49 research outputs found

    Personalized bank campaign using artificial neural networks

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsNowadays, high market competition requires Banks to focus more at individual customers´ behaviors. Specifically, customers prefer a personal relationship with the finance institution and they want to receive exclusive offers. Thus, a successful cross-sell and up- sell personalized campaign requires to know the individual client interest for the offer. The aim of this project is to create a model, that, is able to identify the probability of a customer to buy a product of the bank. The strategic plan is to run a long-term personalized campaign and the challenge is to create a model which remains accurate during this time. The source datasets consist of 12 dataMarts, which represent a monthly snapshot of the Bank’s dataWarehouse between April 2016 and March 2017. They consist of 191 original variables, which contain personal and transactional information and around 1.400.000 clients each. The selected modeling technique is Artificial Neural Networks and specifically, Multilayer Perceptron running with Back-propagation. The results showed that the model performs well and the business can use it to optimize the profitability. Despite the good results, business must monitor the model´s outputs to check the performance through time

    Risk Management to Enhance Performance in the Construction SME Sector; Theory and Case Study

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    Dynamic changes and increasing competition in global markets have caused changes in the management of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Due to this fact, many SME companies try to implement different methods for strategy and operation management, quality and improvement management, risk management, etc. But the problem is the efficiency and implementation of these methods in the SME company. One way to achieve higher efficiency is the integration of management methods, meaning the combination of performance management with quality, process and risk management. This approach is also recommended in the ISO standards for quality. It was reflected in a new revision of the ISO 9001 standards in the year 2015. Performance can be described by the financial and non-financial key performance indicators (KPI), covering the cost, quality and time indicators that have been implemented in the balanced scorecard framework (BSC). The aim of this chapter is to present a methodological framework, which leads to the integration of the key performance indicators (KPI) in relation to the key risk indicators (KRI), which may affect the KPIs and overall SME performance. This framework combines a process analysis and modelling with risk and qualitative or quantitative risk assessment techniques. The case study describes its practical implementation and the verification of the designed framework. The results of this research will help to build an effective management system for performance and risk management and quality management for the business processes of SMEs

    A pedo-transfer function for predicting the physical quality of agricultural soils

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    Pedo-transfer functions are mathematical equations that use basic features describing the soil (e.g. particle size distribution, bulk density, organic matter content) in order to predict other properties the values of which are not otherwise available. To predict the physical quality of agricultural soils a pedo-transfer function that uses basic soil properties (e.g. particle size distribution, dry bulk density, organic matter content) was produced. Evaluation of the soil physical quality was done by using the S index values. S is a measure of soil structure which controls many of the physical properties of soils. S index was calculated after using the Arya-Paris model in order to obtain the parameters from van Genuchten equation that describe the water retention properties of soils. Data analysis from 1923 soil horizons showed that the S index can be predicted by a single equation from basic soil features, such as clay contents and dry bulk density values that were taken as independent data variables. A statistically significant multiple linear regression equation was found and proposed as pedo-transfer function for prediction of the soil physical quality index, S (r2 = 0.41; p < 0.0001). Pedo-transfer functions are useful solutions for investigation of different aspects of the physical quality of agricultural soils that do not have readily-available measured data

    Agroclimatic conditions in Europe under climate change

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    o date, projections of European crop yields under climate change have been based almost entirely on the outputs of crop-growth models. While this strategy can provide good estimates of the effects of climatic factors, soil conditions and management on crop yield, these models usually do not capture all of the important aspects related to crop management, or the relevant environmental factors. Moreover, crop-simulation studies often have severe limitations with respect to the number of crops covered or the spatial extent. The present study, based on agroclimatic indices, provides a general picture of agroclimatic conditions in western and central Europe (study area lays between 8.5°W–27°E and 37–63.5°N), which allows for a more general assessment of climate-change impacts. The results obtained from the analysis of data from 86 different sites were clustered according to an environmental stratification of Europe. The analysis was carried for the baseline (1971–2000) and future climate conditions (time horizons of 2030, 2050 and with a global temperature increase of 5 °C) based on outputs of three global circulation models. For many environmental zones, there were clear signs of deteriorating agroclimatic condition in terms of increased drought stress and shortening of the active growing season, which in some regions become increasingly squeezed between a cold winter and a hot summer. For most zones the projections show a marked need for adaptive measures to either increase soil water availability or drought resistance of crops. This study concludes that rainfed agriculture is likely to face more climate-related risks, although the analyzed agroclimatic indicators will probably remain at a level that should permit rainfed production. However, results suggests that there is a risk of increasing number of extremely unfavorable years in many climate zones, which might result in higher interannual yield variability and constitute a challenge for proper crop management

