21 research outputs found

    تاثير عصاره گياه گلپر بر روی تغييرات بافتی بيضه و ميزان هورمون تستوسترون در موش

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    زمينه و هدف: گياه گلپر حاوی مواد شيميايی شامل پروتئين ها، فيبرها، قند به صورت احيا و غير احيا، سه نوع کومارين، ترکيبات آلی از خانواده کافور، فيتواسترول ها و 1و 2 دی متوکسيل 4 متيل بنزن می‌باشد . اين ترکيبات دارای خواص آنتی ميتوزی، استروژنيک، ضد سرطان، ضد ديابت، ضد چاقی و ضد جهش می‌باشند. در اين تحقيق اثر عصاره الکلی گلپر بر تغييرات بافتی بيضه و ميزان هورمون تستوسترون در موش مورد بررسی قرار گرفت . روش‌کار: روش مطالعه در اين بررسی از نوع تجربی بود. در اين آزمايش از 32 سر موش صحرايی نر از نژاد ويستار با وزن تقريبی 10 ± 280 گرم استفاده شد. موش‌ها به تصادف به 5 گروه هشت تايی تقسيم شدند: گروه کنترل ) گروه شاهد ( دريافت کننده آب مقطر و گروه‌های تجربی که عصاره الکلی گلپر در مقادير 05/0، 1/0، 2/0 و 4/0 گرم به ازای هر کيلوگرم دريافت کردند. از تمام گروه‌ها در پايان روز چهاردهم خون‌گيری به عمل آمد و از نمونه های خونی جمع آوری شده برای اندازه‌گيری هورمون تستوسترون به روش راديوايمونواسی (RIA) استفاده شد . نتايج حاصله براساس برنامه آماری SPSS و تست Tukey مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. همچنين بيضه‌ها خارج وبعد از وزن کردن، مطالعات بافتی روی آن ها صورت گرفت. يافته ‌ ها: سطح سرمی تستوسترون در گروه‌های دريافت کننده مقادير1/0 ، 2/0و 4/0 گرم به ازای هر کيلوگرم عصاره کاهش معنی داری را نسبت به گروه کنترل نشان داد (001/0= p ). تراکم اسپرم در لوله ‌ های اسپرم ساز و ميانگين وزن بدن و بيضه ها در گروه‌های تجربی دريافت کننده مقادير2/0و 4/0 گرم به ازای هر کيلوگرم عصاره کاهش معنی‌داری را نسبت به گروه کنترل نشان دادند (01/0= p ). نتيجه‌گيری: با توجه به نتايج حاصل از اين تحقيق می‌توان نتيجه گيری کرد که احتمالاً مصرف عصاره الکلی گلپر باعث کاهش غلظت پلاسمايی هورمون تستوسترون، وزن بدن، وزن بيضه ‌ ها و تراکم اسپرم می شود و از آن می توان برای درمان اختلالات جنسی در افراد مذکر استفاده کرد

    Effect of insecticide poisoning of methoxychlor on the production of gonadotropin hormones in adult male rats

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    Background and aims: Methoxychlor pesticide is widely used to replace DDT. In this study, the possible effect of Methoxychlor was investigated on the hormone level of LH, FSH, testosterone, spermatogenesis and its possible role in male infertility. Methods: In this experimental study, 48 Wistar male rats were studied in six groups of 8. Different concentrations of the substance were injected in the experimental groups, i.e. 5, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 grams per liter per day. After 15 days, blood samples were taken and the levels of the hormone were checked. Normal distribution and statistical evaluation of data respectively was performed using ANOVA one-way analysis of variance and Paired t-test. P less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Results: Results showed a significant decrease in the amount of FSH and testosterone concentrations in the experimental group injected 100, 500 and 1000 grams per liter Methoxychlor, but LH levels in groups of 500 and 1000 grams per liter Methoxychlor showed a significant decrease. Due to chlorine in the group 1000 mg per liter. The density of sperm cells in the center of the spermatogenesis tube in the experimental group which received 1000mg/lit methoxychlor decreased compared to the control group.s Conclusion: Methoxychlor causes male sexual imbalances by changing in LH, FSH hormones concentrations, sperm condense, body and tastes weigh

    Reduction in Cholesterol Absorption Is Enhanced by Stearate-Enriched Plant Sterol Esters in Hamsters

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    Consumption of plant sterol esters reduces plasma LDL cholesterol concentration by inhibiting intestinal cholesterol absorption. Commercially available plant sterol esters are prepared by esterifying free sterols to fatty acids from edible plant oils such as canola, soybean, and sunflower. To determine the influence of the fatty acid moiety on cholesterol metabolism, plant sterol esters were made with fatty acids from soybean oil (SO), beef tallow (BT), or purified stearic acid (SA) and fed to male hamsters for 4 wk. A control group fed no plant sterol esters was also included. Hamsters fed BT and SA had significantly lower cholesterol absorption and decreased concentrations of plasma non-HDL cholesterol and liver esterified cholesterol, and significantly greater fecal sterol excretion than SO and control hamsters. Cholesterol absorption was lowest in hamsters fed SA (7.5%), whereas it was 72.9% in control hamsters. Cholesterol absorption was correlated with fecal sterol excretion (r = –0.72, P \u3c 0.001), liver cholesterol concentration (r = 0.88, P \u3c 0.001), and plasma non-HDL cholesterol concentration (r = 0.85, P \u3c 0.001). A multiple regression model that included each sterol ester type vs. cholesterol absorption indicated that intake of steryl stearate was the only dietary component that contributed significantly to the model (R2 = –0.75, P \u3c 0.001). Therefore, our results demonstrate that BT and SA are more effective than SO in reducing cholesterol absorption, liver cholesterol, and plasma non-HDL cholesterol concentration, suggesting that cardioprotective benefits can be achieved by consuming stearate-enriched plant sterol esters

    エイヨウガク エイヨウ シドウ ト ケンコウ ショクヒン

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    The need for medical treatment is expected to increase in aged society, but in many cases itmay not improve the quality of life. Therefore, the goal of nutritional consultation is to improve ormaintain quality of life before medical treatment is required. It is proposed that foods have threefunctions. The primary function is a nutritional function, which is essential to human survival.The secondary function is a sensory function involving both flavor and texture to satisfy sensoryneeds. The tertiary function is physiological functions such as regulation of biorhythms, control ofaging, the immune system, and body defense. The project defined a functional food as a foodhaving some tertiary function. Functional food is aimed at maintaining quality of life, andpreventing as well as treating a growing number of life style related diseases

    El consumo de fitosteroles ¿un arma de doble filo?

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    Phytosterols are plant sterols structurally similar to cholesterol. The most common phytosterols are ß-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. They are present in many foods but mainly in nuts and vegetable oils. They compete with cholesterol absorption decreasing the cardiovascular risk. Recent studies have associated the intake of 0.63-3g/day of phytosterols with lowering serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels. The same decrease has been observed in apolipoprotein B. These results suggest that dietary phytosterols are useful for protection against cardiovascular disease. Because of this they have been incorporated in relatively high quantities into spreads and margarines. However, negative effects have also been reported. Among them, a significant decrease in the absorption of several lypophilic antioxidant compounds such as carotenoids and tocopherols, which may counterbalance the protective cardiovascular effect of phytosterols. In this paper the results of several selected studies relating phytosterol consumption and plasma levels of lipids, lipoproteins and antioxidants are reviewed. More studies are needed to establish if it is necessary to supplement with such antioxidant compounds the diet of people consuming phytosterols for therapeutical purposes.Los fitosteroles son esteroles de plantas con una estructura similar a la del colesterol. Los fitosteroles más frecuentes son: ß-sitosterol, campesterol y estigmasterol. Están ampliamente distribuidos en los alimentos, siendo las nueces y aceites vegetales fuentes importantes de estas sustancias. Los fitosteroles compiten en el organismo en la absorción del colesterol por lo que se han propuesto como protectores del riesgo cardiovascular. Consumos diarios de 0,63-3g/día de fitosteroles parecen disminuir tanto el colesterol plasmático como los niveles de LDL-colesterol, conjuntamente con los niveles de apolipoproteína B. Con el propósito de aprovechar dichas acciones, se han incluido en distintos productos, como margarinas y untables. Sin embargo, no todo son beneficios y su consumo también produce efectos negativos. Así, disminuyen significativamente la absorción de ciertos compuestos lipofílicos antioxidantes, como carotenoides y tocoferoles, implicados a su vez en la protección cardiovascular. En esta minirrevisión se comentan los resultados de algunos estudios que relacionan consumo de fitosteroles y concentración en plasma de lípidos, lipoproteínas y algunos antioxidantes. Se precisan estudios que diluciden si es necesario incrementar el consumo de tales compuestos antioxidantes en poblaciones que reciben suplementos de fitosteroles con fines terapéuticos

    Classification and Effect of Correctors on Sitosterolemia-Associated Mutants in ABCG8

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    Objective: To classify mutants of ABCG8 identified in subjects with clinically confirmed Sitosterolemia, a rare form of Familial Hypercholesterolemia distinguished by the accumulation of phytosterols in plasma and tissues and determine the effects of correctors and/or regulators of proteostasis on maturation of the ABCG5/ABCG8 sterol transporter. Methods: Disease-causing missense mutants within the cytosolic domain of ABCG8 were generated through site-directed mutagenesis. Normal and mutant proteins were expressed in human hepatocytes. Cellular proteins were prepared, and maturation was assessed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. Formation of the higher molecular weight, mature form of glycoproteins was used as a bioassay for trafficking the G5G8 complex beyond the Endoplasmic Reticulum. The impact of correctors and regulators of proteostasis on Class II mutant maturation was also determined. Results: Approximately 44% of cytosolic, Sitosterolemia-associated mutants in ABCG8 are maturation incompetent. Of those which matured beyond the ER, about 60% were not able to traffic to the cell membrane. Of the mutants that did not mature, none were able to be rescued by small molecular chaperones (correctors). Conclusion: In conclusion, HuH-7 cells are an efficiently transfected cell line that provides a system to manipulate ABCG5 and ABCG8 to make conclusions about protein maturation and trafficking to the cell surface. These experiments gave insight into the complexity of diseases caused by genetic mutations and the underlying mechanism of loss-of-function mutations. Further experimentation would be required to determine the fate of the CFTR correctors and/or regulators of proteostasis in the application in cases of Sitosterolemia

    Regulation of Sterol Transport by Dietary Phytosterol Esters

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    LDL cholesterol is associated with the development of atherosclerosis and is therefore considered an important target for intervention to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The inhibition of cholesterol absorption in the small intestine is an attractive approach to lowering plasma cholesterol, one that is exploited by drug therapy as well as dietary supplementation with plant sterols. The mechanism of action of plant sterol esters (PSE) is still incompletely understood, therefore this study was conducted to test the hypothesis that hydrolysis of plant sterol esters is necessary for their cholesterol-lowering effects to be realized. Male Syrian hamsters were fed diets containing no PSE, PSE containing stearic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid or plant sterol ethers containing stearic acid. Treatment compounds were added at 5% of the diet (g/g). Diets were high is cholesterol and saturated fat to induce hyperlipidemia. The treatments effectively created a spectrum of PSE hydrolysis across which cholesterol metabolism could be compared. Stearate ethers, Stearate Esters and Palmitate Esters were poorly hydrolyzed (1.69-4.12%), while oleate sters were hydrolyzed at 88.29%, and cholesterol absorption correlated negatively with percent hydrolysis with a correlation coefficient of -0.8504. These results suggest that PSE hydrolysis plays a necessary role in the cholesterol-lowering effects of PSE. In addition, these data also suggest that poorly hydrolyzed plant sterol esters may act through an alternative mechanism than that of competition with cholesterol for micelle incorporation. We suggest that these PSE that are not well hydrolyzed may lower cholesterol by forming an oil phase into which cholesterol is solubilized making it unavailable for absorption into enterocytes. In summary, our results demonstrated that PSE hydrolysis is necessary for cholesterol-lowering. Additionally, poorly hydrolyzed PSE may function through an alternative pathway than micelle competition with cholesterol. Advisor: Timothy P. Car

    Cholesterol metabolism in type 2 diabetes

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