44 research outputs found


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    Slovenska vojska s helikopterji sodeluje v mednarodnih operacijah in misijah od leta 1997. Pri svojem delovanju so se logistično naslanjali v glavnem na vodilne države na območju delovanja. Vzdrževalnih del na helikopterjih na območju delovanja niso izvajali. Logistična podpora helikopterske enote je v veliki meri specifična v primerjavi z logistično podporo delovanja večine ostalih enot. Predvsem ima pomembno vlogo vzdrževanje helikopterjev, pri katerih je potrebno izvajati tako imenovane intervalne preglede, torej preglede po več opravljenih urah letenja ali po določenem času. V nalogi smo analizirali možne načine in oblike logistične podpore delovanja helikopterske enote v mednarodnih operacijah in misijah in sicer za tri predvidene scenarije: popolnoma samostojno delovanje, delovanje v okviru ene članice NATO, ki je uporabnica enakega tipa helikopterjev, vzdrževanje in oskrbo z nadomestnimi deli zagotavlja podjetje, ki je proizvedlo naš tip helikopterja. Pri tem smo se osredotočili predvsem na področje vzdrževanja. Na koncu smo podali zaključke analize.Participation in international operations and missions with helicopters of the Slovenian Armed Forces started in 1997. Logistic support was based mainly on the lead nation in the area of operation. Helicopter maintenance works in the area of operations have not been performed. Logistic support of the helicopter unit is largely specific, compared with the logistic support of most other units. The most important is maintaining the helicopters, which should be carried out through so-called interval checks, which are carried out after several hours of flying time or after a specified time. In our Master\u27s degree research paper, we analyzed the possible principles and modes of logistic support of the helicopter units in international operations and missions, namely for three scenarios: a completely independent operation, to operate within a NATO member state who is a user of the same type of helicopters and the maintenance and supply of spare parts by manufacturer of our helicopter type. In doing so, we focused mainly on the area of maintenance. Finally we give conclusions of the analysis

    Work of art as Object-Cause of Desire / Inalienabilis

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    Pričujoče magistrsko delo se loteva vznika umetniškega dela s konceptom želje, ki jo obravnava psihoanaliza, natančneje Jacques Lacan. V prvem delu teoretske raziskave sledi osnovnim konceptom Freudove in Lacanove psihoanalize – s strukturo duševnega aparata in psihičnimi procesi, ki jih motivira libido, tvorbo objekta želje in objekta, po katerem se želja povzroči (objekt mali a), in pozicijo umetnika-avtorja vzpostavi avtorja kot primarnega, prvotnega gledalca. Za poglobljeno razlago vznika in delovanja želje je za umetniškega avtorja-gledalca podan primer fotografa/fotografinje, ki je na strani želečega subjekta, katerega stvaritveno gibalo izvira iz želje videti. V praktičnem delu je predstavljen fotografsko-kiparski projekt Neodtujljivo, ki je nastajal prav z razmislekom o tem vzgibu, ki deluje kot analiza večletnega iskanja zadovoljitve v upodabljanju izbranega objekta – objekta želje.This Master’s thesis focuses on the creation of an artwork through the concept of desire, studied by psychoanalysis, specifically Jacques Lacan. In its first part of theoretical research it follows the basic concepts of Freud and Lacan’s psychoanalysis – development of the object of desire and the object from which desire is derived (object small a [objet petit a]) through the structure of psychic apparatus and psychological processes motivated by libido, which positions the artist-author into the role of the primary, primordial viewer. For in-depth explanation of creation and operation of desire for the artistic author-viewer, the presented example is a photographer, who serves as a representative of a subject of desire and whose creative incentive is derived from the desire to see. The practical part presents the photographic and sculptural project Inalienabilis that was in fact created through consideration of the drive, which serves as an analysis of multiyear search of satisfaction through recreation of the chosen object – the object of desire