1,901 research outputs found

    Techniques for improving client relations in family planning programs

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    Demand for children and demand for contraceptives are not independent of the system of supply. And client transactions are the major means for lowering costs. Family planning workers, providers of services and mass media campaigns, are the harbingers of new ideas and new delivery systems that could modify the demand for fertility regulation and patterns of contraceptive use. The authors describe four broad techniques for improving client relations, emphasizing their potential as entry points into program development (systematic change). These techniques are presented as a sampling of experience that can be brought to bear on dysfunctional client relations. Among examples described: Patient flow analysis (PFA). A self-administered time-and-motion diagnosis that allows computerized documentation of patient flow and personnel use in health service clinics. Using relatively unobtrusive data collection, PFA seeks to get a representative snapshot of a program and its dysfunctions, replicating a typical clinic session. Data are later diagnosed and remedies proposed for bottlenecks and inefficiencies. Training and visit (T&V). A managerial approach for dealing with geographically scattered outreach programs. The four main principles of T&V: focus on a few key tasks, frequent in-service training and supervision, regularity and predictability, and face-to-face communication. The T&V model focuses on what workers should be doing with their time in the field to meet client needs. A goal of T&V: to enable all clients to name their worker and the day of the week s/he visits, and identify a few themes from their most recent encounter. Activity planning. The antithesis of T&V, activity planning calls for abandoning rigid time-place-movement schedules and specific messages and replacing them with a fluid work schedule adapted to local conditions. Workers must be well-trained in collecting data, listening and building rapport, and communicating with conviction. The quality of the worker-client relationship is all-important. A weakness is that if the workers have no objective they lose control of the exchange with clients. Training and worker empowerment. Training by itself is not enough for systematic change - training for what? But training can serve as an entry point into organizational development when it is rooted in methodologies that help to develop the participant's technical and interpersonal skills and ability to innovate. But training must be accompanied by changes in the system of supply that supports and facilitates innovation and quality of care. Techniques to improve client relations can address either the client-provider interface directly or the system of underlying determinants. It is important to ask basic questions: Is the idea to fix a single worker-client dysfunction or is it to provide a continuous program for modification and growth? Who will be affected by the change? Whoor what will be responsible for initiating and overseeing the course of action? What are the short- and long-run goals of intervention?Health Monitoring&Evaluation,ICT Policy and Strategies,Adolescent Health,Poverty Monitoring&Analysis,Geographical Information Systems

    People versus development: An overview of the economics of population growth

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    Population growth and economic change are tightly bound together. The very high rates of population growth in the poor countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America complicate the resolution of basic economic problems and make it more difficult to assure an adequate rate of growth of income per capita. Simultaneously, the relative stagnation of per capita incomes, especially in the rural areas of the very poor countries, helps to maintain high levels of fertility, thus completing a circle of rapid population growth and poverty. There is no one solution to the dilemma. Neither dramatic improvements in the standard of living nor the rapid adoption of fertility control are likely in the poorest countries. Moreover, population control by itself will certainly not solve the problem of poverty, both because population limitation without economic growth would merely share the poverty and because the masses of the population are unlikely to reduce their fertility without the prospect of some improvement in the standard of living. On the other hand, it seems to be equally clear that, with the exception of those few countries that are possessed of enormous wealth in the form of natural resources, poverty will not be eliminated without a major reduction in the rate of population growth. Thus, the best hope lies in some judicious combination of social and economic reform and population control. This solution probably implies an increased commitment of finance and other resources to population programs.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/22962/1/0000529.pd

    Analytic Detection Thresholds for Measurements of Linearly Polarized Intensity Using Rotation Measure Synthesis

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    A fully analytic statistical formalism does not yet exist to describe radio-wavelength measurements of linearly polarized intensity that are produced using rotation measure synthesis. In this work we extend the analytic formalism for standard linear polarization, namely that describing measurements of the quadrature sum of Stokes Q and U intensities, to the rotation measure synthesis environment. We derive the probability density function and expectation value for Faraday-space polarization measurements for both the case where true underlying polarized emission is present within unresolved Faraday components, and for the limiting case where no such emission is present. We then derive relationships to quantify the statistical significance of linear polarization measurements in terms of standard Gaussian statistics. The formalism developed in this work will be useful for setting signal-to-noise ratio detection thresholds for measurements of linear polarization, for the analysis of polarized sources potentially exhibiting multiple Faraday components, and for the development of polarization debiasing schemes.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Study protocol: imaging brain development in the Childhood to Adolescence Transition Study (iCATS)

