185 research outputs found

    Aircraft-Based AirCore Sampling for Estimates of N<sub>2</sub>O and CH<sub>4</sub> Emissions

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    Airborne measurements offer an effective way to quantify urban emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). However, it may be challenging due to the requirement of high measurement precision and sufficiently enhanced signals. We developed a new active AirCore system based on the previous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) version, which is capable of sampling atmospheric air for several hours aboard a lightweight aircraft for postflight simultaneous and continuous measurements of N2O, CH4, CO2, and CO. We performed 13 flights over the urban areas of Groningen, Utrecht, and Rotterdam and evaluated the aircraft-based AirCore measurements against in situ continuous CH4 measurements. One flight was selected for each of the three urban areas to quantify the emissions of N2O and CH4. Compared to the Dutch inventory, the estimated N2O emissions (364 ± 143 kg h–1) from the Rotterdam area are ∼3 times larger, whereas those for Groningen (95 ± 90 kg h–1) and Utrecht (32 ± 16 kg h–1) are not significantly different. The estimated CH4 emissions for all three urban areas (Groningen: 2534 ± 1774 kg CH4 hr–1, Utrecht: 1440 ± 628 kg CH4 hr–1, and Rotterdam: 2419 ± 922 kg CH4 hr–1) are not significantly different from the Dutch inventory. The innovative aircraft-based active AirCore sampling system provides a robust means of high-precision and continuous measurements of multiple gas species, which is useful for quantifying GHG emissions from urban areas

    Aircraft-Based AirCore Sampling for Estimates of N<sub>2</sub>O and CH<sub>4</sub> Emissions

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    Airborne measurements offer an effective way to quantify urban emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). However, it may be challenging due to the requirement of high measurement precision and sufficiently enhanced signals. We developed a new active AirCore system based on the previous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) version, which is capable of sampling atmospheric air for several hours aboard a lightweight aircraft for postflight simultaneous and continuous measurements of N2O, CH4, CO2, and CO. We performed 13 flights over the urban areas of Groningen, Utrecht, and Rotterdam and evaluated the aircraft-based AirCore measurements against in situ continuous CH4 measurements. One flight was selected for each of the three urban areas to quantify the emissions of N2O and CH4. Compared to the Dutch inventory, the estimated N2O emissions (364 ± 143 kg h–1) from the Rotterdam area are ∼3 times larger, whereas those for Groningen (95 ± 90 kg h–1) and Utrecht (32 ± 16 kg h–1) are not significantly different. The estimated CH4 emissions for all three urban areas (Groningen: 2534 ± 1774 kg CH4 hr–1, Utrecht: 1440 ± 628 kg CH4 hr–1, and Rotterdam: 2419 ± 922 kg CH4 hr–1) are not significantly different from the Dutch inventory. The innovative aircraft-based active AirCore sampling system provides a robust means of high-precision and continuous measurements of multiple gas species, which is useful for quantifying GHG emissions from urban areas

    The Distribution of Nickel in the West-Atlantic Ocean, Its Relationship With Phosphate and a Comparison to Cadmium and Zinc

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    Nickel (Ni) is a bio-essential element required for the growth of phytoplankton. It is the least studied bio-essential element, mainly because surface ocean Ni concentrations are never fully depleted and Ni is not generally considered to be a limiting factor. However, stimulation of growth after Ni addition has been observed in past experiments when seemingly ample ambient dissolved Ni was present, suggesting not all dissolved Ni is bio-available. This study details the distribution of Ni along the GEOTRACES GA02 Atlantic Meridional section. Concentrations of Ni were lowest in the surface ocean and the lowest observed concentration of 1.7 nmol kg(-1) was found in the northern hemisphere (NH). The generally lower surface concentrations in the NH subtropical gyre compared to the southern hemisphere (SH), might be related to a greater Ni uptake by nitrogen fixers that are stimulated by iron (Fe) deposition. The distribution of Ni resembles the distribution of cadmium (Cd) and also features a so called kink (change in the steepness of slope) in the Ni-PO4 relationship. Like for Cd, this is caused by the mixing of Nordic and Antarctic origin water masses. The overall distribution of Ni is driven by mixing with an influence of regional remineralization. This influence of remineralization is, with a maximum remineralization contribution of 13% of the highest observed concentration, smaller than for Cd (30%), but larger than for zinc (Zn; 6%). The uptake pattern in the formation regions of Antarctic origin water masses is suggested to be more similar to Zn than to Cd, however, the surface concentrations of Ni are never fully depleted. This results in a North Atlantic concentration distribution of Ni where the trends of increasing and decreasing concentrations between water masses are similar to those observed for Cd, but the actual concentrations as well as the uptake and remineralization patterns are different between these elements

    The reinvigoration of the Southern Ocean carbon sink

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    Several studies have suggested that the carbon sink in the Southern Ocean—the ocean’s strongest region for the uptake of anthropogenic CO2 —has weakened in recent decades. We demonstrated, on the basis of multidecadal analyses of surface ocean CO2 observations, that this weakening trend stopped around 2002, and by 2012, the Southern Ocean had regained its expected strength based on the growth of atmospheric CO2. All three Southern Ocean sectors have contributed to this reinvigoration of the carbon sink, yet differences in the processes between sectors exist, related to a tendency toward a zonally more asymmetric atmospheric circulation. The large decadal variations in the Southern Ocean carbon sink suggest a rather dynamic ocean carbon cycle that varies more in time than previously recognized

    Evaluating the use of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based active AirCore system to quantify methane emissions from dairy cows

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    Enteric fermentation and manure methane emissions from livestock are major anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. In general, direct measurements of farm-scale methane emissions are scarce due to the source complexity and the limitations of existing atmospheric sampling methods. Using an innovative UAV-based active AirCore system, we have performed accurate atmospheric measurements of CH4 mole fractions downwind of a dairy cow farm in the Netherlands on four individual days during the period from March 2017 to March 2019. The total CH4 emission rates from the farm were determined using the UAV-based mass balance approach to be 1.1-2.4 g/s. After subtracting estimated emission factors of manure onsite, we derived the enteric emission factors to be 0.20-0.51 kgCH4/AU/d (1 AU = 500 kg animal weight) of dairy cows. We show that the uncertainties of the estimates were dominated by the variabilities in the wind speed and the angle between the wind and the flight transect. Furthermore, nonsimultaneous sampling in the vertical direction of the plume is one of the main limiting factors to achieving accurate estimate of the CH4 emissions from the farm. In addition, a N2O tracer release experiment at the farm was performed when both a UAV and a mobile van were present to simultaneously sample the N2O tracer and the CH4 plumes from the farm, improving the source quantification with a correction factor of 1.04 and 1.22 for the inverse Gaussian approach and for the mass balance approach, respectively. The UAV-based active AirCore system is capable of providing useful estimates of CH4 emissions from dairy cow farms. The uncertainties of the estimates can be improved when combined with accurate measurements of local wind speed and direction or when combined with a tracer approach

    Sulfur and carbon isotope measurements of carbonyl sulfide (COS) from small air samples using GC-IRMS

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    Carbonyl sulfide (COS) is the most abundant sulfur-containing trace gas in the atmosphere, with an average mixing ratio of 500 parts per trillion (ppt). It has a relatively long lifetime of about 2 years, which permits it to travel into the stratosphere. There, it likely plays an important role in the formation of stratospheric sulfur aerosols (SSA), which have a cooling effect on the Earth’s climate. Furthermore, during photosynthetic uptake by plants, COS follows essentially the same pathway as CO2, and therefore COS could be used to estimate gross primary production (GPP). Unfortunately, significant uncertainties still exist in the sources, sinks and global cycling of COS, which need to be overcome. Isotopic measurements of COS could be a promising tool for constraining the COS budget, as well as for investigating its role in the formation of stratospheric sulfur aerosols. Within the framework of the COS-OCS project, we developed a measurement system at Utrecht University using GC-IRMS that can measure δ33S and δ34S from S+ fragment ions of COS from small air samples of 2 to 5 L. This system was recently expanded to also measure δ13C from the CO+ fragment ions of COS, which has never been measured before. We will present the preliminary results from a plant chamber experiment conducted at Wageningen University, in which one of the goals was to quantify the COS uptake and isotopic fractionation factors of different C3 and C4 plants

    A new global interior ocean mapped climatology: the 1° × 1° GLODAP version 2

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    We present a mapped climatology (GLODAPv2.2016b) of ocean biogeochemical variables based on the new GLODAP version 2 data product (Olsen et al., 2016; Key et al., 2015), which covers all ocean basins over the years 1972 to 2013. The quality-controlled and internally consistent GLODAPv2 was used to create global 1°  ×  1° mapped climatologies of salinity, temperature, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), total alkalinity (TAlk), pH, and CaCO3 saturation states using the Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) mapping method. Improving on maps based on an earlier but similar dataset, GLODAPv1.1, this climatology also covers the Arctic Ocean. Climatologies were created for 33 standard depth surfaces. The conceivably confounding temporal trends in TCO2 and pH due to anthropogenic influence were removed prior to mapping by normalizing these data to the year 2002 using first-order calculations of anthropogenic carbon accumulation rates. We additionally provide maps of accumulated anthropogenic carbon in the year 2002 and of preindustrial TCO2. For all parameters, all data from the full 1972–2013 period were used, including data that did not receive full secondary quality control. The GLODAPv2.2016b global 1°  ×  1° mapped climatologies, including error fields and ancillary information, are available at the GLODAPv2 web page at the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC; doi:10.3334/CDIAC/OTG.NDP093_GLODAPv2)