1,010 research outputs found

    Apparatus for sensor failure detection and correction in a gas turbine engine control system

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    A gas turbine engine control system maintains a selected level of engine performance despite the failure or abnormal operation of one or more engine parameter sensors. The control system employs a continuously updated engine model which simulates engine performance and generates signals representing real time estimates of the engine parameter sensor signals. The estimate signals are transmitted to a control computational unit which utilizes them in lieu of the actual engine parameter sensor signals to control the operation of the engine. The estimate signals are also compared with the corresponding actual engine parameter sensor signals and the resulting difference signals are utilized to update the engine model. If a particular difference signal exceeds specific tolerance limits, the difference signal is inhibited from updating the model and a sensor failure indication is provided to the engine operator

    A novel approach to remote homology detection: jumping alignments

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    Spang R, Rehmsmeier M, Stoye J. A novel approach to remote homology detection: jumping alignments. Journal of Computational Biology. 2002;9(5):747-760.We describe a new algorithm for protein classification and the detection of remote homologs. The rationale is to exploit both vertical and horizontal information of a multiple alignment in a well-balanced manner. This is in contrast to established methods such as profiles and profile hidden Markov models which focus on vertical information as they model the columns of the alignment independently and to family pairwise search which focuses on horizontal information as it treats given sequences separately. In our setting, we want to select from a given database of "candidate sequences" those proteins that belong to a given superfamily. In order to do so, each candidate sequence is separately tested against a multiple alignment of the known members of the superfamily by means of a new jumping alignment algorithm. This algorithm is an extension of the Smith-Waterman algorithm and computes a local alignment of a single sequence and a multiple alignment. In contrast to traditional methods, however, this alignment is not based on a summary of the individual columns of the multiple alignment. Rather, the candidate sequence is at each position aligned to one sequence of the multiple alignment, called the "reference sequence". In addition, the reference sequence may change within the alignment, while each such jump is penalized. To evaluate the discriminative quality of the jumping alignment algorithm, we compare it to profiles, profile hidden Markov models, and family pairwise search on a subset of the SCOP database of protein domains. The discriminative quality is assessed by median false positive counts (med-FP-counts). For moderate med-FP-counts, the number of successful searches with our method is considerably higher than with the competing methods

    The variable stellar wind of Rigel probed at high spatial and spectral resolution

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    We present a spatially resolved, high-spectral resolution (R=12000) K-band temporal monitoring of Rigel using AMBER at the VLTI. Rigel was observed in the Bracket Gamma line and its nearby continuum in 2006-2007, and 2009-2010. These unprecedented observations were complemented by contemporaneous optical high-resolution spectroscopy. We analyse the near-IR spectra and visibilities with the 1D non-LTE radiative-transfer code CMFGEN. The differential and closure phase signal exhibit asymmetries that are interpreted as perturbations of the wind. A systematic visibility decrease is observed across the Bracket Gamma. During the 2006-2007 period the Bracket Gamma and likely the continuum forming regions were larger than in the 2009-2010 epoch. Using CMFGEN, we infer a mass-loss rate change of about 20% between the two epochs. We further find time variations in the differential visibilities and phases. The 2006-2007 period is characterized by noticeable variations of the differential visibilities in Doppler position and width and by weak variations in differential and closure phase. The 2009-2010 period is much more quiet with virtually no detectable variations in the dispersed visibilities but a strong S-shape signal is observed in differential phase coinciding with a strong ejection event discernible in the optical spectra. The differential phase signal that is sometimes detected is reminiscent of the signal computed from hydrodynamical models of corotating interaction regions. For some epochs the temporal evolution of the signal suggests the rotation of the circumstellar structures.Comment: Paper accepted in the A&A journa

    The benefit of limb cloud imaging for infrared limb sounding of tropospheric trace gases

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    Advances in detector technology enable a new generation of infrared limb sounders to measure 2-D images of the atmosphere. A proposed limb cloud imager (LCI) mode will detect clouds with a spatial resolution unprecedented for limb sounding. For the inference of temperature and trace gas distributions, detector pixels of the LCI have to be combined into super-pixels which provide the required signal-to-noise and information content for the retrievals. This study examines the extent to which tropospheric coverage can be improved in comparison to limb sounding using a fixed field of view with the size of the super-pixels, as in conventional limb sounders. The study is based on cloud topographies derived from (a) IR brightness temperatures (BT) of geostationary weather satellites in conjunction with ECMWF temperature profiles and (b) ice and liquid water content data of the Consortium for Small-scale Modeling-Europe (COSMO-EU) of the German Weather Service. Limb cloud images are simulated by matching the cloud topography with the limb sounding line of sight (LOS). The analysis of the BT data shows that the reduction of the spatial sampling along the track has hardly any effect on the gain in information. The comparison between BT and COSMO-EU data identifies the strength of both data sets, which are the representation of the horizontal cloud extent for the BT data and the reproduction of the cloud amount for the COSMO-EU data. The results of the analysis of both data sets show the great advantage of the cloud imager. However, because both cloud data sets do not present the complete fine structure of the real cloud fields in the atmosphere it is assumed that the results tend to underestimate the increase in information. In conclusion, real measurements by such an instrument may result in an even higher benefit for tropospheric limb retrievals

    The water consumption of energy production: an international comparison

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    Producing energy resources requires significant quantities of fresh water. As an energy sector changes or expands, the mix of technologies deployed to produce fuels and electricity determines the associated burden on regional water resources. Many reports have identified the water consumption of various energy production technologies. This paper synthesizes and expands upon this previous work by exploring the geographic distribution of water use by national energy portfolios. By defining and calculating an indicator to compare the water consumption of energy production for over 150 countries, we estimate that approximately 52 billion cubic meters of fresh water is consumed annually for global energy production. Further, in consolidating the data, it became clear that both the quality of the data and global reporting standards should be improved to track this important variable at the global scale. By introducing a consistent indicator to empirically assess coupled water–energy systems, it is hoped that this research will provide greater visibility into the magnitude of water use for energy production at the national and global scales

    Multiple metrics for quantifying the intensity of water consumption of energy production

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    Discussion of the environmental implications of worldwide energy demand is currently dominated by the effects of carbon dioxide (CO[subscript 2]) emissions on global climate. At the regional scale, however, water resource challenges associated with energy systems are a growing concern. This paper, based on an inventory of national energy portfolios, posits an indicator-based framework for characterizing regional energy portfolios' relative water intensity. These calculations extend upon a previous paper that established a method for calculating the national water consumption of energy production (WCEP) at the global level. Intensity indicators are based on normalizing the WCEP results with a set of additional indicators (including population, gross domestic product, total energy production, and regional water availability). The results show great variability in water consumption across nations, as well as across the various water intensity measures that were applied. Therefore, it is best to apply this full suite of indicators to each country to develop an integrated understanding of the intensity of water use for energy across countries

    MIPAS detection of cloud and aerosol particle occurrence in the UTLS with comparison to HIRDLS and CALIOP

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    Satellite infrared emission instruments require efficient systems that can separate and flag observations which are affected by clouds and aerosols. This paper investigates the identification of cloud and aerosols from infrared, limb sounding spectra that were recorded by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS), a high spectral resolution Fourier transform spectrometer on the European Space Agency's (ESA) ENVISAT (Now inoperative since April 2012 due to loss of contact). Specifically, the performance of an existing cloud and aerosol particle detection method is simulated with a radiative transfer model in order to establish, for the first time, confident detection limits for particle presence in the atmosphere from MIPAS data. The newly established thresholds improve confidence in the ability to detect particle injection events, plume transport in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) and better characterise cloud distributions utilising MIPAS spectra. The method also provides a fast front-end detection system for the MIPClouds processor; a processor designed for the retrieval of macro- and microphysical cloud properties from the MIPAS data. <br><br> It is shown that across much of the stratosphere, the threshold for the standard cloud index in band A is 5.0 although threshold values of over 6.0 occur in restricted regimes. Polar regions show a surprising degree of uncertainty at altitudes above 20 km, potentially due to changing stratospheric trace gas concentrations in polar vortex conditions and poor signal-to-noise due to cold atmospheric temperatures. The optimised thresholds of this study can be used for much of the time, but time/composition-dependent thresholds are recommended for MIPAS data for the strongly perturbed polar stratosphere. In the UT, a threshold of 5.0 applies at 12 km and above but decreases rapidly at lower altitudes. The new thresholds are shown to allow much more sensitive detection of particle distributions in the UTLS, with extinction detection limits above 13 km often better than 10<sup>−4</sup> km<sup>−1</sup>, with values approaching 10<sup>−5</sup> km<sup>−1</sup> in some cases. <br><br> Comparisons of the new MIPAS results with cloud data from HIRDLS and CALIOP, outside of the poles, establish a good agreement in distributions (cloud and aerosol top heights and occurrence frequencies) with an offset between MIPAS and the other instruments of 0.5 km to 1 km between 12 km and 20 km, consistent with vertical oversampling of extended cloud layers within the MIPAS field of view. We conclude that infrared limb sounders provide a very consistent picture of particles in the UTLS, allowing detection limits which are consistent with the lidar observations. Investigations of MIPAS data for the Mount Kasatochi volcanic eruption on the Aleutian Islands and the Black Saturday fires in Australia are used to exemplify how useful MIPAS limb sounding data were for monitoring aerosol injections into the UTLS. It is shown that the new thresholds allowed such events to be much more effectively derived from MIPAS with detection limits for these case studies of 1 × 10<sup>−5</sup> km<sup>−1</sup> at a wavelength of 12 μm

    Large-scale environments of binary AGB stars probed by Herschel. II: Two companions interacting with the wind of pi1 Gruis

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    Context. The Mass loss of Evolved StarS (MESS) sample observed with PACS on board the Herschel Space Observatory revealed that several asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are surrounded by an asymmetric circumstellar envelope (CSE) whose morphology is most likely caused by the interaction with a stellar companion. The evolution of AGB stars in binary systems plays a crucial role in understanding the formation of asymmetries in planetary nebul{\ae} (PNe), but at present, only a handful of cases are known where the interaction of a companion with the stellar AGB wind is observed. Aims. We probe the environment of the very evolved AGB star π1\pi^1 Gruis on large and small scales to identify the triggers of the observed asymmetries. Methods. Observations made with Herschel/PACS at 70 μ\mum and 160 μ\mum picture the large-scale environment of π1\pi^1 Gru. The close surroundings of the star are probed by interferometric observations from the VLTI/AMBER archive. An analysis of the proper motion data of Hipparcos and Tycho-2 together with the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data help identify the possible cause for the observed asymmetry. Results. The Herschel/PACS images of π1\pi^1 Gru show an elliptical CSE whose properties agree with those derived from a CO map published in the literature. In addition, an arc east of the star is visible at a distance of 3838^{\prime\prime} from the primary. This arc is most likely part of an Archimedean spiral caused by an already known G0V companion that is orbiting the primary at a projected distance of 460 au with a period of more than 6200 yr. However, the presence of the elliptical CSE, proper motion variations, and geometric modelling of the VLTI/AMBER observations point towards a third component in the system, with an orbital period shorter than 10 yr, orbiting much closer to the primary than the G0V star.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic