195 research outputs found

    CIV Absorption From Galaxies in the Process of Formation

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    We investigate the heavy element QSO absorption systems caused by gas condensations at high redshift which evolve into galaxies with circular velocity of 100 to 200 km/s at the present epoch. Artificial QSO spectra were generated for a variety of lines-of-sight through regions of the universe simulated with a hydrodynamics code. The CIV and HI absorption features in these spectra closely resemble observed CIV and HI absorption systems over a wide range in column density. CIV absorption complexes with multiple-component structure and velocity spreads up to about 600 km/s are found. The broadest systems are caused by lines-of-sight passing through groups of protogalactic clumps with individual velocity dispersions of less than 150 km/s aligned along filamentary structures. The temperature of most of the gas does not take the photoionization equilibrium value. This invalidates density and size estimates derived from thermal equilibrium models. Consequences for metal abundance determinations are briefly discussed. We predict occasional exceptionally large ratios of CIV to HI column density (up to a third) for lines-of-sight passing through compact halos of hot gas with temperature close to 3 10^5 K. Our model may be able to explain both high-ionization multi-component heavy-element absorbers and damped Lyman alpha systems as groups of small protogalactic clumps.Comment: 13 pages, uuencoded postscript file, 4 figures included submitted to ApJ (Letters); complete version also available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/Galaxien/prep.htm

    Galaxy-Induced Transformation of Dark Matter Halos

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    We use N-body/gasdynamical LambdaCDM cosmological simulations to examine the effect of the assembly of a central galaxy on the shape and mass profile of its dark halo. Two series of simulations are compared; one that follows only the evolution of the dark matter component and a second one where a baryonic component is added. These simulations include radiative cooling but neglect star formation and feedback, leading most baryons to collect at the halo center in a disk which is too small and too massive when compared with typical spiral. This unrealistic model allows us, nevertheless, to gauge the maximum effect that galaxies may have in transforming their dark halos. We find that the shape of the halo becomes more axisymmetric: halos are transformed from triaxial into essentially oblate systems, with well-aligned isopotential contours of roughly constant flattening (c/a ~ 0.85). Halos always contract as a result of galaxy assembly, but the effect is substantially less pronounced than predicted by the "adiabatic contraction" hypothesis. The reduced contraction helps to reconcile LambdaCDM halos with constraints on the dark matter content inside the solar circle and should alleviate the long-standing difficulty of matching simultaneously the scaling properties of galaxy disks and the luminosity function. The halo contraction is also less pronounced than found in earlier simulations, a disagreement that suggests that halo contraction is not solely a function of the initial and final distribution of baryons. Not only how much baryonic mass has been deposited at the center of a halo matters, but also the mode of its deposition. It might prove impossible to predict the halo response without a detailed understanding of a galaxy's assembly history. (Abriged)Comment: 11 pages and 9 figure

    Damped Lyman alpha absorbers at high redshift -- large disks or galactic building blocks?

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    We investigate the nature of the physical structures giving rise to damped Lyman alpha absorption systems (DLAS) at high redshift. In particular, we examine the suggestion that rapidly rotating large disks are the only viable explanation for the characteristic observed asymmetric profiles of low ionization absorption lines. We demonstrate using hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation in a cosmological context that irregular protogalactic clumps can reproduce the observed velocity width distribution and asymmetries of the absorption profiles equally well. The velocity broadening in the simulated clumps is due to a mixture of rotation, random motions, infall and merging. The observed velocity width correlates with the virial velocity of the dark matter halo of the forming protogalactic clump (v_{wid} ~ 0.6 times v_{vir} for the median values with a large scatter of order a factor two between different lines-of-sight). The typical virial velocity of the halos required to give rise to the DLAS population is about 100 km/s and most standard hierarchical structure formation scenarios can easily account even for the largest observed velocity widths. We conclude that the evidence that DLAS at high redshift are related to large rapidly rotating disks with v_circ >= 200 km/s is not compelling.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX , 10 postscript figures included; submitted to ApJ. The paper can also be retrieved at http://www.mpa-garching/~haehnel

    Star formation and chemical evolution of damped Lyman α\alpha systems

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    In this paper, we investigate the star formation and chemical evolution of damped Lyman-α\alpha systems (DLAs) based on the disc galaxy formation model which is developed by Mo, Mao & White. We propose that the DLAs are the central galaxies of less massive dark haloes present at redshifts z3z\sim 3, and they should inhabit haloes of moderately low circular velocity. The empirical Schmidt law of star formation rates, and closed box model of chemical evolution that an approximation known as instantaneous recycling is assumed, are adopted. In our models, when the predicted distribution of metallicity for DLAs is calculated, two cases are considered. One is that, using the closed box model, empirical Schmidt law and star formation time, the distribution of metallicity can be directly calculated. The other is that, when the simple gravitational instability of a thin isothermal gas disc as first discussed by Toomre is considered, the star formation occurs only in the region where the surface density of gas satisfies the critical value, not everywhere of a gas disc. We assume that star formation in each DLA lasts for a period of 1 Gyr from redshifts z=3z=3. There is only one output parameter in our models, i.e. the stellar yield, which relates to the time of star formation history and is obtained by normalizing the predicted distribution of metallicity to the mean value of 1/13 ZZ_{\odot} as presented by Pettini et al. The predicted metallicity distribution is consistent with the current (rather limited) observational data. A random distribution of galactic discs is taken into account.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, will appear in MNRAS, 2001 (21 April), 322, 927-93

    The Angular Momentum Problem in Cosmological Simulations of Disk Galaxy Formation

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    We conduct a systematic study of the angular momentum problem in numerical simulations of disk galaxy formation. We investigate the role of numerical resolution using a semi-cosmological setup which combines an efficient use of the number of particles in an isolated halo while preserving the hierarchical build-up of the disk through the merging of clumps. We perform the same simulation varying the resolution over 4 orders of magnitude. Independent on the level of resolution, the loss of angular momentum stays the same and can be tied to dynamical friction during the build-up phase. This is confirmed in a cosmological simulation. We also perform simulations including star formation and star formation and supernova feedback. While the former has no influence on the angular momentum problem, the latter reduces the loss to a level potentially in agreement with observations. This is achieved through a suppression of early star formation and therefore the formation of a large, slowly rotating bulge. We conclude that feedback is a critical component to achieve realistic disk galaxies in cosmological simulations. Numerical resolution is important, but by itself not capable of solving the angular momentum problem.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Angular momentum and clustering properties of early dark matter halos

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    In this paper we study the angular momentum properties of simulated dark matter halos at high redshift that likely host the first stars in the Universe. Calculating the spin distributions of these 10^6 - 10^7 \Msun halos in redshift slices from z=156z = 15 - 6, we find that they are well fit by a log-normal distribution as is found for lower redshift and more massive halos in earlier work. We find that both the mean value of the spin and dispersion are largely unchanged with redshift for all halos. Our key result is that subsamples of low and high spin 10^6 \Msun and 10^7 \Msun halos show difference in clustering strength. In both mass bins, higher spin halos are more strongly clustered in concordance with a tidal torquing picture for the growth of angular momentum in dark matter halos in the CDM paradigm.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted MNRA

    The Formation of a Disk Galaxy within a Growing Dark Halo

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    We present a dynamical model for the formation and evolution of a massive disk galaxy, within a growing dark halo whose mass evolves according to cosmological simulations of structure formation. The galactic evolution is simulated with a new 3D chemo-dynamical code, including dark matter, stars and a multi-phase ISM. The simulations start at redshift z=4.85 with a small dark halo in a LCDM universe and we follow the evolution until the present epoch. The energy release by massive stars and SNe prevents a rapid collapse of the baryonic matter and delays the maximum star formation until z=1. The galaxy forms radially from inside-out and vertically from halo to disk. The first galactic component that forms is the halo, followed by the bulge, the disk-halo transition region, and the disk. At z=1, a bar begins to form which later turns into a triaxial bulge. There is a pronounced deficiency of low-metallicity disk stars due to pre-enrichment of the disk ISM with metal-rich gas from the bulge and inner disk (G-dwarf problem). The mean rotation and the distribution of orbital eccentricities for all stars as a function of metallicity are not very different from those observed in the solar neighbourhood, showing that homogeneous collapse models are oversimplified. The approach presented here provides a detailed description of the formation and evolution of an isolated disk galaxy in a LCDM universe, yielding new information about the kinematical and chemical history of the stars and the ISM, but also about the evolution of the luminosity, the colours and the morphology of disk galaxies.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 18 figures, A&A accepted, a high resolution version of the paper can be found at http://www.astro.unibas.ch/leute/ms.shtm

    Populating a cluster of galaxies - I. Results at z=0

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    We simulate the assembly of a massive rich cluster and the formation of its constituent galaxies in a flat, low-density universe. Our most accurate model follows the collapse, the star-formation history and the orbital motion of all galaxies more luminous than the Fornax dwarf spheroidal, while dark halo structure is tracked consistently throughout the cluster for all galaxies more luminous than the SMC. Within its virial radius this model contains about 2.0e7 dark matter particles and almost 5000 distinct dynamically resolved galaxies. Simulations of this same cluster at a variety of resolutions allow us to check explicitly for numerical convergence both of the dark matter structures produced by our new parallel N-body and substructure identification codes, and of the galaxy populations produced by the phenomenological models we use to follow cooling, star formation, feedback and stellar aging. This baryonic modelling is tuned so that our simulations reproduce the observed properties of isolated spirals outside clusters. Without further parameter adjustment our simulations then produce a luminosity function, a mass-to-light ratio, luminosity, number and velocity dispersion profiles, and a morphology-radius relation which are similar to those observed in real clusters. In particular, since our simulations follow galaxy merging explicitly, we can demonstrate that it accounts quantitatively for the observed cluster population of bulges and elliptical galaxies.Comment: 28 pages, submitted to MNRA

    The Peaks Formalism and the Formation of Cold Dark Matter Haloes

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    We use two cosmological simulations of structure formation to study the conditions under which dark matter haloes emerge from the linear density field. Our analysis focuses on matching sites of halo collapse to local density maxima, or "peaks", in the initial conditions of the simulations and provides a crucial test of the central ansatz of the peaks formalism. By identifying peaks on a variety of smoothed, linearly extrapolated density fields we demonstrate that as many as ~70% of well-resolved dark matter haloes form preferentially near peaks whose characteristic masses are similar to that of the halo, with more massive haloes showing a stronger tendency to reside near peaks initially. We identify a small but significant fraction of haloes that appear to evolve from peaks of substantially lower mass than that of the halo itself. We refer to these as "peakless haloes" for convenience. By contrasting directly the properties of these objects with the bulk of the proto-halo population we find two clear differences: 1) their initial shapes are significantly flatter and more elongated than the predominantly triaxial majority, and 2) they are, on average, more strongly compressed by tidal forces associated with their surrounding large scale structure. Using the two-point correlation function we show that peakless haloes tend to emerge from highly clustered regions of the initial density field implying that, at fixed mass, the accretion geometry and mass accretion histories of haloes in highly clustered environments differ significantly from those in the field. This may have important implications for understanding the origin of the halo assembly bias, of galaxy properties in dense environments and how environment affects the morphological transformation of galaxies near groups and rich galaxy clusters.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, published in MNRA

    Preheating by Previrialization and its Impact on Galaxy Formation

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    We use recent observations of the HI-mass function to constrain galaxy formation. The data conflicts with the standard model where most of the gas in a low-mass dark matter halo is assumed to settle into a disk of cold gas that is depleted by star formation and supernova-driven outflows until the disk becomes gravitationally stable. A consistent model can be found if low-mass haloes are embedded in a preheated medium, with a specific gas entropy ~ 10Kev cm^2. Such a model simultaneously matches the faint-end slope of the galaxy luminosity function. We propose a preheating model where the medium around low-mass haloes is preheated by gravitational pancaking. Since gravitational tidal fields suppress the formation of low-mass haloes while promoting that of pancakes, the formation of massive pancakes precedes that of the low-mass haloes within them. We demonstrate that the progenitors of present-day dark matter haloes with M<10^{12}h^{-1}\msun were embedded in pancakes of masses ~5x10^{12}h^{-1}\msun at z~2. The formation of such pancakes heats the gas to a temperature of 5x10^5K and compresses it to an overdensity of ~10. Such gas has a cooling time that exceeds the age of the Universe at z~2, and has a specific entropy of ~15Kev cm^2, almost exactly the amount required to explain the stellar and HI mass functions. (Abridged)Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA