93 research outputs found

    Les savoirs archéologiques au Maghreb

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    On dit souvent du Maghreb qu’il est un « carrefour de civilisations ». Ce qui est certain, c’est que BerbĂšres, Carthaginois, Romains, Vandales, Byzantins et Arabes y ont laissĂ© des traces : des milliers de vestiges sont rĂ©pertoriĂ©s, des centaines de sites archĂ©ologiques classĂ©s, une vingtaine de biens culturels inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. Des institutions et des lois y structurent l’activitĂ© archĂ©ologique ; des filiĂšres universitaires y forment des corps de spĂ©cia..

    Les « patrimoines ruraux » au Maroc : Un nouveau produit des mobilités contemporaines ?

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    The concept of « patrimony » (heritage) is currently emerging and being developped in rural areas in Morocco where material and mental elements of agro-pastoral cultures are re-qualified ​​and considered as important assets to preserve for future generations. Revelation, redefinition, protection or development of these assets have emerged in relation to recent processes targeting the economic development and territorial qualification of local products (“terroir products”), landscapes and know-how. However, “mobility” also appears central in these patrimony development dynamics, with, on the one hand, the emergence of new actors on the rural scene such as "experts" in local products development, tourism operators and tourists, rural fairs promoters, and on the other hand the increased circulation of ideas, development models, capital and goods, This working paper aims to analyze patrimony development dynamics and processes in the light of these new dynamics linked to mobility, relocation and circulation that mark the rural contexts. We also analyze how far the increased movement of goods and people in the new dynamics of rural areas in Morocco generate anchoring/dis-anchoring (or associative/dissociative) dynamics, or impact on the relationships between rural and urban patrimonies.La notion de patrimoine est appliquĂ©e aujourd’hui au Maroc aux territoires ruraux : les Ă©lĂ©ments matĂ©riels et idĂ©els des systĂšmes agraires et pastoraux sont investis de nouvelles valeurs et considĂ©rĂ©s comme des biens Ă  conserver pour les gĂ©nĂ©rations futures. Les processus de rĂ©vĂ©lation et de redĂ©finition de ces « patrimoines » sont souvent mis en relation avec les changements du rapport des sociĂ©tĂ©s au territoire induits par la valorisation et la qualification des produits, des paysages et des savoirs faire. Dans ces processus, la mobilitĂ© des hommes et la circulation des idĂ©es, des modĂšles de dĂ©veloppement, des capitaux et des marchandises, jouent un rĂŽle central. Cet article propose d’analyser ces processus Ă  la lumiĂšre des nouvelles dynamiques mobilitaires qui marquent les contextes ruraux et oĂč sont impliquĂ©es diffĂ©rentes catĂ©gories d’acteurs : « experts » actifs dans la valorisation des produits de terroir, entrepreneurs touristiques et touristes, promoteurs des foires Ă  thĂšme. Nous aborderons aussi les effets d’ancrage (ou de « dĂ©sancrage ») territorial et identitaire, ainsi que les nouvelles relations entre patrimoines ruraux et patrimoines urbains, gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s par la circulation accrue des produits et des hommes

    Anesthesia induction, emergence, and postoperative behaviors in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders

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    Given the increasing prevalence of attention-deficit and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), anesthesiologists are now presented with a greater number of children who are diagnosed with these conditions. This prospective, observational study was designed to compare anesthesia induction, emergence, and postoperative behaviors in children with and without ADHD.The sample included 268 children, 4–17 years of age undergoing elective surgery with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD. A cohort of children without ADHD, matched for age, gender, and procedure served as controls. Preoperative cooperation, induction, and emergence behaviors were measured using established scales. Postoperative maladaptive behaviors were measured using a modified Post-Hospital Behavioral Questionnaire that was administered via telephone 1 week after surgery.Children with ADHD were significantly less cooperative at induction of anesthesia compared with controls (20.9% vs 10.6% respectively, P  = 0.001). Although some control children exhibited an increase in maladaptive behaviors postoperatively, these behaviors were significantly greater among children with ADHD. In particular, relative to their normal behaviors, children with ADHD had greater difficulties in concentration and decision-making; were more disobedient, impulsive, fidgety, had poor appetite; were difficult to talk to; and exhibited an increase in temper tantrums following surgery.This is the first prospective study to our knowledge that has examined the perioperative and postoperative behaviors of children with ADHD compared to those without this disorder. These results are important in alerting anesthesiologists, parents, and teachers to the potential for difficulties during induction of anesthesia and postoperative behavioral problems at home and in school, respectively.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79317/1/j.1460-9592.2010.03268.x.pd

    Prevalence and contributing factors to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:a study of five- to fifteen-year-old children in Zhabei District, Shanghai

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    INTRODUCTION: This work aims to understand the features among 5- to 15-year-old children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Zhabei District in Shanghai. METHODS: Children with ADHD were studied using general background questionnaire, ADHD symptom rating questionnaire, and cluster-stratified sampling. A total of 9,900 valid questionnaires were utilized in this study. We conducted diagnostic interviews with suspected ADHD children and their parents using the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Edition) for ADHD. RESULTS: The prevalence rate of ADHD among the children was 4.6%, of which 2.4%, 0.4%, and 1.8% had ADHD-I ADHD-HI, and ADHD-C types, respectively. The prevalence rates in boys and girls were 6.6% and 2.7% (ratio, 2.41 : 1), respectively. Significant differences in prevalence rate were found among children with different age groups and ADHD types. Children aged 7-10 years had the highest prevalence rate (6.3%). Externally, residence children had higher prevalence than local residents. Significant differences in prevalence rate were also found among children with parents having different educational and socioeconomic level. DISCUSSION: The prevalence of ADHD-HI was higher than the other two types. The highest prevalence was observed in 7- to 10-year-old children. The influential factors of ADHD prevalence were age, gender, and educational level

    Comorbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorder complexity and chronicity in treatment-seeking adults

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    Introduction and Aims - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a known risk factor for substance use disorder (SUD); however, the potential additive contribution of comorbid ADHD to drug-specific dependence in SUD populations is largely unknown. The current study aimed to assess this association between ADHD symptoms and drug-specific SUD complexity and chronicity. Design and Methods - A cross-sectional survey was administered to a convenience sample of 489 adults receiving SUD treatment at 16 Australian drug and alcohol treatment centres between September 2010 and August 2011. Participants were screened for adult ADHD symptoms using the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale. Associations between ADHD screening status and drug-specific SUD complexity and chronicity were assessed using multivariate logistic and modified Poisson regression analysis, controlling for a range of potential confounders. Results - Overall, 215 (44%) patients screened positive for concurrent adult ADHD and SUD. After Simes' correction, a significant positive association was observed between ADHD screening status and current amphetamine SUD (odds ratio (OR) = 1.85; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.19–2.36). Patients who screened positive for ADHD were significantly more likely to report SUD history for heavy alcohol use (OR = 2.05; 95% CI: 1.21–3.45) and amphetamine (OR = 1.96; 95% CI: 1.26–3.06) as well as significantly increased risk of moderate (3–4 years) duration for benzodiazepine and amphetamine SUDs and long (≄5 years) duration for alcohol, opiates other than heroin or methadone, and amphetamine SUDs. Discussion and Conclusions - The findings provide evidence that there is increased drug dependence complexity and chronicity in treatment-seeking SUD patients who screen positively for ADHD, specifically for amphetamine, alcohol, opiates other than heroin or methadone, and benzodiazepines

    Diversidade de resultados no estudo do transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade

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    Com este artigo pretende-se abordar a problemĂĄtica da diversidade de dados na investigação do Transtorno de DĂ©ficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Apresenta-se uma revisĂŁo da literatura centrada na heterogeneidade de conclusĂ”es relativas Ă  caracterização do transtorno, Ă  distinção dos subtipos, aos contextos de informação, Ă s diferenças de gĂȘnero e Ă  comorbidade. Na tentativa de compreender a disparidade de conclusĂ”es, salientam-se potenciais fatores explicativos, nomeadamente a heterogeneidade das amostras, a diversidade de metodologias e de procedimentos de investigação, entre outros.With this paper we aimed at addressing the problem of data diversity in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) research. We present a literature review based on the heterogeneity of findings about the characterization of the disorder, subtypes differentiation, sources of information, sex differences and comorbidities. In an effort to understand the variety of findings, we underline potential explanations, such as the sample’s heterogeneity or the multiplicity of methods and procedures, among others.(undefined

    Imitation and intangibility: postmodern perspectives on restoration and authenticity at the Hill House Box, Scotland

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    Restoration is often problematised within built heritage practice as an inauthentic activity of imitation. This is symptomatic of a Western focus on physical heritage sites, which is underpinned by an amalgam of scientific materialism and visual aesthetics. Situated within a postmodern conceptualisation of heritage as increasingly dynamic, social and intangible, this study suggests the relationship between restoration and authenticity is increasingly out of step with contemporary perspectives and would benefit from a critical gaze. Drawing on Baudrillard’s theory of ‘hyperreality’, this study makes space for two key concepts within the built heritage paradigm: authenticity as emergent and fluid; and the legitimisation of imitation as a valid activity. Together, these are explored in relation to the restoration of the Hill House, Scotland, and its encapsulation within the ‘Hill House Box’. From a postmodern, Baudrillardian outlook, the site becomes a dynamic performance between the restored building (a tangible ‘simulation’ of an idealised essence) and the users of the Hill House Box (an intangible, ritualised experience). Consequently, this demonstrates how the amalgamation of imitation and intangibility can overcome binary views of original/copy; authentic/inauthentic, resulting in the creation of emergent authenticity and aura that the Box both creates and is engulfed within
