126 research outputs found

    Influence additives to motor oil on the characteristics of diesel engines, has worked in the non-stationary conditions oper

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    В статті розглянуто вплив присадок на зовнішньо-швидкісні характеристики дизелів, що працюють в нестаціонарних умовах. Виявлено збільшення рівня потужності та крутного моменту і зниження питомої витрати палива при додаванні присадок дисульфід молібдена, "НИОД-5", "Roil Gold, і "КГМТ-1" запропонованої авторами. Отримані результати обґрунтовуються впливом присадок на характеристики та властивості моторної оливи, її зношувальну здатність та припрацьованість основних спряжень дизелі. Визначено також відновлюваний характер властивостей оливи при додаванні присадок, що підтверджують експериментальні дослідження зміни моменту тертя з напрацюванням в різних режимах функціонування: безперервному і "пуск-зупинка". The article considers the influence of additives on the externally-speed characteristics of diesel engines operating under transient conditions. Investigations were carried out on the break-in-roller stand КС-276-032 to validate the running-in and testing of diesel engines in the cold no-load and hot load and no load. Testing procedures and evaluate the performance of the engine. In the basic engine oil added various functional additives in optimum concentrations. Speed range crankshaft commensurate with the operational range. Tests were carried out in a continuous mode, and the "start-stop". Revealed that the addition of molybdenum disulphide additives, "НИОД-5", "Roil Gold", and "КГМТ-1" suggested by the authors, increased levels of power and torque and reduced fuel consumption. The findings substantiate the influence of additives on the characteristics and properties of the engine oil, it wears capacity and runningmates main diesel. Restorative properties of the oil with the addition of additives, is supported by experimental studies of changes in the friction torque with operating in different modes of operation: continuous and "start-stop". In the used motor oil without making the test additives friction torque peaks recorded in a continuous mode and in the "start-stop". When making additive remained initial peak friction torque in continuous operation at the beginning of each period mode "start-stop". To some extent reduce the overall level of the friction torque value. The characteristic is that the moment of friction in the reduction of oil additives of magnitude lower than in the continuous mode

    Éthique de la recherche d’ADN sur les vestiges humains: cinq lignes directrices applicables à l'échelle globale.

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    Nous sommes un groupe d'archéologues, d’anthropologues, de conservateurs et de généticiens de différentes origines et représentant 31 pays. Nous nous sommes rencontrés en novembre 2020 lors d'une table ronde en ligne dédiée à l'éthique de la recherche d’ADN ancien. Nous avons alors convenu de la nécessité de lignes directrices éthiques applicables à l'échelle mondiale. Les recommandations publiées récemment et développées dans le cadre de recherches d’ADN sur des vestiges humains d’Amérique du Nord ne s’avèrent pas généralisables à d’autres régions du monde. Suite à l’analyse de divers contextes, nous proposons ici des lignes directrices que nous pensons être applicables partout dans le monde. Ces lignes directrices sont les suivantes : 1) les chercheurs doivent s'assurer que les règlements s’appliquant dans les lieux où ils travaillent ainsi que dans les lieux d’où proviennent les vestiges humains sont bien respectés ; 2) les chercheurs doivent préparer un programme de recherche détaillé avant de commencer toute étude ; 3) les chercheurs doivent minimiser les dommages causés aux vestiges humains ; 4) les chercheurs doivent s'assurer que les données seront disponibles après la publication pour permettre un réexamen critique des résultats scientifiques; et 5) les chercheurs doivent échanger avec toutes les parties impliquées dès le début de l’étude et respecter leurs points de vue. Nous nous engageons à respecter ces directives et nous souhaitons qu’elles contribuent au renforcement de la pratique éthique de notre champ de recherche.NWOVI.C.191.070Human Origin

    Extended longevity of DNA preservation in Levantine Paleolithic sediments, Sefunim Cave, Israel

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    Paleogenomic research can elucidate the evolutionary history of human and faunal populations. Although the Levant is a key land-bridge between Africa and Eurasia, thus far, relatively little ancient DNA data has been generated from this region, since DNA degrades faster in warm climates. As sediments can be a source of ancient DNA, we analyzed 33 sediment samples from different sedimentological contexts in the Paleolithic layers of Sefunim Cave (Israel). Four contained traces of ancient Cervidae and Hyaenidae mitochondrial DNA. Dating by optical luminescence and radiocarbon indicates that the DNA comes from layers between 30,000 and 70,000 years old, surpassing theoretical expectations regarding the longevity of DNA deposited in such a warm environment. Both identified taxa are present in the zooarchaeological record of the site but have since gone extinct from the region, and a geoarchaeological study suggests little movement of the sediments after their deposition, lending further support to our findings. We provide details on the local conditions in the cave, which we hypothesize were particularly conducive to the long-term preservation of DNA—information that will be pertinent for future endeavors aimed at recovering ancient DNA from the Levant and other similarly challenging contexts

    Microstratigraphic preservation of ancient faunal and hominin DNA in Pleistocene cave sediments

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    Ancient DNA recovered from Pleistocene sediments represents a rich resource for the study of past hominin and environmental diversity. However, little is known about how DNA is preserved in sediments and the extent to which it may be translocated between archaeological strata. Here, we investigate DNA preservation in 47 blocks of resin-impregnated archaeological sediment collected over the last four decades for micromorphological analyses at 13 prehistoric sites in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America and show that such blocks can preserve DNA of hominins and other mammals. Extensive microsampling of sediment blocks from Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains reveals that the taxonomic composition of mammalian DNA differs drastically at the millimeter-scale and that DNA is concentrated in small particles, especially in fragments of bone and feces (coprolites), suggesting that these are substantial sources of DNA in sediments. Three microsamples taken in close proximity in one of the blocks yielded Neanderthal DNA from at least two male individuals closely related to Denisova 5, a Neanderthal toe bone previously recovered from the same layer. Our work indicates that DNA can remain stably localized in sediments over time and provides a means of linking genetic information to the archaeological and ecological records on a microstratigraphic scale

    Multiple Deeply Divergent Denisovan Ancestries in Papuans

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    Genome sequences are known for two archaic hominins—Neanderthals and Denisovans—which interbred with anatomically modern humans as they dispersed out of Africa. We identified high-confidence archaic haplotypes in 161 new genomes spanning 14 island groups in Island Southeast Asia and New Guinea and found large stretches of DNA that are inconsistent with a single introgressing Denisovan origin. Instead, modern Papuans carry hundreds of gene variants from two deeply divergent Denisovan lineages that separated over 350 thousand years ago. Spatial and temporal structure among these lineages suggest that introgression from one of these Denisovan groups predominantly took place east of the Wallace line and continued until near the end of the Pleistocene. A third Denisovan lineage occurs in modern East Asians. This regional mosaic suggests considerable complexity in archaic contact, with modern humans interbreeding with multiple Denisovan groups that were geographically isolated from each other over deep evolutionary time

    Nuclear DNA from two early Neandertals reveals 80,000 years of genetic continuity in Europe

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    Little is known about the population history of Neandertals over the hundreds of thousands of years of their existence. We retrieved nuclear genomic sequences from two Neandertals, one from Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave in Germany and the other from Scladina Cave in Belgium, who lived around 120,000 years ago. Despite the deeply divergent mitochondrial lineage present in the former individual, both Neandertals are genetically closer to later Neandertals from Europe than to a roughly contemporaneous individual from Siberia. That the Hohlenstein-Stadel and Scladina individuals lived around the time of their most recent common ancestor with later Neandertals suggests that all later Neandertals trace at least part of their ancestry back to these early European Neandertals

    Direct evidence that late Neanderthal occupation precedes a technological shift in southwestern Italy

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    Objectives: During the middle-to-upper Paleolithic transition (50,000 and 40,000 years ago), interaction between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens varied across Europe. In southern Italy, the association between Homo sapiens fossils and non-Mousterian material culture, as well as the mode and tempo of Neanderthal demise, are still vividly debated. In this research, we focus on the study of two human teeth by using 3D geometric morphometric approaches for a reliable taxonomical attribution as well as obtaining new radiometric dates on the archeological sequence. Material and Methods: This work presents two lower deciduous molars uncovered at Roccia San Sebastiano (Mondragone-Caserta, Italy), stratigraphically associated with Mousterian (RSS1) and Uluzzian (RSS2) artifacts. To obtain a probabilistic attribution of the two RSS teeth to each reference taxa group composed of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, we performed and compared the performance of three supervised learning algorithms (flexible discriminant analysis, multiadaptive regression splines, and random forest) on both crown and cervical outlines obtained by virtual morphometric methods. Results: We show that RSS1, whose Mousterian context appears more recent than 44,800–44,230 cal BP, can be attributed to a Neanderthal, while RSS2, found in an Uluzzian context that we dated to 42,640–42,380 cal BP, is attributed to Homo sapiens. Discussion: This site yields the most recent direct evidence for a Neanderthal presence in southern Italy and confirms a later shift to upper Paleolithic technology in southwestern Italy compared to the earliest Uluzzian evidence at Grotta del Cavallo (Puglia, Italy)

    Direct evidence that late Neanderthal occupation precedes a technological shift in southwestern Italy

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    Objectives During the middle-to-upper Paleolithic transition (50,000 and 40,000 years ago), interaction between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens varied across Europe. In southern Italy, the association between Homo sapiens fossils and non-Mousterian material culture, as well as the mode and tempo of Neanderthal demise, are still vividly debated. In this research, we focus on the study of two human teeth by using 3D geometric morphometric approaches for a reliable taxonomical attribution as well as obtaining new radiometric dates on the archeological sequence. Material and Methods This work presents two lower deciduous molars uncovered at Roccia San Sebastiano (Mondragone-Caserta, Italy), stratigraphically associated with Mousterian (RSS1) and Uluzzian (RSS2) artifacts. To obtain a probabilistic attribution of the two RSS teeth to each reference taxa group composed of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, we performed and compared the performance of three supervised learning algorithms (flexible discriminant analysis, multiadaptive regression splines, and random forest) on both crown and cervical outlines obtained by virtual morphometric methods. Results We show that RSS1, whose Mousterian context appears more recent than 44,800-44,230 cal BP, can be attributed to a Neanderthal, while RSS2, found in an Uluzzian context that we dated to 42,640-42,380 cal BP, is attributed to Homo sapiens. Discussion This site yields the most recent direct evidence for a Neanderthal presence in southern Italy and confirms a later shift to upper Paleolithic technology in southwestern Italy compared to the earliest Uluzzian evidence at Grotta del Cavallo (Puglia, Italy)

    Neandertal and Denisovan DNA from Pleistocene sediments.

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    Although a rich record of Pleistocene human-associated archaeological assemblages exists, the scarcity of hominin fossils often impedes the understanding of which hominins occupied a site. Using targeted enrichment of mitochondrial DNA we show that cave sediments represent a rich source of ancient mammalian DNA that often includes traces of hominin DNA, even at sites and in layers where no hominin remains have been discovered. By automation-assisted screening of numerous sediment samples we detect Neandertal DNA in eight archaeological layers from four caves in Eurasia. In Denisova Cave we retrieved Denisovan DNA in a Middle Pleistocene layer near the bottom of the stratigraphy. Our work opens the possibility to detect the presence of hominin groups at sites and in areas where no skeletal remains are found