128 research outputs found

    Ophavsret - Fra pionerarbejde til etableret biblioteksservice

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    I takt med digitalisering og stigningen i online undervisning er ophavsretslige spørgsmål begyndt at fylde mere og mere for både biblioteker og deres moderinstitutioner. REVY har taget pulsen på arbejdet med ophavsret rundt omkring i det danske bibliotekslandskab med bidrag fra Aalborg Universitetsbibliotek, Københavns Universitets Biblioteksservice og Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek

    Enhancements in nocturnal surface ozone at urban sites in the UK

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    Analysis of diurnal patterns of surface ozone (O3) at multiple urban sites in the UK shows the occurrence of prominent nocturnal enhancements during the winter months (November–March). Whilst nocturnal surface ozone (NSO) enhancement events have been observed at other locations, this is the first time that such features have been demonstrated to occur in the UK and the second location globally. The observed NSO enhancement events in the UK were found to be so prevalent that they are clearly discernible in monthly diurnal cycles averaged over several years of data. Long-term (2000–2010) analysis of hourly surface ozone data from 18 urban background stations shows a bimodal diurnal variation during the winter months with a secondary nighttime peak around 0300 hours along with the primary daytime peak. For all but one site, the daily maxima NSO concentrations during the winter months exceeded 60 μg/m3 on >20 % of the nights. The highest NSO value recorded was 118 μg/m3. During the months of November, December, and January, the monthly averaged O3 concentrations observed at night (0300 h) even exceeded those observed in the daytime (1300 h). The analysis also shows that these NSO enhancements can last for several hours and were regional in scale, extending across several stations simultaneously. Interestingly, the urban sites in the north of the UK exhibited higher NSO than the sites in the south of the UK, despite their daily maxima being similar. In part, this seems to be related to the sites in the north typically having lower concentrations of nitrogen oxides

    Palynomorphs of the Normapolles group and related plant mesofossils from the Iharkút vertebrate site, Bakony Mountains (Hungary)

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    Abstract Palynological and paleobotanical investigation of bonebeds and other strata of the Csehbánya Formation from the vertebrate locality at Iharkút (Bakony Mts, Hungary) reveals well-preserved Santonian palynological assemblages dominated by the Normapolles group, with a minor component consisting of other angiosperm pollen, some gymnosperm pollen, and spores. Eleven species of Normapolles-type pollen grains belonging to seven genera and fruit remains of a new taxon, Sphaeracostata barbackae gen. et sp. nov., are described. The new species is very abundant in the material, represented by ca. 1000 specimens. The genus Caryanthus Friis and an unnamed form previously reported from Haţeg by Lindfors et al. (2010) are also present. Plants producing Normapolles-type pollen grains diversified during the Late Cretaceous, with a bloom in the Santonian. The palynostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous terrestrial sediments in the studied region is based on Normapolles-related species. The studied assemblage is assigned to the Oculopollis zaklinskaiae-Tetracolporopollenites (Brecolpites) globosus Zone (or Zone C) indicating a late Santonian age. Comparison of the Iharkút palynoflora with other known Upper Cretaceous palynofloras of Central Europe shows diachronous occurrence of Normapolles taxa at different geographic localities and warrants further investigation. The ecological requirements of the amphibian fauna reflect azonal conditions controlled by the availability of water, which is in agreement with the inferred ecological conditions based on the paleobotanical investigations. The fauna is of entirely non-marine character, further supported by isotope studies, in line with our data showing that the palynological samples contain no marine forms

    Fixing the Error: Debugging in Norwegian Computing Education

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    Tanken om at alle skal lære om programmering og andre datarelaterte fagfelt er synleg i dagens pedagogiske utvikling. Vi ser det mellom anna i Fagfornyinga av det norske læreplanverket som kom i 2020, Kompetanseløftet 2020. Det nye læreplanverket har eit eksplisitt fokus på programmering, både i fellesfaga og i eigne valfag. Ein viktig del av programmering er feilsøking, som er prosessen av å oppdage, finne og rette opp feil i dataprogram. Sjølv om feilsøking er ein prosess som utøvande programmerarar og utviklarar kan bruke opp til halvparten av tida si på, er feilsøking ein underrepresentert del av programmeringsundervisinga. Dette gjeld både i grunnopplæringa og ved høgare utdanning i opptil fleire land. Feilsøking er eit hinder i klasserommet, og fører til at elevar blir frustrerte når dei skal programmere. Til tross for dette finst det ingen vedtekne retningslinjer for korleis ein burde drive verken feilsøking eller undervising av feilsøking. Dette forskingsprosjektet har som mål å skape forståing for korleis feilsøking kan integrerast i norsk programmeringsundervising. For å nå målet vil vi sjå på kva ferdigheiter og kunnskap ein må ha, og kva mogleggjerande eller grensande faktorar som finst, for at lærarar skal kunne utvikle sin feilsøking og feilsøkingsdidaktikk. Fokuset i forskingsprosjektet er ferdigheiter og kunnskap om feilsøking, i tillegg til feilsøkingsdidaktikk frå programmeringsundervisaren sitt perspektiv. For å undersøke fenomenet har læringsmål for undervisarar blitt designa gjennom design science research. Prosjektet består av 3 rundar med design: 1) design av første utkast av læringsmål, 2) ekspertevaluering og 3) lærarevaluering. Etter dei tre designrundane var resultatet 5 læringsmål for lærarar si utvikling av feilsøkingsferdigheiter og -didaktikk. Læringsmåla er A) kunnskap om ulike typar programfeil, B) korleis bruke feilsøkingsstrategiar, C) korleis fremje ein klasseromskultur for feilsøking, D) korleis fremje sjølvstendigheit og problemløysing i elevar si feilsøking og E) korleis digitale verktøy kan gje stø i feilskingsprosessen. Dei grensande faktorane for lærarar si utvikling av læringsmåla er mangel på tid og mangel på lærestoff. For å ta høve for dette burde lærestoff som baserer seg på læringsmåla vere tilpassa spesifikke fag og bestå av materiale og aktivitetar som kan brukast direkte i klasseromsundervisinga

    Landet mitt, land mitt, mitt land eller mitt landet? DP-fraser med possessivpronomen i norsk som andrespråk

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    I denne studien har jeg undersøkt hvilken effekt noens morsmål har på deres andrespråksproduksjon. Den lingvistiske strukturen jeg har fokusert på, er DP-fraser med adnominalt possessivpronomen. Nærmere bestemt posisjonen til possessivpronomenet og definittheten til kjernenomenet i slike fraser. Måten jeg har gjort dette på, er å samle inn data fra det elektroniske andrespråkskorpuset ASK. Jeg undersøkte 1717 ytringer produsert av informanter med engelsk, spansk og albansk som morsmål. Etter å ha funnet ut frekvensen av prenominalt og postnominalt possessivpronomen for hver morsmålsgruppe, og undersøkt definittheten til kjernenomenet i slike fraser, har jeg sammenlignet mønstrene fra de ulike morsmålsgruppene med hverandre og den tilsvarende frasestrukturen i morsmålet deres. I tillegg til dette har jeg kontrollert for andre variabler som innputt, typologisk nærhet, kognitiv kompleksitet og transfer fra engelsk som andrespråk. Resultatene tyder på at morsmålsinnflytelse er én av faktorene som har en betydningsfull innflytelse på andrespråksproduksjon

    The Schönflies conjecture

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    In this degree project we define elementary notions of differential topology aswell as n-dimensional k-handles and relate these to Morse theory. Moreover, we define integral Morse homology and reference its equivalence to singularhomology. We then go on to state the Schönflies conjecture and prove it forn > 5 by induction over the Morse chain complex using handle slides and the Whitney trick. Having completed the proof, we relate the Schönflies conjectureto the h-cobordism theorem and the generalised Poincar´e conjecture

    The Straw Cooling System in the ATLAS TRT

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    This technical note deals with the straw cooling system for the TRT End-caps in the ATLAS detector. The combination of a high gas flow requirement and small gas volumes yield unfavourable properties in terms of control stability. Early experiments on a prototype of the final cooling system, showed that pressure losses in the gas distribution lines must be decreased to fulfil the pressure control requirements. One part of this note is devoted to a cfd analysis of a critical component, an elbow duct, in the gas distribution line. To enable analyses of the overall cooling system dynamics, generic simulation components were created and applied in a simulation of the prototype cooling system. The simulation was verified by an equivalent experiment on the prototype cooling system. The manifolds that distribute and collect the gas in the group-of-wheels are dealt with in the last chapter where results from a fluid mechanical model implemented in Matlab are compared to values obtained by experiment

    metno/seNorge2: seNorge2

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    seNorge version 2. Norwegian high-resolution (1Km) gridded climatological datasets for daily average temperature and accumulated precipitation. Time interval: 1957-2015. The datasets are obtained through statistical interpolation of in-situ observations from: (a) Norwegian Climatological Database (eklima.no); (b) European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ecad.eu). First release

