270 research outputs found

    Beliefs about Social Distancing During COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Orders: A Theory-Based Salient Belief Elicitation

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    Understanding the beliefs about social distancing behaviors is required to inform 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) interventions that are based on theory, research, and evidence. This study investigated the salient beliefs related to social distancing. United States adults (n = 106) recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk completed an online reasoned action approach belief elicitation from April 19 to April 25, 2020. Behavioral beliefs (advantages and disadvantages), normative beliefs (approvers and disapprovers), and control beliefs (facilitators and barriers) related to social distancing were elicited via open-ended questions. A content analysis was performed, and kappa statistics revealed high levels of interrater reliability (α = 0.86-0.96). Results revealed that a perceived salient advantage to social distancing was individual COVID-19 prevention, more so than community prevention. The most cited disadvantage was that social distancing could prevent participants from socially interacting with others, which could negatively impact mental health. Family and friends were the most mentioned approvers, while people who hold conservative ideologies and negative attitudes about COVID-19 were the most frequent disapprovers. Supply accessibility and store policies were the most listed facilitators. Results suggest three implications. First, pandemic-related public health and social marketing campaigns should focus more on individual health benefits than community health benefits. Second, digital public health interventions that address social connectedness and mental health outcomes are critical during pandemics. Third, public health scientists and practitioners should work with local and national media outlets and political leaders to create community-tailored and evidence-based information to increase adherence of mitigation strategies

    Finding Galaxy Clusters using Voronoi Tessellations

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    We present an objective and automated procedure for detecting clusters of galaxies in imaging galaxy surveys. Our Voronoi Galaxy Cluster Finder (VGCF) uses galaxy positions and magnitudes to find clusters and determine their main features: size, richness and contrast above the background. The VGCF uses the Voronoi tessellation to evaluate the local density and to identify clusters as significative density fluctuations above the background. The significance threshold needs to be set by the user, but experimenting with different choices is very easy since it does not require a whole new run of the algorithm. The VGCF is non-parametric and does not smooth the data. As a consequence, clusters are identified irrispective of their shape and their identification is only slightly affected by border effects and by holes in the galaxy distribution on the sky. The algorithm is fast, and automatically assigns members to structures.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. It uses aa.cls (included). Accepted by A&

    Mark correlations: relating physical properties to spatial distributions

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    Mark correlations provide a systematic approach to look at objects both distributed in space and bearing intrinsic information, for instance on physical properties. The interplay of the objects' properties (marks) with the spatial clustering is of vivid interest for many applications; are, e.g., galaxies with high luminosities more strongly clustered than dim ones? Do neighbored pores in a sandstone have similar sizes? How does the shape of impact craters on a planet depend on the geological surface properties? In this article, we give an introduction into the appropriate mathematical framework to deal with such questions, i.e. the theory of marked point processes. After having clarified the notion of segregation effects, we define universal test quantities applicable to realizations of a marked point processes. We show their power using concrete data sets in analyzing the luminosity-dependence of the galaxy clustering, the alignment of dark matter halos in gravitational NN-body simulations, the morphology- and diameter-dependence of the Martian crater distribution and the size correlations of pores in sandstone. In order to understand our data in more detail, we discuss the Boolean depletion model, the random field model and the Cox random field model. The first model describes depletion effects in the distribution of Martian craters and pores in sandstone, whereas the last one accounts at least qualitatively for the observed luminosity-dependence of the galaxy clustering.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures. to be published in Lecture Notes of Physics, second Wuppertal conference "Spatial statistics and statistical physics

    The Apparent and Intrinsic Shape of the APM Galaxy Clusters

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    We estimate the distribution of intrinsic shapes of APM galaxy clusters from the distribution of their apparent shapes. We measure the projected cluster ellipticities using two alternative methods. The first method is based on moments of the discrete galaxy distribution while the second is based on moments of the smoothed galaxy distribution. We study the performance of both methods using Monte Carlo cluster simulations covering the range of APM cluster distances and including a random distribution of background galaxies. We find that the first method suffers from severe systematic biases, whereas the second is more reliable. After excluding clusters dominated by substructure and quantifying the systematic biases in our estimated shape parameters, we recover a corrected distribution of projected ellipticities. We use the non-parametric kernel method to estimate the smooth apparent ellipticity distribution, and numerically invert a set of integral equations to recover the corresponding distribution of intrinsic ellipticities under the assumption that the clusters are either oblate or prolate spheroids. The prolate spheroidal model fits the APM cluster data best.Comment: 8 pages, including 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The intracluster magnetic field power spectrum in Abell 2382

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    The goal of this work is to put constraints on the strength and structure of the magnetic field in the cluster of galaxies A2382. We investigate the relationship between magnetic field and Faraday rotation effects in the cluster, using numerical simulations as a reference for the observed polarization properties. For this purpose we present Very Large Array observations at 20 cm and 6 cm of two polarized radio sources embedded in A2382, and we obtained detailed rotation measure images for both of them. We simulated random three-dimensional magnetic field models with different power spectra and thus produced synthetic rotation measure images. By comparing our simulations with the observed polarization properties of the radio sources, we can determine the strength and the power spectrum of intra-cluster magnetic field fluctuations that best reproduce the observations. The data are consistent with a power law magnetic field power spectrum with the Kolmogorov index n=11/3n=11/3, while the outer scale of the magnetic field fluctuations is of the order of 35 kpc. The average magnetic field strength at the cluster center is about 3 μ\muG and decreases in the external region as the square root of the electron gas density. The average magnetic field strength in the central 1 Mpc3^{3} is about 1 μ\muG.Comment: Comments: 18 pages, 13 figures, accepted by A&A. For a version with high quality figures, see http://erg.ca.astro.it/preprints/guidetti2007

    The short GRB070707 afterglow and its very faint host galaxy

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    We present the results from an ESO/VLT campaign aimed at studying the afterglow properties of the short/hard gamma ray burst GRB 070707. Observations were carried out at ten different epochs from ~0.5 to ~80 days after the event. The optical flux decayed steeply with a power-law decay index greater than 3, later levelling off at R~27.3 mag; this is likely the emission level of the host galaxy, the faintest yet detected for a short GRB. Spectroscopic observations did not reveal any line features/edges that could unambiguously pinpoint the GRB redshift, but set a limit z < 3.6. In the range of allowed redshifts, the host has a low luminosity, comparable to that of long-duration GRBs. The existence of such faint host galaxies suggests caution when associating short GRBs with bright, offset galaxies, where the true host might just be too dim for detection. The steepness of the decay of the optical afterglow of GRB 070707 challenges external shock models for the optical afterglow of short/hard GRBs. We argue that this behaviour might results from prolonged activity of the central engine or require alternative scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&

    Cosmological parameters from the clustering of AGN

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    We attempt to put constraints on different cosmological and biasing models by combining the recent clustering results of X-ray sources in the local (z0.1z\le 0.1) and distant universe (z1z\sim 1).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the ''2nd Hellenic Cosmology Workshop'', Athens 2001, eds, Manolis Plionis & Spiros Kotsaki

    A2255: the First Detection of Filamentary Polarized Emission in a Radio Halo

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    A deep radio observation of the A2255 cluster of galaxies has been carried out at 1.4 GHz with the Very Large Array synthesis telescope. Thanks to the excellent (u,v) coverage and sensitivity achieved by our observation, the low brightness diffuse extended sources in the cluster (radio halo and relic) have been imaged with unprecedented resolution and dynamic range. We find that the radio halo has filamentary structures that are strongly polarized. The fractional linear polarization reaches levels of \simeq 20-40% and the magnetic fields appear ordered on scales of \sim400 kpc. This is the first successful attempt to detect polarized emission from a radio halo and provides strong evidence that in this cluster the magnetic field is ordered on large scales.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    The scaling relation of early-type galaxies in clusters. II: Spectroscopic data for galaxies in eight nearby clusters

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    AIMS: We present in this work low and intermediate resolution spectroscopic data collected for 152 early type galaxies in 8 nearby clusters with z \leq 0.10. METHODS: We use low resolution data to produce the redshift and the K-correction for every individual galaxy, as well as to give their overall spectral energy distribution, and some spectral indicators, including the 4000\AA break, the Mg2_2 strength, and the NaD equivalent width.We have also obtained higher resolution data for early type galaxies in three of the clusters, to determine their central velocity dispersion. RESULTS: The effect of the resolution on the measured parameters is discussed. CONCLUSIONS: New accurate systemic redshift and velocity dispersion is presented for four of the surveyed clusters, A98, A3125, A3330, and DC2103-39. We have found that the K-correction values for E/S0 bright galaxies in a given nearby clusters are very similar. We also find that the distribution of the line indicators significantly differ from cluster to cluster.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, Accepted in A&