1,215 research outputs found

    Environment reporters and U.S. journalists: A comparative analysis

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    This study provides baseline data regarding environment reporters in the twenty-first century, and then compares this baseline information about a specialized journalism beat to existing studies of U.S. journalists in general. This comparison between 652 environmental journalists working at daily newspapers and television stations and more than 1,000 U.S. journalists in general found that these reporters share many individual and work-related characteristics, perhaps due in part to their similar backgrounds and to the basic professional training received by most journalists. The authors propose a uniform theory of journalism education, arguing that journalists are journalists first because they are linked by their studies, training, and experience, and that differences among reporters may be related to variations in their education. The researchers also found that newspapers employ more specialized reporters than do television stations, and that the bigger the newspaper, the more specialists, suggesting that bigger is better for specialized reporting

    Wrestling with objectivity and fairness: U.S. environment reporters and the business community

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    Environment reporters have been criticized for allegedly having an antibusiness bias. This study, based on a series of regional surveys including 364 U.S. environment reporters, found the journalists commonly used a business or economics framework for their stories. The reporters used some business organizations as sources more often than some environmental groups. They acknowledged the need to be fair to both corporations and environmental activists. Nevertheless, a substantial minority of these environment reporters said they struggled with the issue of whether their peers are “too green.

    A valence bond liquid on the honeycomb lattice

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    The honeycomb lattice material Li2RuO3 undergoes a dimerization of Ru4+ cations on cooling below 270C, where the magnetic susceptibility vanishes. We use density functional theory calculations to show that this reflects the formation of a 'valence bond crystal', with a strong bond disproportionation. On warming, x-ray diffraction shows that discrete three-fold symmetry is regained on average, and the dimerization apparently disappears. In contrast, local structural measurements using high-energy x-rays, show that disordered dimers survive at the nanoscale up to at least 650C. The high temperature phase of Li2RuO3 is thus an example of a valence bond liquid, where thermal fluctuations drive resonance between different dimer coverages, a classic analogue of the resonating valence bond state often discussed in connection with high Tc_c cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, References correcte

    The pre-main sequence spectroscopic binary UZ Tau East: improved orbital parameters and accretion phase dependence

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    We present radial-velocity measurements obtained using high- and intermediate-resolution spectroscopic observations of the classical T Tauri star UZ Tau East obtained from 1994 to 1996. We also provide measurements of Hα\alpha equivalent widths and optical veiling. Combining our radial-velocity data with those recently reported by Prato et al. (2002), we improve the orbital elements for this spectroscopic binary. The orbital period is 18.979±\pm0.007 days and the eccentricity is e=0.14. We find variability in the Hα_\alpha emission and veiling, signposts of accretion, but at periastron passage the accretion is not as clearly enhanced as in the case of the binary DQ Tau. The difference in the behaviour of these two binaries is consistent with the hydrodynamical models of accretion from circumbinary disks because UZ Tau East has lower eccentricity than DQ Tau. It seems that enhanced periastron accretion may occur only in systems with very high eccentricity (e>>0.5).Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Metal-Rich SX Phe Stars in theKeplerField

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    High-resolution spectroscopic observations have been made for 32 of the 34 candidate SX Phe stars identiïŹed in the Kepler ïŹeld by Balona & Nemec (2012). All available long- and short-cadence Q0-Q17 Kepler photometry has been analyzed for the 34 candidates. Radial velocities (RVs), space motions (U, V, W), projected rotation veloc- ities (v sin i), spectral types, and atmospheric characteristics (TeïŹ€ , log g, [M/H], vmic, etc.) were derived from ∌160 spectra taken with the ESPaDOnS spectrograph on the Canada- France-Hawaii 3.6-m telescope and with the ARCES spectrograph on the Apache Point Observatory 3.5-m telescope. Two thirds of the stars are fast rotators with v sin i > 50 km/s, including four stars with v sin i > 200 km/s. Three of the stars have (negative) RVs > 250 km/s and retrograde space motions, and seven stars have total space motions > 400 km/s. All the spectroscopically measured SX Phe candidates have positions in a Toomre diagram that are consistent with being bona ïŹde halo and thick-disk stars. Although several stars show a marked metal weakness, the mean [Fe/H] of the sample is near 0.0 dex (σ ∌ 0.25 dex), which is considerably more metal-rich than is normally expected for a sample of Pop. II stars. Observed pulsation frequency modulations and optical time delays suggest that at least eight of the SX Phe stars are in binary systems, some of which show signif- icant RV variations. Six of the time-delay binaries have secondary masses ranging from 0.05 to 0.70 Mo and orbital periods in the range 9 to 1570 days. Another star appears to be an ellipsoidal variable with a 2.3-day orbital period; and two other systems have orbital periods longer than the ∌4-year sampling interval of the Kepler data

    The non-dipolar magnetic fields of accreting T Tauri stars

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    Models of magnetospheric accretion on to classical T Tauri stars often assume that stellar magnetic fields are simple dipoles. Recently published surface magnetograms of BP Tau and V2129 Oph have shown, however, that their fields are more complex. The magnetic field of V2129 Oph was found to be predominantly octupolar. For BP Tau the magnetic energy was shared mainly between the dipole and octupole field components, with the dipole component being almost four times as strong as that of V2129 Oph. From the published surface maps of the photospheric magnetic fields we extrapolate the coronal fields of both stars, and compare the resulting field structures with that of a dipole. We consider different models where the disc is truncated at, or well-within, the Keplerian corotation radius. We find that although the structure of the surface magnetic field is particularly complex for both stars, the geometry of the larger scale field, along which accretion is occurring, is somewhat simpler. However, the larger scale field is distorted close to the star by the stronger field regions, with the net effect being that the fractional open flux through the stellar surface is less than would be expected with a dipole magnetic field model. Finally, we estimate the disc truncation radius, assuming that this occurs where the magnetic torque from the stellar magnetosphere is comparable to the viscous torque in the disc.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Figures are reduced resolutio

    Comprehensive Observations of the Bright and Energetic Type Iax SN 2012Z: Interpretation as a Chandrasekhar Mass White Dwarf Explosion

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    We present UV through NIR broad-band photometry, and optical and NIR spectroscopy of Type Iax supernova 2012Z. The data set consists of both early and late-time observations, including the first late phase NIR spectrum obtained for a spectroscopically classified SN Iax. Simple model calculations of its bolometric light curve suggest SN 2012Z produced ~0.3 M_sun of (56)Ni, ejected about a Chandrasekhar mass of material, and had an explosion energy of ~10^51 erg, making it one of the brightest and most energetic SN Iax yet observed. The late phase NIR spectrum of SN 2012Z is found to broadly resemble similar epoch spectra of normal SNe Ia; however, like other SNe Iax, corresponding visual-wavelength spectra differ substantially compared to all supernova types. Constraints from the distribution of IMEs, e.g. silicon and magnesium, indicate that the outer ejecta did not experience significant mixing during or after burning, and the late phase NIR line profiles suggests most of the (56)Ni is produced during high density burning. The various observational properties of SN 2012Z are found to be consistent with the theoretical expectations of a Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf progenitor that experiences a pulsational delayed detonation, which produced several tenths of a solar mass of (56)Ni during the deflagration burning phase and little (or no) (56)Ni during the detonation phase. Within this scenario only a moderate amount of Rayleigh-Taylor mixing occurs both during the deflagration and fallback phase of the pulsation, and the layered structure of the IMEs is a product of the subsequent denotation phase. The fact that the SNe Iax population does not follow a tight brightness-decline relation similar to SNe Ia can then be understood in the framework of variable amounts of mixing during pulsational rebound and variable amounts of (56)Ni production during the early subsonic phase of expansion.Comment: Submitted to A&A, manuscript includes response to referee's comments. 39 pages, including 16 figures, 9 table

    High Resolution K-band Spectroscopy of MWC 480 and V1331 Cyg

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    We present high resolution (R=25,000-35,000) K-band spectroscopy of two young stars, MWC 480 and V1331 Cyg. Earlier spectrally dispersed (R=230) interferometric observations of MWC 480 indicated the presence of an excess continuum emission interior to the dust sublimation radius, with a spectral shape that was interpreted as evidence for hot water emission from the inner disk of MWC 480. Our spectrum of V1331 Cyg reveals strong emission from CO and hot water vapor, likely arising in a circumstellar disk. In comparison, our spectrum of MWC 480 appears mostly featureless. We discuss possible ways in which strong water emission from MWC 480 might go undetected in our data. If strong water emission is in fact absent from the inner disk, as our data suggest, the continuum excess interior to the dust sublimation radius that is detected in the interferometric data must have another origin. We discuss possible physical origins for the continuum excess.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Ap

    Temporal variability of lagoon–sea water exchange and seawater circulation through a Mediterranean barrier beach

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    The subterranean flow of water through sand barriers between coastal lagoons and the sea, driven by a positive hydraulic gradient, is a net new pathway for solute transfer to the sea. On the sea side of sand barriers, seawater circulation in the swash-zone generates a flux of recycled and new solutes. The significance and temporal variability of these vectors to the French Mediterranean Sea is unknown, despite lagoons constituting ~ 50% of the coastline. A one-dimensional 224Raex/223Ra reactive-transport model was used to quantify water flow between a coastal lagoon (La Palme) and the sea over a 6-month period. Horizontal flow between the lagoon and sea decreased from ~ 85 cm d−1 during May 2017 (0.3 m3 d−1 m−1 of shoreline) to ~ 20 cm d−1 in July and was negligible in the summer months thereafter due to a decreasing hydraulic gradient. Seawater circulation in the swash-zone varied from 10 to 52 cm d−1 (0.4–2.1 m3 d−1 m−1), driven by short-term changes in the prevailing wind and wave regimes. Both flow paths supply minor dissolved silica fluxes on the order of ~ 3–10 mmol Si d−1 m−1. Lagoon–sea water exchange supplies a net dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) flux (320–1100 mmol C d−1 m−1) two orders of magnitude greater than seawater circulation and may impact coastal ocean acidification. The subterranean flow of water through sand barriers represents a significant source of new DIC, and potentially other solutes, to the Mediterranean Sea during high lagoon water-level periods and should be considered in seasonal element budgets