    Risk assessment methodologies of soil threats in Europe: status and options for harmonization for risks by erosion, compaction, salinization, organic matter decline and landslides

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    The EU thematic strategy for soil protection recognizes that soil degradation through erosion, soil organic matter decline, compaction, salinization and landslides occurs in specific areas, and that these areas must be identified in an unequivocal way. Currently, there are various risk assessment methodologies (RAMs) and the question has risen to what extent these RAMs yield similar outcome and, if not, whether the outcome can be harmonized, i.e. whether the results of the various RAMs can be made compatible or comparable. In this study i) the current status of RAMs for erosion, soil organic matter decline, compaction, and salinization in the European Union (EU27) is reviewed, and ii) the need and the options for harmonization are assessed. The need for harmonization was defined as the likelihood of achieving different outcomes when using different RAMs, whereas the options for harmonization refer to the efforts that are required to harmonize soil RAMs. The current status of RAMSs in EU-27 was assessed on the basis of questionnaires, which were sent out to soil specialists and policy officers in all Member States. We received more than 100 (response rate >50%) completed questionnaires. It turned out that many of the so called RAMs are still incomplete; they are ‘process (or threat) quantifications’ rather than methodologies that assess the risk of a soil threat. Moreover, there were significant differences between RAMs for a soil threat in terms of (i) the notion of the threat, (ii) data collection, (iii) data processing, (iv) data interpretation, and (v) risk perception. The need for harmonization appeared highest for erosion and salinization, whereas the options for harmonization were best for SOM decline. Harmonization of soil RAMs may be very complex and for that reason not always feasible. We suggest two options that may facilitate unequivocal identification of risk (or priority) areas for soil threats, i) a two Tiered approach based on data availability and spatial scale and ii) generic harmonization, i.e. combining standardization and harmonization in a rather pragmatic wa

    Production Hall with Facilities

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    katedra ocelových a dřevěných konstrukc

    Design of the system for individual specification wheelchair for disabled persons

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    Diplomová práce obsahuje statistiky postižených osob v ČR. Přehled tělesných postižení. Dále pak návrh systému pro individuální zaměření rozměrů. Postup při polohování osoby na měřícím zařízení a odměření nastavených rozměrů. Vytvořený model v CAD systému.Katedra konstruování strojůObhájenoThe thesis contains statistics of disabled persons in the Czech Republic. It is an overview of disability. Furthermore, the system design focuses on individual dimensions and the procedure for positioning a person on the measuring device and measuring the dimensions of the set. This model was created in CAD system

    Hudební vizualizér pro virtuální realitu

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    Thesis "Music visualiser for virtual reality" deals with theoretical basis of developing mobile app and the actual development. The theoretical basis describes the definition and interpretation technology for virtual reality. Further discussion of software and hardware used to implement the application. Also examining the principles of sound signal and music visualization and then designing the app. The practical part describes how to create 3D environment and how to transfer it into the environment SceneKit framework. Consequently, the principles of which were used for programming the response of the 3D scene to playing music via head movement of the user, testing and optimization

    USB device to convert serial USB communication to parallel communication for external control logic, functional devices controlled via USB interface including software

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    The bachelor work deals with the design and construction of the functional USB device, design and manufacture of PCB, programming software and creating a user interface for controlling the device via the PC. The main function of the device is controlling RGB LEDs in module's different modes

    Humor in the songs of Czech folk songwriters

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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na studium specifického postavení diskurzu humoru v písňových textech českého folku. V úvodní části jsou pro jednotlivé fenomény stanoveny koncepční a metodické rámce, které v následující části jejich komplexním uchopením poskytují podklady pro narativní a literární výzkum. V závěrečné části diplomové práce je tento výzkum zaměřen na vybrané praktické příklady humorného narativu ve folkové písni, jejichž prostřednictvím bude poskytnut příspěvek k problematice ideálně typické konstrukci české národní povahy.The diploma thesis focuses on the study of the specific position of the discourses of humor in song lyrics of Czech folk music. In the introductory part, conceptual and methodological frameworks are defined for individual phenomena, which in the following part, through comprehensive perception provide their basis for narrative and literary research. In the final part of the diploma thesis this research is focused on selected practical examples of humorous narrative in the folk song, which will provide a contribution to the issue of ideal-typical concept of Czech national character.Ústav české literatury a komparatistikyDepartment of Czech and Comparative LiteratureFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult