235 research outputs found

    Geological framework of the pacific coast sedimentary basins, western colombia

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    The Pacific Coastal Province comprises the Tumaco, San Juan, Atrato and Urabá Basins. Althoughthese basins are laterally contiguous and related to an active margin (convergence of Nazcaand South America Plates) each one is characterized by a distinctive geological framework. The comparativeregional stratigraphic and structural setting of these active basins as well as their petroleumpotential is presented here using 2000 km of 2D seismic profile and information from fifteen exploratorywells. Due to the lack of biostratigraphic control within these basins, only second order sequenceswere recognized based mainly on seismic information.The Tumaco Basin is a forearc basin that comprises four second order sequences, one pre-Mioceneand three post-lower Miocene, which were deposited in deep marine environments. The base ofthe Sequence B (lower Miocene) and C (upper Miocene) were deposited in submarine fan systemsproviding turbiditic coarse clastics. The sequence A (pre-Miocene sequence) could have a thick potentialsource section of shale.The San Juan Basin represents a pull-apart basin comprising rocks from Paleocene to Quaternary,deposited mainly in deep marine environments as well as in neritic environments. The Sierra(Oligocene), Conglomerado La Mojarra (lower Miocene) and Munguidó (upper Miocene) Formations,could provide potential clastic reservoirs). In the Iró Formation also occurs competent rocks (chertsand limestones) highly fractured that represents potential fractured reservoirs. The shaly section of theIró Formation is a potential source rock in the basin.The Atrato basin is an interarc, which comprises by five second order sequences depositedmainly in deep marine environments from Late Cretaceous to Quaternary. The base of the C and Dsequences (Oligocene and middle Miocene respectively) were possibly deposited in submarine fansystems. These levels could provide sandstones and conglomerates as potential reservoirs. Sourcepotential rocks could occur in sequence A (upper Cretaceous-lower Miocene) and sequence B (lowerEocene-Oligocene).The Urabá Basin represents a backarc basin which contains five second order sequences, probablydeposited from Late Cretaceous to Quaternary, mainly in marine to transitional environments.There are three levels with coarse clastic facies. These three levels are in the upper part of theSequence B (Oligocene), in the Sequence C (Oligocene-middle Miocene) and in the Sequence D(Middle Miocene-Pliocene?), which have coarser facies toward the southwest. The Sequences A (upperCretaceous?-Eocene) and B (Eocene) contain pelitic facies in the depocenter of the basin thatcould be potential source rocks.The present study is a preliminar evaluation of the regional geology of the sedimentary basins ofthe Pacific Coast Province. This evaluation provides new ideas about the different geologic featuresof basins developed in a same tectonic setting (convergent margin) and the implications for petroleumpotential. The different characteristics of these basins could be related to differential local rate ofsubduction, different angle of the Benniof zone, transcurrent faults, etc. factors beyond the scope ofthis paper

    Construcción centro de acopio en La Villita, Tala, y plan maestro de malecón en San Pedro Valencia, Acatlán de Juárez

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    San Pedro de Valencia: renovación urbana, saneamiento ambiental y emprendimientos turísticos es el nombre del PAP en el cual al principio buscaba ayudar a esta comunidad pero que se extendió a varias comunidades del Valle de Mazatepec. Para este semestre se trabajaron en 2 proyectos. Un centro de acopio en La Villita y el diseño de un malecón para San Pedro Valencia. En el centro de acopio se le dio continuidad a lo que ya había trabajado en semestres anteriores y fue cotizar la parte de estructura y techumbre ya que lo demás ya se había trabajado. Una vez que se tuvieron los presupuestos se continuo con la recolección de los fondos y analizar cuanto es lo que faltaba por conseguir y se llevó a cabo una rifa de contenedores de basura para llegar a la cantidad necesaria para culminar la obra. En el malecón se llevaron a cabo trabajos desde platicar con la comunidad y analizar sus opiniones de que tan abiertos estaban a este proyecto, invitarlos a pensar y dibujar sus ideas en una dinámica para hacerlos sentir parte de este proyecto, así como el votar por lo que les parecía la mejor opción. Lo último fue el diseño y la presentación del proyecto como primera etapa.ITESO, A.C

