140 research outputs found

    A wild horse (Equus przewalskii POLIAKOV 1881) of Mesolithic age from Kempen (Germany, Northrhine-Westfalia, Lippe County)

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    Es wird neues Skelettmaterial eines Wildpferd-Individuums Equus przewalskii Poliakov 1881 aus Kempen (Stadt Horn-Bad Meinberg, Ostwestfalen, Deutschland) vorgestellt. Seine Lage im Sediment unmittelbar neben Flintabschlägen der Mittelsteinzeit legen ein entsprechendes Alter von 10.000-7.000 Jahren vor der Gegenwart nahe. Der Abkauungsgrad der Zähne ergibt ein Individualalter von wenigstens 19 Jahren. Ein kräftiger unterer Caninus beweist, dass es sich um einen Hengst handelt. Die Existenz eines vierten Molaren in beiden Unterkieferhälften ist außergewöhnlich und wird als genetisch bedingte Abnormität gewertet. Im Vergleich mit bereits publizierten Pferden aus historischer Zeit von anderen ostwestfälischen Fundorten sind die unteren Prämolaren und ersten unteren Molaren deutlich länger und breiter (4-10%). Analog hierzu ist die Kaufläche insgesamt größer. Dies ist deshalb bedeutsam, weil die Maße der Extremitätenknochen eine Widerristhöhe von 129-142 cm ergeben, die den Kategorien „kleinwüchsig" bis „mittelwüchsig" (Vitt 1952) entsprechen, die sowohl dem mittelsteinzeitlichen Kempener Pferd als auch den Pferden historischen Alters anderer Lokalitäten in Ostwestfalen zugeordnet werden können.researc

    Leukocyte O-GlcNAcylation : a novel diagnostic tool for the earlier detection of type 2 diabetes mellitus?

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Context: There are serious deficiencies in the current tests and criteria available for the diagnosis of diabetes. A novel screening method for the earlier and more efficient detection of type 2 diabetes would be a significant clinical advance. Objective: The hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) usually acts as a fuel sensor and its activation leads to O-GlcNAcylation of target proteins in a glucose-responsive manner. O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and O-GlcNAcase (OGA) are responsible for O-GlcNAc addition and removal, respectively. As higher HBP flux is linked to insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes, we hypothesized that increased O-GlcNAcylation of leukocyte proteins can detect the onset of pre- and overt diabetes. Materials and methods: 74 participants from Bellville and Stellenbosch (Western Cape, South Africa) were recruited and characterized as normal, pre-diabetic or diabetic. Leukocytes (granulocytes and lymphocytes) isolated from study subjects were evaluated for O-GlcNAcylation, OGA and OGT expression by flow cytometry, immunofluorescence microscopy and Western blotting. Results: Leukocyte O-GlcNAcylation increased in both pre-diabetic and diabetic individuals, with leukocyte sub-population data showing the greatest sensitivity. OGA expression and O-GlcNAc/OGA ratios elevated in parallel with increasing glucose concentrations. OGT expression did not significantly change for any of the study subjects investigated. Conclusions: The initial and significant increases in leukocyte O-GlcNAcylation demonstrate great potential for the earlier detection of pre-diabetic and diabetic individuals. OGA expression and O-GlcNAc/OGA ratios may also have diagnostic value. Together our data show strong promise for eventual diagnostic utility and the more efficient detection of type 2 diabetes.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konteks: Daar is ernstige tekortkominge in die huidige toetsing en kriteria vir die diagnose van diabetes. ʼn Nuwe metode vir die vroeë en meer effektiewe opsporing van tipe 2 diabetes sal beduidende kliniese voordeel inhou. Doelstelling: Onder normale omstandighede tree die heksosamienbiosintetiese pad (HBP) as energie sensor op, en die aktivering daarvan gee aanleiding tot O-GlcNAsetilering van proteïene in ʼn glukose-afhanglike wyse. O-GlcNAs transferase (OGT) en O-GlcNAse (OGA) is onderskeidelik verantwoordelik vir O-GlcNAs toevoeging en verwydering. Aangesien hoër HBP fluks verband hou met insulienweerstandigheid /tipe 2 diabetes, stel ons ʼn hipotese voor dat opsporing van verhoogde O-GlcNAsilasie van leukosietproteïene, die aanvang van pre-diabetes en diabetes kan voorspel. Materiale en metodes: 74 vrywillige deelnemers van Bellville en Stellenbosch (Wes Kaap Provinsie, Suid Afrika) is gewerf en gekarakteriseer as normaal, pre-diabeties of diabeties. Leukosiete (granulosiete en limfosiete), uit bloed van deelnemers geïsoleer, is vir O-GlcNAsilasie, OGA en OGT uitdrukking deur vloeisitometrie, immunofluoressensie-mikroskopie en Western blotting, ondersoek. Resultate: Leukosiet O-GlcNAsetilering is verhoog in beide pre-diabetiese en diabetiese individue, met leukosiet sub-populasie wat die mees sensitiewe data gelewer het. OGA uitdrukking en O-GlcNAs/OGA verhoudings in parallel verhoog tot ʼn toename in glukose konsentrasies. OGT uitdrukking het nie betekenisvol verander in enige van die individue wat ondersoek is nie. Gevolgtrekkings: Die vroeë en betekenisvolle toename in leukosiet O-GlcNAsetilering toon groot potensiaal vir die vroeë opsporing van pre-diabetiese en diabetiese individue. OGA uitdrukking en O-GlcNAs/OGA verhoudings het ook moontlik diagnostiese waarde. Ons data toon belowende resultate vir die gevolglike diagnostiese waarde en ʼn meer effektiewe opsporing van tipe 2 diabetes

    On the Measurement of Need-based Justice

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    Need considerations play an important role in empirically informed theories of distributive justice. We propose a concept of need-based justice that is related to social participation and provide an ethical measurement of need-based justice. The β-ε-index satisfies the need-principle, monotonicity, sensitivity, transfer and several »technical« axioms. A numerical example is given

    A cell culture model using rat coronary artery adventitial fibroblasts to measure collagen production

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have developed a rat cell model for studying collagen type I production in coronary artery adventitial fibroblasts. Increased deposition of adventitial collagen type I leads to stiffening of the blood vessel, increased blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Although the source and mechanism of collagen deposition is yet unknown, the adventitia appears to play a significant role. To demonstrate the application of our cell model, cultured adventitial fibroblasts were treated with sex hormones and the effect on collagen production measured.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Hearts (10–12 weeks) were harvested and the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was isolated and removed. Tissue explants were cultured and cells (passages 2–4) were confirmed as fibroblasts using immunohistochemistry. Optimal conditions were determined for cell tissue harvest, timing, proliferation and culture conditions. Fibroblasts were exposed to 10<sup>-7 </sup>M testosterone or 10<sup>-7 </sup>M estrogen for 24 hours and either immunostained for collagen type I or subjected to ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results showed increased collagen staining in fibroblasts treated with testosterone compared to control and decreased staining with estrogen. ELISA results showed that testosterone increased collagen I by 20% whereas estrogen decreased collagen I by 15%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data demonstrates the usefulness of our cell model in studying the specific role of the adventitia apart from other blood vessel tissue in rat coronary arteries. Results suggest opposite effects of testosterone and estrogen on collagen synthesis in the rat coronary artery adventitial fibroblasts.</p

    Zukunftsbild Hochschullehre 2025

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    Das Diskussionspapier zur Hochschullehre 2025 zeichnet sich methodisch durch seine partizipative Entstehung aus: In einem der HFDcon 2022 zeitlich vorgelagerten Prozess trafen sich 21 angemeldete Teilnehmer:innen aus dem deutschen Hoch- schulumfeld, um den Wandel der Hochschullehre für das Jahr 2025 zu skizzieren und Thesen für eine neue Denkkultur zu formu- lieren. In mehreren virtuellen Sitzungen wurden zunächst die Ziele des Papiers definiert, Themen geclustert und erste Forderungen ent- wickelt. Innerhalb der folgenden vier Wochen wurde dann – teils in Kleingruppen – kontrovers diskutiert, formuliert und überarbeitet, bis das Papier am 30. Juni 2022 in seiner ersten Fassung auf der Konferenz HFDcon 2022 vorgestellt wurde

    Why Does Exercise “Triggerâ€? Adaptive Protective Responses in the Heart?

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    Numerous epidemiological studies suggest that individuals who exercise have decreased cardiac morbidity and mortality. Pre-clinical studies in animal models also find clear cardioprotective phenotypes in animals that exercise, specifically characterized by lower myocardial infarction and arrhythmia. Despite the clear benefits, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that are responsible for exercise preconditioning are not fully understood. In particular, the adaptive signaling events that occur during exercise to “trigger� cardioprotection represent emerging paradigms. In this review, we discuss recent studies that have identified several different factors that appear to initiate exercise preconditioning. We summarize the evidence for and against specific cellular factors in triggering exercise adaptations and identify areas for future study