589 research outputs found

    Interdependent Compositions Employed in Sonic Ecosystems: Integrating the Listener in the Evolving Soundscape

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    A presente dissertação explora a integração de ouvintes na paisagem sonora em transformação enquanto compositores do ambiente sónico, no formato de instalações áudio.A investigação é motivada pela necessidade de promover e discutir a identidade do património aural da cidade do Porto e a sua crescente transformação.O desenho metodológico seguido é o practice-led research/research-led practice, e foca-se na compreensão e no desenvolvimento de ecossistemas sonoros e das relações interdependentes entre os agentes internos e externos do sistema.Os participantes exploram cartografias sonoras generativas, transformando iterativamente a natureza composicional das paisagens ao navegarem por motivos abrangentes ou focarem em elementos específicos da experiência.Palavras-chave: Identidade, Transformação, Ecossistema, Composição de Paisagens Sonoras, Interatividade.This dissertation explores the integration of listeners in the evolving soundscape as compositional agents of the sonic environment, presented as an audio installation.The investigation is motivated by the need to promote and discuss the sonic landscape identity of Porto and its rapid transformation. A method of practice-led research/research-led practice is followed, focusing on the development and understanding of sonic ecosystems and the interdependent relationships between its internal and external agents.Participants explore generative aural cartographies, transforming iteratively the nature of compositions by expanding into wider motifs or focusing on small and specific elements of the experience.Keywords: Identity, Transformation, Ecosystem, Soundscape Composition, Interactivity

    O programa “cidade criativa, cidade feliz” como um microdispositivo comunicacional da cidade de Santa Rita do Sapucaí – MG

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    This research proposes a study on cities as a communicative structure with levels of investigation that observe the city as a medium, media and mediation. From this perspective, the movement “Creative City, Happy City” of the City of Santa Rita do Sapucaí, state of Minas Gerais, is observed from the premise that the movement acts as a communicational device of the city. The movement announces a division into four axes of action, namely: technology, entrepreneurship, culture and citizenship, which are combined in the pairs “culture and citizenship” and “technology and entrepreneurship”. The composition of “technology and entrepreneurship” is guided by the concept of development, commonly understood by economic aspects, whereas “culture and citizenship” is guided by the city’s dynamics of life. However, under the aegis of technology, the city has been a guideline for transforming cognitive capital retention and technological export. Thus, it is necessary to reflect on what “Creative City, Happy City” is and how it communicates with the city and in what proportions it affects its dynamics and development. For research, an anthropological based methodology is used, with cartographic reference that counts on field research, participant observation, interviews and qualitative analysis. Epistemologically, Michael Foucault, Richard Sennett, Fabio La Rocca and other collaborators supported the research. This is an interdisciplinary study that supports discussions about development, technologies and society.A presente pesquisa propõe-se a realizar um estudo sobre cidades enquanto um microdispositivo de comunicação, com níveis de investigação que observam a cidade enquanto meio, mídia e mediação. Sob essa perspectiva, estuda-se o movimento “Cidade Criativa, Cidade Feliz” da Cidade de Santa Rita do Sapucaí, MG, a partir da premissa de que o movimento atua como um microdispositivo comunicacional da cidade. O movimento anuncia uma divisão em quatro eixos de ação, a saber: tecnologia, empreendedorismo, cultura e cidadania, que se aglutinação nos pares “cultura e cidadania’ e “tecnologia e empreendedorismo”. Observa-se que a composição “tecnologia e empreendedorismo” se guia pelo conceito de desenvolvimento comumente entendido por aspectos econômicos, ao passo que a composição “cultura e cidadania” se orienta pela dinâmica de vida da cidade. No entanto, sob a égide da tecnologia, ao longo dos anos a cidade se compõe numa diretriz de transformação de retenção de capital cognitivo e exportação tecnológica. Dessa maneira, faz-se necessário refletir sobre o que vem a ser o “Cidade Criativa, Cidade Feliz” e de que maneira se comunica com a cidade e em que proporções afeta sua dinâmica e desenvolvimento. Para pesquisa, utiliza-se uma metodologia de base antropológica, com referência cartográfica que conta com pesquisa de campo, observação participante, entrevistas e análise qualitativa. Epistemologicamente, a pesquisa procura suporte em Michael Foucault, Richard Sennett, Fabio La Rocca e outros colaboradores. Trata-se de um estudo interdisciplinar que suporte discussões sobre desenvolvimento, tecnologias e sociedade


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    O cerne do artigo é investigar o comportamento do príncipe no público e no privado, na obra do renascentista italiano Maquiavel: O Príncipe; obra de 1513. Para tanto, é necessário entender o que Maquiavel entendia por política e suas distinções com o conceito de política antiga e também a distinção entre virtù e fortuna, conceitos chave que devem ser esclarecidos para melhor compreensão do tema proposto. A prudência torna-se o conceito principal que norteará o texto nessa busca. Tomando a prudência como chave hermenêutica, poderemos pensar os pressupostos que garantem um bom comportamento do príncipe, tanto no público como no privado

    The Role of Trust, Knowledge Diffusion and Contracts in Sunflower Production Chains in Brazil

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    The replacement of animal protein by plant protein is a trend in human nutrition and sunflower appears as a promising raw material. Dealing with innovation in the food industry requires attention not only to the product development process, but to the whole production chain related to it. Within this context and in face of the potential participation of Brazil in the business of sunflower protein food ingredients, this study aims to describe and analyze the operational dynamics of sunflower production chains in Brazil. To deal with this issue, we adopted the multiple-case study approach based on three production chains of sunflower oil in Brazil. Transaction cost economics and social network are the theoretical background for the analysis. Our findings suggest an environment with high transaction costs in the operation of the production chains of sunflower oil in Brazil. The processing company is the chain coordinator agent, being responsible to attract the farmers to the business of sunflower, using the strategies of crop promotion and verticalization. Crop promotion is in some degree the pattern of chain operation for all cases. It refers to a set of actions generally coordinated by the processing company aiming to encourage and assist farmers in the growing of sunflower. Moreover, it serves as a trust building and supervision strategy. Regional features influence the chain operation in terms of crop promotion applied by the processing company and the role of agents from farm supply retail stores (FSRS). The strategies of crop promotion and verticalization have not been sufficient to easily guarantee the provision of sunflower to the processing companies. Our findings show that if investments in the production of sunflower protein food ingredients are to be made in Brazil, it is necessary to consider the complex institutional arrangements in which the sunflower production chains operate, seeking to guarantee the necessary provision of raw material for the processing company

    Effect of mesoporous silica under Neisseria meningitidis transformation process: environmental effects under meningococci transformation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study aimed the use of mesoporous silica under the naturally transformable <it>Neisseria meningitidis</it>, an important pathogen implicated in the genetic horizontal transfer of DNA causing a escape of the principal vaccination measures worldwide by the capsular switching process. This study verified the effects of mesoporous silica under <it>N. meningitidis </it>transformation specifically under the capsular replacement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>we used three different mesoporous silica particles to verify their action in <it>N. meningitis </it>transformation frequency.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>we verified the increase in the capsular gene replacement of this bacterium with the three mesoporous silica nanoparticles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>the mesouporous silica particles were capable of increasing the capsule replacement frequency in <it>N. meningitidis</it>.</p

    Preço internacional, taxa de câmbio e o preço pago aos produtores brasileiros de soja

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar como o preço internacional da soja e a taxa de câmbio influenciaram a formação dos preços domésticos da soja nos estados de Mato Grosso, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul e Goiás, os maiores produtores dessa commodity no Brasil, de 1996 a 2011. Para isso, foram utilizados o modelo de correção de erro vetorial (VEC) e o Teste de Causalidade de Granger. Os resultados indicaram que variações no preço internacional da soja e na taxa de câmbio afetaram os preços da soja nos quatro estados e que Mato Grosso foi o único cujo preço não sofreu influência dos demais estados. Variações no mercado internacional de soja e no mercado de câmbio são repassadas integralmente aos preços domésticos no longo prazo, sendo estes preços mais influenciados pelo preço internacional. No curto prazo, os mercados seguiram a relação de preço de Mato Grosso com o preço internacional e a taxa de câmbio. Conclui-se que a preocupação dos produtores com variações na taxa de câmbio é pertinente, porém o preço internacional é o principal elemento da formação dos preços domésticos, que os mercados analisados são integrados e que Mato Grosso apresenta relevância na formação dos preços nos principais mercados dessa commodity

    Pandemia do COVID-19: o desafio da gestão municipal no implemento de medidas preventivas/precautórias diante da vulnerabilidade digital presente na sociedade contemporânea

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    Com a eclosão da pandemia da COVID-19, a sociedade contemporânea teve todo o seu cotidiano transfigurado, feito que potencializou o uso da internet como forma de comunicação, consumo, trabalho e de realização de diversas outras atividades. Ademais, a proliferação do coronavírus escancarou a desigualdade social existente e potencializou as vulnerabilidades nos mais diversos âmbitos. Assim, ficou nítida a condição de vulnerável daqueles que mais são expostos aos riscos da pandemia, em razão de aspectos físicos, sociais, tecnológicos ou informacionais. Diante disso, em uma abordagem delimitada à esfera da atuação municipal, identificou-se o desafio desse considerar as peculiaridades de certos grupos na implementação de medidas preventivas gerais contra a propagação do vírus. Por isso, analisa-se as dificuldades que vulneráveis têm para usufruir das políticas disponibilizadas pelos Municípios, sobretudo as providências dispostas no ambiente virtualizado. Com efeito, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica como método de pesquisa, sendo esta estruturada em uma revisão narrativa, e tendo como método científico o dedutivo, o presente estudo enfrenta a discussão sobre a necessidade de adotar o isolamento social durante a pandemia e de antecipar seus riscos; sobre como o preceito do interesse local deve ser compreendido nestes tempos de calamidade; tudo isso com o fito de analisar a relação entre a COVID-19 e a vulnerabilidade digital, uma vez que várias políticas públicas de enfrentamento ao vírus foram implementadas no campo virtual pelos municípios, porém sem levar em consideração que, em geral, parcela da população não têm oportunidade de acesso às mesmas

    Barriers between community screening for visual problems and treatments in a tertiary center

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of mobile ophthalmic unit screenings and to investigate barriers between community care and resolution of the problem at a tertiary center. METHODS: This prospective study evaluated a convenience sample from 10 municipalities in São Paulo State, Brazil. Patients were assessed in the municipality by a mobile ophthalmic unit and underwent a complete ophthalmic consultation. Patients were referred as warranted to a tertiary hospital. RESULTS: The mobile ophthalmic unit screened 1,928 individuals and 714 (37%) were referred. The mean age of the referred patients was 57.12 (SD = 19.5) years with best corrected visual acuity of 0.37 (SD = 0.36) logMAR. Forty-seven (6.6%) patients were blind and 185 (26.5%) were visually impaired. Cataracts (44.7%) and pterygium (14.7%) accounted for most referrals. Of those referred, 67.1% presented to the tertiary center. The diagnosis by the mobile ophthalmic unit corresponded to the one by the tertiary center in 88.5% of the cases. There were a significantly higher number of blind and visually impaired persons among those who presented to the hospital. There was a significantly greater attendance among patients living in more distant municipalities from the reference center with a higher number of inhabitants and a greater number of ophthalmologists in the cities of origin (p &lt; 0.05, all comparisons). Complete treatment was performed in 65.6% of patients, and loss to follow-up was the main cause of incomplete treatment in 50.7% of patients. A total of 313 cataract surgeries were performed, which reduced the number of blind patients from 20 to 2 and of visually impaired individuals from 87 to 2 (p &lt; 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Only 37% of the patients assessed by a mobile ophthalmic unit required referral to a tertiary hospital. Among the referred patients, 67.1% presented to the hospital, and complete resolution after treatment was approximately 65.5%. There was a significant improvement in visual acuity and a reduction in the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment postoperatively

    An update on pharmacogenetic factors influencing the metabolism and toxicity of artemisinin-based combination therapy in the treatment of malaria

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    Funding Information: This paper was funded by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Brazil) (404067/2012-3 and 2020/00433-8), the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) (RIA2017T-2018), the Fundação de Amparo *a Pesquisa do Estado de mInas Gerais (FAPEMIG) (CBB-APQ 00952-16) and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) (SFRH/BD/142860/2018). Funding Information: L Pernaute-Lau is a recipient of a fellowship from BioSys PhD program PD65‐2012 (Ref SFRH/BD/142860/2018) from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal). JP Gil, M Camara and U Morris were partially supported by the European Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership (EDCTP2) programme supported by the European Union (Grant number RIA2017T-2018 – WANECAM 2). T Nóbrega de Sousa is a recipient of a Senior Research Scholarships from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Brazil). Funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPqants number 404,067/2012-3, 2020/00433-8), and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de mInas Gerais (FAPEMIG), grant number CBB-APQ 00952-16). MU Ferreira was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPqants number 404,067/2012-3, 2020/00433-8), and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de mInas Gerais (FAPEMIG), grant number CBB-APQ 00952-16). The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Introduction: Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are recommended first-line antimalarials for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic variation associated with ACT drugs and their effect is documented. It is accepted to an extent that inter-individual variation is genetically driven, and should be explored for optimized antimalarial use. Areas covered: We provide an update on the pharmacogenetics of ACT antimalarial disposition. Beyond presently used antimalarials, we also refer to information available for the most notable next-generation drugs under development. The bibliographic approach was based on multiple Boolean searches on PubMed covering all recent publications since our previous review. Expert opinion: The last 10 years have witnessed an increase in our knowledge of ACT pharmacogenetics, including the first clear examples of its contribution as an exacerbating factor for drug–drug interactions. This knowledge gap is still large and is likely to widen as a new wave of antimalarial drug is looming, with few studies addressing their pharmacogenetics. Clinically useful pharmacogenetic markers are still not available, in particular, from an individual precision medicine perspective. A better understanding of the genetic makeup of target populations can be valuable for aiding decisions on mass drug administration implementation concerning region-specific antimalarial drug and dosage options.publishersversionpublishe