91 research outputs found

    Bacteroides fragilis fucosidases facilitate growth and invasion of Campylobacter jejuni in the presence of mucins

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    The enteropathogenic bacterium Campylobacter jejuni was considered to be non-saccharolytic, but recently it emerged that l-fucose plays a central role in C. jejuni virulence. Half of C. jejuni clinical isolates possess an operon for l-fucose utilization. In the intestinal tract, l-fucose is abundantly available in mucin O-linked glycan structures, but C. jejuni lacks a fucosidase enzyme essential to release the l-fucose. We set out to determine how C. jejuni can gain access to these intestinal l-fucosides. Growth of the fuc + C. jejuni strains 129,108 and NCTC 11168 increased in the presence of l-fucose while fucose permease knockout strains did not benefit from additional l-fucose. With fucosidase assays and an activity-based probe we confirmed that Bacteriodes fragilis, an abundant member of the intestinal microbiota, secretes active fucosidases. In the presence of mucins, C. jejuni was dependent on B. fragilis fucosidase activity for increased growth. C. jejuni invaded Caco-2 intestinal cells that express complex O-linked glycan structures that contain l-fucose. In infection experiments, C. jejuni was more invasive in the presence of B. fragilis and this increase is due to fucosidase activity. We conclude that C. jejuni fuc + strains are dependent on exogenous fucosidases for increased growth and invasion. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Додатковий том «Словника української мови»

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    У статті подано історію роботи над Додатковим томом «Словника української мови» в 11-ти томах, описано джерела наповнення реєстру, структуру словникових статей, наведено приклади розробки статей різного типу – як нововведених слів, так і таких, що були в «Словнику української мови» і зазнали доповнення. Завдання лексикографів, які працювали над Додатковим томом, – відобразити динаміку лексичного шару української мови 1980-их рр. ХХ ст. – початку ХХІ ст. з акцентуванням її інноваційних й актуалізованих аспектів

    Performance of the 2017 and 2010 Revised McDonald Criteria in Predicting MS Diagnosis After a Clinically Isolated Syndrome: A MAGNIMS Study

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To compare the performance of the 2017 revisions to the McDonald criteria with the 2010 McDonald criteria in establishing MS diagnosis and predicting prognosis in patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) suggestive of multiple sclerosis (MS). METHODS: CSF examination, brain and spinal cord MRI obtained ≤5 months from CIS onset, and a follow-up brain MRI acquired within 15 months from CIS onset were evaluated in 785 CIS patients from 9 European centers. Date of second clinical attack and of reaching Expanded Disability Status Score (EDSS) ≥ 3.0, if they occurred, were also collected. Performance of the 2017 and 2010 McDonald criteria for dissemination in space (DIS), time (DIT) (including oligoclonal bands assessment) and DIS + DIT for predicting a second clinical attack (clinically definite [CD] MS) and EDSS ≥ 3.0 at follow-up was evaluated. Time to MS diagnosis for the different criteria was also estimated. RESULTS: At follow-up (median = 69.1 months), 406/785 CIS patients developed CDMS. At 36 months, the 2017 DIS + DIT criteria had higher sensitivity (0.83 vs 0.66), lower specificity (0.39 vs 0.60) and similar area under the curve values (0.61 vs 0.63). Median time to MS diagnosis was shorter with the 2017 vs the 2010 or CDMS criteria (2017 revision = 3.2; 2010 revision = 13.0; CDMS = 58.5 months). The 2 sets of criteria similarly predicted EDSS ≥ 3.0 milestone. Three periventricular lesions improved specificity in patients ≥45 years. DISCUSSION: The 2017 McDonald criteria showed higher sensitivity, lower specificity and similar accuracy in predicting CDMS compared to 2010 McDonald criteria, while shortening time to diagnosis of MS. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that the 2017 McDonald Criteria more accurately distinguish CDMS in patients early after a CIS when compared to the 2010 McDonald criteria

    O-glycomic and proteomic signatures of spontaneous and butyrate-stimulated colorectal cancer cell line differentiation

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    Gut microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract provide health benefits to the human host via bacterial metabolites. Bacterial butyrate has beneficial effects on intestinal homeostasis and is the preferred energy source of intestinal epithelial cells, capable of inducing differentiation. It was previously observed that changes in the expression of specific proteins as well as protein glycosylation occur with differentiation. In this study, specific mucin O-glycans were identified that mark butyrate-induced epithelial differentiation of the intestinal cell line CaCo-2 (Cancer Coli-2), by applying porous graphitized carbon nano-liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Moreover, a quantitative proteomic approach was used to decipher changes in the cell proteome. It was found that the fully differentiated butyrate-stimulated cells are characterized by a higher expression of sialylated O-glycan structures, whereas fucosylation is downregulated with differentiation. By performing an integrative approach, we generated hypotheses about the origin of the observed O-glycome changes. These insights pave the way for future endeavors to study the dynamic O-glycosylation patterns in the gut, either produced via cellular biosynthesis or through the action of bacterial glycosidases as well as the functional role of these patterns in homeostasis and dysbiosis at the gut-microbiota interface

    Monovalent engagement of the BCR activates ovalbumin-specific transnuclear B cells

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    Valency requirements for B cell activation upon antigen encounter are poorly understood. OB1 transnuclear B cells express an IgG1 B cell receptor (BCR) specific for ovalbumin (OVA), the epitope of which can be mimicked using short synthetic peptides to allow antigen-specific engagement of the BCR. By altering length and valency of epitope-bearing synthetic peptides, we examined the properties of ligands required for optimal OB1 B cell activation. Monovalent engagement of the BCR with an epitope-bearing 17-mer synthetic peptide readily activated OB1 B cells. Dimers of the minimal peptide epitope oriented in an N to N configuration were more stimulatory than their C to C counterparts. Although shorter length correlated with less activation, a monomeric 8-mer peptide epitope behaved as a weak agonist that blocked responses to cell-bound peptide antigen, a blockade which could not be reversed by CD40 ligation. The 8-mer not only delivered a suboptimal signal, which blocked subsequent responses to OVA, anti-IgG, and anti-kappa, but also competed for binding with OVA. Our results show that fine-tuning of BCR-ligand recognition can lead to B cell nonresponsiveness, activation, or inhibition

    Rare copy number variation in cerebral palsy

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    As per publisher: published online 22 May 2013Recent studies have established the role of rare copy number variants (CNVs) in several neurological disorders but the contribution of rare CNVs to cerebral palsy (CP) is not known. Fifty Caucasian families having children with CP were studied using two microarray designs. Potentially pathogenic, rare (<1% population frequency) CNVs were identified, and their frequency determined, by comparing the CNVs found in cases with 8329 adult controls with no known neurological disorders. Ten of the 50 cases (20%) had rare CNVs of potential relevance to CP; there were a total of 14 CNVs, which were observed in <0.1% (<8/8329) of the control population. Eight inherited from an unaffected mother: a 751-kb deletion including FSCB, a 1.5-Mb duplication of 7q21.13, a 534-kb duplication of 15q11.2, a 446-kb duplication including CTNND2, a 219-kb duplication including MCPH1, a 169-kb duplication of 22q13.33, a 64-kb duplication of MC2R, and a 135-bp exonic deletion of SLC06A1. Three inherited from an unaffected father: a 386-kb deletion of 12p12.2-p12.1, a 234-kb duplication of 10q26.13, and a 4-kb exonic deletion of COPS3. The inheritance was unknown for three CNVs: a 157-bp exonic deletion of ACOX1, a 693-kb duplication of 17q25.3, and a 265-kb duplication of DAAM1. This is the first systematic study of CNVs in CP, and although it did not identify de novo mutations, has shown inherited, rare CNVs involving potentially pathogenic genes and pathways requiring further investigation.Gai McMichael, Santhosh Girirajan, Andres Moreno-De-Luca, Jozef Gecz, Chloe Shard, Lam Son Nguyen, Jillian Nicholl, Catherine Gibson, Eric Haan, Evan Eichler, Christa Lese Martin and Alastair MacLenna

    RAG-mediated DNA double-strand breaks activate a cell type-specific checkpoint to inhibit pre-B cell receptor signals

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) activate a canonical DNA damage response, including highly conserved cell cycle checkpoint pathways that prevent cells with DSBs from progressing through the cell cycle. In developing B cells, pre–B cell receptor (pre–BCR) signals initiate immunoglobulin light (Igl) chain gene assembly, leading to RAG-mediated DNA DSBs. The pre–BCR also promotes cell cycle entry, which could cause aberrant DSB repair and genome instability in pre–B cells. Here, we show that RAG DSBs inhibit pre–BCR signals through the ATM- and NF-κB2–dependent induction of SPIC, a hematopoietic-specific transcriptional repressor. SPIC inhibits expression of the SYK tyrosine kinase and BLNK adaptor, resulting in suppression of pre–BCR signaling. This regulatory circuit prevents the pre–BCR from inducing additional Igl chain gene rearrangements and driving pre–B cells with RAG DSBs into cycle. We propose that pre–B cells toggle between pre–BCR signals and a RAG DSB-dependent checkpoint to maintain genome stability while iteratively assembling Igl chain genes

    Transcriptional responses of ecologically diverse drosophila species to larval diets differing in relative sugar and protein ratios

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    We utilized three ecologically diverse Drosophila species to explore the influence of ecological adaptation on transcriptomic responses to isocaloric diets differing in their relative proportions of protein to sugar. Drosophila melanogaster, a cosmopolitan species that breeds in decaying fruit, exemplifies individuals long exposed to a Western diet higher in sugar, while the natural diet of the cactophilic D. mojavensis, is much lower in carbohydrates. Drosophila arizonae, the sister species of D. mojavensis, is largely cactophilic, but also utilizes rotting fruits that are higher in sugars than cacti. We exposed third instar larvae for 24 hours to diets either (1) high in protein relative to sugar, (2) diets with equal amounts of protein and sugar, and (3) diets low in protein but high in sugar. As we predicted, based upon earlier interspecific studies of development and metabolism, the most extreme differences in gene expression under different dietary conditions were found in D. mojavensis followed by D. arizonae. No differential expression among diets was observed for D. melanogaster, a species that survives well under all three conditions, with little impact on its metabolism. We suggest that these three species together provide a model to examine individual and population differences in vulnerability to lifestyle-associated health problems such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes

    Diffusion-based structural connectivity patterns of multiple sclerosis phenotypes

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    Background: We aimed to describe the severity of the changes in brain diffusion-based connectivity as multiple sclerosis (MS) progresses and the microstructural characteristics of these networks that are associated with distinct MS phenotypes.Methods: Clinical information and brain MRIs were collected from 221 healthy individuals and 823 people with MS at 8 MAGNIMS centres. The patients were divided into four clinical phenotypes: clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting, secondary progressive and primary progressive. Advanced tractography methods were used to obtain connectivity matrices. Then, differences in whole-brain and nodal graph-derived measures, and in the fractional anisotropy of connections between groups were analysed. Support vector machine algorithms were used to classify groups.Results: Clinically isolated syndrome and relapsing-remitting patients shared similar network changes relative to controls. However, most global and local network properties differed in secondary progressive patients compared with the other groups, with lower fractional anisotropy in most connections. Primary progressive participants had fewer differences in global and local graph measures compared with clinically isolated syndrome and relapsing-remitting patients, and reductions in fractional anisotropy were only evident for a few connections. The accuracy of support vector machine to discriminate patients from healthy controls based on connection was 81%, and ranged between 64% and 74% in distinguishing among the clinical phenotypes.Conclusions: In conclusion, brain connectivity is disrupted in MS and has differential patterns according to the phenotype. Secondary progressive is associated with more widespread changes in connectivity. Additionally, classification tasks can distinguish between MS types, with subcortical connections being the most important factor