10 research outputs found

    Integration of legacy effects into evaluation of ecosystem governance

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    With environmental regimes, rapidly emerging and developing, scholars working on the evaluation of ecosystem governance and its capacity to adapt to global environmental change, face a challenge of accounting for the past changes of institutional set-ups and “legacy effects” they created. These effects may include previously taken management actions (including infrastructure development) and formal and informal institutions developed or modified. This is important that even if completely new governance regimes are being emerged/introduced, the inertia of the previous set-up can be persistent, in particular where informal institutions are strong. This problem has been raised in the course of a larger study looking at the adaptive capacity of forest ecosystems in Belarus. Belarus makes for an interesting case because the country is in socio-economic transition since early 1990s, and it still preserves the national governance, which is very much top-down and not participatory. At the same time, the national government and NG sector closely cooperate with international organisations and EU on a number of initiatives, Belarus has ratified most of environmental MEAs, and the national environmental legislation has often been developed after EU models, i.e. multiple levels of environmental governance emerge and influence the national policy and the implementation mechanisms. Another effect of transition is that the conservation status of many protected areas and mandates of the management agencies are often revised and re-formulated. To account for the legacy effect on the adaptation capacity of institutions of ecosystem governance, we have developed a methodological framework based on the analytical problems of the Earth System Governance as formulated by Biermann et al (2009) (Architecture, Agents, Allocation, Accountability, Adaptiveness) translated in a set of operational criteria. The criteria were applied to typical institutional set- ups associated with certain conservations categories of forest ecosystems, and mapped nationwide

    Bogs, birds, and berries in Belarus: the governance and management dynamics of wetland restoration in a state-centric, top-down context

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    Wetlands are complex social-ecological systems, which provide both important habitat for species, and multiple tangible and intangible benefits for people. Sustaining long-term benefits through restoration, conservation, and sustainable use is often linked to integrative and adaptive approaches to wetlands management. Such approaches assume democratic ideals, and require multilevel, multisector, and multiactor participation in governance and management arrangements. How then can functional wetlands be restored and sustainably managed as social-ecological systems in strongly state-centric, top-down governance contexts, such as in former Soviet republics? Using three case studies of wetland restoration and management for ecosystem functionality, biodiversity conservation, and human livelihoods, we employ a complex systems approach to analyze key governance and management dynamics underpinning initiatives toward sustainable wetlands in Belarus. We identified five core processes, namely, planning, garnering stakeholder support, obtaining key inputs (financial, human, material, technological, fixed capital), implementing core activities, and integrating learning and knowledge cycles. Key constraints concerned institutional hierarchies, onerous regulations, "negativism," and financing difficulties. Strategies relating to perception management, risk mitigation, and learning are identified as key to enabling beneficial feedback loops relating to core processes. Although path-dependent societal dynamics of the Soviet era continue to influence wetland systems, combinations of social and ecological crises created windows of opportunity for active participation among nongovernmental actors. Major opportunities for enabling emergent management approaches included identification of confluences of interest amongst stakeholders, as well as the continued mutual integration of Belarus with the international community

    A Tale of Two Protected Areas:“Value and Nature Conservation” in Comparable National Parks in Estonia and Russia

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    This study explores how local communities reflect on institutional frameworks and protected area governance in two national parks (NPs) with similar nature values in Estonia and Russia, and aims to understand the role of value systems in these interactions. It is based on 50 in-depth interviews with a broad range of stakeholders, and a desktop analysis of relevant regulation and plans. Interview questions reflect on various aspects of well-being (including fairness of governance solutions), awareness of NPs’ function and restrictions, related value aspects, and covered basic personal data needed to interpret the interviews. The study reconfirms the pivotal role of social justice as a driver of wellbeing. In particular, it articulates the significance of value systems playing the role of filters between governance inputs and specific management activities of communities. It underlines the vulnerability of such systems at a community level, most of all to the impacts related to various instances of “centralization”. They are manifested through the choice of restrictive measures and top-down arrangements at the expense of transparency and inclusiveness (in Russia), as well as through the removal of governance autonomy from NPs and transferring monitoring and enforcement functions to local communities without clear mandates or sufficient capacity (in Estonia)

    Вирішення сучасних проблем екології шляхом гармонізації докторських програм з європейськими стандартами

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    Formulation of the problem. At present in Ukraine environmental problems are very topical. A comprehensive and effective solution to theses problems can be grounded on the the use of modern approaches, expressed through harmonization with the best world practices. Training of highly qualified specialists is an important component of the integrated approach. Currently, in Ukraine it is performed on 4 environmenal specialties: 03.00.16 - Environmental Sciences, 08.00.06 – Economics of Environmental Resources Management (Economics), 11.00.11 - Constructive Geography and Wise Use of Natural Resources (Geographic Sciences) and 21.06.01- Environmental Safety (Engineering and Industrial Technology Sciences, Chemistry and Geology). In addition, separate issues of environmental protection are considered in 15 specialties from the List 2011. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 266, dated April 29, 2015, “On approval of the list of branches of knowledge and specialties for which candidates for higher education are trained”(“List 2015”) canceled “List 2011” [2]. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1151, dated November 6, 2015, “On the peculiarities of introducing the list of branches of knowledge and specialties for which candidates for higher education are trained” [3], the table of compliance of the List of scientific specialties (“List 2011” and List of areas of knowledge and specialties for which candidates for higher education are trained, including PhDs (“List 2015”) [2] was approved. At the same time, up to the present day, theses have been defended according to “List 2011”. The problem of “dispersion” of environmental issues among various specialties in various branches of knowledge not only remained, but also grew up, as the number of the latter increased. This situation is of concern to the scientific community.The purpose of the article. To clarify the problems existing in the national system of postgraduate students’ training in environment-oriented specialties and defending theses by them in accordance with modern requirements, as well as finding ways to improve this situation, based on international experience.Methods. As part of the implementation of project Erasmus + “Integrated Doctoral Program for Environmental Policy, Management and Technology - INTENSE”, 586471-EPP-1-2017-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, an anonymous survey of leading scientists engaged in post-graduate training and doing research work in the field of the environment. The questionnaire was developed by Odessa State Environmental University and the survey covered institutions of higher education in almost all regional centres of Ukraine, as well as the cities of Uman and Kremenchuk. It should be noted that such cities as Kharkiv, Lviv, Kyiv, Dnipro, Vinnytsia, Poltava and Uman were represented by several universities. The rest of the regions were represented by the respondents of one institution of higher education.Results. The obtained results have shown the existing organisational and scientific problems. The key problem is the lack of a separate category for PhD (Environmental Sciences) in the updated List 2015. Scientific problems are scientific research of low quality, low level of application of modern technologies, non-correlation between topics with society demands, absence of foreign experience consideration in the solution to similar problems, etc. Organisational problems are poor technical supply, non-availability of training abroad for PhD students, low level of English, problems with publications in peer-review journals and visual presentation of the research at international conferences, etc.В настоящее время в Украине актуальность экологических проблем постоянно растет. Залогом комплексного и эффективного их решения является использование современных подходов, может быть выражено через гармонизацию с лучшими мировыми практиками. При комплексном подходе подготовка специалистов высшей квалификации является важной составляющей. Сейчас в Украине она осуществляется по 4 специальностям экологической направленности: 03.00.16- Экология, 08.00.06 - Экономика природопользования и охрана окружающей среды, 11.00.11 - Конструктивная география и рациональное использование природных ресурсов и 21.06.01- Экологическая безопасность. Кроме того еще в 15 специальностях Перечня 2011 рассматриваются некоторые вопросы экологии. Проблема «распыления» экологических вопросов по различным специальностям различных отраслей знаний не просто осталась, а и выросла, так как количество последних увеличилось. Эта ситуация вызывает у научного сообщества беспокойство.Статья содержит результаты исследования мнения специалистов, осуществляющих подготовку кадров высшей квалификации в Украине по специальностям экологической направленности. Цель исследования - выяснение проблем в национальной системе подготовки аспирантов по специальностям экологической направленности и защиты ими диссертаций в соответствии с современными требованиями и поиск путей улучшения этой ситуации, опираясь на мировой опыт. Методической основой работы является опрос путем анкетирования и его статистический анализ, проведенный в рамках реализации проекта Erasmus + "Комплексная докторская программа по экологической политике, менеджменту природопользования и техноэкологии - INTENSE», 586471-EPP-1-2017-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE- JP. Полученные результаты показали существование проблем организационного и научного характера. Важной проблемой названо отсутствие в обновленном перечне отраслей знаний и специальностей, по которым осуществляется подготовка соискателей высшего образования, в т.ч. докторов философии («Перечень 2015») отдельной квалификации по экологическим наукам - PhD (Экология). Проблемами научного характера названо упрощение глубины научных исследований, низкий уровень применения новейших технологий, несогласованность тематики с потребностями общества, отсутствие сопоставлений с мировым опытом исследования тех же проблем и т. п. В организационный блок отнесены: низкое материально-техническое обеспечение, отсутствие возможности стажировок аспирантов, низкий уровень языковой подготовки, проблемы с опубликованием в рейтинговых журналах, очной презентацией исследования на международных конференциях и т.п.На теперішній час в Україні актуальність екологічних проблем постійно зростає. Запорукою комплексного та ефективного їх вирішення є використання сучасних підходів, що може бути виражене через гармонізацію із найкращими світовими практиками. При комплексному підході підготовка фахівці вищої кваліфікації є важливою складовою. Наразі в Україні вона здійснюється за 4 спеціальностями екологічного спрямування: 03.00.16- Екологія, 08.00.06 - Економіка природокористування та охорона навколишнього середовища, 11.00.11 - Конструктивна географія і раціональне використання природних ресурсів та 21.06.01- Екологічна безпека. Окрім того ще у 15 спеціальностях Переліку 2011 року розглядаються певні питання екології. Проблема «розпорошення» екологічних питань по різних спеціальностях різних галузей знань не просто залишилась, а і зросла, оскільки кількість останніх збільшилась. Ця ситуація викликає у наукової спільноти занепокоєння.Стаття містить результати дослідження думки фахівців, що здійснюють підготовку кадрів вищої кваліфікації в Україні за спеціальностями екологічного спрямування. Мета дослідження - з’ясування проблем, що є у національній системі підготовки аспірантів за спеціальностями екологічного спрямування і захисту ними дисертацій згідно сучасних вимог, та пошук шляхів покращення цієї ситуації, спираючись на світовий досвід. Методичною основою роботи є опитування шляхом анкетування та його статистичний аналіз, проведене у рамках реалізації Проекту Erasmus+ «Комплексна докторська програма з екологічної політики, менеджменту природокористування та техноекології – INTENSE», 586471-EPP-1-2017-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Отримані результати показали існування проблем організаційного і наукового характеру. Важливою проблемою названа відсутність у оновленому переліку галузей знань і спеціальностей, за якими здійснюється підготовка здобувачів вищої освіти, у т .ч. докторів філософії («Перелік 2015») окремо кваліфікації з екологічних наук - PhD (Екологія). Проблемами наукового характеру названо спрощення глибини наукових досліджень, низький рівень застосування новітніх технологій, неузгодженість тематики із потребами суспільства, відсутність співставлень зі світовим досвідом дослідження тих же проблем тощо. До організаційного блоку віднесено: низьке матеріально-технічне забезпечення, відсутність можливості закордонного стажування аспірантів, низький рівень мовної підготовки, проблеми з опублікуванням у рейтингових журналах та очною презентацією дослідження на міжнародних конференціях тощо

    Conflicting perspectives on urban landscape quality in six urban regions in Europe and their implications for urban transitions

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    The European Landscape Convention urges countries to involve stakeholders including citizens in the governance of ordinary (urban) landscapes. This paper studies conflicting stakeholder perspectives on urban landscape quality in the context of urban sustainability transitions in six European urban regions in the Netherlands, Italy, France, Croatia, Belarus and the Russian Federation. Repertory grid technique helped to identify the dimensions through which persons evaluate urban landscape quality. Ninety-three (93) interviewees elicited 1400 bipolar constructs, such as "Edible green - Concrete" or "Community, group - Loneliness". They then selected two constructs they consider most relevant in the context of urban sustainability transitions, and ranked all pictures on a 10-points scale. The rankings were analyzed using Multiple Correspondence Analysis. We find that, in spite of the many social and cultural differences between the regions, stakeholders largely agree on the preferred direction of urban transitions; more green and blue spots where people can meet and undertake joint (leisure) activities. The main conflict is between, on the one hand, a preference for organized development and beautification and, on the other hand, naturalness (permeability of soil) and organic development. The paper considers several challenges for transition governance

    Tradition as asset or burden for transitions from forests as cropping systems to multifunctional forest landscapes: Sweden as a case study

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    Expectations of what forests and woodlands should provide vary among locations, stakeholder groups, and over time. Developing multifunctional forests requires understanding of the dynamic roles of traditions and cultural legacies in social-ecological systems at multiple levels and scales. Implementing policies about multifunctional forests requires a landscape and social-ecological perspective, and recognition of both spatial and temporal features at multiple scales. This study explores the dissemination of even-aged silviculture in central, eastern and northern Europe, and the consequences of choosing different vantage points in social-ecological systems for mapping of barriers, and to identify levers, towards multifunctional forest landscapes. Using a narrative approach, we first summarise the development of even-aged silviculture in four European regions. Next, we focus on Sweden as a keen adopter of even-aged silviculture, and identify levers at three groups of vantage points. They were (1) biosphere with biodiversity as short-hand for composition, structure and function of ecosystems, which support human well-being at multiple scales; (2) society in terms of different levels of stakeholder interactions from local to global, and (3) economy represented by value chain hierarchies and currencies. The emergence of even-aged silviculture >200 years ago formed an expanding frontier from central to northern Europe. Sustained yield wood production and biodiversity conservation encompass different portfolios of ecosystem aspects and spatio-temporal scales. Ignorance and lack of knowledge about these differences enforce their mutual rivalry. An exploratory review of six groups of stakeholders at multiple levels in the traditional industrial forest value chain highlights inequalities in terms of distribution of income and power across different levels of governance. This effectively marginalises other than powerful industrial actors. The distribution of financial results along the value chain is dynamic in space and time, and not all benefits of forest ecosystems can be measured using monetary valuation. There are also other currencies and incentives. A discussion of cultural trajectories in central and eastern European, Russian and Swedish forest management illustrates that forest history patterns repeat themselves. Longitudinal case studies of countries and regions can help foster holistic multi-dimensional and multilevel systems thinking. Application of deep levers of change is likely to require external drivers. A key challenge is to handle the manufacturing of doubt and decay of truth, i.e., the appearance of alternative facts, and the diminishing role of evidence and systems analyses in political and civic discourses. This transition is fuelled by new and rapidly evolving digital arenas