    El proceso de ordenamiento ambiental en Cuba. Propuesta y aplicación de su procedimiento metodológico a nivel nacional y regional

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    The necessary interaction between land use and the environment management was enacted in Law 81 and the National Environmental Strategies (EAN) since 1997, in Cuba. Several situations slowed its completion, the lack of methodological procedures that will guide the process, was one of them so the EAN of 2011-2015 and the Guidelines of the PCC, in the year 2011, ratify it as objective. In addressing this issue and the inclusion of the results of studies of hazard, vulnerability and risk and climate change scenarios currently lies of the present investigation. Given the hypothesis that: the use of inclusive and participative methodological procedures will facilitate modeling of environmental management (MOA) to provide regulations, guidelines and environmental standards to land use planning process; main objective is pursued: to propose methodological procedures for the development of the MOA and perform validation at national and municipal levels. Employees are combined theoretical and empirical methods in the development of procedures and their validation at different scales. It was concluded in the relevance of using the proposed procedures for the preparation of the MOA, taking as a basis the participatory approach and the landscape units, as units of analysis.La necesaria interacción entre el ordenamiento territorial y ordenamiento ambiental fue promulgada en la Ley 81 y en las Estrategias Ambientales Nacionales (EAN) desde 1997, en Cuba. Varias situaciones frenaron su cumplimiento, la falta de procedimientos metodológicos que guiaran el proceso, fue una de ellas por lo que la EAN de 2011-2015 y los Lineamientos del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC), en el año 2011, lo ratifican como objetivo. En el abordaje de este problema y en la inclusión de los resultados de los estudios de peligro, vulnerabilidad y riesgo y de los escenarios de cambio climático radica la actualidad de la presente investigación. Teniendo como hipótesis que: el empleo de procedimientos metodológicos integradores y participativos facilitará la elaboración de modelos de ordenamiento ambiental (MOA) que aporten regulaciones, lineamientos y normas ambientales al proceso de ordenamiento territorial; se persigue como objetivo principal: proponer los procedimientos metodológicos para la elaboración de los MOA y realizar su validación a nivel nacional y municipal. Son empleados métodos teóricos y empíricos combinados en la elaboración de los procedimientos y en su validación a diferentes escalas. Se concluye en la pertinencia de utilizar el procedimiento propuesto para la elaboración de los MOA, a diferentes escalas, teniendo como base el enfoque participativo y a las unidades de paisaje, como unidad de análisis

    Desarrollo de un prototipo de bloqueador solar a partir de espinas de mojarra (Oreochromis sp)

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    Every day, the UV index is more worrying as a real public health problem. People need to use sunscreen to mitigate it. However, sunscreens are not accessible to the entire population, by cost and availability. That is why the main of this study is to develop a sunscreen prototype from fish bones and natural products. To develop this material, first of all the Hydroxylapatite in mojarra fish bonds was determined. Then, Fe2+-Ca2+ ionic exchange was performed by Hydroxylapatite treatment with FeCl solution. Finally, we develop three prototype 2 formulations by adding natural products (Almond oil, Coconut oil, Bee wax and Vitamin E) to the biomaterial developed. To increase the UV absorption, Zinc Oxide was added to one prototype. Finally, the UV formulations absorption were evaluated. DRX analyze confirms presence of Hydroxylapatite in the fishbone, required material to develop the prototype. Moreover, formulations developed with thicker constitution, characteristics of conventional sunscreens, were obtained. Finally, UV-Vis spectrum was obtained by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, in reflectance diffuse mode. This result showed the improvement in the absorption radiation by hydroxylapatite modification. In addition, the formulation with ZnO was the best material tested for UV absorption. In conclusion, we develop three sunscreen prototypes with promising activity in UV absorption, biomaterials from solid waste of regional fish industry.El índice UV en la zona tropical es cada vez más preocupante, por lo que se requiere del uso de bloqueadores solares. Sin embargo, estos son poco accesibles a la población en general por sus elevados costos. Debido a esta problemática el trabajo de investigación se enfocó en desarrollar un prototipo de bloqueador solar ecológico a partir de espinas de pescado (residuos piscícolas) y productos naturales. Para lograr este propósito se determinó la presencia de hidroxiapatita en las espinas de mojarra. Luego se realizó un intercambio iónico (Ca2+ - Fe2+) en la hidroxiapatita; con soluciones de FeCl en medio 2 neutro. A uno de los materiales se le adicionó ZnO.   Finalmente se realizaron tres (3) prototipos de formulaciones de bloqueador solares; mediante la adición de naturales como: cera de abeja, vitamina E, aceite de coco y de almendras. Finalmente fueron determinadas las capacidades de absorción UV de las formulaciones.  A través del análisis de difracción de rayos X se corroboró la presencia de hidroxiapatita, material necesario para la elaboración del bloqueador. Por otra parte, se obtuvieron formulaciones de constitución gruesa características de los protectores solares convencionales. Por último, con espectrometría UV-Vis de reflectancia difusa se determinó que las formulaciones desarrolladas, con la hidroxiapatita modificada, mejoraron su capacidad absorbente de radiación. Particularmente el bloqueador con óxido de zinc absorbió sustancialmente en el rango UV del espectro electromagnético. En conclusión, se desarrollaron materiales con promisoria actividad bloqueante de radiación UV solar partiendo de residuos sólidos de la industria piscícola regional y productos naturales

    Acquisition of Knowledge and Practical Skills after a Brief Course of BLS-AED in First-Year Students in Nursing and Physiotherapy at a Spanish University

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    [EN] Out-of-hospital cardiorespiratory arrest is one of the leading causes of death in the Western world. Early assistance with quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of a defibrillator may increase the percentage of survival after this process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of CPR training and the management of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). A descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was carried out among students in the first year of a Nursing and Physiotherapy degree of the University of León. To achieve this goal, a theoretical-practical educational intervention of four hours’ duration which included training on CPR, AED and Basic Life Support (BLS) was carried out. A total of 112 students were included. The results showed an increase in theoretical knowledge on BLS as well as on CPR and AED, and practical skills in CPR and AED management. A theoretical exposition of fifteen minutes and the practical training of CPR wasenough for the students to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, although the participants failed to reach quality criteria in CPR. Only 35.6% of students reached the right depth in compressions. Also, ventilation was not performed properly. Based on the results, we cannot determine that the percentage of overall quality of CPR was appropriate, since 57.6% was obtained in this respect and experts establish a value higher than 70% for quality CPR. There was a clear relationship between sex, weight, height and body max index (BMI), and quality CPR performance, being determinant variables to achieve quality parameters. Currently, Basic Life Support training in most universities is based on training methods similar to those used in the action described. The results obtained suggest implementing other training methods that favour the acquisition of quality CPR skills.S

    Assessment of the Economic and Health-Care Impact of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) on Public and Private Dental Surgeries in Spain: A Pilot Study

