96 research outputs found

    Applying the model of conscious writing: the case of the collage university student

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    Un modelo de escritura se define como una herramienta pedagógica que permite entrenar a los estudiantes en la actividad de la escritura mediante una práctica consciente. Lo que significa que ellos deben considerar todas las reglas y opciones que poseen al momento de crear un texto. En consecuencia, el modelo debe considerar estos recursos generales para lograr que los estudiantes creen sus propias habilidades de escritura, escriban mejor y desarrollen su estilo. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar, describir y presentar un modelo metodológico de escritura basado en la autocorrección (el caso de una estudiante) que ayude a los estudiantes universitarios a mejorar su producción textual académica mediante la producción de textos cotidianos.A writing model is defined as teaching tool that permit to train students in writing activity through a conscious practice. That means they have to consider all the rules and options they have at the moments they produce a writing text. Thus, this model must consider these general resources in order to reach students develop their own writing skills, they can write better and therefore the get their style. The objective of this study is to analyze, describe and present a methodological writing model based on the self-corrections (a college student case) that helps college students to improve their academical textual production by writing everyday text.peerReviewe

    Long-term trends in striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea: the case of Ebro Delta (NE Spain)

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    All clam fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea have dramatically declined in the last few decades. Recently, most have collapsed in Spain, resulting in job loss for hundreds of small-scale fishers. However, insufficient attention has been given to the profound significance of this socio-ecological crisis. We evaluated the historical, social, and ecological context of the striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea, focusing on one of the main productive areas of this region (the Ebro Delta, Catalonia, NE Spain) to detect possible causes of the decline in clam landings. Different governance systems (self-governance, centralized governance, and de facto co-governance) had been successful in maintaining striped clam fisheries since they were established in the 1940s. However, since the industrialization of fishing fleets in the mid-1970s, a lack of reliable management (e.g., free access; conflicts between different interested parties) and a progressive increase in fishing capacity, fishing effort, and technological enhancements across the small fishing grounds have increased the vulnerability of the exploited stocks and set them on a collapse trajectory. We recommend the following management measures to promote the recovery of the striped venus clam stock and mitigate the loss of its ecological, social, and economic value: (1) the closure of the fishery in the Ebro Delta; (2) the preparation and implementation of a Spanish Management Fishery Plan to restore the striped clam fishing grounds; (3) the establishment of a supra-regional Management Plan for the striped venus clam on the Mediterranean coast of Spain

    Influences and hegemonies in health reform research

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    Analizamos la evolución de las publicaciones, incluidas en MEDLINE, LILACS y Sociological Abstracts, sobre las Reformas de Salud en el mundo y las influencias que determinan su orientación y distribución en el período de 1990-2004. En total se seleccionaron 8.729 publicaciones. Los principios de “Sostenibilidad” y “Calidad y Efectividad” son los más atendidos, existiendo distintos patrones de atención, dependiendo de regiones y países. De 199 países, el 61% tiene referencia sobre sus procesos de reforma, siendo Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña los que agrupan la mayor cantidad. Se observó que existen fuertes influencias para el estudio de las Reformas de Salud, provenientes de los patrones Británico y Norteamericano de atención a los Principios de Reforma. Esto puede estar limitando la visibilidad científica de cuestiones como la equidad, participación y eficiencia.The authors analyze the evolution in publications indexed in MEDLINE, LILACS, and Sociological Abstracts concerning health reforms around the world and the determinants of their orientation and distribution from 1990 to 2004. A total of 8,729 publications were selected. The principles of “sustainability” and “quality and effectiveness” were dealt with most frequently, with different patterns of attention, depending on the regions and countries. Of 199 countries, 61% included references as to their health reform processes, with the largest numbers in the United States and the Great Britain. The British and U.S. standards for attention to health reform principles displayed strong influences on the study of health reforms elsewhere. This may limit the scientific visibility of issues like equity, participation, and efficiency

    The early life history transitions of the bivalve aulacomya atra from the humboldt current system off peru are affected by human exploitation and modulated by El niño-la niña cycle

