11 research outputs found

    Wdrażanie metod zarządzania jakością przez dostawców oprogramowania i odbiorców

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    The area in this paper is associated with using tools of improving the quality for the improvement in functioning of IT enterprises and tools which can be used by users-recipients of the software. Briefly characterized were tools which in the assessment of the author, can be used in the IT industry. An analysis was made on the possibility of the application of tools in individual phases of the life cycle of the software, particularly from the point of view of the supplier and the recipient. Also mentioned were specific methods applied for assuring qualities in computer enterprisesW referacie podjęto tematykę związaną z wykorzystaniem narzędzi doskonalenia jakości do poprawy funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw informatycznych oraz narzędzi, które mogą być wykorzystane przez użytkowników - odbiorców oprogramowania. Krótko scharakteryzowano narzędzia, które w ocenie autora, mogą być wykorzystane w branży informatycznej. Dokonano analizy możliwości zastosowań narzędzi w poszczególnych fazach cyklu życia oprogramowania, specyficznych z punktu widzenia dostawcy i odbiorcy Wymieniono także specyficzne metody stosowane do zapewniania jakości w przedsiębiorstwach o charakterze informatyczny

    Software development for Raspberry Pi mobile robot platform

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je istražiti i opisati moguće načine za izradu programske podrške otvorenog koda za Alphabot2-Pi robota te izrada pokaznih aplikacija koje koriste senzore. Koristila su se dva infracrvena senzora Alphabot2-Pi robota koji su korišteni za izbjegavanje objekata ispred Alphabot2-Pi robota te je korišten ultrazvučni senzor Alphabot2-Pi robota za slijeđenje i bježanje od objekta ispred Alphabot2-Pi robota i isti ultrazvučni senzor Alphabot2-Pi robota se koristio za mjerenje udaljenosti i izbjegavanja objekta koji mu je preblizu. Za izradu programske podrške korišten je programski jezik Python i objašnjen je način rada svakog programskog koda.The goal of this final paper was to study and to describe possible ways to build open source software for the Alpabot2-Pi robot and to create software that uses his sensors. Two infrared sensors from the Alphabot2-Pi robot are used to evade objects that are in front of the Alpabot2-Pi robot and an ultrasonic sensor from the Alpabot2-Pi robot is used to follow and escape an object that is in front of the Alpabot2-Pi robot, the same ultrasonic sensor from the Alpabot2-Pi robot is used for distance measuring to avoid an object that is too close to the Alpabot2-Pi robot . The programming laguage that was used to create the software is Python, all the created code was explained

    Software development for Raspberry Pi mobile robot platform

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je istražiti i opisati moguće načine za izradu programske podrške otvorenog koda za Alphabot2-Pi robota te izrada pokaznih aplikacija koje koriste senzore. Koristila su se dva infracrvena senzora Alphabot2-Pi robota koji su korišteni za izbjegavanje objekata ispred Alphabot2-Pi robota te je korišten ultrazvučni senzor Alphabot2-Pi robota za slijeđenje i bježanje od objekta ispred Alphabot2-Pi robota i isti ultrazvučni senzor Alphabot2-Pi robota se koristio za mjerenje udaljenosti i izbjegavanja objekta koji mu je preblizu. Za izradu programske podrške korišten je programski jezik Python i objašnjen je način rada svakog programskog koda.The goal of this final paper was to study and to describe possible ways to build open source software for the Alpabot2-Pi robot and to create software that uses his sensors. Two infrared sensors from the Alphabot2-Pi robot are used to evade objects that are in front of the Alpabot2-Pi robot and an ultrasonic sensor from the Alpabot2-Pi robot is used to follow and escape an object that is in front of the Alpabot2-Pi robot, the same ultrasonic sensor from the Alpabot2-Pi robot is used for distance measuring to avoid an object that is too close to the Alpabot2-Pi robot . The programming laguage that was used to create the software is Python, all the created code was explained

    Software development for Raspberry Pi mobile robot platform

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada bio je istražiti i opisati moguće načine za izradu programske podrške otvorenog koda za Alphabot2-Pi robota te izrada pokaznih aplikacija koje koriste senzore. Koristila su se dva infracrvena senzora Alphabot2-Pi robota koji su korišteni za izbjegavanje objekata ispred Alphabot2-Pi robota te je korišten ultrazvučni senzor Alphabot2-Pi robota za slijeđenje i bježanje od objekta ispred Alphabot2-Pi robota i isti ultrazvučni senzor Alphabot2-Pi robota se koristio za mjerenje udaljenosti i izbjegavanja objekta koji mu je preblizu. Za izradu programske podrške korišten je programski jezik Python i objašnjen je način rada svakog programskog koda.The goal of this final paper was to study and to describe possible ways to build open source software for the Alpabot2-Pi robot and to create software that uses his sensors. Two infrared sensors from the Alphabot2-Pi robot are used to evade objects that are in front of the Alpabot2-Pi robot and an ultrasonic sensor from the Alpabot2-Pi robot is used to follow and escape an object that is in front of the Alpabot2-Pi robot, the same ultrasonic sensor from the Alpabot2-Pi robot is used for distance measuring to avoid an object that is too close to the Alpabot2-Pi robot . The programming laguage that was used to create the software is Python, all the created code was explained

    Simulation and Experimental Study of the Termo-Mechanical Effect of the Milling Process of 7075 Aluminium Alloy

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    This study combined simulation and experimental tests to analyse the cutting performance of three solid carbide end mills with distinct geometries during the milling of the 7075 aluminium alloy. For the tests, three uncoated end mills were employed, which differed in rake angle, clearance angle, and helical pitch. Simulation tests revealed temperature distributions and the resultant cutting forces. The machining with a milling cutter with a higher blade angle was shown to cause an increase in the temperature in the cutting zone. However, during machining with a sharper blade of cutting tool, a decrease of cutting forces was not observed. The simulated temperature distribution on the cutting edge of the cutting tool may justify significant differences in the dynamics of changes in the cutting force components during the period of operational wear