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    Objectives: The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is an ongoing public health challenge, also for the dentistry community. The main objective of this paper was to determine the economic and health-care impact of COVID-19 on dentists in the Autonomous Region of Galicia (Spain). Methods: This was a descriptive observational study in which the data was collected by means of a self-administered survey (from 1 April 2020 to 30 April 2020). Results: A total of 400 dentists from Galicia responded to the survey. Only 12.3% of the participants could obtain personal protective equipment (PPE) including FFP2 masks. Of the male respondents, 33.1% suffered losses >€15,000 compared to 19.4% of female respondents (OR = 3.121, p < 0.001). Economic losses seem to have contributed to the applications for economic help as 29.5% of the respondents who applied for this measure recorded losses in excess of €15,000 (p = 0.03). Patients complained more about the fact that only emergency care was available during the State of Alarm, in dental surgeries that do not work with insurance companies or franchises. Only 4 professionals tested positive, 50% of whom worked exclusively in private practice and the other 50% who practised in both private and public surgeries. Dentists who practise in the public sector saw more urgent patients per week than those practising in private surgeries (p = 0.013). Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has had economic repercussions in dentistry as only urgent treatment was available during the State of Alarm. These repercussions seem to be higher in male participants, as the majority of the participants have revealed higher economic losses than females. The level of assistance has also been affected, reducing the number of treated patients, although this quantity has been different in private and public surgeries. By presenting these findings we look to highlight the role that dentists play in society in treating dental emergencies in our surgeries, and this must be recognised and addressed by the relevant authorities, who must provide PPEs as a priority to this group as well as providing special economic aid in accordance with the losses incurred by the sectorS

    Generation and efficacy assessment of a chimeric antigen E2-CD154 as a marker Classical Swine Fever Virus subunit vaccine produced in HEK 293 and CHO K1 mammalian cells

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    The E2 glycoprotein is the major antigen that induces neutralizing and protective antibodies in CSFV infected pigs, thus a marker vaccine based on this antigen appears to be the most promising alternative to induce a protective immune response against CSFV. However, the structural characteristics of this protein state the necessity to produce glycoprotein E2 in more complex expression systems such as mammalian cells. In this study, we use a lentivirus-based gene delivery system to establish a stable recombinant HEK 293 and CHO K1 cell line for the expression of E2 fused to porcine CD154 as immunostimulatory molecule. In a first experiment, E2his and E2-CD154 were compared in an immunization trial. The average antibody titers in E2his immunized pigs was in the range of 30-40% of blocking and the average antibody titers for E2-CD154 are above 40% at day 14, meaning that the chimeric antigen is able to raise antibodies at positive levels in a shorter time. Additionally, the blocking rate of E2his vaccinated group in ELISA ranged between 66-88% and in the E2-CD154- vaccinated groups ranged between 86-92%, one week after booster immunization. The NPLA antibody titers also increased greatly. Later on, the protective capacity of purified E2-CD154 glycoprotein was demonstrated in a challenge experiment in pigs using a biphasic immunization schedule with 25 and 50 μg. The immunized animals developed neutralizing antibodies that were protective when the animals were faced to a challenge with 105 LD50 of ‘‘Margarita’’ CSFV highly pathogenic strain. No clinical signs of the disease were detected in the vaccinated pigs. Unvaccinated pigs in the control group exhibited symptoms of CSF at 3–4 days after challenge and were euthanized from 7–9 days when the pigs became moribund. These results indicate that E2-CD154 produced in recombinant HEK 293 and CHOK1cell line is a high quality candidate for the development of a safe and effective CSFV subunit vaccine. In the next steps, pilot and production scale, E2-CD154 expression levels should be increased in 10 to 50 fold, arriving to a very attractive productive platform for an implementation of a commercial subunit vaccine against CSF

    Virucidal and Synergistic Activity of Polyphenol-Rich Extracts of Seaweeds against Measles Virus

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    Although preventable by vaccination, Measles still causes thousands of deaths among young children worldwide. The discovery of new antivirals is a good approach to control new outbreaks that cause such death. In this study, we tested the antiviral activity against Measles virus (MeV) of Polyphenol-rich extracts (PPs) coming from five seaweeds collected and cultivated in Mexico. An MTT assay was performed to determine cytotoxicity effect, and antiviral activity was measured by syncytia reduction assay and confirmed by qPCR. PPs from Ecklonia arborea (formerly Eisenia arborea, Phaeophyceae) and Solieria filiformis (Rhodophyta) showed the highest Selectivity Index (SI), \u3e3750 and \u3e576.9 respectively. Both PPs extracts were selected to the subsequent experiments owing to their high efficacy and low cytotoxicity compared with ribavirin (SI of 11.57). The combinational effect of PPs with sulphated polysaccharides (SPs) and ribavirin were calculated by using Compusyn software. Synergistic activity was observed by combining both PPs with low concentrations of Solieria filiformis SPs (0.01 µg/mL). The antiviral activity of the best combinations was confirmed by qPCR. Virucidal assay, time of addition, and viral penetration evaluations suggested that PPs act mainly by inactivating the viral particle. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the virucidal effect of Polyphenol-rich extracts of seaweeds

    Conocimiento tradicional, cultivo y aprovechamiento del maguey pulquero en municipios de Puebla y Tlaxcala

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    La relación maguey- hombre mesoamericano data de hace 10 mil años y el aprovechamiento de la planta para la elaboración de pulque se remonta varios milenios. Esta agroindustria que floreció en el último tercio del siglo XIX, ha venido a menos lo que pone en riesgo este aprovechamiento tradicional y otros más rentables como la producción de inulina y el jarabe de fructosa con gran demanda en el mercado internacional. Se documentó y comparó el aprovechamiento del maguey pulquero en localidades de cuatro municipios de Puebla y Tlaxcala, seleccionadas con un muestreo aleatorio estratificado. Los datos taxonómicos, socioeconómicos, de gestión y actividades propias de productores, tlachiqueros y consumidores, se recabaron mediante entrevistas estructuradas y observación participativa. Los miembros de este último eslabón fueron seleccionados con un muestreo aleatorio simple. Los resultados mostraron siete tipos de magueyes, en superficies promedios de tres ha imbricados con cultivos de maíz, cebada y haba, de los cuales se describen las labores culturales y las actividades propias de los productores. El aprovechamiento sustantivo fue la elaboración del pulque, a partir de magueyes de 10 a 14 años de madurez. El cultivo y aprovechamiento se han mantenido a través de los años. Las herramientas utilizadas para la producción, transporte de aguamiel y elaboración de pulque han sido sustituidas por materiales más resistentes y duraderos, que no necesariamente han mejorado el proceso y calidad del pulque. La duración del ciclo del cultivo, la poca demanda de pulque, la baja rentabilidad económica y la ausencia de normas de protección de la planta, han provocado la disminución de la superficie de cultivo del maguey y la erosión del conocimiento del cultivo y su aprovechamiento; así, de mantenerse esa tendencia, la desaparición del maguey pulquero será inevitable.La permanencia del maguey pulquero dependerá de las acciones llevadas a cabo en conjunto por las autoridades correspondientes, los miembros de la cadena productiva e investigadores, mediante la implementación de programas que incentiven el interés e incremento del cultivo de esta planta; porque si no hay maguey, “no hay árbol de las maravillas”

    Basic life support training programme in schools by school nurses: how long and how often to train?

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    Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in schools, despite being legislated in Spain, is not established as such within the subjects that children are taught in schools. Objective: to evaluate the acquisition of CPR skills by 11-year-old children after a brief theoretical-practical teaching programme taught by nurses at school. Methods: 62 students were assessed in a quasi-experimental study on 2 cohorts (51.4% of the sample in control group [CG]). In total, 2 sessions were given, a theoretical one, and a practical training for skill development in children, in which the CG performed the CPR in 2-minute cycles and the intervention group in 1-minute cycles. The anthropometric variables recorded were weight and height, and the variables compression quality and ventilation quality were recorded using the Laerdal ResusciAnne manikin with Personal Computer/Wireless SkillReport. Results: The assessment showed better results, in terms of BLS sequence performance and use of automated external defibrillator, in the CG and after training, except for the evaluation of the 10-second breathing assessment technique. The quality of chest compressions was better in the CG after training, as was the quality of the ventilations. There were no major differences in CPR quality after training and 4 months after the 1-minute and 2-minute training cycles. Conclusions: 11-year-old children do not perform quality chest compressions or ventilations but, considering their age, they are able to perform a BLS sequence correctly