164 research outputs found

    Estratégias de interação entre pais-professor-aluno na aprendizagem da viola d'arco

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    O presente relatório apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo da disciplina de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, inserida no Mestrado em Ensino de Música. Dentro do nosso atual cenário educacional musical, é necessário cada vez mais envolver o meio familiar na aprendizagem instrumental do aluno. Para isso, os professores de instrumento devem investigar, compreender e utilizar estratégias de interação entre paisprofessor- aluno, de forma a agilizar o processo de aprendizagem. Com este projeto pretende-se compreender o impacto na interação entre pais-professor-aluno no ensino e aprendizagem da viola d’arco através da aplicação consciente de estratégias e que tipo de interação é gerado por elas. São duas as estratégias aplicadas: a utilização de Guiões de Estudo semanais para Alunos e Pais e a criação de um Conto Musicado, intitulado “Era uma vez uma Viola D’Arco…”, escrito por Alunos e PaisThe present dissertation presents the activities developed throughout the discipline of Supervised Teaching Practice, inserted in the Master in Music Teaching. Within our current musical educational scenario, it is increasingly necessary to involve the family environment in the student's instrumental learning. For this, the instrument teachers should investigate, understand and use strategies of interaction between parentsteacher- student, in order to streamline the learning process. This project intends to understand the impact on the interaction between parent-teacher-student in the teaching and learning of viola through the conscious application of strategies and what kind of interaction is generated by them. There are two strategies applied: the use of weekly Study Guides for Students and Parents and the creation of a Music Tale, titled "Once upon a Time, a Viola ..." written by Students and ParentsMestrado em Ensino de Músic

    Suspensão da execução da pena de prisão

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    Towards an interpretation of the Portuguese cultural tourist: motivations and constraints

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    The importance of cultural tourism for the development of tourist destinations has created a need for knowledge on both supply and demand sides, related to the motivations and constraints which can affect the decisions of the cultural tourist. The aim of this study is to develop and validate for the Portuguese tourists two scales to measure motivations to travel and its constraints, considering theories of needs and constraints, and to examine differences according to tourists’ socio-demographic characteristics. The scales were determined using a non-linear principal component analysis followed by bootstrap confirmatory factor analysis, and differences were examined using parametric tests. A six-dimensional model for motivations and a five-dimensional model for constraints were validated, both with good overall fit. Motives linked to culture, intellectual curiosity and cultural knowledge stand out with high levels of relevance. Lack of resources and other commitments are the most important constraints. Significant differences were found in almost all characteristics. The results reveal influential dimensions on travel decisions which are of utmost importance for the design of the cultural offer of destinations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil inflamatório na doença coronária

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Humana e Ambiente). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2010Ao longo das últimas décadas o conhecimento na área das doenças cardiovasculares tem vindo a aumentar e hoje assume-se que a aterosclerose, não resulta apenas de uma acumulação de lípidos na parede arterial, mas também de um processo inflamatório complexo. A acumulação de lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL) na parede arterial e a sua oxidação, desencadeia uma série de mecanismos inflamatórios em que estão envolvidas células do músculo liso, endoteliais e imunitárias. As LDL oxidadas (ox- LDL) promovem a activação macrofágica e de linfócitos no ateroma, perpetuando o estímulo inflamatório e conduzindo à actividade da placa e sua instabilidade. Vários estudos demonstraram associações entre os níveis de ox-LDL no plasma e a doença coronária e verificou-se uma relação entre os níveis de ox-LDL no plasma e o número de linfócitos T (estudos in vivo). Estudos recentes demonstraram a activação do factor de transcrição nuclear kappa B (NF-κB), responsável pela activação de muitos genes próinflamatórios, em diversos tipos celulares presentes nas lesões ateroscleróticas. Verificouse também que os níveis de activação são dependentes dos níveis de ox-LDL, em monócitos (in vitro). No entanto, ainda se encontra por esclarecer a significância do envolvimento da via de transcrição do NF-KB nos síndromes coronários e em particular da sua relevância na activação das células mononucleadas do sangue periférico (CMNs). Neste trabalho foram constituídos dois grupos, um com indivíduos com doença coronária confirmada e outro com indivíduos saudáveis, o grupo controlo. Foram estudadas as populações linfocitárias (CD4 e CD8) e a activação linfocitária (CD69) por citometria de fluxo, a concentração de ox-LDL no plasma por ELISA e avaliou-se a expressão do NF-κB através de Western Blotting em extractos totais, citoplasmáticos e nucleares de CMNs. Verificou-se que há um decréscimo do ratio CD4/CD8 no grupo de doentes relativamente aos indivíduos controlo, que poderá estar relacionado com a fase aguda da doença, que os marcadores de inflamação, função cardíaca e ventricular estão mais elevados nos doentes do que no grupo controlo e que há uma relação entre a medicação com antihipercolesterémicos e as ox-LDL. Os dados sugerem uma influência benéfica deste tipo de medicação nos níveis de ox-LDL. O principal objectivo deste trabalho era o de estudar a relação entre os níveis de ox-LDL no plasma e a activação da via de transcrição do NF-κB nas células mononucleadas do sangue periférico (CMNs), no entanto, devido às limitações de tempo e de material de estudo, as metodologias não foram devidamente optimizadas de forma a que tivesse sido possível validar os resultados obtidos. Este trabalho permitiu verificar alguns resultados já descritos na literatura e iniciar o estabelecimento de uma metodologia de separação de CMNs e do seu fraccionamento, bem como optimizar a tecnologia de Western Blotting para a detecção do factor de transcrição NF-κB, o que permitirá avaliar sua relevância nas doenças cardiovasculares.Atherosclerosis and its cardiovascular consequences are the major cause of death and morbility in the world both in men and women. The accumulation of lipids in the arterial wall was assumed to be the major cause for the disease progression. In the last decades, as the knowledge evolved, this concept has been modified to a complex inflammatory process. The accumulation of low density lipoproteins (LDL) in the arterial wall and posterior oxidation triggers a series of inflammatory mechanisms where the smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells and immunity cells are present. The oxidized low density lipoproteins (ox- LDL) promote the activation of macrophages and lymphocytes in the atheromatous plaque perpetuating the inflammatory stimuli leading to the plaque activity and instability. Recent studies demonstrated the activation of nuclear transcription factor kappa B (NF-κB), which is responsible for the activation of multiple pro-inflammatory genes, in different types of cells present in the atherosclerotic lesion. However, the relevance of NF-κB pathway in coronary syndromes and in the activation of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are issues lacking clarification. In this study two groups were constituted: a group of individuals with confirmed coronay artery disease and a group with healthy subjects, the control group. The lymphocyte populations (CD4 and CD8) and lymphocyte activation (CD69) were studied by flow cytometry. The concentration of ox-LDL in plasma was assessed by ELISA, and the expression of NF-κB in PBMCs cellular extracts was evaluated by Western blotting. It was found that there was a decrease in the CD4/CD8 ratio in the group of patients compared with the control subjects, which may be related to the acute phase of the disease. Markers of inflammation, cardiac and ventricular functions were higher in patients than in controls. A relationship between cholesterol lowering medication and ox-LDL was found suggesting a beneficial effect of this medication in the levels of ox-LDL. The main goal of this work was to study the relationship between the levels of ox-LDL in plasma and the activation of the NF-κB in PBMCs. However, due to time constraints and limitations of the study, the methodologies were not properly optimized and consequently, it was not possible to obtain consistent results. This work confirmed some results that were already described in the literature and allowed us to establish the beginning of a methodology for the separation and fractioning of PBMCs, as well as for Western blotting in order to detect the transcription factor NF-κB, to address its relevance in cardiovascular diseases

