286 research outputs found

    The Coiled-Coil Domain of EHD2 Mediates Inhibition of LeEix2 Endocytosis and Signaling

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    Endocytosis has been suggested to be crucial for the induction of plant immunity in several cases. We have previously shown that two Arabidopsis proteins, AtEHD1 and AtEHD2, are involved in endocytosis in plant systems. AtEHD2 has an inhibitory effect on endocytosis of transferrin, FM-4-64, and LeEix2. There are many works in mammalian systems detailing the importance of the various domains in EHDs but, to date, the domains of plant EHD2 that are required for its inhibitory activity on endocytosis remained unknown. In this work we demonstrate that the coiled-coil domain of EHD2 is crucial for the ability of EHD2 to inhibit endocytosis in plants, as mutant EHD2 forms lacking the coiled-coil lost the ability to inhibit endocytosis and signaling of LeEix2. The coiled-coil was also required for binding of EHD2 to the LeEix2 receptor. It is therefore probable that binding of EHD2 to the LeEix2 receptor is required for inhibition of LeEix2 internalization. We also show herein that the P-loop of EHD2 is important for EHD2 to function properly. The EH domain of AtEHD2 does not appear to be involved in inhibition of endocytosis. Moreover, AtEHD2 influences actin organization and may exert its inhibitory effect on endocytosis through actin re-distribution. The coiled-coil domain of EHD2 functions in inhibition of endocytosis, while the EH domain does not appear to be involved in inhibition of endocytosis

    La reconfiguración del mercado de trabajo en Argentina durante la última década

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    Nuestra propuesta para la intervención en el Aula Abierta de Cuatrociencias estuvo centrada en mostrar y compartir con alumnos de diferentes escuelas secundarias algunas de las inquietudes y problemáticas que estamos abordando en los equipos de investigación de los que formamos parte. Un primer objetivo fue el de problematizar con los jóvenes diferentes dimensiones presentes en el concepto de trabajo: ¿Qué es el trabajo? ¿Quiénes trabajan? ¿Por qué? ¿Siempre se trabajó de la misma manera? En este sentido, la intención fue poder generar un espacio de dialogo en el que pudimos compartir experiencias personales respecto a cómo nos relacionamos con el trabajo, a la vez que recuperamos algunos temas desarrollados en los currículum de Historia y Formación Ética para introducir las transformaciones que a lo largo del tiempo y el espacio realizaron las distintas sociedades en torno a la concepción y la práctica del trabajo.El segundo objetivo que nos propusimos fue mostrar ciertos cambios en el mercado de trabajo en nuestro país durante las últimas décadas. Aquí la intención fue mostrar las diferentes variables que tenemos en cuenta a la hora de pensar transformaciones en el capitalismo, relacionadas con la estructura económica, la configuración de las relaciones salariales y el accionar del Estado, a partir de la categoría Régimen Social de Acumulación. En este segundo momento de la charla optamos por presentar a los jóvenes diversos gráficos en los que se mostraban los cambios y continuidades en algunas variables, a partir de los cuales era posible acercarse a las complejas relaciones que se establecen entre aquellas dimensiones y las importantes transformaciones ocurridas a partir de la crisis del 2001 en la configuración del mercado de trabajo.En este sentido, nuestro tercer objetivo era mostrar diferentes formatos con los cuales podemos comunicar la información y realizar conjuntamente el ejercicio conjunto de su interpretación pensando diferentes hipótesis para explicar el comportamiento de las variables seleccionadas.https://ffyh.unc.edu.ar/editorial/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2013/05/CUATROCIENCIA_EBOOK.pdfFil: Morón, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Escuela de Historia; Argentina.Fil: Saiz Bonzano, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Escuela de Historia; Argentina.Fil: Schuster, Érika. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Escuela de Historia; Argentina.Ciencias Sociales Interdisciplinaria

    Single-exposure X-ray phase imaging microscopy with a grating interferometer

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    The advent of hard X-ray free-electron lasers enables nanoscopic X-ray imaging with sub-picosecond temporal resolution. X-ray grating interferometry offers a phase-sensitive full-field imaging technique where the phase retrieval can be carried out from a single exposure alone. Thus, the method is attractive for imaging applications at X-ray free-electron lasers where intrinsic pulse-to-pulse fluctuations pose a major challenge. In this work, the single-exposure phase imaging capabilities of grating interferometry are characterized by an implementation at the I13-1 beamline of Diamond Light Source (Oxfordshire, UK). For comparison purposes, propagation-based phase contrast imaging was also performed at the same instrument. The characterization is carried out in terms of the quantitativeness and the contrast-to-noise ratio of the phase reconstructions as well as via the achievable spatial resolution. By using a statistical image reconstruction scheme, previous limitations of grating interferometry regarding the spatial resolution can be mitigated as well as the experimental applicability of the technique

    Structure of the connexin-43 gap junction channel in a putative closed state

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    Gap junction channels (GJCs) mediate intercellular communication by connecting two neighbouring cells and enabling direct exchange of ions and small molecules. Cell coupling via connexin-43 (Cx43) GJCs is important in a wide range of cellular processes in health and disease (Churko and Laird, 2013; Liang et al., 2020; Poelzing and Rosenbaum, 2004), yet the structural basis of Cx43 function and regulation has not been determined until now. Here, we describe the structure of a human Cx43 GJC solved by cryo-EM and single particle analysis at 2.26 Å resolution. The pore region of Cx43 GJC features several lipid-like densities per Cx43 monomer, located close to a putative lateral access site at the monomer boundary. We found a previously undescribed conformation on the cytosolic side of the pore, formed by the N-terminal domain and the transmembrane helix 2 of Cx43 and stabilized by a small molecule. Structures of the Cx43 GJC and hemichannels (HCs) in nanodiscs reveal a similar gate arrangement. The features of the Cx43 GJC and HC cryo-EM maps and the channel properties revealed by molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the captured states of Cx43 are consistent with a closed state

    Myopia disease mouse models: a missense point mutation (S673G) and a protein-truncating mutation of the Zfp644 mimic human disease phenotype.

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    Zinc finger 644 (Zfp644 in mouse, ZNF644 in human) gene is a transcription factor whose mutation S672G is considered a potential genetic factor of inherited high myopia. ZNF644 interacts with G9a/GLP complex, which functions as a H3K9 methyltransferase to silence transcription. In this study, we generated mouse models to unravel the mechanisms leading to symptoms associated with high myopia. Employing TALEN technology, two mice mutants were generated, either with the disease-carrying mutation (Zfp644 S673G ) or with a truncated form of Zfp644 (Zfp644 Δ8 ). Eye morphology and visual functions were analysed in both mutants, revealing a significant difference in a vitreous chamber depth and lens diameter, however the physiological function of retina was preserved as found under the high-myopia conditions. Our findings prove that ZNF644/Zfp644 is involved in the development of high-myopia, indicating that mutations such as, Zfp644 S673G and Zfp644 Δ8 are causative for changes connected with the disease. The developed models represent a valuable tool to investigate the molecular basis of myopia pathogenesis and its potential treatment

    The impact of interactions, bars, bulges, and AGN on star formation efficiency in local massive galaxies

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    Using observations from the GASS and COLD GASS surveys and complementary data from SDSS and GALEX, we investigate the nature of variations in gas depletion time observed across the local massive galaxy population. The large and unbiased COLD GASS sample allows us to assess the relative importance of galaxy interactions, bar instabilities, morphologies and the presence of AGN in regulating star formation efficiency. Both the H2 mass fraction and depletion time vary as a function of the distance of a galaxy from the main sequence in the SFR-M* plane. The longest gas depletion times are found in below-main sequence bulge-dominated galaxies that are either gas-poor, or else on average less efficient than disk-dominated galaxy at converting into stars any cold gas they may have. We find no link between AGN and these long depletion times. The galaxies undergoing mergers or showing signs of morphological disruptions have the shortest molecular gas depletion times, while those hosting strong stellar bars have only marginally higher global star formation efficiencies as compared to matched control samples. Our interpretation is that depletion time variations are caused by changes in the ratio between the gas mass traced by the CO(1-0) observations, and the gas mass in high density star-forming cores, with interactions, mergers and bar instabilities able to locally increase pressure and raise the ratio of efficiently star-forming gas to CO-detected gas. Building a sample representative of the local massive galaxy population, we derive a global Kennicutt-Schmidt relation of slope 1.18+/-0.24, and observe structure within the scatter around this relation, with galaxies having low (high) stellar mass surface densities lying systematically above (below) the mean relation, suggesting that gas surface density is not the only parameter driving the global star formation ability of a galaxy.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    COLD GASS, an IRAM legacy survey of molecular gas in massive galaxies: I. Relations between H2, HI, stellar content and structural properties

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    We are conducting COLD GASS, a legacy survey for molecular gas in nearby galaxies. Using the IRAM 30m telescope, we measure the CO(1-0) line in a sample of ~350 nearby (D=100-200 Mpc), massive galaxies (log(M*/Msun)>10.0). The sample is selected purely according to stellar mass, and therefore provides an unbiased view of molecular gas in these systems. By combining the IRAM data with SDSS photometry and spectroscopy, GALEX imaging and high-quality Arecibo HI data, we investigate the partition of condensed baryons between stars, atomic gas and molecular gas in 0.1-10L* galaxies. In this paper, we present CO luminosities and molecular hydrogen masses for the first 222 galaxies. The overall CO detection rate is 54%, but our survey also uncovers the existence of sharp thresholds in galaxy structural parameters such as stellar mass surface density and concentration index, below which all galaxies have a measurable cold gas component but above which the detection rate of the CO line drops suddenly. The mean molecular gas fraction MH2/M* of the CO detections is 0.066+/-0.039, and this fraction does not depend on stellar mass, but is a strong function of NUV-r colour. Through stacking, we set a firm upper limit of MH2/M*=0.0016+/-0.0005 for red galaxies with NUV-r>5.0. The average molecular-to-atomic hydrogen ratio in present-day galaxies is 0.3, with significant scatter from one galaxy to the next. The existence of strong detection thresholds in both the HI and CO lines suggests that "quenching" processes have occurred in these systems. Intriguingly, atomic gas strongly dominates in the minority of galaxies with significant cold gas that lie above these thresholds. This suggests that some re-accretion of gas may still be possible following the quenching event.Comment: Accepted for publications in MNRAS. 32 pages, 25 figure

    COLD GASS, an IRAM Legacy Survey of Molecular Gas in Massive Galaxies: II. The non-universality of the Molecular Gas Depletion Timescale

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    We study the relation between molecular gas and star formation in a volume-limited sample of 222 galaxies from the COLD GASS survey, with measurements of the CO(1-0) line from the IRAM 30m telescope. The galaxies are at redshifts 0.025<z<0.05 and have stellar masses in the range 10.0<log(M*/Msun)<11.5. The IRAM measurements are complemented by deep Arecibo HI observations and homogeneous SDSS and GALEX photometry. A reference sample that includes both UV and far-IR data is used to calibrate our estimates of star formation rates from the seven optical/UV bands. The mean molecular gas depletion timescale, tdep(H2), for all the galaxies in our sample is 1 Gyr, however tdep(H2) increases by a factor of 6 from a value of ~0.5 Gyr for galaxies with stellar masses of 10^10 Msun to ~3 Gyr for galaxies with masses of a few times 10^11 Msun. In contrast, the atomic gas depletion timescale remains contant at a value of around 3 Gyr. This implies that in high mass galaxies, molecular and atomic gas depletion timescales are comparable, but in low mass galaxies, molecular gas is being consumed much more quickly than atomic gas. The strongest dependences of tdep(H2) are on the stellar mass of the galaxy (parameterized as log tdep(H2)= (0.36+/-0.07)(log M* - 10.70)+(9.03+/-0.99)), and on the specific star formation rate. A single tdep(H2) versus sSFR relation is able to fit both "normal" star-forming galaxies in our COLD GASS sample, as well as more extreme starburst galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs), which have tdep(H2) < 10^8 yr. Normal galaxies at z=1-2 are displaced with respect to the local galaxy population in the tdep(H2) versus sSFR plane and have molecular gas depletion times that are a factor of 3-5 times longer at a given value of sSFR due to their significantly larger gas fractions.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 19 pages, 11 figure

    The INT Search for Metal-Poor Stars. Spectroscopic Observations and Classification via Artificial Neural Networks

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    With the dual aims of enlarging the list of extremely metal-poor stars identified in the Galaxy, and boosting the numbers of moderately metal-deficient stars in directions that sample the rotational properties of the thick disk, we have used the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope and the Intermediate Dispersion Spectrograph to carry out a survey of brighter (primarily northern hemisphere) metal-poor candidates selected from the HK objective-prism/interference-filter survey of Beers and collaborators. Over the course of only three observing runs (15 nights) we have obtained medium-resolution (resolving power ~ 2000) spectra for 1203 objects (V ~ 11-15). Spectral absorption-line indices and radial velocities have been measured for all of the candidates. Metallicities, quantified by [Fe/H], and intrinsic (B-V)o colors have been estimated for 731 stars with effective temperatures cooler than roughly 6500 K, making use of artificial neural networks (ANNs), trained with spectral indices. We show that this method performs as well as a previously explored Ca II K calibration technique, yet it presents some practical advantages. Among the candidates in our sample, we identify 195 stars with [Fe/H] <= -1.0, 67 stars with [Fe/H] <= -2.0, and 12 new stars with [Fe/H] <= -3.0. Although the EFECTIVE YIELD of metal-poor stars in our sample is not as large as previous HK survey follow-up programs, the rate of discovery per unit of telescope time is quite high.Comment: 27 pages (including 13 figures) + 6 tables (20 pages); uses aastex, lscape and graphicx; to appear in A