9 research outputs found

    Calpain cleavage and subcellular characterisation of the ferlin family.

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    The ferlins are a family of C2-domain containing proteins. C2 domains regulate vesicle fusion in synaptotagmins, and animal models of ferlin deficiency display pathologies related to Ca2+-dependent vesicle fusion. Dysferlin mutations cause limb-girdle muscular dystrophy due to defective membrane repair. Our group has previously shown that Ca2+-dependent proteases, calpains, cleave dysferlin following membrane injury, releasing mini-dysferlinC72, that we hypothesise mediates membrane repair. Otoferlin mutations cause non-syndromic deafness, while no pathology causing mutations have been identified in other ferlins. My project establishes that dysferlin and myoferlin, type-I ferlins, are present at the plasma membrane and endo-lysosomal pathway while otoferlin and Fer1L6, type-II ferlins, are present at the plasma membrane and recycling trans-Golgi compartments. I also show that dysferlin is cleaved to mini-dysferlinC72 following injury in all cell types by the ubiquitous calpains-1 and -2 in the alternatively spliced exon 40a, indicating dysferlin cleavage is a fundamental response to membrane injury. Exon 40a-containing dysferlin recruits to sites of membrane injury in myotubes, indicating mini-dysferlinC72 may function directly at sites of injury. Finally, I have shown that calpains also cleave otoferlin and myoferlin. Cleavage of other ferlins indicates ferlin cleavage is an evolutionarily conserved event, predating the split between type-I and type-II ferlins

    Therapy-induced electrophysiological changes in primary progressive aphasia : a preliminary study

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    Aims: This preliminary study aimed to investigate therapy-induced electrophysiological changes in persons with primary progressive aphasia (PPA). The investigated event-related potential (ERP) components associated with language processing were the mismatch negativity, P300, N400, and P600. Methods: A linguistic ERP test battery and standardized language assessment were administered in four patients with PPA of which two received speech-language therapy (SLT) and two did not receive therapy. The battery was administered twice with approximately 6 months in between in each patient. The results of the follow-up assessments were compared to the results of the initial assessments. Results: Although the results of the behavioral language assessment remained relatively stable between the initial and follow-up assessments, changes in the mean amplitudes, onset latencies, and duration of the ERP components were found in the four patients. In the two patients that did not receive SLT, an increased delay in 50% and a decreased mean amplitude in 25% of the measured ERP components were found. The electrophysiological changes found in the patients that received SLT were variable. Interestingly, the mismatch negativity and the N400 effect elicited by the categorical priming paradigm were less delayed and had an increased mean amplitude at the follow-up assessment in the patient with the non-fluent variant who received SLT. In this patient, the P600 component was absent at the initial assessment but present at the follow-up assessment. Conclusion: Although no clear patterns in electrophysiological changes between patients who received SLT and patients who did not receive SLT were found by our preliminary study, it seems like the SLT induced improvements or compensation mechanisms in some specific language comprehension processes in the patient with the NFV. The results of this study are still preliminary because only four heterogeneous patients were included. Future studies should include larger patient groups of the three clinical variants because the therapy-induced electrophysiological changes might differ depending on the clinical variant and the underlying pathology

    Pleidooi voor hoger onderwijs voor, samen met en vanuit de samenleving

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    De bekroonde documentaire "American Factory" schetst een verontrustend beeld over de lokale gevolgen van de globalisering. Maar zich enkel laten leiden door angst biedt geen oplossing. Er is een taak weggelegd, niet alleen voor het middelbaar, maar ook voor het hoger onderwijs om proactief kritische burgers voor deze nieuwe wereld op te leiden, en service-learning is daar een geschikte onderwijsvorm voor. Service-learning werkgroep Vlaanderen Deze werkgroep verenigt medewerkers van alle Vlaamse universiteiten en verschillende hogescholen. Hun namen vindt u op het einde van het opiniestuk.status: Published onlin

    Type XVII collagen coordinates proliferation in the interfollicular epidermis

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    Type XVII collagen (COL17) is a transmembrane protein located at the epidermal basement membrane zone. COL17 deficiency results in premature hair aging phenotypes and in junctional epidermolysis bullosa. Here, we show that COL17 plays a central role in regulating interfollicular epidermis (IFE) proliferation. Loss of COL17 leads to transient IFE hypertrophy in neonatal mice owing to aberrant Wnt signaling. The replenishment of COL17 in the neonatal epidermis of COL17-null mice reverses the proliferative IFE phenotype and the altered Wnt signaling. Physical aging abolishes membranous COL17 in IFE basal cells because of inactive atypical protein kinase C signaling and also induces epidermal hyperproliferation. The overexpression of human COL17 in aged mouse epidermis suppresses IFE hypertrophy. These findings demonstrate that COL17 governs IFE proliferation of neonatal and aged skin in distinct ways. Our study indicates that COL17 could be an important target of anti-aging strategies in the skin