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    Understanding the factors and mechanisms that control temporal changes of larval settlement and subsequent recruitment of marine bivalves have strong implications for the management of exploited populations of coastal species and the conservation of benthic communities. Therefore, assessing both organismal and environmental drivers of the reproductive function, gamete release and recruitment is important. This is particularly true for highly productive upwelling coastal areas that are heavily affected by shifts in climatic regimes during the El Niño (EN)-La Niña (LN) cycle. We aimed to assess temporal variation in the transition between gamete release, larval settlement and subsequent recruitment of the commercially- important ribbed mussel (Aulacomya atra) at Bahía Independencia (Peru) over 9 years (1996-2004) - a period that covered strong EN and LN episodes. We also evaluate the environmental factors implied in these changes. To achieve this, we monitored monthly changes of the spawning stock biomass (SSB; a proxy of the capacity for propagule production and release), the number of settled postlarvae on artificial collectors, the density of recruits of A. atra and several environmental parameters. Our results showed a persistent trend of decreasing SSB and recruitment density, most likely related to human exploitation that reduced the population density by one order of magnitude. The SSB was a significant predictor of the number of settled postlarvae, regardless of the occurrence of EN or LN episodes. In contrast, the relationship between SSB and the density of recruits was dependent on the occurrence of EN or LN. The SSB and the larval settlement were heavily reduced during the warm EN in 1997-1998, presumably as a typical response of species of Antarctic origin to warmer-nutrient depleted waters and disturbed circulation patterns within the bay that may favor offshore transport of larvae. Despite this, the density of recruits of A. atra was high during EN, presumably as a result of reduced competition for food and reduced predation, which may overcompensate for the mortality of recruits associated with thermal stress

    Long-term trends in striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea: the case of Ebro Delta (NE Spain).

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    All clam fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea have dramatically declined in the last few decades. Recently, most have collapsed in Spain, resulting in job loss for hundreds of small-scale fishers. However, insufficient attention has been given to the profound significance of this socio-ecological crisis. We evaluated the historical, social, and ecological context of the striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries in the western Mediterranean Sea, focusing on one of the main productive areas of this region (the Ebro Delta, Catalonia, NE Spain) to detect possible causes of the decline in clam landings. Different governance systems (self-governance, centralized governance, and de facto co-governance) had been successful in maintaining striped clam fisheries since they were established in the 1940s. However, since the industrialization of fishing fleets in the mid-1970s, a lack of reliable management (e.g., free access; conflicts between different interested parties) and a progressive increase in fishing capacity, fishing effort, and technological enhancements across the small fishing grounds have increased the vulnerability of the exploited stocks and set them on a collapse trajectory. We recommend the following management measures to promote the recovery of the striped venus clam stock and mitigate the loss of its ecological, social, and economic value: (1) the closure of the fishery in the Ebro Delta; (2) the preparation and implementation of a Spanish Management Fishery Plan to restore the striped clam fishing grounds; (3) the establishment of a supra-regional Management Plan for the striped venus clam on the Mediterranean coast of Spain

    Aplicación de la contabilidad gerencial para la empresa de muebles “San Eduardo” ubicada en la parroquia Mulaló, cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi

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    The entitled current work main Management Accounting Application in the “San Eduardo” Furniture Enterprise, located in the Mulaló parish from Latacunga canton had the aims of explaining Management Accounting and its application into PYMES from various perspectives and approaches; to make an accounting area situational analysis and use the Cost-Volume-Profit Model as an administrative tool. The used methodology was supported a quantitative approach. This research was descriptive, exploratory and documentary type based on the different reliable bibliographic sources research. The achieved results with the Cost-Volume-Utility Model application in the enterprise: show a 82.01totalcostfortheexecutivedeskwitha82.01 total cost for the executive desk with a 17.99 profit, at the same time, the cabinet cost amounted to 111.22witha111.22 with a 28.78 profit. The quarterly break-even point for desks was 8 units and for cabinets 10. These data allow the enterprise to make timely management decisions.El presente trabajo titulado aplicación de la Contabilidad Gerencial en la empresa de Muebles “San Eduardo” ubicada en la parroquia Mulaló del cantón Latacunga tuvo como objetivos explicar desde varias perspectivas y enfoques la Contabilidad Gerencial y su aplicación en las PYMES; realizar un análisis situacional del área de contabilidad y emplear el Modelo Costo – Volumen - Utilidad como herramienta administrativa. La metodología empleada se sustentó en un enfoque cuantitativo. Esta investigación fue de tipo descriptiva, exploratoria y documental apoyado en la indagación de distintas fuentes bibliográficas confiables. Los resultados alcanzados con la aplicación del Modelo Costo – Volumen – Utilidad en la empresa: arrojan un costo total de 82,01paraelescritorioejecutivoconunautilidadde82,01 para el escritorio ejecutivo con una utilidad de 17,99 a la vez el costo del armario ascendió 111,22conunautilidadde111,22 con una utilidad de 28,78. El punto de equilibrio trimestral para los escritorios fue de 8 unidades y para los armarios de 10. Estos datos permiten tomar decisiones gerenciales oportunas a la empresa

    La Gamificación como Didactica de Enseñanza de Matemáticas en la Educación Básica Media

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    The study proposes to investigate gamified tools that can be used by teachers in their classes and thus evolve traditional education, in such a way that it is attractive to the student and they display skills in their mathematics learning phase; The objective of the research was to determine the impact of gamification as a teaching didactics using digital technological tools. The applied methodology is established through a quasi-experimental program; we worked with a control group and an experimental group, the instrument was developed using the PISA model tests for the fourth year of mathematics of the Educational Unit "CEBLAG. Next, a gamified intervention proposal is programmed through five sessions aimed mainly at the experimental group, with planned activities and technological resources. The results of the proposal establish a significant progress after the intervention with gamification. It is concluded that these new ways of teaching through gamified modalities and resources open up new spaces to investigate different options on how to transmit knowledge to future generations.El estudio plantea investigar herramientas gamificadas que puedan ser empleadas por los docentes en sus clases y evolucionar así la educación tradicional, de tal forma que sea atrayente para el estudiante y desplieguen destrezas en su fase de aprendizaje de matemáticas; el objetivo de la investigación fue determinar el impacto de la gamificación como didáctica de enseñanza utilizando herramientas tecnológicas digitales. La metodología aplicada se establece mediante un programa cuasi-experimental; se trabajó con un grupo control y un grupo experimental, el instrumento se desarrolló mediante las pruebas modelo PISA para cuarto año de matemáticas de la Unidad Educativa “CEBLAG. Seguidamente se programa una propuesta de intervención gamificada mediante cinco sesiones orientadas principalmente al grupo experimental, con actividades planificadas y recursos tecnológicos. Los resultados de la propuesta establecen un progreso significativo luego de la intervención con gamificación. Se concluye que, estas nuevas formas de enseñar a través de modalidades y recursos gamificados, abren nuevos espacios para investigar distintas opciones de como transmitir el conocimiento a las futuras generaciones

    Temas selectos en ciencia de materiales i (pdf)

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    Se presentan una selección de 12 capítulos de diferentes investigadores , los temas de esta obra se encuentran relacionados con polímeros y sus compuestos, nanoestructuras metálicas y óxidos metálicos.El presente libro de investigación tiene como objetivo difundir a la comunidad estudiantil de nivel licenciatura y posgrado, principalmente, algunos temas de actualidad en el campo de Ciencia de Materiales, para motivarla e interesarla en esa área tan importante. Se espera también que el libro sea de utilidad para estudiantes de posgrado en Ciencias e Ingeniería de Materiales o áreas afines

    Realidad Aumentada Aplicada en la Enseñanza del Electromagnetismo

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    En los últimos años el término de Realidad Aumentada (RA) ha ido adquiriendo popularidad e importancia, considerándose como una tecnología clave para el mundo de los negocios y el entretenimiento. El uso de la RA en la educación muestra un potencial para mejorar el método de aprendizaje tradicional. La RA es un tópico que ha despertado el interés de muchas personas y más en el campo de la educación, ya que por ser tan novedoso resulta atractivo para los estudiantes porque representa una nueva forma de aprender por medio de otra tecnología. La aplicación propuesta ayuda a introducir a los estudiantes de una forma de interacción y visualización, en tres dimensiones, de los campos electromagnéticos. En este trabajo se propone una nueva forma de enseñar la interacción de las variables electromagnéticas

    Study of the Partial Substitution of Pb by Sn in Cs–Pb–Sn–Br Nanocrystals Owing to Obtaining Stable Nanoparticles with Excellent Optical Properties

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    Halide perovskites are revolutionizing the photovoltaic and optoelectronic fields with outstanding performances obtained in a remarkably short time. However, two major challenges remain: the long-term stability and the Pb content, due to its toxicity. Despite the great effort carried out to substitute the Pb by a less hazardous element, lead-free perovskite still remains more unstable than lead-containing perovskites and presents lower performance as well. In this work, we demonstrate the colloidal preparation of Cs–Pb–Sn–Br nanoparticles (NPs) where Sn is incorporated up to 18.8%. Significantly, we have demonstrated that the partial substitution of Pb by Sn does not produce a deleterious effect in their optical performance in terms of photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). We observed for the first time a positive effect in terms of enhancement of PLQY when Sn partially substitutes Pb in a considerable amount (i.e., higher than 5%). PLQYs as high as 73.4% have been obtained with a partial Pb replacement of 7% by Sn. We present a systematic study of the synthesis process in terms of different growth parameters (i.e., precursor concentration, time, and temperature of reaction) and how they influence the Sn incorporation and the PLQY. This high performance and long-term stability is based on a significant stabilization of Sn2+ in the NPs for several months, as determined by XPS analysis, and opens an interesting way to obtain less Pb-containing perovskite NPs with excellent optoelectronic properties