    Nurses’ experience of threats and violence in inpatient care : A literature review

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    Bakgrund: Enligt internationell forskning utsätts hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal i stor omfattning för hot och våld i arbetet och sjuksköterskor är särskilt utsatta. Ett område inom sjukvården med hög prevalens av hot och våld är sluten vård. Hot och våld kan bestå i verbalt våld i form av kränkningar, hot, sexuella anspelningar samt fysiskt våld. Hot och våld kan bero på olika faktorer, däribland patienten själv, sjuksköterskans kommunikation eller miljömässiga faktorer. Hot och våld kan få konsekvenser för både sjuksköterskans hälsa och välbefinnande, patientsäkerheten, omvårdnaden och organisationen. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld från patienter som vårdas inom sluten vård. Metod: En litteraturstudie bestående av 11 kvalitativa studier där data analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Litteraturstudien resulterade i fem kategorier: olika former av hot och våld, en del av arbetet, bidragande faktorer till hot och våld, hantering av hot och våld samt konsekvenser av hot och våld. Konsekvenser av hot och våld hade underkategorierna psykosociala konsekvenser, fysiska konsekvenser och konsekvenser för omvårdnaden. Hantering av hot och våld hade underkategorierna förebyggande åtgärder, strategier för hantering av pågående våld, copingstrategier, incidentrapportering och stöd. Konklusion: Hot och våld mot sjuksköterskor medför ett allvarligt problem för sjuksköterskan både privat och professionellt. Sjuksköterskor upplever konsekvenser för både sig själva, patientens omvårdnad samt för hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationen. Åtgärder behöver vidtas på flera plan för att förebygga och hantera hot och våld inom sluten vård vilket innebär att hot och våld skulle behöva beforskas ytterligare ur olika perspektiv. Background: According to international research, health care workers are exposed to high levels of threat and violence at work and nurses are particularly exposed. One area of healthcare with high prevalence of threats and violence is inpatient care. Threats and violence can consist of verbal violence such as insults, threats, sexual harassment and physical violence. Threats and violence can be caused by various factors, including the patient, the nurse's communication or environmental factors. Threats and violence can lead to consequences for nurses' health and wellbeing, patient safety and nursing care but also the organization. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe nurses' experiences of threats and violence from patients in inpatient care. Method: A literature review consisting of 11 qualitative studies with data analyzed by qualitative content analysis was conducted. Results: The literature study resulted in five categories: different forms of threats and violence, part of the work, contributing factors to threats and violence, dealing with threats and violence and consequences of threats and violence. Consequences of threat and violence had three subcategories; psychosocial consequences, physical consequences and nursing consequences. Management of threats and violence had five subcategories; prevention, strategies for managing ongoing violence, coping strategies, incident reporting and support. Conclusion: Threats and violence against nurses is a severe problem for nurses both personally and professionally. Nurses experience consequences for themselves, the patient's care, and the healthcare organization. Measures need to be taken at several levels to prevent and manage threats and violence in inpatient care, which means that threats and violence needs further research from different perspectives.

    Pharmacokinetics of high-dose methotrexate in infants treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Background. Interfant-99 was an international collaborative treatment protocol for infants with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Procedure. We collected data on 103 infants at the time of their first treatment with high-dose methotrexate (HD MTX), 5 g/m2. Children <6 months of age received two-third of the calculated dose based on body surface area (BSA), children 6-12 months three- fourth of the calculated dose, and children >12 months full dose. Results. The median steady-state MTX concentration at the end of the 24-hr infusion was 57.8 mM (range 9.5-313). The median systemic clearance was 6.22 L/hr/m2 BSA, and tended to increase with age (P = 0.099). Boys had higher clearance than girls, 6.77 and 5.28 L/hr/ m2 (P = 0.030), and tended to have lower median MTX concen-tration at 24 hr. Eight infants had MTX levels below 20 mM, a level judged to be sufficient in B-lineage ALL in children >1 year of age. All infants tolerated the dose well enough to receive a second dose of HD MTX wi