126 research outputs found

    Relational database of treatment planning system information

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    The purpose of the present work was to develop a relational database and associated applications to facilitate retrospective review of data present in radiation treatment plans. The data source was a commercial radiation treatment planning system (Pinnacle3, Philips Medical Systems, Milpitas CA), which is specifically characterized by an open data storage format and internal scripting capability. The database is an open-source, relational database (PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Global Development Group, http://www.postgresql.org). The data is presented through a web interface in addition to being fully query-accessible using standard tools. A database schema was created to organize the large collection of parameters used to generate treatment plans as well as the parameters that characterized these plans. The system was implemented through a combination of the treatment planning systems internal scripting language and externally executed code. Data is exported in a way that is transparent to the user, through integration into an existing and routinely-used process. The system has been transparently incorporated into our radiation treatment planning workflow. The website-based database interface has allowed users with minimal training to extract information from the database

    Some Considerations in Optimizing the Medical Physics Match

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    The Medical Physics Match has proven its usefulness to the AAPM community, but it is not universally utilized for a variety of reasons. This invited guest editorial explores the scholarly history of the match algorithm and suggests some avenues to optimize its future use

    Monte Carlo calculations and measurements of absorbed dose per monitor unit for the treatment of uveal melanoma with proton therapy

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    The treatment of uveal melanoma with proton radiotherapy has provided excellent clinical outcomes. However, contemporary treatment planning systems use simplistic dose algorithms that limit the accuracy of relative dose distributions. Further, absolute predictions of absorbed dose per monitor unit are not yet available in these systems. The purpose of this study was to determine if Monte Carlo methods could predict dose per monitor unit (D/MU) value at the center of a proton spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) to within 1% on measured values for a variety of treatment fields relevant to ocular proton therapy. The MCNPX Monte Carlo transport code, in combination with realistic models for the ocular beam delivery apparatus and a water phantom, was used to calculate dose distributions and D/MU values, which were verified by the measurements. Measured proton beam data included central-axis depth dose profiles, relative cross-field profiles and absolute D/MU measurements under several combinations of beam penetration ranges and range-modulation widths. The Monte Carlo method predicted D/MU values that agreed with measurement to within 1% and dose profiles that agreed with measurement to within 3% of peak dose or within 0.5 mm distance-to-agreement. Lastly, a demonstration of the clinical utility of this technique included calculations of dose distributions and D/MU values in a realistic model of the human eye. It is possible to predict D/MU values accurately for clinical relevant range-modulated proton beams for ocular therapy using the Monte Carlo method. It is thus feasible to use the Monte Carlo method as a routine absolute dose algorithm for ocular proton therapy. © 2008 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

    Determination of patient-specific internal gross tumor volumes for lung cancer using four-dimensional computed tomography

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine the optimal approach to delineating patient-specific internal gross target volumes (IGTV) from four-dimensional (4-D) computed tomography (CT) image data sets used in the planning of radiation treatment for lung cancers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed 4D-CT image data sets of 27 consecutive patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (stage I: 17, stage III: 10). The IGTV, defined to be the envelope of respiratory motion of the gross tumor volume in each 4D-CT data set was delineated manually using four techniques: (<it>1</it>) combining the gross tumor volume (GTV) contours from ten respiratory phases (IGTV<sub>AllPhases</sub>); (<it>2</it>) combining the GTV contours from two extreme respiratory phases (0% and 50%) (IGTV<sub>2Phases</sub>); (<it>3</it>) defining the GTV contour using the maximum intensity projection (MIP) (IGTV<sub>MIP</sub>); and (<it>4</it>) defining the GTV contour using the MIP with modification based on visual verification of contours in individual respiratory phase (IGTV<sub>MIP-Modified</sub>). Using the IGTV<sub>AllPhases </sub>as the optimum IGTV, we compared volumes, matching indices, and extent of target missing using the IGTVs based on the other three approaches.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The IGTV<sub>MIP </sub>and IGTV<sub>2Phases </sub>were significantly smaller than the IGTV<sub>AllPhases </sub>(<it>p </it>< 0.006 for stage I and <it>p </it>< 0.002 for stage III). However, the values of the IGTV<sub>MIP-Modified </sub>were close to those determined from IGTV<sub>AllPhases </sub>(<it>p </it>= 0.08). IGTV<sub>MIP-Modified </sub>also matched the best with IGTV<sub>AllPhases</sub>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>IGTV<sub>MIP </sub>and IGTV<sub>2Phases </sub>underestimate IGTVs. IGTV<sub>MIP-Modified </sub>is recommended to improve IGTV delineation in lung cancer.</p

    Navigating the medical physics education and training landscape

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    PurposeThe education and training landscape has been profoundly reshaped by the ABR 2012/2014 initiative and the MedPhys Match. This work quantifies these changes and summarizes available reports, surveys, and statistics on education and training.MethodsWe evaluate data from CAMPEP‐accredited program websites, annual CAMPEP graduate and residency program reports, and surveys on the MedPhys Match and Professional Doctorate degree (DMP).ResultsFrom 2009–2015, the number of graduates from CAMPEP‐accredited graduate programs rose from 210 to 332, while CAMPEP‐accredited residency positions rose from 60 to 134. We estimate that approximately 60% of graduates of CAMPEP‐accredited graduate programs intend to enter clinical practice, however, only 36% of graduates were successful in acquiring a residency position in 2015. The maximum residency placement percentage for a graduate program is 70%, while the median for all programs is only 22%. Overall residency placement percentage for CAMPEP‐accredited program graduates from 2011–2015 was approximately 38% and 25% for those with a PhD and MS, respectively. The disparity between the number of clinically oriented graduates and available residency positions is perceived as a significant problem by over 70% of MedPhys Match participants responding to a post‐match survey. Approximately 32% of these respondents indicated that prior knowledge of this situation would have changed their decision to pursue graduate education in medical physics.ConclusionThese data reveal a substantial disparity between the number of residency training positions and graduate students interested in these positions, and a substantial variability in residency placement percentage across graduate programs. Comprehensive data regarding current and projected supply and demand within the medical physics workforce are needed for perspective on these numbers. While the long‐term effects of changes in the education and training infrastructure are still unclear, available survey data suggest that these changes could negatively affect potential entrants to the profession.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139957/1/acm212202.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/139957/2/acm212202_am.pd

    Breathing adapted radiotherapy: a 4D gating software for lung cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>Physiological respiratory motion of tumors growing in the lung can be corrected with respiratory gating when treated with radiotherapy (RT). The optimal respiratory phase for beam-on may be assessed with a respiratory phase optimizer (RPO), a 4D image processing software developed with this purpose.</p> <p>Methods and Materials</p> <p>Fourteen patients with lung cancer were included in the study. Every patient underwent a 4D-CT providing ten datasets of ten phases of the respiratory cycle (0-100% of the cycle). We defined two morphological parameters for comparison of 4D-CT images in different respiratory phases: tumor-volume to lung-volume ratio and tumor-to-spinal cord distance. The RPO automatized the calculations (200 per patient) of these parameters for each phase of the respiratory cycle allowing to determine the optimal interval for RT.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Lower lobe lung tumors not attached to the diaphragm presented with the largest motion with breathing. Maximum inspiration was considered the optimal phase for treatment in 4 patients (28.6%). In 7 patients (50%), however, the RPO showed a most favorable volumetric and spatial configuration in phases other than maximum inspiration. In 2 cases (14.4%) the RPO showed no benefit from gating. This tool was not conclusive in only one case.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The RPO software presented in this study can help to determine the optimal respiratory phase for gated RT based on a few simple morphological parameters. Easy to apply in daily routine, it may be a useful tool for selecting patients who might benefit from breathing adapted RT.</p

    Verifying 4D gated radiotherapy using time-integrated electronic portal imaging: a phantom and clinical study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Respiration-gated radiotherapy (RGRT) can decrease treatment toxicity by allowing for smaller treatment volumes for mobile tumors. RGRT is commonly performed using external surrogates of tumor motion. We describe the use of time-integrated electronic portal imaging (TI-EPI) to verify the position of internal structures during RGRT delivery</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>TI-EPI portals were generated by continuously collecting exit dose data (aSi500 EPID, Portal vision, Varian Medical Systems) when a respiratory motion phantom was irradiated during expiration, inspiration and free breathing phases. RGRT was delivered using the Varian RPM system, and grey value profile plots over a fixed trajectory were used to study object positions. Time-related positional information was derived by subtracting grey values from TI-EPI portals sharing the pixel matrix. TI-EPI portals were also collected in 2 patients undergoing RPM-triggered RGRT for a lung and hepatic tumor (with fiducial markers), and corresponding planning 4-dimensional CT (4DCT) scans were analyzed for motion amplitude.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Integral grey values of phantom TI-EPI portals correlated well with mean object position in all respiratory phases. Cranio-caudal motion of internal structures ranged from 17.5–20.0 mm on planning 4DCT scans. TI-EPI of bronchial images reproduced with a mean value of 5.3 mm (1 SD 3.0 mm) located cranial to planned position. Mean hepatic fiducial markers reproduced with 3.2 mm (SD 2.2 mm) caudal to planned position. After bony alignment to exclude set-up errors, mean displacement in the two structures was 2.8 mm and 1.4 mm, respectively, and corresponding reproducibility in anatomy improved to 1.6 mm (1 SD).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TI-EPI appears to be a promising method for verifying delivery of RGRT. The RPM system was a good indirect surrogate of internal anatomy, but use of TI-EPI allowed for a direct link between anatomy and breathing patterns.</p

    Functional Imaging: CT and MRI

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    SYNOPSIS: Numerous imaging techniques permit evaluation of regional pulmonary function. Contrast-enhanced CT methods now allow assessment of vasculature and lung perfusion. Techniques using spirometric controlled MDCT allow for quantification of presence and distribution of parenchymal and airway pathology, Xenon gas can be employed to assess regional ventilation of the lungs and rapid bolus injections of iodinated contrast agent can provide quantitative measure of regional parenchymal perfusion. Advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lung include gadolinium-enhanced perfusion imaging and hyperpolarized helium imaging, which can allow imaging of pulmonary ventilation and .measurement of the size of emphysematous spaces
