219 research outputs found

    A Phoenician beaded glass necklace with a human head pendant from the South cemetery of the ancient town of Lefkada

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    The article presents an imported glass beaded necklace, with a head pendant as the central piece, recovered from the South necropolis of the ancient town of Lefkada,  the Ionian Sea. The artifact was found in an unlooted tomb more than 30 years ago along other grave goods, such as ceramic vessels, that function as relative chronological markers. The “exotic” necklace is discussed here as evidence for cultural and commercial exchanges of Lefkada island with the Phoenician – Punic merchants.

    Metaphors of travel and writing: deconstruction of the "at-home" and the promise of the other

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    The purpose of the thesis is to consider travel relations with regard to their onto-phenomenological and semantic of possibility and to raise the question of a possible ethics of travel. In turning the notion of travel back upon its signifying conditions, a connection is established with the notion of metaphor. The metaphysical polarity between proper and metaphorical meaning is furthered onto a problematic of the couple Oikos (house, home in Greek and generally everything that constitutes a sense of the-at-home) and travel with the purpose of complicating their mutual determination and to deconstructively challenge the derivational and recuperative logic that permeates their intra-metaphysical designation. The reconsideration of the conceptual presuppositions of “travel” is carried out through the critique of what is called its hermeneutic premise, formulated here largely drawing on Paul Ricoeur. It is maintained that “travel” in its Western European conceputalisation participates in the traditions of the metaphysics if presence and logocentrism and it is on this level that deconstructive thinking takes effect. Questions related to the theme of travel, such as space, time, boundary, itinerary, event, encounter, as well as to travel writing, such as generic delimination, representation, constative reference and performative engagement, testimonial value, and the antinomy of fact and fiction, are addressed and relocated through the preoccupation with their phenomenological and tropological motifs and in particular with their generalised metaphorical and allegorical conditions, as these are designated by Jacques Derrida and Paul de Man, respectively. The association of the notion of travel with metaphor, and, by extension, that between Oikos and properness, will show that senses of home and away, rather than being pregiven, emerge from a scriptural condition - a structural of difference and deferral- that interrupts their reductive, totalising, monistic formulations as well as dialectical conceptualisations

    Χαρακτηρισμός ιστορικών υλικών του συγκροτήματος υποκαύστων της Υστερο-Ρωμαϊκής περιόδου, από την Αρχαία Μεσσήνη.

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο. Μεταπτυχιακή εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό - Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) "Υλικά και Επεμβάσεις Συντήρησης - Προστασία Μνημείων (Κατ. B')

    …et après Xenios Zeus, que se passe-t-il ? Regards sur l’impact du programme européen Erasmus+, KA2 Xenios Zeus

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    Cette contribution se donne pour objectif de proposer un regard réflexif sur le projet Xenios Zeus Erasmus+. Le but du projet – adapté autant que possible aux réalités locales des pays impliqués - est le développement de l'enseignement des langues par l'utilisation d'ordinateurs, ainsi que le développement de la conscience culturelle et de la sensibilisation aux droits de l'homme. La diffusion et la publication des résultats à tous les partenaires et à toutes les institutions décisionnelles ont conduit à la sensibilisation des communautés locales envers les réfugiés/migrants et leurs enfants. Les partenaires du projet ont cherché à concevoir et diffuser du matériel éducatif à destination des réfugiés/migrants adultes avec leurs enfants, ainsi que des formateurs. Nous présentons ici la genèse du projet, son déroulé et son impact. Nous établissons enfin une forme de bilan réflexif permettant de revenir de manière critique sur les obstacles et limites observées.This paper proposes a reflexive look at the XENIOS ZEUS ERASMUS+ project. The aim of the project - adapted as far as possible to the local realities of the countries involved - was the development of language teaching using computers, as well as the development of cultural and human rights awareness. The dissemination and publication of the results to all partners and decision-making institutions has led to the sensitization of local communities towards refugees/migrants and their children. The project partners sought to develop and disseminate educational materials for refugees/migrants adults with their children, as well as trainers. We present here the genesis of the project, its development and impacts. We will then propose a reflexive assessment to review the obstacles and limitations observed

    Το τεχνητό φως στη μεταπολεμική τέχνη - Εκδοχές και προεκτάσεις

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    Θέμα της μεταπτυχιακής διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η περίπτωση του τεχνητού φωτός. Μελετώνται παραδείγματα σύγχρονων καλλιτεχνών και ακολουθεί η θεωρητική ανάλυση του τεχνητού φωτός υπό το πρίσμα της φαινομενολογίας. Αρχικά παρατίθεται κεφάλαιο με την ιστορία του τεχνητού φωτός, από τις πρώτες εκφάνσεις φωτισμού έως την ανακάλυψη του ηλεκτρισμού. Το φως ωστόσο αποτελεί μείζον ζήτημα και στην τέχνη. Γι' αυτό τον λόγο συντίθεται κεφάλαιο στο οποίο παρουσιάζονται συνοπτικά ο ρόλος και η συμβολή του φωτός σε διάφορα καλλιτεχνικά κινήματα. Έπεται το ιστορικό πλαίσιο το οποίο ενσωματώνει τους καλλιτέχνες οι οποίοι καταγίνονται αμιγώς με εκδοχές του τεχνητού φωτισμού στην τέχνη τους. Πρόκειται για έντεκα καλλιτέχνες ξένους και Έλληνες οι οποίοι χρησιμοποιούν, καθένας με τον δικό του τρόπο το τεχνητό φως, με διαφορετικά μεταξύ τους αποτελέσματα. Αυτά τα αποτελέσματα κινούνται μεταξύ μινιμαλισμού, εννοιολογικής τέχνης αλλά εμπεριέχουν στοιχεία και πολλών άλλων ρευμάτων. Ακόμη η ποικιλία στην έκφραση καθίσταται εμφανής και από την ποικιλία των ειδών τεχνητού φωτισμού. Ορισμένα από αυτά είναι το neon, τα LED κ.α. Ωστόσο, η προσέγγιση κάθε καλλιτέχνη διαφέρει και ως προς τον τρόπο με τον οποίο χειρίζεται το αντικείμενο. Για παράδειγμα ορισμένοι καλλιτέχνες αντιμετωπίζουν τις κατασκευές με τεχνητό φως σε μια διάσταση γλυπτού-έργου τέχνης ενώ άλλοι τις διευρύνουν στον χώρο, καταλήγοντας σε μια περισσότερο αρχιτεκτονική ή χωροταξική σύλληψη. Μετά την παράθεση των καλλιτεχνών και των έργων τους ακολουθεί η ερμηνεία βάσει φαινομενολογίας. Αναλύεται το τεχνητό φως και τα παράγωγά του, κυρίως μέσα από την προσέγγιση του Γάλλου φιλοσόφου Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Κεντρικός άξονας εν προκειμένω είναι ο συνδυασμός φωτός, χώρου και ατόμου, η ανάμειξη δηλαδή αυτών των τριών παραγόντων: η επίδραση του τεχνητού φωτισμού στο χώρου, η εκ νέου διαμόρφωσή του μέσα από το φως αλλά και η πρόσληψη των νέων δεδομένων από τον θεατή. Η αίσθηση και η πραγματική έννοια του ρήματος αισθάνομαι, όπως αναλύεται στην φαινομενολογία, είναι ο μόνος δίαυλος επικοινωνίας και αφομοίωσης των καινούριων εντυπώσεων οι οποίες δημιουργούνται από το φως. Η μεταπτυχιακή διπλωματική εργασία ολοκληρώνεται με το κεφάλαιο των συμπερασμάτων στο οποίο συνοψίζονται σημαντικά σημεία της μελέτης, η γενική και ειδική βιβλιογραφία και το ευρετήριο των ονομάτων προσώπων που έχουν αναφερθεί σε όλο το εύρος της εργασίας. Οι εικόνες είναι η τελική ενότητα στην οποία παρατίθεται το σχετικό εικονογραφικό υλικό από τα έργα των καλλιτεχνών οι οποίοι αναλύονται στην παρούσα εργασία.The focal point of this postgraduate will be artificial light, and its use in post-war art. More specifically, we will be examining the works of modern artists, and will follow up with a theoretical analysis of artificial light in the framework of phenomenology. The first chapter of this paper will emphasize on the history of artificial light, from its first instances, all the way to the discovery of electricity; in an attempt to set a foundation. Apart from a staple in everyday life, light has also played an integral role in art, as previously mentioned. As such, the aforementioned will be the main focus for the subsequent chapters. The role and contribution of light during various artistic movements are briefly presented during the first chapter of the main body. This is then followed by a more in depth look at a segment exploring a historical period during which artists purely focused on variations of artificial light in their work. More specifically, we will be analyzing the works of eleven (11) Greek and foreign artists, and how each incorporated unique lighting techniques in their works. These range between minimalism and conceptual art, but also include a plethora of influences from other artistic trends. Furthermore, their variety in artistic expression using artificial light becomes even more apparent with the introduction of various luminous sources, such as LED, neon, etc., as well as methods of using each. For instance, some artists chose to incorporate these newfound sources into sculptural pieces, while others venture into a more architectural or spatial constructs. Once the analysis of the aforementioned artists and their works is complete, we proceed to look into a more phenomenological interpretation. This examines artificial light, and its derivatives, primarily through the approach of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The central axis in this case is the combination of light, space and person, mixing these three factors: the influence of artificial lighting in space, its redevelopment through sources of light, and its re-interpretation by the viewer. The sensation and the real meaning of the verb “I feel”, as it is analyzed in phenomenology, is the only channel of communication and assimilation of the new impressions created by the light. The thesis comes to an end with a chapter underlining important conclusions, and summarizes key points of the paper. As is customary, the final chapter is followed by a bibliography and index, while the appendix includes illustrations of the works of artists mentioned throughout the study

    Gabapentin for acute and chronic post-surgical pain

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    Pain after surgery remains a significant clinical problem as it impairs recovery adversely and may lead to the transition to chronic pain. Opioid medications are far from ideal agents in suppressing postoperative pain. Gabapentin -an anticonvulsant with antihyperalgesic properties- originally efficacious against neuropathic pain seems to be very promising for the management of pain after surgery as well. Gabapentin, by decreasing noxious stimulus-induced excitatory neurotransmitter release at the spinal cord, may attenuate central sensitization, and eventually decrease postoperative late pain. Furthermore, different sites of action may be pertinent to a synergistic effect with opioids. Both actions (antihyperalgesic effect and synergy with opioid analgesia) may manifest as analgesia and/or opioid-sparing effect after surgery. This has been confirmed by a variety of clinical studies, in a variety of settings. Most of these studies have shown that either single preoperative or repeated doses of gabapentin, continued for up to a few days after surgery, decrease acute postoperative pain and/or need for postoperative opioids. This has been shown for procedures such as abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy, breast surgery for cancer (mastectomy or lumpectomy), lumbar discectomy and spinal fusion, laparoscopic cholecystectomy and other, such as ENT surgery. Finally, a few studies indicate that perioperative gabapentin may as well decrease chronic pain several weeks after surgery

    The impact of peri-operative intravenous lidocaine on postoperative outcome after elective colorectal surgery: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

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    BACKGROUND There has recently been increasing interest in the use of peri-operative intravenous lidocaine (IVL) due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and opioid-sparing effects. However, these potential benefits are not well established in elective colorectal surgery. OBJECTIVES To examine the effect of peri-operative IVL infusion on postoperative outcome in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery. DESIGN A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing peri-operative IVL with placebo infusion in elective colorectal surgery. The primary outcome measure was postoperative pain scores up to 48 h. The secondary outcome measures included time to return of gastrointestinal function, postoperative morphine requirement, anastomotic leak, local anaesthetic toxicity and hospital length of stay. DATA SOURCES PubMed, Scopus and the Cochrane Library databases were searched on 5 November 2018. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Studies were included if they were RCTs evaluating the role of peri-operative IVL vs. placebo in adult patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery. Exclusion criteria were paediatric patients, noncolorectal or emergency procedures, non-RCT methodology or lack of relevant outcome measures. RESULTS A total of 10 studies were included (n = 508 patients; 265 who had undergone IVL infusion, 243 who had undergone placebo infusion). IVL infusion was associated with a significant reduction in time to defecation (mean difference −12.06 h, 95% CI −17.83 to −6.29, I2 = 93%, P = 0.0001), hospital length of stay (mean difference −0.76 days, 95% CI −1.32 to −0.19, I2 = 45%, P = 0.009) and postoperative pain scores at early time points, although this difference does not meet the threshold for a clinically relevant difference. There was no difference in time to pass flatus (mean difference −5.33 h, 95% CI −11.53 to 0.88, I2 = 90%, P = 0.09), nor in rates of surgical site infection or anastomotic leakage. CONCLUSION This meta-analysis provides some support for the administration of peri-operative IVL infusion in elective colorectal surgery. However, further evidence is necessary to fully elucidate its potential benefits in light of the high levels of study heterogeneity and mixed quality of methodology

    Synchronous and Non-Synchronous Semelparity in Sibling Species of Pulmonates

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    Diverse life histories have been documented in terrestrial pulmonates, which inhabit different regions in climate. Life history traits are often phenotypically plastic and vary depending on the environment. Thus, surveys using designs that control for the confounding effects of environment are needed to evaluate the evolutionary differences between populations of closely related species in the wild. We examined the life histories of sibling species of terrestrial pulmonate within two regions of similar climates. Bradybaena pellucida (BP) is endemic to Japanese islands, and has recently been expanding its distribution northeastward, whereas B. similaris (BS) has been introduced by humans into temperate and tropical regions worldwide. We found that these species exhibit discrete differences in population dynamics and life cycle, despite their close relatedness. The annual life cycle of BP is synchronized among individuals in a population. Thus, BP is univoltine with discontinuous generation. In contrast, BS individuals do not synchronize their growth or reproduction, and thus exhibit overlapping generations. Our results indicate that synchronized and non-synchronized population dynamics diverge relatively rapidly in semelparous pulmonates. This type of difference has not been documented in pulmonate life history, and may have been overlooked because only a few studies have explicitly compared life cycles of closely related species within the same climate. Our results provide a basis for further studies of life history evolution in pulmonates.ArticleZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 32(4):372-377 (2015)journal articl

    Experimental simulation of environmental warming selects against pigmented morphs of land snails

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    H-R.K. and R.T. were gratefully hosted by INRA-PACA, Avignon, France, during the time of fieldwork in 2017. We gratefully acknowledge assistance in the field and with the open-top chamber experiments by Nik Triebskorn and Tim Triebskorn. The 35 field sites were sampled within the 2018 European Theba survey initiated by H-R.K and Thomas Knigge, Le Havre University, France. We also thank Menno Schilthuizen, Leiden University, the Netherlands, and another anonymous reviewer for constructive remarks on a previous manuscript version. Open access funding enabled and organized by ProjektDEAL.In terrestrial snails, thermal selection acts on shell coloration. However, the biological relevance of small differences in the intensity of shell pigmentation and the associated thermodynamic, physiological, and evolutionary consequences for snail diversity within the course of environmental warming are still insufficiently understood. To relate temperature‐driven internal heating, protein and membrane integrity impairment, escape behavior, place of residence selection, water loss, and mortality, we used experimentally warmed open‐top chambers and field observations with a total of >11,000 naturally or experimentally colored individuals of the highly polymorphic species Theba pisana (O.F. MÜLLER, 1774). We show that solar radiation in their natural Mediterranean habitat in Southern France poses intensifying thermal stress on increasingly pigmented snails that cannot be compensated for by behavioral responses. Individuals of all morphs acted neither jointly nor actively competed in climbing behavior, but acted similarly regardless of neighbor pigmentation intensity. Consequently, dark morphs progressively suffered from high internal temperatures, oxidative stress, and a breakdown of the chaperone system. Concomitant with increasing water loss, mortality increased with more intense pigmentation under simulated global warming conditions. In parallel with an increase in mean ambient temperature of 1.34°C over the past 30 years, the mortality rate of pigmented individuals in the field is, currently, about 50% higher than that of white morphs. A further increase of 1.12°C, as experimentally simulated in our study, would elevate this rate by another 26%. For 34 T. pisana populations from locations that are up to 2.7°C warmer than our experimental site, we show that both the frequency of pigmented morphs and overall pigmentation intensity decrease with an increase in average summer temperatures. We therefore predict a continuing strong decline in the frequency of pigmented morphs and a decrease in overall pigmentation intensity with ongoing global change in areas with strong solar radiation.ProjektDEA