3,876 research outputs found

    What can we learn from melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites?

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    With less than two decades of activity, research on melt inclusions (MI) in crystals from rocks that have undergone crustal anatexis \u2013 migmatites and granulites \u2013 is a recent addition to crustal petrology and geochemistry. Studies on this subject started with glassy inclusions in anatectic crustal enclaves in lavas, and then progressed to regionally metamorphosed and partially melted crustal rocks, where melt inclusions are normally crystallized into a cryptocrystalline aggregate (nanogranitoid). Since the first paper on melt inclusions in the granulites of the Kerala Khondalite Belt in 2009, reported and studied occurrences are already a few tens. Melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites show many analogieswith theirmore common and long studied counterparts in igneous rocks, but also display very important differences and peculiarities,which are the subject of this review. Microstructurally, melt inclusions in anatectic rocks are small, commonly 10 \u3bcm in diameter, and their main mineral host is peritectic garnet, although several other hosts have been observed. Inclusion contents vary from glass in enclaves that were cooled very rapidly from supersolidus temperatures, to completely crystallized material in slowly cooled regional migmatites. The chemical composition of the inclusions can be analyzed combining several techniques (SEM, EMP, NanoSIMS, LA\u2013ICP\u2013MS), but in the case of crystallized inclusions the experimental remelting under confining pressure in a piston cylinder is a prerequisite. The melt is generally granitic and peraluminous, although granodioritic to trondhjemitic compositions have also been found. Being mostly primary in origin, inclusions attest for the growth of their peritectic host in the presence of melt. As a consequence, the inclusions have the unique ability of preserving information on the composition of primary anatectic crustal melts, before they undergo any of the common following changes in their way to produce crustal magmas. For these peculiar features, melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites, largely overlooked so far, have the potential to become a fundamental tool for the study of crustal melting, crustal differentiation, and even the generation of the continental crust

    Behavioral engagement and disaffection in school activities: Exploring a model of motivational facilitators and performance outcomes

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    Investigaciones previas han mostrado que el control percibido, el valor de la tarea, el compromiso conductual y la desafección son determinantes personales del rendimiento académico. Sin embargo, pocas investigaciones han examinado simultáneamente estos constructos en educación secundaria. El presente estudio analizó las relaciones estructurales entre estas variables y el papel del compromiso y la desafección como mediadores de los efectos del control y el valor sobre el rendimiento. Los participantes fueron 446 estudiantes (51.3% chicas) con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 16 años que asistían a seis colegios de educación secundaria obligatoria (de 7º a 10º cursos; de 1º a 4º de ESO). Las variables se evaluaron a lo largo de nueve meses. Los resultados de los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales confirmaron las hipótesis: el control y el valor predijeron significativamente el compromiso, la desafección y el rendimiento; el compromiso y la desafección predijeron el rendimiento y mediaron parcialmente los efectos del control y el valor sobre el rendimiento. Se concluye discutiendo las implicaciones para la teoría y la práctica psicoeducativa.Previous research has shown that perceived control, task value, behavioral engagement and disaffection are personal determinants of academic performance. However, little research has simultaneously examined these constructs in secondary education. The present study analyzed the structural relationships between these variables and the role of engagement and disaffection as mediators of control and value on performance. Participants were 446 students (51.3% girls) ranging in age from 12 to 16 years attending six Spanish compulsory secondary schools (from 7th to 10th grades). The variables were assessed over a nine-month period. Structural equation models results confirmed the hypotheses: control and value significantly predicted engagement, disaffection, and performance; engagement and disaffection predicted performance and partially mediated the effects from control and value on performance. Implications for psycho-educational theory and practice are discussed.Fil: González, Antonio. Universidad de Vigo; EspañaFil: Paoloni, Paola Veronica Rita. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Donolo, Danilo Silvio. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rinaudo, María Cristina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Making Medical Visual Information Available on the WEB

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    This paper presents a new metadata model to describe and retrieve medical visual information, such images and their diagnoses, using the Web. The classes of this model allow describing medical images of different medical areas, including their properties, components and relationships. This model supports the international classification of diseases and related health problems (i.e. ICD-10) [1]. The MedISeek (Medical Image Seek) prototype presented here proposes a medical image sharing system based on web services, that allows authorized users to describe, store and retrieve medical images and their associated diagnostic information,based on the proposed metadata model. Thus, this paper proposes to include the image description, converted to RDF syntax, into a JPEG image and a persistent structure for relational databases to storage and retrieve this metadata, providing fast indexing and querying. A description of the prototype structure also is provided

    The Importance of the Oil and Gas Complex for the Brazilian Economy and Its States

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    This paper presents the results of a research conducted to measure the importance of the oil and gas complex in the Brazilian economy and in its states. Initially, the efforts were concentrated in the construction of an interregional input-output system for the 27 states of the Brazilian economy at the level of 42 industries, for the year of 2002. Using this system it was possible to make an analysis of role played by the oil and gas complex in the Brazilian economy and its states. First it is made an analysis of the economic flows linked with the oil and gas production, and then it is made an estimation of the GDP value generated by the oil and gas complex in the Brazilian economy and its states. It is also made an analysis in detail of the productive chain of the oil and gas, starting from the suppliers of inputs to the oil and gas production, going through the production itself and the various stages of refining and processing, and ending at the measuring of the services and distribution activities. The results show that the oil and gas complex has a share of around 10.4% of the Brazilian GDP, while the share in the GRP of the states can go from less than 1% to 27%.

    Quasideterministic generation of maximally entangled states of two mesoscopic atomic ensembles by adiabatic quantum feedback

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    We introduce an efficient, quasideterministic scheme to generate maximally entangled states of two atomic ensembles. The scheme is based on quantum nondemolition measurements of total atomic populations and on adiabatic quantum feedback conditioned by the measurements outputs. The high efficiency of the scheme is tested and confirmed numerically for ideal photodetection as well as in the presence of losses.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, title changed, revised version published on Phys. Rev


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    DEDICATION We dedicate this volume to the memory of Manuel Leonetti, an exceptional linguist and a dear friend and colleague who left us too early.Acknowledgements. The workshop was supposed to take place in Oslo the year before but, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was postponed until we opted for the digital solution. It was sponsored and funded by the NOS-HS (The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences, grant no. 328790) as part of a larger research network that aimed to promote and develop collaboration among scholars in the Nordic countries working on the syntax of the Romance languages.Introductory notes to the special issue on Residual Verb Second in Romance


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    This study investigates the possible changes that the greenhouse global warming might generate in the character- istics of the tropical cyclones (TCs). The analysis has been performed using climate scenario simulations carried out with a fully coupled high–resolution global general circulation model (INGV-SXG) with a T106 atmospheric resolution. The capability of the model to reproduce a reasonably realistic TC climatology has been assessed by comparing the model results from a simulation of the XX Century with observations. The model appears to be able to simulate tropical cyclone-like vortices with many features similar to the observed TCs. The simulated TC activity exhibits realistic geographical distribution, seasonal modulation and interannual variability, suggesting that the model is able to reproduce the major basic mechanisms that link the TC occurrence with the large scale circulation. The results from the climate scenarios reveal a substantial general reduction of the TC frequency when the atmospheric CO2 concentration is doubled and quadrupled. The reduction appears particularly evident for the tropical north west Pacific (NWP) and north Atlantic (ATL). In the NWP the weaker TC activity seems to be associated with a reduced amount of convective instabilities. In the ATL region the weaker TC activity seems to be due to both the increased stability of the atmosphere and a stronger vertical wind shear. Despite the generally reduced TC activity, there is evidence of increased rainfall associated with the simulated cyclones. Using the new fully coupled CMCC model (CMCC_MED), with a T159 atmospheric resolution, we found a significant modulation of the Ocean Heat Transport (OHT) induced by the TC activity. Thus the possible changes that greenhouse induced global warming during 21st century might generate in the characteristics of the TC-induced OHT have been analyzed


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    The Rio Grande do Sul presented along the century XX a path of private capitalist development, in comparison with other States of the country. However, your internal logic of regional development felt with the amplification of economical inequalities, providing to the State the consolidation of two areas, an industrialized - North Half - and other not - South Half. It is believed that the evolution of the regional inequalities has roots historical, and above all institutional, could be better understood by approaches institucionalist and new-schumpeterian. One of the characteristics principal of the approaches institucionalist and new-schumpeterian is the abandonment of the economical agents' limitless rationality. Like this, two theories attest so that each country, or regions, it can present a several institutional head office of other, built along the times, above all for the process of the local actors' learning.

    Auditoria Administrativa : Auditoria de Mercadeo

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    El desarrollo de la presente investigación documental consiste en describir el proceso de la auditoría administrativa aplicada al mercadeo y tiene como propósito presentar y explicar la importancia de la realización de una auditoría de marketing en las empresas, este es un tema de mucha importancia ya que hoy en día, las empresas y los mercados se han vuelto bastante competitivos y es necesario que las organizaciones conozcan la situación en la que se encuentran actualmente o lo que pueden pasar en un futuro para que puedan tomar decisiones que le ayuden a prevenir, evitar o mitigar algunos riesgos. La auditoría administrativa aplicada al mercadeo se realiza con el fin de tener un buen control de la mercadotecnia, esta área de la empresa es muy importante porque está relacionada directamente con el cliente y es necesario analizar muy de cerca la información relacionada con este tema; la información presentada permitirá que los lectores comprendan cómo se realiza una auditoría de marketing en una empresa y en qué nos pueden beneficiar los resultados que se obtengan de la misma, es por ello que primeramente se explica la auditoría en términos generales y luego se muestra cómo aplicarla en distintas áreas de la empresa. La información de este documento fue recolectada de diversos libros y autores con experiencia en esta rama de la administración. El escrito contiene las áreas de la empresa que son de interés para el auditor y como debe realizarse una auditoría en dicha área y qué beneficios tendremos de esa información. Atendiendo a las orientaciones facultativas en cuanto a la normativa de seminario de graduación de la UNAN, Managua se ha presentado el informe con la estructura siguiente: introducción, justificación, objetivos, desarrollo de la investigación y conclusiones