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    BackgroundPuberty is a critical developmental phase in physical, reproductive and socio-emotional maturation that is associated with the period of peak onset for psychopathology. Puberty also drives significant changes in brain development and function. Research to date has focused on gonadarche, driven by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, and yet increasing evidence suggests that the earlier pubertal stage of adrenarche, driven by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, may play a critical role in both brain development and increased risk for disorder. We have established a unique cohort of children who differ in their exposure to adrenarcheal hormones. This presents a unique opportunity to examine the influence of adrenarcheal timing on brain structural and functional development, and subsequent health outcomes. The primary objective of the study is to explore the hypothesis that patterns of structural and functional brain development will mediate the relationship between adrenarcheal timing and indices of affect, self-regulation, and mental health symptoms collected across time (and therefore years of development).Methods/DesignChildren were recruited based upon earlier or later timing of adrenarche, from a larger cohort, with 128 children (68 female; M age 9.51 years) and one of their parents taking part. Children completed brain MRI structural and functional sequences, provided saliva samples for adrenarcheal hormones and immune biomarkers, hair for long-term cortisol levels, and completed questionnaires, anthropometric measures and an IQ test. Parents completed questionnaires reporting on child behaviour, development, health, traumatic events, and parental report of family environment and parenting style.DiscussionThis study, by examining the neurobiological and behavioural consequences of relatively early and late exposure to adrenarche, has the potential to significantly impact our understanding of pubertal risk processes.<br /

    The challenge of the identification of a new mineral species: example "Pezzottaite"

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    In 2002, a new gem mineral of commercial importance was discovered. In accordance with the need for all new mineral discoveries to be scientifically characterized (see Nickel and Grice, 1998), the gemological community anxiously awaited the results of tests to positively identify the new mineral (Hawthorne et al., 2003, Hawthorne et al., submitted and Laurs et al., 2003). This period of analysis brought into play the question: Exactly what procedures are necessary for the positive characterization of a new mineral

    Kinetic Characterisation of a Single Chain Antibody against the Hormone Abscisic Acid: Comparison with Its Parental Monoclonal

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    A single-chain Fv fragment antibody (scFv) specific for the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) has been expressed in the bacterium Escherichia coli as a fusion protein. The kinetics of ABA binding have been measured using surface plasmon resonance spectrometry (BIAcore 2000) using surface and solution assays. Care was taken to calculate the concentration of active protein in each sample using initial rate measurements under conditions of partial mass transport limitation. The fusion product, parental monoclonal antibody and the free scFv all have low nanomolar affinity constants, but there is a lower dissociation rate constant for the parental monoclonal resulting in a three-fold greater affinity. Analogue specificity was tested and structure-activity binding preferences measured. The biologically-active (+)-ABA enantiomer is recognised with an affinity three orders of magnitude higher than the inactive (-)-ABA. Metabolites of ABA including phaseic acid, dihydrophaseic acid and deoxy-ABA have affinities over 100-fold lower than that for (+)-ABA. These properties of the scFv make it suitable as a sensor domain in bioreporters specific for the naturally occurring form of ABA

    The global distribution and burden of dengue

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    Dengue is a systemic viral infection transmitted between humans by Aedes mosquitoes1. For some patients dengue is a life-threatening illness2. There are currently no licensed vaccines or specific therapeutics, and substantial vector control efforts have not stopped its rapid emergence and global spread3. The contemporary worldwide distribution of the risk of dengue virus infection4 and its public health burden are poorly known2,5. Here we undertake an exhaustive assembly of known records of dengue occurrence worldwide, and use a formal modelling framework to map the global distribution of dengue risk. We then pair the resulting risk map with detailed longitudinal information from dengue cohort studies and population surfaces to infer the public health burden of dengue in 2010. We predict dengue to be ubiquitous throughout the tropics, with local spatial variations in risk influenced strongly by rainfall, temperature and the degree of urbanisation. Using cartographic approaches, we estimate there to be 390 million (95 percent credible interval 284-528) dengue infections per year, of which 96 million (67-136) manifest apparently (any level of clinical or sub-clinical severity). This infection total is more than three times the dengue burden estimate of the World Health Organization2. Stratification of our estimates by country allows comparison with national dengue reporting, after taking into account the probability of an apparent infection being formally reported. The most notable differences are discussed. These new risk maps and infection estimates provide novel insights into the global, regional and national public health burden imposed by dengue. We anticipate that they will provide a starting point for a wider discussion about the global impact of this disease and will help guide improvements in disease control strategies using vaccine, drug and vector control methods and in their economic evaluation. [285

    Organization and management of ATLAS software releases

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    International audienceATLAS is one of the largest collaborations ever undertaken in the physical sciences. This paper explains how the software infrastructure is organized to manage collaborative code development by around 300 developers with varying degrees of expertise, situated in 30 different countries. We will describe how the succeeding releases of the software are built, validated and subsequently deployed to remote sites. Several software management tools have been used, the majority of which are not ATLAS specific; we will show how they have been integrated. ATLAS offline software currently consists of about 2 MSLOC contained in 6800 C++ classes, organized in almost 1000 packages
