172 research outputs found

    Rheology of StelliteTM 21 Alloy in Semi-Solid State

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    The main objective of this study was to conduct an analysis of the rheological properties of StelliteTM 21 alloy in the semi-solid state, as the results could be used for identifying the appropriate temperature range for thixoforming of this alloy, and a secondary objective of the experimental work was the development of mathematical model of the alloy’s apparent viscosity. Such viscosity models are necessary for numerical simulations of the thixoforming processes. The StelliteTM 21 alloy exhibits high hardness and thus shaping in the semi-solid state is promising route of production of parts from this alloy. Within the confines of experimental work the measurement methods of the rheological properties at high temperatures was developed. They are based on the use of specially designed viscometer equipped with high temperature furnace. Keywords: thixoforming, rheological properties, viscosity, thixotropy, StelliteTM alloy

    Juru Sembelih Halal Berbasis Pada Walisongo Halal Research Center (WHRC)

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    In everyday life, we can’t escape from eating meat, but sometimes we often question about the status of halalness, that is whether it meets the criteria of halal slaughter according syara' or not yet. The effort to realize the halal slaughter is to conduct Halal Slaughter Training marching at the Walisongo Research Center for students of Walisongo State Islamic University of Semarang.The halal slaughterhouses training activities are designed in the form of intensive and continuous training accompanied by expert of the Food and Cosmetics Review Institute (LP POM) of Central Java MUI, experts of the Livestock and Animal Health Service (DISNAKKESWAN) and Walisongo Halal Research Centre (WHRC).The results of this dedication in the implementation of the halal slaughterer training is that students are able to understand the halal slaughtering way (according to Syara’ and MUI Standard) and be able to practice a professional halal slaughterer, while the sustainability of this training is Student/graduate of Walisongo State Islamic University of Semarang as “Profesional Halal Slaughterer” in their regions. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita tidak bisa lepas dari mengonsumsi daging, namun terkadang kita sering mempertanyakan tentang status kehalalan tersebut yaitu apakah sudah memenuhi kriteria penyembelihan halal sesuai syara’ atau belum. Upaya untuk mewujudkan penyembelihan halal tersebut adalah dengan mengadakan Pelatihan Juru Sembelih Halal berbasis pada Walisongo Halal Research Center (WHRC) bagi mahasiswa UIN Walisongo Semarang. Kegiatan pelatihan juru sembelih halal tersebut didesain dalam bentuk pelatihan yang dilakukan secara intensif dan kontinu dengan didampingi oleh tenaga ahli Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-obatan dan Makanan (LPPOM) MUI Jawa Tengah, tenaga ahli Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan (DISNAKKESWAN) dan tenaga ahli Walisongo Halal Research Center (WHRC). Hasil kinerja pengabdian dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan juru sembelih halal yaitu Mahasiswa mampu memahami cara menyembelih yang halal (sesuai Syara’ dan Standar MUI) dan mampu mempraktekkan menjadi juru sembelih yang halal profesional, adapun keberlanjutan pelatihan ini adalah Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Walisongo Semarang sebagai“JuruSembelih Halal yang Profesional” di daerah asalnya masing-masing

    Juru Sembelih Halal Berbasis Pada Walisongo Halal Research Center (WHRC)

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    In everyday life, we can’t escape from eating meat, but sometimes we often question about the status of halalness, that is whether it meets the criteria of halal slaughter according syara' or not yet. The effort to realize the halal slaughter is to conduct Halal Slaughter Training marching at the Walisongo Research Center for students of Walisongo State Islamic University of Semarang.The halal slaughterhouses training activities are designed in the form of intensive and continuous training accompanied by expert of the Food and Cosmetics Review Institute (LP POM) of Central Java MUI, experts of the Livestock and Animal Health Service (DISNAKKESWAN) and Walisongo Halal Research Centre (WHRC).The results of this dedication in the implementation of the halal slaughterer training is that students are able to understand the halal slaughtering way (according to Syara’ and MUI Standard) and be able to practice a professional halal slaughterer, while the sustainability of this training is Student/graduate of Walisongo State Islamic University of Semarang as “Profesional Halal Slaughterer” in their regions. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita tidak bisa lepas dari mengonsumsi daging, namun terkadang kita sering mempertanyakan tentang status kehalalan tersebut yaitu apakah sudah memenuhi kriteria penyembelihan halal sesuai syara’ atau belum. Upaya untuk mewujudkan penyembelihan halal tersebut adalah dengan mengadakan Pelatihan Juru Sembelih Halal berbasis pada Walisongo Halal Research Center (WHRC) bagi mahasiswa UIN Walisongo Semarang. Kegiatan pelatihan juru sembelih halal tersebut didesain dalam bentuk pelatihan yang dilakukan secara intensif dan kontinu dengan didampingi oleh tenaga ahli Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-obatan dan Makanan (LPPOM) MUI Jawa Tengah, tenaga ahli Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan (DISNAKKESWAN) dan tenaga ahli Walisongo Halal Research Center (WHRC). Hasil kinerja pengabdian dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan juru sembelih halal yaitu Mahasiswa mampu memahami cara menyembelih yang halal (sesuai Syara’ dan Standar MUI) dan mampu mempraktekkan menjadi juru sembelih yang halal profesional, adapun keberlanjutan pelatihan ini adalah Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Walisongo Semarang sebagai“JuruSembelih Halal yang Profesional” di daerah asalnya masing-masing


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    “KESULITAN BELAJAR” adalah kesulitan yang ditemui pada individu yang memang mengalami gangguan neurologis seperti tuna grahita, Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autis, Asperger Syndrome, PDD-NOS), Down Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Gangguan Dengar dan Gangguan Lihat berat, Cerebral Palsy, dan sindrom-sindrom lainnya. Sedangkan “KESULITAN BELAJAR SPESIFIK” menunjukkan suatu kondisi dimana anak/individu yang diyakini mempunyai tingkat kecerdasan normal (bahkan tidak sedikit yang mempunyai kecerdasan di atas rata-rata), ternyata mengalami kesulitan yang signifikan dalam beberapa area perkembangan tertentu dalam kehidupannya. Keduanya berbeda dan memerlukan penanganan yang berbeda pula

    Al-Li Alloys – The Analysis of Material Behaviour during Industrial Hot Forging

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    Al-Li alloys are a promising class of aerospace materials that combine light weight with high strength, comparable to those of steels. In the case of critical components, it is well known that providing the required reliability is impossible without tailoring the output microstructure of the material. This, in turn, requires a clear understanding of the logic behind microstructure formation depending on the total processing history (especially temperature and strain-rate history). However, uniaxial isothermal laboratory tests provide very limited information about the material behaviour. Real forging processes, especially involving complex geometries, sometimes develop quite complicated temperature-strain-rate paths that vary across the deformed part. A proper analysis of the microstructural transformations taking place in the material under these conditions is therefore very important. In this paper, the correlation between the loading history and microstructural transformations was analysed for AA2099 alloy using the hot forging of a disk-shaped component at selected forging temperatures and strain rates. The obtained results were compared to industrial processing maps based on uniaxial tests

    O dever de motivação expressa do ato administrativo discricionário

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito.Este trabalho objetiva verificar a relação entre desvio de poder e atos administrativos discricionários, bem como propor controle desvelado da própria Administração Pública mediante o cumprimento, por ela, do dever de expressar a motivação dos seus atos

    Fracture analysis in continuously nonhomogeneous magneto-electro-elastic solids under a thermal load by the MLPG

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    AbstractA meshless method based on the local Petrov–Galerkin approach is proposed, to solve initial-boundary value problems of magneto-electro-elastic solids with continuously varying material properties. Stationary and transient thermal problems are considered in this paper. The mechanical 2-D fields are described by the equations of motion with an inertial term. Nodal points are spread on the analyzed domain, and each node is surrounded by a small circle for simplicity. The spatial variation of displacements, electric and magnetic potentials is approximated by the moving least-squares (MLS) scheme. After performing the spatial integrations, one obtains a system of ordinary differential equations for certain nodal unknowns. That system is solved numerically by the Houbolt finite-difference scheme as a time stepping method

    Reflexos dp projeto UCA-OLPC nas escolas paranaenses

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    Orientador: Eliz Silvana de Freitas KappaumMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Especialização em Mídias Integradas na EducaçãoInclui referênciasResumo: O presente estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa quali - quantitativa, realizada com professores das Escolas Piloto do projeto UCCA (Um Computador por Aluno em Araucária – PR). Nesse estudo pode-se perceber que o Projeto UCA ainda necessita de inúmeros ajustes para seu efetivo sucesso, os problemas principais aparecem na burocracia política para aquisição de novos equipamentos, na resistência de alguns professores à inclusão digital e ainda na falta de cursos preparatórios a alunos e professores para a utilização da nova ferramenta educacional. O estudo apura resultados parciais visto que o projeto está em efetivo funcionamento há apenas quatro meses, contudo, a maioria dos professores entrevistados enfatiza que a escola vem tendo inúmeros ganhos com a implantação do projeto, que houve um avanço muito grande nas formas de ensinar e aprender e que com a inclusão digital os alunos ficaram muito entusiasmados e estimulados. Assim verifica-se que a internet se tornou até mais atrativa do que a própria aula o que amedronta alguns professores, ainda inseguros e despreparados para assumir essa nova prática pedagógic

    Sampling as Political Practice

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    This article seeks to put in perspective Gilberto Gil’s Brazilian cultural policy from 2003 to 2008 as a pioneer attempt to institutionally legitimate musical cultures involving sampling and remix. Mutations brought about by the digital age call for strong reflections upon the concept of “digital culture” enacted for instance in sampling and remix practices, and incarnated in a complex manner by the cultural “glocal” laboratories of underground musical cultures in Brazil. The study of Gil’s policy involves a multifaceted approach mixing music sociology, ethnology, cultural studies, the study of law, policies and of the music industry, in order to clarify the redefinition of musical authorship and intellectual property brought about by musical digital culture along with identifying some challenges for scholars and actors of the musical world for the years to come.Dans cet article, l’auteure présente une mise en perspective de la politique culturelle menée par Gilberto Gil entre 2003 et 2008 au Brésil, de manière à identifier par le biais d’une méthode multidisciplinaire – sociomusicologie, ethnomusicologie, études culturelles, droit, politiques culturelles et étude de l’industrie musicale – les aspects pionniers de cette tentative de légitimer institutionnellement des pratiques musicales impliquant l’échantillonnage et le remix. Les mutations engendrées par l’ère numérique exigent des réflexions de fond concernant l’avenir de la « culture numérique », incarnée de manière particulièrement instructive dans le laboratoire de production et de diffusion musicale « glocale » que constituent les musiques urbaines au Brésil. Cette étude permet de clarifier la redéfinition de l’« auteurité » musicale et de la propriété intellectuelle à l’œuvre dans la culture numérique et identifie quelques défis pour les chercheurs et les acteurs du milieu musical pour les années à venir

    Wittgenstein et la musique

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    Ce texte est basé sur un relevé exhaustif des remarques de Wittgenstein sur la musique, qui sont disséminées un peu partout dans les oeuvres de Wittgenstein, des plus majeures aux plus personnelles. Ce thème étant constant dans ce corpus, l'hypothèse directrice du mémoire a été que la musique pouvait constituer un élément unificateur d'une lecture de la pensée philosophique et esthétique de Wittgenstein, mais aussi et surtout une réflexion du philosophe par rapport à l'art, en particulier la musique en fonction de l'époque particulièrement riche en termes de bouleversements culturels et artistiques où il a évolué. Ce relevé a donc permis de mettre en évidence la possibilité d'un jugement esthétique d'après Wittgenstein qui pourrait à la fois résister à l'essentialisme et au relativisme. La musique, en comparaison avec le langage, se situe entre indicible et \ud « monstration », au sens où pour la penser, il faut la considérer comme n'étant pas un langage. Si l'on doit penser la possibilité d'une éducation au regard esthétique, \ud c'est-à-dire une forme de normativité qui s'établisse entre la \ud « forme » artistique -musicale -et son historicité, il faut pouvoir penser que dans la musique comme dans le langage, la normativité des pratiques s'établit par l'étude des ressemblances de famille et des différences entre les pratiques. Si on veut penser la musique en fonction de ses modifications dans l'histoire autant que dans son identité en tant que musique, on n'a pas tant besoin d'une « théorie » de la musique que de cette substantifique moelle de la pratique artistique qui, d'après Wittgenstein, est la notion d'expression. Sans toutefois passer à une esthétique subjectiviste ou émotionnaliste, qui est aussi un objet contre lequel Wittgenstein s'insurge, la compréhension de la musique se situe entre contextualisation et magnification: l'esthétique, en lien de continuité avec l'éthique, est un lieu où les oeuvres d'art, pour être comprises, doivent être mises en rapport avec les pratiques et les situations historiques avec lesquelles on peut les mettre en relation. Cette contextualisation est donc du même coup un appel à une exigence éthique de pouvoir rechercher la cohérence ou la discordance d'un mode d'expression artistique avec une certaine époque et avec la vision synoptique qu'on peut établir de cette époque conçue en tant que contexte. C'est aussi une exigence de ne pas outrepasser les capacités du langage par rapport à l'art, dans la mesure où l'art et la musique sont des expressions se suffisant à elles-mêmes, mais qui marquent, à leur manière, une mémoire d'un certain temps -voire un appel à ne pas oublier -ainsi qu'une certaine\ud manière de se saisir dans son temps et dans l'exigence éthique qu'on peut lui porter. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Wittgenstein, Musique, Esthétique, « dire » et \ud « montrer », Normativité, Compréhension, Expressivité, Pragmatisme, Génie, Culture