    Additions to the lichen flora found on Cryptomeria japonica D. Don, in the Azores.

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    Twenty-nine lichens species were reported in samples from Azorean Cryptomeria japonica forests. One species, Ramalina peruviana Ach., is newly recorded for the Macaronesian Region. On Cryptomeria japonica, seven new lichen records were found for the Azores: Parmotrema bangii (Vain.) Hale, Pyrrospora quernea (Dickson) Körber, Pyxine subcinerea Stirt., Ramalina implectens Nyl., Ramalina peruviana Ach., Usnea dasaea Stirton and Usnea esperantiana P. Clerc.The species Ramalina peruviana Ach., is rare within the Macaronesian Region

    Linguistic and cultural adaptation of the EARP Questionnaire to European Portuguese

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims at the linguistic and cultural adaptation of the Early ARthritis for Psoriatic Patients (EARP) questionnaire into European Portuguese, for psoriatic patients attending dermatology medical examination. METHODS: Firstly, we performed a process of translation and back-translation of the English version of the EARP Questionnaire to European Portuguese, with interim and final harmonization. The resulting Portuguese version was approved by the EARP original author. Secondly, individual interviews were conducted to complete the linguistic and cultural adaptation of the initial translated Portuguese version, with the think-aloud and probe methods. At this stage, we conducted eight interviews, four with rheumatology and dermatology doctors (experts), and four with patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Finally, the version resulting from the adaptation process was back-translated from Portuguese to English. RESULTS: Our results showed that EARP Questionnaire's items are easy to understand and do not raise comprehension concerns in experts or patients. Our findings suggested that items demanding health literacy from patients and that do not include a precise cue to signal the inflammatory nature of the joint pain may lead to confusion while answering, potentially leading to the patient's need for assistance. CONCLUSION: The Portuguese version of the EARP Questionnaire demonstrated adequate comprehension properties. Our findings support the use of this measure in clinical practice and future research, however, a validation study with Portuguese patients is needed.publishersversionpublishe

    Old and new challenges in Parkinson's disease therapeutics

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and/or loss od neuronal projections, in several dopaminergic networks. Current treatments for idiopathic PD rely mainly on the use of pharmacologic agents to improve motor symptomatology of PD patients. Nevertheless, so far PD remains an incurable disease. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to establish new therapeutic strategies for PD treatment. Over the last 20 years, several molecular, gene and cell/stem-cell therapeutic approaches have been developed with the aim of counteracting or retarding PD progression. The scope of this review is to provide an overview of PD related therapies and major breakthroughs achieved within this field. In order to do so, this review will start by focusing on PD characterization and current treatment options covering thereafter molecular, gene and cell/stem cell-based therapies that are currently being studied in animal models of PD or have recently been tested in clinical trials. Among stem cell-based therapies, those using MSCs as possible disease modifying agents for PD therapy and, specifically, the MSCs secretome contribution to meet the clinical challenge of counteracting or retarding PD progression, will be more deeply explored.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the PhD fellowship attributed to A.O. Pires (Reference: SFRH/BD/33900/2009) and the IF development grant to A.J. Salgado (Reference: IF/00111/2013). Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Funded by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio