105 research outputs found

    On a new theoretical framework for RR Lyrae stars I: the metallicity dependence

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    We present new nonlinear, time-dependent convective hydrodynamical models of RR Lyrae stars computed assuming a constant helium-to-metal enrichment ratio and a broad range in metal abundances (Z=0.0001--0.02). The stellar masses and luminosities adopted to construct the pulsation models were fixed according to detailed central He burning Horizontal Branch evolutionary models. The pulsation models cover a broad range in stellar luminosity and effective temperatures and the modal stability is investigated for both fundamental and first overtones. We predict the topology of the instability strip as a function of the metal content and new analytical relations for the edges of the instability strip in the observational plane. Moreover, a new analytical relation to constrain the pulsation mass of double pulsators as a function of the period ratio and the metal content is provided. We derive new Period-Radius-Metallicity relations for fundamental and first-overtone pulsators. They agree quite well with similar empirical and theoretical relations in the literature. From the predicted bolometric light curves, transformed into optical (UBVRI) and near-infrared (JHK) bands, we compute the intensity-averaged mean magnitudes along the entire pulsation cycle and, in turn, new and homogenous metal-dependent (RIJHK) Period-Luminosity relations. Moreover, we compute new dual and triple band optical, optical--NIR and NIR Period-Wesenheit-Metallicity relations. Interestingly, we find that the optical Period-W(V,B-V) is independent of the metal content and that the accuracy of individual distances is a balance between the adopted diagnostics and the precision of photometric and spectroscopic datasets.Comment: 51 pages, 20 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication on Ap

    WASP-33: The first delta Scuti exoplanet host star

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    We report the discovery of photometric oscillations in the host star of the exoplanet WASP-33 b (HD 15082). The data were obtained in the R band in both transit and out-of-transit phases from the 0.3-m telescope and the Montcabrer Observatory and the 0.8-m telescope at the Montsec Astronomical Observatory. Proper fitting and subsequent removal of the transit signal reveals stellar photometric variations with a semi-amplitude of about 1 mmag. The detailed analysis of the periodogram yields a structure of significant signals around a frequency of 21 cyc per day, which is typical of delta Scuti-type variable stars. An accurate study of the power spectrum reveals a possible commensurability with the planet orbital motion with a factor of 26, but this remains to be confirmed with additional time-series data that will permit the identification of the significant frequencies. These findings make WASP-33 the first transiting exoplanet host star with delta Sct variability and a very interesting candidate to search for star-planet interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Revised version accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Multiperiodicity, modulations and flip-flops in variable star light curves I. Carrier fit method

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    The light curves of variable stars are commonly described using simple trigonometric models, that make use of the assumption that the model parameters are constant in time. This assumption, however, is often violated, and consequently, time series models with components that vary slowly in time are of great interest. In this paper we introduce a class of data analysis and visualization methods which can be applied in many different contexts of variable star research, for example spotted stars, variables showing the Blazhko effect, and the spin-down of rapid rotators. The methods proposed are of explorative type, and can be of significant aid when performing a more thorough data analysis and interpretation with a more conventional method.Our methods are based on a straightforward decomposition of the input time series into a fast "clocking" periodicity and smooth modulating curves. The fast frequency, referred to as the carrier frequency, can be obtained from earlier observations (for instance in the case of photometric data the period can be obtained from independently measured radial velocities), postulated using some simple physical principles (Keplerian rotation laws in accretion disks), or estimated from the data as a certain mean frequency. The smooth modulating curves are described by trigonometric polynomials or splines. The data approximation procedures are based on standard computational packages implementing simple or constrained least-squares fit-type algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 23 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Period-Color and Amplitude-Color Relations in Classical Cepheid Variables - VI. New Challenges for Pulsation Models

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    We present multiphase Period-Color/Amplitude-Color/Period-Luminosity relations using OGLE III and Galactic Cepheid data and compare with state of the art theoretical pulsation models. Using this new way to compare models and observations, we find convincing evidence that both Period-Color and Period-Luminosity Relations as a function of phase are dynamic and highly nonlinear at certain pulsation phases. We extend this to a multiphase Wesenheit function and find the same result. Hence our results cannot be due to reddening errors. We present statistical tests and the urls of movies depicting the Period-Color/Period Luminosity and Wesenheit relations as a function of phase for the LMC OGLE III Cepheid data: these tests and movies clearly demonstrate nonlinearity as a function of phase and offer a new window toward a deeper understanding of stellar pulsation. When comparing with models, we find that the models also predict this nonlinearity in both Period-Color and Period-Luminosity planes. The models with (Z=0.004, Y=0.25) fare better in mimicking the LMC Cepheid relations, particularly at longer periods, though the models predict systematically higher amplitudes than the observations

    TYC 2675-663-1: A newly discovered W UMa system in an active state

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    The recently discovered eclipsing binary system TYC 2675-663-1 is a X-ray source, and shows properties in the optical that are similar to the W UMa systems, but are somewhat unusual compared to what is seen in other contact binary systems. The goal of this work is to characterize its properties and investigate its nature by means of detailed photometric and spectroscopic observations. We have performed extensive V-band photometric measurements with the INTEGRAL satellite along with ground-based multi-band photometric observations, as well as high-resolution spectroscopic monitoring from which we have measured the radial velocities of the components. These data have been analysed to determine the stellar properties, including the absolute masses and radii. Additional low-resolution spectroscopy was obtained to investigate spectral features. From the measured eclipse timings we determine an orbital period for the binary of P=0.4223576+-0.0000009 days. The light-curve and spectroscopic analyses reveal the observations to be well represented by a model of an overcontact system composed of main-sequence F5 and G7 stars (temperature difference of nearly 1000 K), with the possible presence of a third star. Low-resolution optical spectroscopy reveals a complex H alpha emission, and other features that are not yet understood. The unusually large mass ratio of q=0.81+-0.05 places it in the rare "H" (high mass ratio) subclass of the W UMa systems, which are presumably on their way to coalescence.Comment: 12 pages in double column format. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries in the Initial Kepler Data Release

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    We identify 231 objects in the newly released Cycle 0 dataset from the Kepler Mission as double-eclipse, detached eclipsing binary systems with Teff < 5500 K and orbital periods shorter than ~32 days. We model each light curve using the JKTEBOP code with a genetic algorithm to obtain precise values for each system. We identify 95 new systems with both components below 1.0 M_sun and eclipses of at least 0.1 magnitudes, suitable for ground-based follow-up. Of these, 14 have periods less than 1.0 day, 52 have periods between 1.0 and 10.0 days, and 29 have periods greater than 10.0 days. This new sample of main-sequence, low-mass, double-eclipse, detached eclipsing binary candidates more than doubles the number of previously known systems, and extends the sample into the completely heretofore unexplored P > 10.0 day period regime. We find preliminary evidence from these systems that the radii of low-mass stars in binary systems decrease with period. This supports the theory that binary spin-up is the primary cause of inflated radii in low-mass binary systems, although a full analysis of each system with radial-velocity and multi-color light curves is needed to fully explore this hypothesis. As well, we present 7 new transiting planet candidates that do not appear among the recently released list of 706 candidates by the Kepler team, nor in the Kepler False Positive Catalog, along with several other new and interesting systems. We also present novel techniques for the identification, period analysis, and modeling of eclipsing binaries.Comment: 22 pages in emulateapj format. 9 figures, 4 tables, 2 appendices. Accepted to AJ. Includes a significant addition of new material since last arXiv submission and an updated method for estimating masses and radi

    New Variable Stars in Open Clusters I: Methods and Results for 20 Open Clusters

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    We present high precision CCD photometry of 1791 objects in 20 open clusters with an age from 10 Myr to 1 Gyr. These observations were performed within the Delta a photometric system which is primarily used to detect chemically peculiar stars of the upper main sequence. Time bases range between 30 minutes and up to 60 days with data from several nights. We describe the way of time series analysis reaching a detection limit of down to 0.006 mag. In total, we have detected 35 variable objects from which four are not members of their corresponding clusters. The variables cover the entire Hertzsprung-Russell-diagram, hence they are interesting targets for follow-up observations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A&

    Wind accretion in the massive X-ray binary 4U 2206+54: abnormally slow wind and a moderately eccentric orbit

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    Massive X-ray binaries are usually classified depending on the properties of the donor star in classical, supergiant and Be X-ray binaries. The massive X-ray binary 4U 2206+54 does not fit in any of these groups, and deserves a detailed study to understand how the transfer of matter and the accretion on to the compact object take place. To this end we study an IUE spectrum of the donor and obtain a wind terminal velocity (v_inf) of ~350 km/s, which is abnormally slow for its spectral type. We also analyse here more than 9 years of available RXTE/ASM data. We study the long-term X-ray variability of the source and find it to be similar to that observed in the wind-fed supergiant system Vela X-1, reinforcing the idea that 4U 2206+54 is also a wind-fed system. We find a quasi-period decreasing from ~270 to ~130 d, noticed in previous works but never studied in detail. We discuss possible scenarios and conclude that long-term quasi-periodic variations in the mass-loss rate of the primary are probably driving such variability in the measured X-ray flux. We obtain an improved orbital period of 9.5591 d with maximum X-ray flux at MJD 51856.6. Our study of the orbital X-ray variability in the context of wind accretion suggests a moderate eccentricity around 0.15. Moreover, the low value of v_inf solves the long-standing problem of the relatively high X-ray luminosity for the unevolved nature of the donor, BD +53 2790, which is probably an O9.5 V star. We note that changes in v_inf and/or the mass-loss rate of the primary alone cannot explain the diferent patterns displayed by the orbital X-ray variability. We finally emphasize that 4U 2206+54, together with LS 5039, could be part of a new population of wind-fed HMXBs with main sequence donors, the natural progenitors of supergiant X-ray binaries. (Abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; to appear in A&A; corrected typos, updated references; matches published versio

    Classical Cepheid Pulsation Models. XI. Effects of convection and chemical composition on the Period-Luminosity and Period-Wesenheit relations

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    In spite of the relevance of Classical Cepheids as primary distance indicators, a general consensus on the dependence of the Period-Luminosity (PL) relation on the Cepheid chemical composition has not been achieved yet. From the theoretical point of view, our previous investigations were able to reproduce some empirical tests for suitable assumptions on the helium to metal relative enrichment, but those results relied on specific assumptions concerning the Mass-Luminosity relation and the efficiency of the convective transfer in the pulsating envelopes. In this paper, we investigate the effects of the assumed value of the mixing length parameter l/Hp on the pulsation properties and we release the assumption of a fixed Mass-Luminosity relation. As a whole, we show that our pulsation relations appear fully consistent with the observed properties of Galactic and Magellanic Cloud Cepheids, supporting the predicted steepening and brightening of the PL relations when moving from metal-rich to metal-poor variables. Moreover, we show that the distances inferred by the predicted PW relations agree with recently measured trigonometric parallaxes, whereas they suggest a correction to the values based on the Infrared Surface Brightness technique, as already found from an independent method. Finally, also the pulsation metal contents suggested by the predicted PW relations appear in statistical agreement with spectroscopic [Fe/H] measurements.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Spectroscopic analysis of the B/Be visual binary HR 1847

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    We studied both components of a slightly overlooked visual binary HR 1847 spectroscopically to determine its basic physical and orbital parameters. Basic stellar parameters were determined by comparing synthetic spectra to the observed echelle spectra, which cover both the optical and near-IR regions. New observations of this system used the Ond\v{r}ejov and Rozhen 2-m telescopes and their coud\'e spectrographs. Radial velocities from individual spectra were measured and then analysed with the code {\FOTEL} to determine orbital parameters. The spectroscopic orbit of HR 1847A is presented for the first time. It is a single-lined spectroscopic binary with a B-type primary, a period of 719.79 days, and a highly eccentric orbit with e=0.7. We confirmed that HR 1847B is a Be star. Its H\alpha emission significantly decreased from 2003 to 2008. Both components have a spectral type B7-8 and luminosity class IV-V.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepte