187 research outputs found

    Comparison of root absorption, translocation and tolerance of arsenic in the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata and the nonhyperaccumulator Pteris tremula

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    Several fern species can hyperaccumulate arsenic, although the mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we investigate the roles of root absorption, translocation and tolerance in As hyperaccumulation by comparing the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata and the nonhyperaccumulator Pteris tremula. The two species were grown in a pot experiment with 0-500 mg As kg(-1) added as arsenate, and in a short-term (8 h) uptake experiment with 5 pm arsenate under phosphorus-sufficient conditions. In the pot experiment, P. vittata accumulated up to 2500 mg As kg(-1) frond d. wt and suffered no phytotoxicity. P. tremula accumulated < 100 mg As kg(-1) frond d. wt and suffered severe phytotoxicity with additions of ! 25 mg As kg-1. In the short-term uptake experiment, P. vittata had a 2.2-fold higher rate of arsenate uptake than P. tremula, and distributed more As taken up to the fronds (76%) than did P. tremula (9%). Our results show that enhanced root uptake, efficient root-to-shoot translocation, and a much elevated tolerance through internal detoxification all contribute to As hyperaccumulation in P. vittata

    Polyacrylate polymers as immobilizing agents to aid phytostabilization of two mine soils

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    We evaluated the effect of polyacrylate polymers as immobilizing agents to aid phytostabilization of two mine soils. One soil had a very low pH (3.7) and a large Pb content, while the other was less acidic but had a greater content of Cu and Zn. Growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. Victorian) was stimulated in polymer-amended soils. After ryegrass had been growing for 35 days, the amounts of water-extractable Cu, Zn and Pb (one soil only) present in the polymer-amended soils were smaller than those from soil without polymer. The number of culturable heterotrophic bacteria and the activities of dehydrogenase and b-glucosidase increased following polymer application. In contrast, the urease activity was impaired by polymer application, presumably because of the presence of ammonium as a counter ion. In another experiment, the acidic soil was limed to pH 6.5 before growth of perennial ryegrass took place. Liming the soil greatly enhanced plant growth, but by the third cut, differences between treatments became apparent, with plants from polymer-amended limed soil accumulating a greater biomass compared with limed soil without polymer. After ryegrass had been growing for 119 days (five cuts), the amount of water-extractable Pb and the urease activity in the polymer-amended soil were smaller than those from limed soil without polymer. The numbers of culturable heterotrophic bacteria and the activities of dehydrogenase, b-glucosidase and acid phosphatase increased following polymer application. The results are consistent with phytostabilization being achieved by the application of polyacrylate polymers, improving soil chemical and biological properties. In very acidic soils, the use of both a liming material and polymer together appears to give a considerable advantage

    Effects of non-uniform root zone salinity on water use, Na+ recirculation, and Na+ and H+ flux in cotton

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    A new split-root system was established through grafting to study cotton response to non-uniform salinity. Each root half was treated with either uniform (100/100 mM) or non-uniform NaCl concentrations (0/200 and 50/150 mM). In contrast to uniform control, non-uniform salinity treatment improved plant growth and water use, with more water absorbed from the non- and low salinity side. Non-uniform treatments decreased Na+ concentrations in leaves. The [Na+] in the ‘0’ side roots of the 0/200 treatment was significantly higher than that in either side of the 0/0 control, but greatly decreased when the ‘0’ side phloem was girdled, suggesting that the increased [Na+] in the ‘0’ side roots was possibly due to transportation of foliar Na+ to roots through phloem. Plants under non-uniform salinity extruded more Na+ from the root than those under uniform salinity. Root Na+ efflux in the low salinity side was greatly enhanced by the higher salinity side. NaCl-induced Na+ efflux and H+ influx were inhibited by amiloride and sodium orthovanadate, suggesting that root Na+ extrusion was probably due to active Na+/H+ antiport across the plasma membrane. Improved plant growth under non-uniform salinity was thus attributed to increased water use, reduced leaf Na+ concentration, transport of excessive foliar Na+ to the low salinity side, and enhanced Na+ efflux from the low salinity root