 97% following revisions. The study therefore concludes that the JOIN tool demonstrates high validity and is thus deemed an effective supplementary resource for the teaching and learning process

    Learners’ Anxiety and Their Perceptions Toward Oral Corrective Feedback in ESP-Speaking Class

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    Abstract: This research aimed at investigating learners’ anxiety levels and perceptions toward Oral Corrective Feedback (OCF) in ESP-Speaking class. Survey research design was used to investigate ESP learners’ anxiety levels and their perceptions toward OCF. One hundred and forty one learners were involved as the research participants. Furthermore, two closed-ended questionnaires namely Foreign Language Classrooms Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and the learners’ perceptions toward OCF were used to collect the data. The findings of this study revealed that majority of nursing learners experienced moderate anxiety level. Furthermore, majority of the learners, regardless their anxiety, perceived OCF positively.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tingkat kecemasan dan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap Masukan Korektif Lisan (OCF) di kelas ESP-Speaking. Seratus empat puluh satu mahasiswa semester dua keperawatan dilibatkan sebagai partisipan penelitian. Selanjutnya, dua kuesioner yaitu Foreign Language Classrooms Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) dan persepsi mahasiswa ESP terhadap OCF digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa keperawatan mengalami tingkat kecemasan sedang (44 persen) di kelas ESP-Speaking. Terkait dengan persepsi terhadap corrective feedback lisan, mahasiswa. sepenuhnya mendukung pemberian corrective feedback lisan


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