734 research outputs found


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    The degree of population satisfaction with life characterizes the state of society and does not remain constant. It is characterized by the coefficient of life satisfaction that is based on the data of sociological polls. The dynamics of the coefficient shows that the assessment of life satisfaction of the Russian population was negative up to 2006, and in subsequent years it has become positive. The degree of life satisfaction is influenced by objective factors (income and expenditure of population, GDP per capita, unemployment, etc.), as well as by subjective factors (gender, age, marital status, social status, mood state, etc.)

    Online Medical Data Stream Mining Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches

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    The purpose of the paper is to develop approach, based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems to solve the tasks of medical data stream mining in online-mode. Results. As a result, approbation of the developed approach in supervised learning mode using multidimensional neo-fuzzy neuron on medical data of patients with urological disease was investigated.Метою статті є розроблення підходу, основаного на адаптивних нейро-фаззі системах, для розв’язання завдань оброблення потоків медичних даних в онлайн-режимі. Результати. Проведено апробацію розробленого підходу в режимі контрольованого навчання за допомоги багатовимірного нео-фаззі нейрона з використанням медичних даних пацієнтів з урологічними захворюваннями.Цель статьи — разработка подхода, основанного на адаптивных нейро-фаззи системах, для решения задач обработки потоков медицинских данных в онлайн-режиме. Результаты. Проведена апробация разработанного подхода в режиме контролируемого обучения с применением многомерного нео-фаззи нейрона при использовании медицинских данных пациентов с урологическими заболеваниями

    Using Google Docs to Support Work Flow Management in Teams of Engineering Students

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate how teams of engineering students integrated Google Docs to support their workflow management process. ABET criteria dictate that engineering students need to learn how to work together and practice effective ways of communication. Learning how to work well as a team is linked to the development of positive interdependence, which is at the core of the cooperative learning model and is based on social interdependence theory. A “sink or swim together” attitude in students is an important component of a successful teamwork experience (Smith, 1996). One of the important aspects of supporting interdependence in teams is to provide multiple opportunities for interaction in and outside the classroom


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    The degree of population satisfaction with life characterizes the state of society and does not remain constant. It is characterized by the coefficient of life satisfaction that is based on the data of sociological polls. The dynamics of the coefficient shows that the assessment of life satisfaction of the Russian population was negative up to 2006, and in subsequent years it has become positive. The degree of life satisfaction is influenced by objective factors (income and expenditure of population, GDP per capita, unemployment, etc.), as well as by subjective factors (gender, age, marital status, social status, mood state, etc.)

    Intra-generational mobility and repeated cross-sections : a three-country validation exercise

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    This paper validates a recently proposed method to estimate intra-generational mobility through repeated cross-sectional surveys. The technique allows the creation of a"synthetic panel"-- done by predicting future or past household income using a set of simple modeling and error structure assumptions -- and thus permits the estimation of lower and upper bounds on directional mobility measures. The authors validate the approach in three different settings where good panel data also exist (Chile, Nicaragua, and Peru). In doing so, they also carry out a number of refinements to the validation procedure. The results are broadly encouraging: the methodology performs well in all three settings, especially in cases where richer model specifications can be estimated. The technique does equally well in predicting short and long-term mobility patterns and is robust to a broad set of additional"stress"and sensitivity tests. Overall, the paper lends support to the application of this approach to settings where panel data are absent.Services&Transfers to Poor,Poverty Reduction Strategies,Scientific Research&Science Parks,Science Education,Housing&Human Habitats

    Business simulation "Virtual hotel" as a method of facilitating profeesional language acquisition in hospitality higher education curriculum

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    The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to introduce innovative pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language to future specialists in the hospitality industry. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the computer business simulation “Virtual Hotel” in teaching the discipline “Foreign language in the field of professional communication”. The method of this study, along with the general scientific, is the modeling of the educational process, focused on the development of linguistic, socio-cultural and professional competences in the course of teaching a foreign language to future specialists in the hospitality industry.Актуальность выбранной темы обусловлена необходимостью внедрения инновационных педагогических технологий в процесс обучения иностранному языку будущих специалистов индустрии гостеприимства. Целью данного исследование является оценка эффективности компьютерной бизнес-симуляции "Virtual Hotel" в преподавании дисциплины "Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации"

    Перекладацька компетенція викладача іноземної мови (Translation competency of the lecturer of English)

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    У статті досліджено наукове поняття «перекладацька компетенція» у контексті формування професійної компетентності викладача іноземної мови. Визначено сутність та роль дискурсивної компетенції у номенклатурі перекладацької компетенції викладача іноземної мови. (The aim of the article is to outline the problem of the formation of translation competency of the lecturer of English at the institutions of higher education. The author suggests her own view on the definition of the term «translation competency» as the ability to use the general principles of translation and perform as a translator /interpreter in the situations of crosscultural professional communication on the basis of knowledge, skills, practice, schemes of actions and practical experience in the process of translation from the native language into the foreign one and from the foreign language into the native one. The diagrammatical scheme of general professional competence of the lecturer of English is given. The place of the translation competency of the lecturer of English in the structure of general professional competence is taken into consideration. The gist and role of the discourse competency in the nomenclature of translation competency of the lecturer of English are given. The semantic, interpretive and textual components of the discourse competency are described. Future trends in researching of the problem of the formation of translation competency of the lecturer of English are illustrated.

    Depression of excitatory synapses onto parvalbumin interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex in susceptibility to stress

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    In response to extreme stress, individuals either show resilience or succumb to despair. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is required for coping with stress, and PFC dysfunction has been implicated in stress-related mental disorders, including depression. Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which the PFC participates in stress responses remain unclear. Here, we investigate the role of parvalbumin (PV) interneurons in the medial PFC (mPFC) in shaping behavioral responses to stress induced by the learned helplessness procedure, in which animals are subjected to an unpredictable and inescapable stressor. PV interneurons in the mPFC were probed and manipulated in knock-in mice expressing the Cre recombinase under the endogenous parvalbumin promoter. Notably, we found that excitatory synaptic transmission onto these neurons was decreased in mice showing helplessness, a behavioral state that is thought to resemble features of human depression. Furthermore, selective suppression of PV interneurons in the mPFC using hM4Di, a DREADD (designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drug), promoted helplessness, indicating that activation of these neurons during stress promotes the establishment of resilient behavior. Our results reveal a cellular mechanism of mPFC dysfunction that may contribute to the emergence of maladaptive behavioral responses in the face of adverse life events

    The effect of the local field and dipole-dipole interactions on the absorption spectra of noble metals and the plasmon resonance of their nanoparticles

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    An analysis of the effect of free and bound electrons on the optical properties of noble metals and their nanoparticles is performed, based on the Drude-Lorentz model. It is shown that the shifts in the absorption bands of plasmons localized in spherical nanoparticles with respect to the zero frequency of free electrons in a bulk metal can be estimated using the theory of resonant dipole-dipole interactions. The calculation includes account for differences between the effective and average electromagnetic fields. It is established that the difference in oscillator strength for free electrons in the bulk metal, obtained using the Drude-Lorentz model, and the microscopic oscillators in the corresponding spherical nanoparticle, is due to background polarization. This occurs at the expense of high-frequency excitation of the bound electrons. These results show that interparticle interactions in the noble metals in the quasi-static approximation can be regarded as dipole-dipole interactions of point dipoles with a concentration equal to the concentration of free electrons

    Design Criteria and Optical Characteristics of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Based on Periodically Grooved Silicon

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    Photonic bandgap (PBG) regions have been calculated for periodically grooved Si structures, acting as a one-dimensional photonic crystal. The wavelength range of the PBG as a function of the ratio (DSi/A) is presented, where DSi is the width of the Si walls and A is the grooved silicon lattice constant. The influence of the parameter DSi, the refractive index of the space between the Si walls and the number of structure periods, m, on the forming of PBG regions is discussed. A good correlation between the calculated and the experimentally observed PBG regions is obtained